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data 1, 2, 2, 3, 3~:; :54, 4, 4, .........., 9, 9, th:,;; %~ct of mean and mode e;)a~ 85
- ... •• --. , y • ••• • ., '

65. Wh ich of the following is the empir ical relatio n betwe en mean , mode and media n?
uaiM ode = 3 Media n - 2 Mean (b) Mode = 2 Media n - 3 Mean
(c) Media n= 3 Mode - 2 Mean (d) Mean = 3 Medi an-2 Mode
66. Which of the follo wing is correc t for the given data :- 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11,?
(a) mean = mode = media n (b) mean = 5 (c) mean = mode ~od e= mediafr:'. ·
67. If x repres ent the mean of n observ ations . x1, x2, ..........., Xn then the value of I( x, -x) is
(a) -1 Jefa (c) 1

(d) n -1
68. The mean of a group of eleven consec utive natura l numb ers ism. What will be the percen tage
chang e in the mean when next six conse cutive natura l numb ers are includ ed in the group ?
(a)mo/o (b)~o /o (c)2::. .% ,. / 300%
@ 100 ~ ) ·m
Positive in~egers from_ 1 to 21 are arranged_ in 3 group s of 7 intege rs each, in some particulars order .
Then the highe st possib le mean of the media ns of these 3 group s is
(a) 16 (b) 12.5 (c) 11 ~ 4
70. Media n of a data set is a numb er which has an equal numb er of obser vation s below and above
The media n of the data 1, 9, 4, 3, 7, 6, 8, 8, 12, 15 is
~ 5 ( b) 7 (c) 8 (d) a ny numb er betwe en 7 and 8

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