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Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine

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The place of high-resolution computed

tomography imaging in the investigation of
interstitial lung disease

Florence Jeny, Pierre-Yves Brillet, Young-Wouk Kim, Olivia Freynet, Hilario

Nunes & Dominique Valeyre

To cite this article: Florence Jeny, Pierre-Yves Brillet, Young-Wouk Kim, Olivia Freynet, Hilario
Nunes & Dominique Valeyre (2019) The place of high-resolution computed tomography imaging in
the investigation of interstitial lung disease, Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine, 13:1, 79-94,
DOI: 10.1080/17476348.2019.1556639

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Published online: 12 Dec 2018.

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2019, VOL. 13, NO. 1, 79–94


The place of high-resolution computed tomography imaging in the investigation of

interstitial lung disease
Florence Jenya,b, Pierre-Yves Brilletb,c, Young-Wouk Kimc, Olivia Freynetb, Hilario Nunesa,b and Dominique Valeyrea,b
Université Paris 13, EA2363 “Hypoxie & Poumon”, Sorbonne-Paris-Cité, Bobigny, France; bService de pneumologie, hôpital Avicenne, Bobigny,
France; cService de radiologie, hôpital Avicenne, Bobigny, France


Introduction: High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) has revolutionized the diagnosis, prog- Received 21 May 2018
nosis and in some cases the prediction of therapeutic response in interstitial lung disease (ILD). HRCT Accepted 4 December 2018
represents an essential second step to a patient’s clinical history, before considering any other KEYWORDS
investigation, including lung biopsy. Automated quantification;
Areas covered: This review describes the current place of HRCT in the diagnosis, prognosis and high-resolution computed
monitoring of ILD. It also lists some perspectives for the near future. tomography; interstitial lung
Expert commentary: Since the 1980s, HRCT and its interpretation have improved, the diagnosis value disease
of patterns, and the integration of bio-clinical elements to HRCT have been better standardized. The
interobserver agreement has been investigated, allowing a better use of some limits in the interpreta-
tion of various signs. It not only takes into account one particular predominant sign, but the combina-
tion of patterns and the distribution of findings. Thanks to HRCT, the range of diagnoses and their
probability are more accurately identified. The contribution of HRCT has been optimized during the
multidisciplinary discussion that a difficult diagnosis calls for. HRCT quantification of the extent of
diffuse lung disease becomes possible and is linked to prognosis. In the future, artificial intelligence may
significantly modify the practice of radiology.

1. Introduction ‘computed tomography (CT),’ ‘imaging’ ‘diagnosis,’ ‘prognosis’

‘serial CT,’ ‘monitoring,’ ‘follow-up’ ‘ILD,’ ‘lung fibrosis,’ ‘idio-
Chronic interstitial Lung Diseases (ILD) are multiple, with differ-
pathic interstitial pneumonia (IIP)’ ‘idiopathic pulmonary fibro-
ent therapeutic and prognosis issues. The superiority of chest
sis (IPF),’ ‘connective tissue associated interstitial lung disease
high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) over conven-
(CTD-ILD),’ ‘sarcoidosis,’ ‘hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP),’
tional radiography has considerably improved the diagnosis of
and ‘occupational ILD.’ We have selected articles published
ILD, which was previously often centered mainly on surgical
in the last 10 years but without excluding earlier ones, espe-
lung histopathological findings. Now, thanks to HRCT, in addi-
cially if they were highly cited articles or if they reported
tion to clinical findings, the diagnosis of idiopathic pulmonary
unique or high-quality clinical trials.
fibrosis (IPF), respiratory bronchiolitis-related interstitial lung
disease (RB-ILD), pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis
(PLCH), and of some other diseases can be made without 3. Technical issues, and interpretation pitfalls
surgery in a significant proportion of patients. Methods of read-
3.1. Acquisition
ing and analyzing HRCT have progressed and are better stan-
dardized. Radiologists, thanks to HRCT, have become key actors, The interpretation of lung parenchyma requires optimal HRCT
alongside clinicians and pathologists, in multidisciplinary dis- protocols and techniques. Acquisition should be performed
cussion (MDD). HRCT also allows a quantification of the extent without contrast agent (which can simulate ground glass opa-
of lung disease, helping predict prognosis of the disease and to cities (GGO)), with infra-millimetric section images (0.5–1 mm)
monitor its evolution. In this review we discuss the place of reconstructed at ≤2 cm intervals [1].
HRCT in chronic ILD for the diagnosis investigation and in MDD, HRCT images should be obtained at full inspiration and with-
if required, for ILD’s prognostic and severity factors identifica- out respiratory motion [1]. Concerning radiation, modern HRCT
tion, prediction of therapeutic response, and its monitoring. and protocols have resulted in substantial reduction in dose
delivery without lost reliability. With noncontiguous CT there is
a loss of information, notably for serial CT. Acceptable CT scans
2. Methods
can be obtained with a reduced dose technique by using auto-
We have used PubMed and MeSH software for original articles matic tube current modulation, optimization of tube potential
and reviews about ‘the place of HRCT imaging in ILD,’ pub- beam shaping filters or dynamic z-axis collimators [2,3]. In a
lished in English, with the following combining terms: study by Pontana et al, in 55 patients with systemic sclerosis

CONTACT Florence Jeny Service de pneumologie, hôpital Avicenne, 125 rue de Stalingrad, Bobigny 93009, France
© 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

