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TikTok and the Death of the Attention Span

TikTok has become a very popular app, especially during the lockdown. It's a platform where
people can share short videos that are usually 15-60 seconds long. There are different trends and
hashtags that you can explore to find new videos. TikTok has a feature called the For You Page
(FYP) that shows you videos based on your interests.

Many people have noticed that after spending time on TikTok, they find it harder to pay attention
to longer videos or content. This could be because TikTok offers a continuous stream of quick
and exciting videos that grab our attention. A study from the Technical University of Denmark
found that our collective attention span may be getting shorter due to the ongoing flow of

Attention span refers to the amount of time a person can focus and concentrate on something
without getting easily distracted. TikTok's dynamic nature and the variety of content it offers can
make us require quick and new information. Some people have even started listening to videos at
double speed or losing interest in longer videos. TikTok's unique algorithm calculates our tastes
and shows us videos that we are likely to enjoy. This constant need for new and fast content has
made us more impatient when it comes to watching other types of videos.

TikTok has created a culture of short and entertaining content, and users expect quick
entertainment. Some popular trends on TikTok include short storytime videos and travel vlogs.
These videos provide quick and entertaining overviews without requiring much attention. While
there isn't specific scientific evidence, many studies, articles, and opinions suggest that TikTok
may be the reason of poor attention spans.

The Oxford Blue

TikTok and the Death of the Attention Span

1.What is the author's opinion about TikTok's impact on attention span?

A The author doesn't care.

B TikTok increases attention span.

C TikTok decreases attention span,

D.The author criticizes TikTak without any support.

E The author highlights the advantages of TikTak.

2.How does TikTok's algorithm impact users' experience?

A It makes users impatient with videos.

B It doesn't affect how users watch videos.

C It only shows long videos to users.

D It makes users less likely to use the app.

E It chooses the content based on users' interests.

3.What is the definition of "attention span"?

A The number of time spent on TikTok daily.

B The amount of videos watched on TikTok

C The duration of TikTok videos.

D The amount of "likes" on TikTok content.

E The ability to concentrate on something for plenty of time.

4.What is the author's opinion about TikTok's impact on attention span?

A The author doesn't care.

B TikTok increases attention span.

C.TikTok decreases attention span,

D.The author criticizes TikTak without any support.

E The author highlights the advantages of TikTak.

5.What is one of the most popular content styles on TikTok?

A Academic research papers.

B.Travel vlogs

C.Long novels.

D Detailed documentaries.

E Encyclopedic textbooks.

6.Which of the following is the central idea of the text?

A TikTok is the best app for video sharing.

B TikTok might impact attention spans negatively.

C TikTok users prefer long videos.

D TikTok's popularity is declining

E TikTok's algorithm is ineffective.

7.Compared to traditional videos, TikTok's videos are:

A Longer and more detailed.

B The most interesting.

C Similar in length.

D Shorter and more attention-grabbing.

E Less entertaining and exciting

8.What does the term "For You Page (FYP)" refer to in the context of TikTok?

AA page that displays content based on user preferences:

B A page for long videos on TikTok

C A feature that promotes boring content.

D A page with random videos.

E A page for educational videos only.

9.Why could TikTok be making people more impatient with longer videos?

A TikTok users must watch short videos

B The information on TikTok should be helpful and informative.

C TikTok users must watch the videos till the end.

D People might get used to short videos

E TikTok cannot keep users' attention for a long time

10.Why could TikTok be making people more impatient with longer videos?

A TikTok users must watch short videos

B The information on TikTok should be helpful and informative.

C TikTok users must watch the videos till the end.

D People might get used to short videos

E TikTok cannot keep users' attention for a long time

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