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Chapter 617: Breaking News 1

Game forum <Womb Evolution> is on fire!!

Every screenshot has been posted.
Initially, it was images of the Grand Joyful Emperor killing, and everyone was extremely
excited. However, later the style changed, with a super ancient divine spirit appearing,
standing together with Thinh Lam. Up to this point, they only discovered that... it's not
just an internal rebellion, but it's even more terrifying.
The fate of the three Great Pillars of Gods is silently struggling, and the future has been
Netizens immediately feel horrified. This is not scientific at all. Previously, it was all
about pure power systems, as if it was acceptable, but now it has shifted to principles,
the law of karma?
"Concept of fate? Has fate been predetermined long ago?"
"Dao of fifty, heavenly display of forty-nine, human intrusion the first? Hong Quan
Ancestor, is it you? A simple calculation by tapping the hand can know the past and the
"What the fuck, this is too superstitious!"
"Ah... I used to worship science a lot..."
Then, even more terrifying things happen.
The super ancient divine spirit begins to intervene. Facing the plea of the divine spirit,
he directly forcefully closes the entire world's cosmic lines, making the destiny of
millions of beings in the world go to the future that no one knows!
People immediately explode.
"Too cool! Too arrogant!"
"Indeed, a swagger never seen before!"
"Aaaa! Fate is mine, not from heaven!"
"Handsome and cool, too cool, no need to fight, just raise your hand and lift your foot
once, you can close the world's lines! If you want fate, I entrust my fate to you to
Netizens are extremely delighted. Whoever cares if it's unscientific, as long as it's
beautiful and cool enough. Many people immediately become fans of the super ancient
divine spirit, giving him a beautiful title: the first arrogant CEO God in history.
Many Taobao shop owners secretly laugh, feeling like they have something to do
business with. This group of crazy and silly fans often spends a lot of money to buy
things related to idols, such as hug pillows, GK figures, etc. As long as it's done with
enough craftsmanship, there will be people willing to spend money to buy, without
having to dispute copyrights... Just as the previous craze ended, they made a lot of
money from male fans, producing a bunch of special mocking figurines, and on the first
day, they achieved a huge consumption volume.
This is the fan effect in action!!
They immediately felt extremely excited, internally calculating that they had already
made profits from male fans, so now it's time to carve out a bit of flesh from the female
It must be said that this game, Womb Evolution, has boosted mass production. Novels
and fan comics have also started to appear, and the market is incredibly lively.
Following that, the shocking events didn't stop there. Even more terrifying images
appeared—a level-nine God fell, a body three times larger than the Creation God,
crafted into a combat machine, roaming the continents...
"I thought that was the Creation God."
"Is the super ancient divine spirit really that powerful?"
Everyone had their eyes wide open and mouths agape!
Never before had such a 'terrifying' existence appeared in the worlds.
The lifespan of a level-8 God is eight thousand years, so the lifespan of a level-9 could
reach tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands. It could be considered a genuine
epoch-making life form. Such a terrorizing and eternal existence appeared before
everyone and, moreover, died, killed while still alive?
At this moment, who could remain calm?
No one could stay calm.
Right now, everyone understood that the act of the super ancient divine spirit closing
the cosmic lines wasn't just cool, anti-scientific, but also unbelievably powerful.
It can be said that this continuous series of frightening events, like waves hitting the
highest limits of perception, is not exaggerated at all. Today is undoubtedly one of the
most terrifying days since the game was launched, with the worldview, setting, and plot
in the game exploding!
Most importantly, today is the day the strongest NPC has appeared, the super ancient
divine spirit has made its move.
This directly shook the entire elder generation, including the always silent and reserved
Elder Alchemy.
Primordial Essence Calendar Wants to Evolve into a Scepter:
"Again, can this block of remains possibly be the God of Intelligence, Hermes?