related ILD (Ssc-ILD) [4] reconstruction algorithms, such as itera- ILDs, due to its cost, low irradiation dose, and availability, this
tive algorithms, reduced the dose by 60%, without lowering the test can be normal in 10–40% of patients with biopsy proven
quality of the detection of subtle interstitial abnormalities com- ILDs [12,13], and can also lead to a false positive diagnosis
pared to standard dose CT images. However, low dose CT is not because of superimposed images. Mathieson et al. [14] com-
recommended for ILD diagnosis process. pared the accuracy of chest radiography to CT in the prediction
A complementary sequential technique, providing 10–20 of specific diagnosis in 118 patients with ILDs. A confident
images after a full inspiration is useful for patients having diagnostic was achieved in 23% for radiography versus 49%
difficulty holding apnea [5]. Noncontiguous acquisition is for CT. Similar results were found by Grenier et al. especially in
also used to reduce radiation exposure in young patients, or patients presenting pulmonary PLCH or sarcoidosis. Also,
during expiratory or prone position sequences [2]. authors evidenced a better interobserver agreement for CT
Expiratory acquisition can be performed in case of mosaic than for chest radiography [15]. The diagnosis of silicosis [14],
attenuation pattern to search air trapping due to small air- lymphangitic carcinomatosis [14] UIP [14,16], alveolar lipopro-
ways obstruction. A prone position acquisition can eliminate teinosis [16], HP [16], and pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomato-
gravity dependent atelectasis in the posterior basal segments sis [16] benefited from the superiority of CT over radiography.
of the lung, which may simulate early signs of an infiltrative Interestingly, as CT is usually performed after gathering clinical
disease [6]; it also improved overall interobserver agreement and radiographic findings, the extra contribution of CT on top
of usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) classification [7]. of clinical and radiographic findings have been evidenced in
The administration of a contrast agent is not recommended 1994 by Grenier et al. [17]. The confidence level for specific
in routine but is convenient when identifying a lymphadeno- diagnoses with HRCT was illustrated by Aziz et al. who demon-
pathy as well as in patients with vascular complications, strated that the need for surgical lung biopsy in patients diag-
including pulmonary hypertension; when acute exacerbation nosed with idiopathic fibrosis, decreased from 26.8% to 11.2%
is suspected it is useful to rule out a pulmonary embolism. after obtaining HRCT results [18]. HRCT is also helpful in guiding
biopsy [19] in several disease such as sarcoidosis [20], and may
be an important diagnostic criterion for the inclusion of
3.2. Reconstruction patients in treatment trials, particularly in IPF trials [21,22].
Multidetector helical CT techniques are used to obtain a volu-
metric image of the entire thorax and other axis images (e.g.
frontal, sagittal). It helps to determine topography, and screen all 4.2. Role in incidental diagnostic of ILDs
associated patterns. For the Fleischner Society, volumetric acquisi-
tion is to be preferred to noncontiguous imaging [3]. Also, post- ILDs may be unintentionally discovered on HRCT, during
processing techniques such as maximum intensity projection cancer screening or on lower lung sections during abdom-
(MIP) and minimum intensity projection (MinIP) are very conveni- inal HRCT for example. Recently, several studies have been
ent. MIP allows the study of micronodules distribution and can conducted on Interstitial Lung Abnormalities (ILA) defined
differentiate mosaic attenuation from mosaic perfusion thanks to by the presence of specific densities on HRCT commonly
the study of vessel size [8]. MinIP makes possible the detection of associated with ILDs or pulmonary fibrosis that have been
low-density structures in a given volume and is the optimal tool identified in research participants without a clinical diagno-
for detection, localization, and quantification of GGO and linear sis of ILD [23,24]. In lung cancer screening populations, the
attenuation patterns [8]. Notably, it helps to differentiate honey- prevalence of ILA cases reported was 9.7%–22.8% [25–27] or
combing from bronchiectasis, especially in cine mode that shows 7% in a cohort from the Framingham Heart Study [24].
the running of bronchus and bronchioles directly [9]. Patients with ILA are more likely to present respiratory
symptoms, physiologic decrements, and an increased risk
of death [24,28]; ILA progression is also associated with
3.3. Visualization greater forced vital capacity (FVC) decline and risk of
Analysis of GGO needs perfect lighting conditions and strong death [29]. ILA shares similarities with IPF. ILA’s prevalence
adjustment on the diagnostic screens. Bone windows help in increases with age, smoking status, and has been associated
detecting calcifications in the different thoracic organs. with the MUC5B promoter polymorphism [24]. Importantly,
Recently, diffuse pulmonary ossification (defined by 10 or biopsy of subpleural areas of some ILAs’ patients corre-
more dense nodules) has been shown to be common and sponded to UIP or other histopathologic findings that are
significantly more present in patients with IPF (28%) than in present in UIP [30], suggesting that screening some ILAs
those with other fibrosing ILDs (8%) [10]. might be a way to detect early forms of IPF. However,
because of the heterogeneity of ILA, it is essential to
define it accurately and by consensus [31]. Subclinical ILDs
4. Place of HRCT in ILD diagnosis were also evaluated quantitatively on HRCT by High
Attenuation Areas (HAA) [32] defined by the percentage of
4.1. Superiority of HRCT over radiography and practical
lung voxels between −600 and −250 Hounsfield Units (HU).
Interestingly, HAA was associated with biomarkers of inflam-
With the introduction of CT in the early of the 1980s, many mation and extracellular matrix remodeling, reduced lung
studies compared its diagnosis accuracy in ILDs to chest radio- function, higher risk of death [32] and occupational or
graphy [11]. Even if chest radiography is helpful in detecting pollution exposures [33,34].

4.3. Current place of HRCT in the diagnosis of ILDs data if available and a conclusion may warrant, if necessary,
a MDD.
When ILDs are suspected, radiologists should follow certain
guidelines to achieve a diagnosis, or at least propose a gamut 4.3.1. Elementary lesions and their distribution in the lung
of diagnosis hypotheses (Figure 1): (i) the different technical The elementary lesions are (Table 1): nodular, linear, increased
issues should be checked in order to obtain the optimal chest pulmonary attenuation (GGO, consolidations), reduced pul-
HRCT and avoid interpretation pitfalls (see supra), (ii) then the monary attenuation (cyst, cyst like lesion…). The presence of
radiologists should identify the elementary lung lesions, their fibrosis is defined by the presence of one of the following
distribution and search for extrapulmonary associated features features: honeycombing, traction bronchiectasis, or existence
(e.g. pleural, mediastinal, esophageal, cardiac, or extra-thoracic of volume loss, related to reticular abnormalities. The distribu-
abnormalities), (iii) the radiologist should therefore individua- tion must be studied according to three axes: cranio-caudal,
lize either a diagnosis or a pattern allowing hypotheses with anteroposterior and axial (peripheral or central), and according
different degrees of confidence [1,3,35]; this step being illu- to secondary pulmonary lobule, the lesions may be centrolob-
strated in IPF, for which the CT presentation has been recently ular, centroperilobular, pan lobular or of aleatory distribution
reclassified into four radiological patterns [36]: UIP, probable [6]. Lesions may or may not be symmetrical. Associated fea-
UIP, indeterminate, and alternate diagnosis, (iv) eventually, tures should be searched at the bronchial or bronchiolar,
these radiological findings are confronted to epidemiological pleural, vascular, or lymph node level. It is particularly impor-
characteristics (age, gender, familial history, smoking, occupa- tant to identify certain features, for their diagnostic and prog-
tional, and environmental exposures), clinical history and nostic values. Traction bronchiectasis are indicative of lung
examination (particularly the presence of extrapulmonary fibrosis and are associated with poor prognosis. A more cen-
involvement suggesting connective tissue disease, sarcoidosis tral distribution of lesions suggests diseases like sarcoidosis,
or any other specific condition), blood and often broncho- while more peripheral lesions are seen in UIP (Figure 2). In
alveolar lavage (BAL), biological data and histopathological conclusion, the predominant lesion must be evidenced and/or

