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What Earth Day Means When Humans Possess Planet Shaping Powers by Christopher J Preston

is an article that talks about the celebration of Earth Day and the two possible solutions presented by
human beings to save and “create” nature.

It is true that as time passes by, nature is becoming uglier. Somehow, people are not appreciative
enough of the resources nature has given them, instead, they use and abuse these resources to fulfil their
needs and satisfy their wants. Earth Day is quite significant in today’s world as it becomes a reminder to
people that nature is always available but not unlimited. An example of this is the shortage of the supply
of water and electricity in various areas across the world. The floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic
eruptions, and other natural disasters are nature’s response to the abuse it gets from people.

As nature evolves, humans also evolve. Humans have presented relevant possible solutions to the
dropping worth of pristine nature. These are Nanotechnology and De-extinction. Nanotechnology is a
very new and modern solution which suits the emerging age of technology. However, it blocks the
natural process and way of things. On the other hand, De-extinction tries to preserve what was out there
thousands of years ago. This process allows extinct biotic things to exist again even if they are not
supposed to exist anymore as De-extinction aims to preserve almost everything.

Both Nanotechnology and De-extinction gives people a glimpse of what is about to happen in the
future. Everything is changing and people must know what to do when these changes start to happen
and/or occur. It is smart for people to think of such ways to save and preserve nature and prepare for
what’s about and bound to happen. Though, both process blocks the natural order and way of things of

Overall, it is very important for humanity to celebrate Earth Day and appreciate nature as it serves
as the home of almost everything that exists here on Earth. The two processes aims to prepare humans
for the new epoch. The actions taken by scientists and engineers to test the process of these solutions are
preparations for what is about to happen next for by failing to prepare, we are preparing to fail. As
human beings, failure is not an option when it comes to our home, nature.

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