Study in Vain:
"This, it can't be, right? (snickers)"
Akina's Speed:
"Why can't it be possible! Considering the timing and the residence of those gods, back
then, we don't know who they fought against. Hermes died, and the super ancient divine
spirit, in roughly the same time frame, acquired a level 9 body... In the myriad realms,
level 9 is already an extremely powerful existence. Such a being might not fall for
hundreds of thousands of years, and based on the time of death, it completely
coincides. Could it be that during that time, two prestigious level 9 beings fell
simultaneously? The probability of this happening is much lower! (only one pair of
The online community group began to fall silent, pondering the feasibility of this
Back then, in the initial setup of the worldview, in the gods' residence within the World of
Vus, the God of Intelligence Hermes died. His enemy, who might have killed him,
appeared, and the main storyline... finally began to unfold.
The scenario might be something like this:
World of Vus VS World of Dung Nham
Hermes VS Super Ancient Divine Spirit
Perhaps, it's not just one world—the World of Vus is just one among them. Anyway,
both are level 9 entities, and under their leadership, there will surely be countless level 8
Gods. Two organizations beyond the myriad realms, killing each other.
The outcome, extremely tragic.
All divine spirits in their residence died, and the ancient civilization of the super ancient
divine spirit was also destroyed! The ancient civilization of the Ishdar people, therefore,
began to emerge...
The timing, perfectly matched!
Evolving from a Fragile Sister into a Dragon:
"The aura asking people inside is not paying attention to us. It's good enough to release
a few pictures. We'll wait until he comes out to ask... But let me guess a bit. The gods'
residence doesn't just dominate one world, but they waged war with the ancient world of
Dung Nham. It might also be just one world, and the image at that time was truly
terrifying—a grand supermundane world, wrestling with a few small worlds... Anyway,
this is a gigantic world, even a multiverse, with many ancient dung lands in parallel
People listened and found it very reasonable.
The perpetrator who killed the God of Intelligence back then probably appeared.
Now, should they seek revenge?
Medusa, Elmin, these people might want revenge.
What about a group of players like them?
Do they want to help?
Chapter 618: Breaking News Part 2
Look at how they terrorize, heading straight to confront the boss, huh?
Moreover, they're handsome to that extent. With just one move, countless people have
shifted to become fans. Furthermore, in a war among worlds like this, originally there's
no right or wrong. Wasn't the ancient civilization of the super ancient divine spirit also
Akina's Speed:
"Don't panic, everyone! Although the force that once ruled many worlds, 'The Residence
of the Gods,' has fallen, the loss of their residence is also an opportunity for us to rise.
In a sense, currently, we are a new organization, starting to touch the myriad realms.
Personally, I see our prospects are no less than theirs... We can also make a name for
ourselves. If that place is called the residence of the gods, then let's call ourselves... the
League of Sky Defiance! (cheerfully)"
Mọi người: "..."
Why does it have such an embarrassing name?
Someone said, "I think 'The League of a Bunch of Arrogant People' suits you well
(picking their nose)."
All people enthusiastically discussed. Today is indeed too exciting, the information is
pouring out incessantly, the worldview has been completely perfected, displayed in front
of everyone. They have grasped Hermes' brushstrokes from that year, directly causing
everyone to be amazed and shocked, but what if they've grasped it?
At this moment, an even more horrifying event occurred. Because the aura inside the
sphere began to summarize, the meaning became clear, rearranging everything they
knew, and then presenting it through images.
"The current situation is urgent. Previously, continuously posting images, you all have
seen, and can probably guess a bit. Now I won't go into details. Wait until we have time
to narrate it to you. Currently, I will only state my entire inference and conclusion."
"Firstly, our speculation was correct."
"This universe is much more terrifying than anything we've encountered before! This is
a super-dimensional multiverse. What is this concept? Many less astute individuals may
not know because it's a relatively high-level physics theory. Let me explain it a bit for
"Simply put, it's not a single world but multiple worlds stacked parallel to each other, like
a giant tree. A tree-like diagram, due to some choice, continuously branches into
different paths. For example, the destruction of the Ishdar, it's a key point of the world.
The destruction and non-destruction of the Ishdar will be divided into two parallel
worlds. In each single world, there will be a few supreme terror existences, and their
futures, the various different major and minor paths, will be driven to a certain level.
There will be a division phenomenon, forming a new parallel universe."