Figure 1. Algorithm representing the current place of HRCT in the diagnosis of ILD.
Abbreviations: LAM: Lymphangioleiomyomatosis; PHCL: Pulmonary Langherans Cell Histiocytosis; ILD: Interstitial Lung disease; HRCT: High resolution computed tomography; IPF: idiopathic
Pulmonary Fibrosis, UIP: usual interstitial pneumonia; NSIP: non specific interstitial pneumonia; HP: hypersensitivity pneumonitis, MDD multidisciplinary discussion, OP organizing
pneumonia, PPFE: pleuroparenchymal fibrosis Elastosis. *Regarding age sex smoking status **confirmation with a compatible radio clinical presentation, biological or non surgical cyto-
histopathology sample. *** The answer to that questions will integrate imaging with the demographical, clinical, biological and BAL findings and evolution trend of the disease if known.§
occupational disease, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, drug-induced lung disease, systemic autoimmune disease or other systemic disease (sarcoidosis, immune-system dysregulation), genetic
syndromes with familial ILD, lung cancer or pulmonary edema. # diagnosis of non fibrosing ILD are numerous, will depend of the MDD, and if necessary from the surgical biopsy. + with the
result or not of the surgical lung biopsy

Table 1. Pulmonary parenchymal elementary lesions according to [6].

Nodular lesions Focal areas of increased attenuation, usually with discrete borders, with diameter of
- <3 mm: micronodules
- ≤3 cm: nodules
- >3 cm: mass
For anatomic distributions: centrilobular, lymphatic, random or cluster*.
Linear opacities - Reticular pattern: collection of innumerable small linear opacities that, by summation, produce an appearance resembling a net
- Interlobular septal thickening: highlight the margin of secondary pulmonary lobules. Extension from and perpendicular to the
- Intra-lobular lines: fine linear opacities in a lobule. When numerous, they may appear as a fine reticular pattern
- Parenchymal band: linear opacity, usually 1–3 mm thick and up to 5 cm long that usually extends to the visceral pleura
- Subpleural curvilinear line: thin curvilinear opacity, 1–3 mm in thickness, lying less than 1 cm from and parallel to the pleural
Increased pulmonary The increased lung attenuation pattern develops when the density of the lung parenchyma increases
- Ground-glass opacity: hazy increased opacity of lung, with preservation of bronchial and vascular margins
- Consolidation: homogeneous increase in pulmonary parenchymal attenuation that obscures the margins of vessels and airway
Decrease pulmonary The decreased lung attenuation pattern develops when the density of the lung parenchyma decreases.
- Cyst: round parenchymal low-attenuating area with a well-defined interface with normal lung.
- Honeycombing: subpleural regions of clustered cysts, usually stacked together in 1 or more layers.
- Emphysema: focal areas or regions of low attenuation, usually without visible walls. Bulla: rounded focal lucency or area of
decreased attenuation, 1 cm or more in diameter, bounded by a thin wall
- Mosaic attenuation pattern: This pattern appears as patchwork of regions of differing attenuation that may represent) patchy
interstitial disease, obliterative small- airways disease, or occlusive vascular disease.
* rounded or long clusters of multiple small nodules in the pulmonary parenchyma that are close to each other but not confluent.

Figure 2. HRCT images illustrating the different type of traction bronchiectasis: (a) Usual interstitial pneumonia pattern in patient with IPF, with bilateral peripheral
honeycombing reticulation and distal traction bronchiectasis. (b) Fibrotic sarcoidosis, with posterior retraction of the hilum, bronchial distortions mainly central in
the upper zones. (c) Patient with idiopathic non specific interstitial pneumonia with ground-glass opacification associated to proximal traction bronchiectasis.

a pattern must be recognized regarding both pulmonary and with a high probability in a compatible clinical context, and
extra-pulmonary abnormalities. therefore a confirmation of this diagnosis is needed, (ii) HRCT
does not allow consideration of a specific disease and the
4.3.2. Scenarios according to HRCT diagnosis performance context appears essential for managing the diagnosis process.
When hypotheses have been considered, the radiologists
should follow the principle of ‘keeping it simple’ and consider (i) HRCT suggests a diagnosis with a high level of prob-
the most frequent diagnoses in ILDs: lung cancer, left ventricu- ability: this diagnosis makes investigations important for
lar failure pulmonary edema, IPF and sarcoidosis. Radiologists definitely confirming it: a surgical lung biopsy is not
are confronted to two situations (i) HRCT suggests a diagnosis warranted. Also, HRCT can help in guiding non surgical

biopsy, and per-bronchoscopic sampling in order to disease in patients without exposure to silica virtually quasi-
confirm the disease and to exclude definitely other pathognomonic [11].
causes, such neoplastic or infectious diseases. HRCT findings are also often highly suggestive in PLCH.
A diagnosis of lymphangioleiomyomatosis [37] can be estab- Nodules are seen in early stages and tend to evolve into cavities
lished in a young to middle-aged females presenting with wor- with disease progression while cysts are seen in later stages
sening dyspnoea and/or pneumothorax/chylothorax without [45]. Cysts are usually thin-walled, ranging in size from 1 to
features suggestive of other cystic lung disease; numerous, bilat- 20 mm, and may coalesce to form irregular or bizarre shapes.
eral, uniform, round, thin-walled cysts are found in a diffuse Abnormalities are predominantly located in the upper and
distribution on chest HRCT (Figure 3) associated with lymphan- middle lung fields with lung bases relatively spared [46]. HRCT
gioleiomyomas or renal angiomyolipomas. Another example is has significantly reduced the need for surgical lung biopsy,
the lipoid pneumonia for which negative densities with values particularly when combinations of nodular and cystic changes
between −150 and −30HU inside areas of consolidation are are present in an appropriate clinical setting (young adult
highly suggestive of intrapulmonary fat, and consistent with smoker) [46]. Bronchoscopy with transbronchial lung biopsy
the diagnosis, especially when associated with a history of expo- lead to diagnosis in about 30% of cases; it allows the exclusion
sure to oil [38]. Pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis can be diag- of other diagnoses that mimic PLCH [47]. Pulmonary lymphan-
nosed definitely thanks to HRCT in patients with a familial gitic carcinomatosis [48], pulmonary alveolar lipoproteinosis
context, in the presence of dense homogenous parenchymal (Figure 5) [49] and subacute hypersensitivity pneumonitis [50]
opacification in bone window, and a ‘crazy paving’ pattern with may also be very typical on HRCT.
calcifications along the interlobular septa is pathognomonic [39]. Recently, two studies have evaluated the performance of
Another similar situation is the presence of a “UIP pattern” which HRCT in order to have a diagnosis among multiple possible
allows, in an appropriate clinical setting, and in absence of any chronic diffuse ILDs presenting with predominant GGO pat-
cause and systemic manifestations, a diagnosis of IPF [1]. tern or with chronic multifocal consolidation patterns by using
Eventually, the diagnosis of RB-ILD can be obtained with HRCT logical analysis of data (LAD) [43,44]. LAD is a mathematical
in smokers without exposure to organic antigenic air contami- method based on techniques of optimization and logic. This
nants [40]. big data technique allows the identification, from a large set of
In sarcoidosis, diffuse micronodules with a typical perilym- data, of the informative combinations of attributes which
phatic distribution, upper lobe predominance and/or bilateral provides the grounds for diagnosis. These two papers have
symmetrical hilar lymphnode enlargement predicts with a con- demonstrated that the diagnostic performance of HRCT was
fidence >95% the diagnosis of sarcoidosis in 80% of patients high, including the identification of new specific patterns.
[17,41,42]. In the rare cases where predominant elementary Moreover, the specificity of the diagnoses was increased by
lesions are unusually predominant like GGO or multiple con- adding very little clinical data.
solidations, the presence, in the background, of typical perilym-
phatic micronodules, usually visible at close examination or (ii) HRCT does not permit a specific diagnosis: When radi-
linked to a typical lymphadenopathy, allow, in most cases, a ological signs or patterns are not specific to any disease
high probability diagnosis of sarcoidosis (Figure 4), as shown in or are compatible with several diseases, it is necessary
two studies based on logical data analysis [43,44]. The presence to integrate imaging with the demographical, clinical,
of posterior retraction of the hila (Figure 2), marked perihilar biological, and BAL findings, as well as the evolution
bronchovascular distortion, and bilateral calcified hilar and trend of the disease if known. A MDD associating a
mediastinal lymphnodes, also makes the fibrotic form of this pulmonologist, a radiologist, and a pathologist is held
to determine whether a pulmonary biopsy is required
or, if not, whether a diagnosis based on disease beha-
vior can be made, or if a provisional diagnosis is chosen.
This process is done in order to eliminate or confirm
differential diagnoses and, in case of cause not found, to
classify the disease according to the statement of
Idiopathic interstitial pneumonias established in 2002
[51], revised in 2013 by the ATS/ERS [40]. This diagnosis
process [11], should be centered around the important
question: ‘Is it an idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis or not ?’,
since it is one of the most frequent [52] and the most
severe ILD that calls for treatment with anti-fibrotic
drugs [1,36].

4.4. How integrate HRCT in multidisciplinary discussion

4.4.1. Multidisciplinary discussion
Figure 3. HRCT image of a middle aged woman with lymphangioleiomyoma-
tosis presenting with numerous, bilateral, uniform, round, thin-walled cysts with Before the joint statement of ATS/ERS [51], the gold standard
a diffuse distribution. for the diagnosis of ILD was lung histopathology. The revised

Figure 4. HRCT images showing a typical pattern of sarcoidosis associating bilateral consolidations in the upper zones (a) typical perilymphatic micronodules (c) and
mediastino hilar calcified lymphadenopathies (b,d).

data were provided [54] and more recently MDD has changed
the original histological diagnoses in 30% of cases [55].
Histopathological diagnosis of ILD couldn’t remain the gold
standard, firstly because of the morbimortality related to sur-
gical lung biopsy [56] and secondly because it did not guar-
antee a diagnosis. In the study of Nicholson et al. diagnoses
made with 100% confidence were achieved for only 39% and
the interobserver variation between pathologists was conse-
quent [57]. Recently, Mäkelaä et al. showed that even in the
well-defined cohort of IPF patients according to the ATS/ERS
from 2011 statement, a high level of interobserver variability
between pathologists persisted highlighting the importance
of MDD and perhaps a need for reassessment of the histolo-
gical criteria [58]. MDD provided a definite diagnosis for 80.5%
of presented cases in a retrospective study with 938
patients [59]. The impact of MDD was evaluated in the inter-
Figure 5. HRCT image of a patient with auto-immune pulmonary alveolar national study by Walsh et al. [60] with seven expert multi-
proteinosis showing a « crazy paving » pattern defined by the association of
reticulations superimposed on ground glass opacifications and a geographic disciplinary teams (MDT) consisting of at least one clinician,
distribution (juxtaposition of healthy and sick zones). one radiologist, and one pathologist; the study demonstrated
high levels of inter-MDT agreement for a diagnosis of IPF
(κ = 0.60) and for the diagnostic likelihood of IPF (κ = 0.71).
statement [40] recommended the adoption of a ‘dynamic Furthermore, MDT made the diagnosis of IPF with high con-
integrated approach’ using MDD with pulmonologists, radiol- fidence more frequently than clinicians or radiologists alone
ogists and pathologists after lung biopsy [40]. Now, a confi- [60]. Inter-MDT agreement for a diagnosis of (CTD)-related ILD
dent diagnosis can be retained for IPF in a compatible clinical was also good (κ = 0.64) but was poor for idiopathic nonspe-
setting and a typical UIP pattern at HRCT. In the absence of a cific idiopathic pneumonia (NSIP) and HP, suggesting the
UIP pattern, a surgical lung biopsy is usually recommended urgent need for improving criteria and thus interobserver
when reasonably feasible, but It should be pointed out that a agreement. Recently, two reviews proposed different algo-
definite pathological diagnosis of IPF, once considered the rithms helping the diagnosis of chronic HP, integrating both
gold standard, could be overridden by an incompatible radi- clinical and HRCT data [61,62]. Also, in an international
ological presentation [53]. Histopathologists modified their Modified Delphi survey, three items received 100% endorse-
diagnosis in almost 20% of cases when clinical and HRCT ment by the experts as important: (1) history of environmental

exposure, (2) air trapping-mosaic attenuation on HRCT and (3) data, can be found on HRCT, in asbestosis subpleural dots,
case discussion in MDT meeting [63]. subpleural lines seen less than 5 mm from the inner chest wall,
The impact of HRCT on clinical or histopathological diag- pleural plaques, calcifications and bands for instance; parench-
nosis has been reported in several studies. Using a Bayesian ymal bands and rounded atelectasis help to differentiate
model, Grenier et al. showed that a correct ILD diagnosis was asbestosis from other ILD and, particularly UIP [68,69]. CTD-
achieved for 36% with CT alone, and for 27–29% with clinical ILD can be suggested by the presence on HRCT of pleural
data alone. This increased when radiography was added to effusion, esophageal dilation (Figure 6), or pericardial abnorm-
clinical data to 53–54% and with integration of clinical, X-ray ality [70]. In a recent study the presence of one of the follow-
and CT data, to 61–80% [17]. ing signs suggested a connective disease with a UIP pattern:
Aziz et al. have reported the effect of HRCT data on clinical the anterior upper lobe sign (fibrosis within the upper lobes
diagnosis in 168 patients with suspected ILD. In that study, the predominates in their anterior part); exuberant honeycombing
clinician’s first-choice diagnosis changed in 51% of cases, and (greater than 70% of the fibrosis); the straight-edge sign (iso-
diagnostic confidence improved once CT data were known by lation of fibrosis to the lung bases without substantial exten-
them [18]. sion along the lateral margins of the lungs on coronal images)
[71]. Also, an airway remodeling with air trapping can be
4.4.2. Role of MDD when HRCT does not allow a specific associated in the particular case of rheumatoid arthritis with
diagnosis anti cyclic citrillinated peptide antibody [72].
First, with the clinical, biological, evolution data and when The radiological presentation of familial pulmonary fibrosis
available cyto-histopathological elements, the practitioner may differ from that of sporadic IPF, with a diffuse ILD in the
will search or eliminate known causes of ILDs. These elements craniocaudal axis without basal predominance despite a pre-
can also direct toward a specific entity among IIPs (e.g. age dominantly peripheral distribution in the axial dimension as
<55, being female and a nonsmoker is more in favor of NSIP seen in IPF [73].
than IPF). With previous HRCTs, when available, the radiologist If no cause has been found, three questions should be asked
may date the beginning of the disease, and characterize its according to Walsh et al. [11]: ‘(i) Is there a predominantly fibros-
progression and speed. Importantly, a prior HRCT can provide ing lung disease? (ii) If it is fibrotic, is this a classic UIP pattern? (iii)
clues to the diagnosis: for example, consolidation migrating If it is not classic UIP pattern, what are the alternative diagnoses?’.
over time suggests an organizing pneumonia in the absence An International Working Group Perspective recently proposed a
of eosinophilia. Development of honeycombing over time can standardized ontological framework for the classification of fibro-
be misleading since it can occur in both IPF patients with a tic ILD, using the terms of confident diagnosis that meets guide-
possible UIP on CT [64] or NSIP patients [65]. It is also inter- line criteria or is ≥ 90% confident, a provisional diagnosis with
esting to investigate HRCT evolution when a corticosteroid high (70–89%) and low confidence diagnosis (51–69%) and
treatment has been initiated, a resolution or improvement unclassified when the diagnosis has a confidence <50% [35].
reinforcing the probability of an NSIP rather than an IPF, or
the initiation of a treatment with diuretics if a pulmonary (i) Fibrosis will be identified by the presence of one of
edema is considered. Micronodules on HRCT in smoking several of these items: honeycombing, traction bronch-
related disease such as RB-ILD may improve after smoking iectasis, or existence of volume loss, related to reticular
cessation [66]; after antigen removal, GGO or centrilobular abnormalities.
nodules can also disappear in HP [67]. (ii) In 2011, UIP criteria have been clearly identified by the ATS
The known cases of ILD are occupational disease, HP, drug ERS statement on fibrosis [1], with three patterns: UIP,
induced lung disease, systemic connective_tissue disease, possible UIP, and inconsistent UIP. This classification
humoral immune dysregulated condition like, amyloidosis for makes the diagnosis of IPF easier, and avoids surgical
example, genetic syndromes with familial ILD, lung cancer, or lung biopsy when the pattern is classical. However, even
pulmonary edema. Some clues, in addition to the bio-clinical if the specificity is good (when there is a typical pattern),

Figure 6. HRCT images of a patient with non specific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP) due to connective tissue disease (CTD). In this case of typical HRCT pattern of
NSIP, the esophageal dilatation suggests the diagnosis of CTD.

reported for 94–100% [3], sensitivity is low, at 43–78%, as these different reasons, the Fleischner society and the
some patients present no honeycombing or atypical signs ATS/ERS/JRS/ALAT proposed to change the HRCT classifi-
[3]. Moreover, interobserver agreement was moderate to cation of cases in 4 categories: UIP, probable UIP, indeter-
poor for the current ATS/ERS CT criteria, and especially for minate, or alternative diagnosis [3,36] (Table 2).
the recognition of honeycombing [74,75]. In a recent post (iii) If it is not a UIP, despite fibrosis on HRCT, the following
hoc subgroup analysis of IPF clinical trial, patients with diagnoses should be suggested: nonspecific interstitial
honeycombing on HRCT and/or confirmation of UIP by pneumonia (NSIP), fibrosing variant of organizing pneu-
biopsy versus patients with neither, the response to ninte- monia, chronic HP and, more rarely, chronic fibrotic sar-
danib was similar [76]. In another post hoc study, an HRCT coidosis, or pleuroparenchymal fibroelastosis (PPFE).
pattern of possible UIP was associated for 94% to a con-
cordant histopathology [77]. However, patients with col- In NSIP compared to UIP (Figure 2), HRCT presentation is
lagen vascular disease and occupational lung diseases characterized by no or mild reticulation, extensive GGO, mini-
were excluded in that study. Nevertheless adding clinical mal traction bronchiectasis (but when present surrounded by
(age >60, being male, history of smoking) and radiological GGO), relative subpleural sparing, minimal honeycombing,
features (total traction bronchiectasis score) to possible UIP peribronchovascular predominance, more uniform pattern
patterns on HRCT increases the value of HRCT in diagnos- compared to UIP [85]. Using new technology, a computer-
ing IPF [78]. Salisbury et al. showed in a multivariable aided differential diagnosis (CADD) system was able to distin-
model adjusted for age and gender that extensive reticular guishes between UIP and NSIP on HRCT [86].
densities (OR 2.93) predicted IPF, while increasing GGO HP should be researched since a prospective study on 46
predicted a diagnosis other than IPF [79]. Diagnostic cri- patients diagnosed with IPF found that almost half of them
teria of ‘probable UIP’ have been proposed allowing to were subsequently diagnosed with chronic HP, and most of
reduce the need for lung biopsy [71,80,81]. the patients had been exposed to occult avian antigens
According to Yagihashi et al. [82] the term ‘inconsistent [87]. In HP there is in two thirds of cases an upper-lung or
with UIP’ is misleading since they showed that 73% of mid-lung distribution of fibrosis. Centrolobular nodules, and
patients with a final diagnosis of IPF had HRCT findings mosaic attenuation or air trapping particularly when present
‘inconsistent with UIP,’ but demonstrated a definite histo- in a nonfibrotic area of the lung, are suggestive of HP.
pathological UIP. Similar results were found in other stu- Mosaic attenuation is also frequently seen in patients with
dies [80,83]. Eventually, a substantial minority (>7%) of IPF but within areas of advanced fibrosis in the lower
cases could not be confidently categorized according to lobes [88].
current guidelines for IPF because of the diffuse axial (i.e. Fibrosing variant of organizing pneumonia may occur after
no peripheral or central distribution) or zonal distribution a long disease course, and the consolidations may only be
(i.e. no upper or mid or lower predominance) [84]. For evidenced on previous CT through scan review. The typical

Table 2. Diagnostic categories of UIP in HRCT adapted from [36].

CT pattern indeterminate CT features most consistent with non-IPF
Typical UIP CT pattern Probable UIP CT pattern for UIP diagnosis. Alternative diagnosis
Subpleural and basal Subpleural and basal Subpleural and basal Findings suggestive of another diagnosis,
predominant; distribution is often predominant; distribution is often predominant including
heterogeneous* heterogeneous Subtle reticulation; may
Honeycombing with or without Reticular pattern with peripheral have mild ● Predominant distribution
peripheral traction traction bronchiectasis or GGO or distortion (‘early o Peribronchovascular
bronchiectasis or bronchiolectasis UIP pattern’) o Perilymphatic
bronchiolectasis† May have mild GGO CT features and/or o Upper or mid-lung
distribution of ● CT features
lung fibrosis that do not o Cysts
suggest o Marked mosaic attenuation
any specific etiology o Predominant GGO
(“truly o Profuse micronodules
indeterminate for UIP”) o Centrilobular nodules
o Nodules
o Consolidation
● Other
o Pleural plaques (consider asbestosis)
o Dilated esophagus (consider CTD)
o Distal clavicular erosions (consider RA)
o Extensive lymph node enlargement (consider
other etiologies)
o Pleural effusions, pleural thickening (consider
UIP = usual interstitial pneumonia. IPF = idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis CT = computed tomography; CTD = connective tissue disease; GGO = ground-glass opacities;
RA = rheumatoid arthritis;
*Variants of distribution: occasionally diffuse, may be asymmetrical.
†Superimposed CT features: mild GGO, reticular pattern, pulmonary ossification.
Reprinted with permission of the American Thoracic Society. Copyright © 2018 American Thoracic Society.

facts, some of these supposed ‘reversible’ features such as GGO

or consolidation, may reflect either inflammatory patterns or
first step fibrosis especially in sarcoidosis [95–99] or NSIP
[100,101]. Recently in sarcoidosis, a score assessing the pre-
sence nodularity, GGO, interlobular septal thickening, and con-
solidation was found to predict FVC response to treatment at
1 year and was highly reproducible between radiologists [102].
Early studies on HP reported that GGO change, micronodules,
and focal air trapping all regressed following exposure cessation,
whereas reticular or honeycomb patterns did not [67].

5.2. Patterns and prognosis

Flaherty et al. observed that in presence of a biopsy-proven
UIP, a typical UIP pattern on HRCT was associated with higher
Figure 7. HRCT image of a patient with organizing pneumonia. In this case, the mortality than with an atypical UIP or fibrotic NSIP pattern on
reverse halo sign (so call atoll sign), defined by central ground glasses opacities
surrounded by a denser consolidation of crescentic or ring shape is highly HRCT [103]. On the basis of HRCT results, the prognosis of
suggestive of the diagnosis. definite UIP pattern was significantly worse than possible UIP,
indeterminate findings (either UIP or NSIP), or NSIP [85].
HRCT UIP patterns (definite or possible) in the setting of
features of organizing pneumonia [89] include bilateral patchy
rheumatoid arthritis related lung disease or of Ssc-ILD have also
areas of consolidation with subpleural and lower zone predo-
been associated with increased mortality versus NSIP [104] or
minance. Consolidative areas or nodules are distributed along
inconsistent UIP patterns [105]. For patients with connective
the bronchovascular bundles or along subpleural areas. Rarely
tissue disease and biopsy proven UIP, there are survival differ-
the so-called reverse halo or atoll sign is present (Figure 7). In
ences between those with UIP pattern and those without typical
longitudinal studies on organizing pneumonia, the evolution
features of UIP on HRCT [106].
to fibrosis may be similar to fibrotic NSIP [89,90]
IPF prognosis seems to be more impacted by traction
Lung fibrosis in sarcoidosis is characterized by different
bronchiectasis and fibrosis scores [107], than by the different
main patterns: bronchial distortions mainly central (Figure 2),
pattern with a debated literature [108,109].
or peripheral honeycombing both predominantly in the upper
and/or middle lung regions, whereas linear opacities are dif-
fuse [91]. Atypical forms have been described with basal hon-
5.3. Extent of the disease
eycombing, and UIP pattern [92].
HRCT features for PPFE are bilateral, irregular pleuropar- 5.3.1. Fibrosis
enchymal thickening in the upper and mid lungs, with a The prognostic impact of specific lesions has been studied,
platithorax, and often pneumomediastinum or pneumothorax. especially for those indicating fibrosis and particularly in
It has been reported an association with UIP HRCT and histo- patients with IPF. The evaluation of fibrosis is based on
pathological pattern in a subset of patients with PPFE [93,94]. extent evaluation of the respective fibrotic features (i.e. reti-
culation, honeycombing or traction bronchiectasis) and uses
visual or semi quantitative tools or, more recently, automated
5. Role in determining prognosis quantitative tools. Histo-radiological correlation studies
showed that fibroblastic foci, the number of which predicts
HRCT can be sometimes predictive of the disease outcome,
mortality [110,111], were significantly associated with reticu-
either spontaneous or under treatment in different ways, but
lation, honeycombing and, particularly, traction bronchiecta-
can’t be used as tool for daily use in this matter. HRCT allows: (1)
sis in chronic HP or IPF [111,112]. Several studies have
the evaluation of disease activity and the evidence of potentially
demonstrated the predictive value on mortality of the extent
reversible features, (2) the identification of HRCT pattern (e.g.
of fibrosis and its components measured by semiquantitative
UIP vs. NSIP) which correlates to histopathological data and can
visual analysis (e.g. visual fibrosis score). The extent of fibrosis
predict irreversible features, (3) to measure, using tools (semi
predicted mortality in IPF [113,114], chronic HP [115,116],
and quantitative) the extent of lung infiltration and notably of
NSIP [113], rheumatoid arthritis-related ILD [117],
fibrosis, and (4) the detection of pulmonary hypertension.
unclassifiable ILD [118], Ssc-ILD [119,120] and in sarcoido-
sis [121]. A visual score of fibrosis threshold of 20% has
been reported to be a valuable prognostic factor in several
5.1. Evaluation of lesion reversibility
studies [117,121–123], and, for instance a fibrosis score >20%
Reversible lesions in HRCT normally correlate with inflammatory increased the risk of mortality ninefold in bivariate cox
lesions on a histopathological level. They are supposed to regression analysis in rheumatoid related ILD [121].
respond to treatment, and help assess the prognosis of the Specific assessment of lesions showed that traction bronch-
disease. However, conflicting results have been reported con- iectasis had a strong predictive value [106,115,124–126].
cerning the predictive value of some lesions. As a matter of Reticulations [116] and honeycombing [114,124] are also

predictive but the interobserver agreement to assess honey- more accuracy than pulmonary function in chronic HP [115].
combing is only moderate [75]. Also, the progression of fibrosis scoring in serial HRCT may
help identify patients with a poor prognosis in IPF, especially
5.3.2. Extension of others features for those without marked changes in %FVC [142].
In cryptogenic organizing pneumonia, the extent of consolida- The Composite physiologic index (CPI) was derived from a
tion was an independent factor predictive of incomplete reso- quantitative radiographic scoring of pulmonary fibrosis [143]
lution, and 74% of unresolved cases were similar to fibrotic with a stepwise regression to generate an equation with lung
NSIP [90]. In chronic HP mosaic attenuation by air trapping function variables reflecting the extent of pulmonary fibrosis
predicted survival [127]. on HRCT. The CPI was predictive of mortality in or IPF [143], or
unclassifiable disease [126]. In sarcoidosis: fibrosis extent
5.3.3. Automated quantification >20% on CT and pulmonary hypertension are two strong
Fibrosis assessment has used automated tools for a few years factors of mortality [121,122], until the value of CPI is still
[21], with parameters derived from analysis of image density debated [121,122,144]. An integrated clinico-radiological sta-
histograms (mean lung attenuation, skewness, and kurtosis ging system including the extension of fibrosis on HRCT, PA/
[128] or with more sophisticated approaches based on the ana- Ao diameter measured on CT and CPI was successfully more
lysis of image texture [62,129–131].The published results showed predictive of mortality in pulmonary sarcoidosis than any
the interest of these approaches, with sometimes better results individual variable alone [122]. In Ssc-ILD, Goh et al. demon-
than those obtained by the radiologist [132]. Analysis of the strated that a simple algorithm integrated fibrosis and FVC
texture predicted disease progression [133] or mortality. A com- with a threshold of 20% and 70%, respectively, and was pre-
puter algorithm, CALIPER (Computer-Aided Lung Informatics for dictive of mortality [119]. In a retrospective analysis the addi-
Pathology Evaluation and Rating), developed at the Biomedical tion of CT extent scores to the GAP (gender age physiology)
Imaging Resource, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA, was com- model increased the accuracy of mortality prediction. A CT-
pared with conventional CT and pulmonary function measures in GAP score (with DLCO substituted by a CT fibrosis
IPF. Using the software’s CT-derived parameters, in particular extent score) had comparable accuracy with the original GAP
with evaluation of honeycombing or pulmonary vessel volume, model [145].This may be a useful alternative model in situa-
were more accurate to predict poor outcome than traditional tions where CT scoring is more reliable and available than
visual CT scores [134]. Recently, the authors showed that derived DLCO measurement [145].
features, particularly vessel-related structure (VRS) scores, were
among the strongest predictors of survival and FVC decline in a
multicentric study and their use reduced the requisite sample
6. Role in monitoring the disease
size of an IPF drug trial by 26% [22]. This study outlined the need
to understand the complexities of the pulmonary vasculature in Longitudinal HRCT data has provided significant information.
IPF [135]. In addition to increase the accuracy of initial diagnosis (see
Comparable results were obtained by other American [131], diagnosis and MDD) and prognosis assessment [142], HRCT
Korean [136], and Japanese groups. In the future, new artificial may identify progression, detect new processes in patients
intelligence approaches based on ‘deep learning’ are expected with acute worsening symptoms; and other abnormalities or
to overcome some of the limitations of ‘texture’-based techni- complications, such as lung cancer [21,146].
ques. There is free and open-source software that has per-
mitted to obtain the analysis of attenuation histograms, such
as OsiriX or Horos. This software is able to calculate quantita-
6.1. Assess the progression
tive indexes related to pulmonary function and prognosis in
Ssc-ILD [137]. Regular use of CT follow-up is still debated in routine practice
and is not recommended for patients who have a clinically
stable disease [21]. Except for rare cases, repeated CTs are not
5.4. Role in detection of pulmonary hypertension
recommended due to the risk of radiation for young people
HRCT may be a tool to predict pulmonary hypertension, and thus despite improved technology that reduces radiation levels,
predict mortality in IPF by measuring the ratio of the diameters cost, and a lack of evidence supporting it. The monitoring of
of the pulmonary artery to the aorta’s (PA/Ao) [111,138], or with pulmonary infiltration evolution has low sensitivity, less than
integration of this ratio to other variables (% predicted symptoms and pulmonary function tests. According to
DLCO <50%, PA/Ao ratio ≥0.9 PaO2 < 80 Torr with an AUC of Zappala et al. serial chest radiography and serial spirometry
0.757) [139]. This score was interesting since other studies demon- were tested to investigate pulmonary disease outcome in
strated that PA/Ao ratio alone was ineffective to predict pulmonary sarcoidosis, serial CT being the morphologic reference [147].
hypertension [140,141]. FVC was the most reliable tool with a good agreement,
whereas the agreement was only moderate with chest radio-
graphy [147]. These findings justify the use of FVC as the
5.5. Comparison and integration with the pulmonary
primary end-point in monitoring sarcoidosis. In this study,
function tests
isolated or disproportionate declines in gas transfer were fre-
Walsh et al. showed that HRCT abnormalities such as the quent and had no morphologic substrate on serial HRCT scan,
extent of traction bronchiectasis predicted mortality with gas transfer measurement being more likely a consequence of

Figure 8. HRCT images and images obtained after segmentation based on deep learning (a): native HRCT image, (b) manual segmentation of fibrotic areas (pink and
purple) by the radiologist (c): same segmentation obtained with machine learning algorithm (convolutional neural network), showing very similar results. (Courtesy
of S. Tarando and C. Fetita; ARTEMIS department, Telecom SudParis, Institut Mines-Telecom, CNRS UMR 8145 – UMR 5157, Evry, France).

vascular involvement, perhaps useful for detecting an even- 7. Expert commentary

tual pulmonary hypertension.
Despite continuous improvements, diagnostic of ILD at HRCT
However, serial CT can be used to assess on a routine basis
remains a challenge for radiologists and most diagnoses
the progression of ILD in selected patients [21]. CT can be
should be discussed during MDD. However, it is sometimes
useful when there is (i) discordant evolution between symp-
complicated to organize MDD in every hospital and to dis-
toms and pulmonary function tests (PFT) or chest X ray, (ii)
cuss every case, due to time restraints. Therefore, the role of
when patients are unable to perform a PFT, or (iii) when PFT
MDD could be lessened in patients with CT images, based
don’t reflect the progression of the disease (e.g. patients
on a diagnosis with a high degree of confidence. Even
with IPF and emphysema greater than or equal to 15%
though MDD are important to establish a diagnosis in
where the FVC measurement doesn’t reflect progression of
most patients, some cases remain difficult to classify [156].
the disease) [148] (iv) or to evaluate early ILD without impaired
Indeed, causes of uncertainty with image interpretation are
lung function. In prospective report for early diagnosis of Ssc-
numerous, including decision-making in case of pattern
ILD, 62% of patients had a significant ILD sometimes with
overlap [157], lack of consensually accepted definition of
fibrosis on HRCT, but with normal FVC values [149]. Findings
typical CT patterns (which is on debate for hypersensitivity
on HRCT have also been used as independent endpoints in
pneumonitis [61]), ambiguity of some CT features included
clinical drug trials, and the quantification of lung imaging may
in the definition of typical patterns (which is the case for
provide an objective endpoint.
honeycombing no longer considered as the keystone of the
diagnosis of UIP), or the lack of specificity of CT images in
case of early abnormalities [31].
6.2. Role of HRCT with acute new or worsening
8. Five-year view
Another important role of HRCT in monitoring ILD is when
patients present new or worsening symptoms. HRCT may help Tomorrow, radiologists will dispose of new computer-aided
in detecting new abnormalities, suggestive of infectious dis- diagnosis systems [158]. The interest of such tools has been
ease, notably in patients with immunosuppressive treatment, demonstrated in IPF, where automatic quantification of fibro-
or pulmonary embolism, for instance, in sarcoidosis [150], or sis did better than the radiologist to predict survival [132].
pneumothorax, which can occur in 20% of patients with Data mining techniques can mimic the reasoning of a radiol-
IPF [151]. ogist and give the most probable diagnosis based on the
HRCT manifestations also belong to the diagnostic criteria of presence of CT features in combination with the description
acute exacerbation in IPF [152] with new bilateral GGO/consoli- of the extent and location of abnormalities [43] Nowadays,
dation not fully explained by cardiac failure or fluid overload. artificial intelligence, especially approaches based on deep
learning, is declared a revolution [159] (Figure 8). These tech-
niques could improve understanding of the pathophysiology
of diseases or provide models of progression [160].
6.3. Role in detecting complications
Eventually, HRCT can detect complication in ILDs, such as
Key issues
lung cancer in patients with IPF the incidence of which is
increased compared to general population with a rate ratio ● Investigating lung parenchyma, requests optimal HRCT pro-
of 5 [153]. In the majority of cases, a squamous cell carci- tocols and methods of acquisition.
noma is developing in the peripheral lung adjacent to UIP ● Thanks to HRCT, the range of diagnoses and their prob-
[154]. In asbestosis or other occupational respiratory dis- ability are more accurately identified. For difficult diagnoses
ease, serial chest CTs are also used to detect lung cancer requiring a multidisciplinary discussion, radiologists, with
[155]. In sarcoidosis, comorbidities such as chronic pulmon- HRCT, are able to optimize the contribution of imaging.
ary aspergillosis can be diagnosed with highly suggestive ● HRCT can predict the disease outcome: by evaluation of
imaging in CT [144]. disease activity and evidencing potentially reversible or

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