"The super ancient divine spirit and this mysterious divine woman are the 'Fate' from
two parallel universes. Similar to the existence of the three divine pillars, they descend
together into this parallel universe to observe the development of key points in this
universe. The three divine pillars are about to merge, and an existence of the highest
rank, like them, will be born in this universe! So they came to watch!"
Everyone listened with amazement. Now, especially thinking about the Marvel universe,
the primal universe was already powerful enough, but unexpectedly, there was
something even more profound?
Primordial Essence Calendar Master:
"Based on the words of Terrifying You Three Thousand Nets, the super ancient divine
spirit and the mysterious divine woman, whoever she is, are probably from another
parallel universe. They are not like the three divine pillars still in the process of merging,
competing for the final victory. In their own universe, they have already completed the
merger, and they are the winners, implementing the unified destiny!"
"And the super ancient divine spirit is probably the most powerful observer in the
parallel land of primal essence. Anyway, that ancient divine woman is also the ruler of
another parallel universe... Her existence is like Thanos in the Marvel universe,
controlling a part of the primal essence world in the parallel universe. However,
surprisingly, she is just a... Slave!"
The expressions of everyone kept changing. This super ancient divine spirit was too
But in the next moment, Terrifying You Three Thousand Nets spoke again,
"Perhaps I have guessed the true identity of that divine woman at last?"
The breath of everyone immediately became intense.
Terrifying You Three Thousand Nets:
"This mysterious being is an Ishdar, and moreover, a woman, so it can only be
Everyone immediately erupted,
"No way, isn't Caroline long dead? Died in the research institute! Besides, at the time of
her death, she was just a level 5 scientist with her hands tied."
Terrifying You Three Thousand Nets:
"Ha ha, in this universe, Caroline died, and the civilization of the Ishdar was also
destroyed. But what about in the parallel universe? In other universes, could the Ishdar
have gained control? Has Caroline ascended to become a God?"
A terrifying thought gradually emerged. This might be a Caroline in a parallel universe...
The gaming forum exploded, the atmosphere extremely heated, as if it were a boiling
pot of water.
"This is truly terrifying! So novel, it's beyond human imagination!"
"A super-parallel universe, truly legendary."
Not only players but also major research institutions fell into silence. Perhaps today, on
this land, due to a miraculous game, the hypothesis of parallel universes in physics,
which had been debated for a long time, was finally being firmly established.
At this moment, the continuously sent screenshots were filled with a bunch of
characters. The battle was still raging inside, and time was of the essence. Terrifying
You Three Thousand Nets summarized all his information, expressing his views on the
Dung Nham world.
A lot of data, but people streamlined it to three main pieces of news:
1. In another parallel universe, the Ishdar was not destroyed?
2. Caroline, in this timeline, became the sole ruler of her universe and descended into
our universe?
3. The ancient Dung Nham land we marveled at is just an insignificant parallel world?
This tidal force was too immense, exploding the newly established worldview on online
forums. People began discussing the script's progress for today's events. It was too
intense! Everyone eagerly waited for the script, to witness the unfolding world events,
not wasting their elephant-sized curiosity.
Currently, throughout the gaming forum, the total number of online users had reached a
historic record. Everyone was discussing today's plot developments. Too fierce! People
were eagerly waiting for the script, watching the content of this world's play, not in vain
treating it as a World Cup match. Everyone was energetically discussing this super
ancient divine being beyond imagination.
"Too powerful, too domineering! A Red Army senior managing an entire parallel
universe, directly influencing the world's plot, letting you choose your own future..."
"Emmmm... Can we immediately explode this kind of overbearing plot director!"
"So cool, really want to marry him! (Excited)"
"No wonder Caroline in that parallel universe is so clearly powerful. Such an ancient
existence would rather die than submit, yet she agrees to become a dog lick for him!"
"Even now, we are all dog licks (Embarrassed)."
"Dog lick +1."
"Dog lick +2."
"Super ancient divine being is awesome!"
Chapter 619: One Giant Step for Earth 1
In fact, there are other key reasons behind the occurrence of this major upheaval. This
multiverse shockwave struck at the very foundations of the worldview.
The most powerful beings in parallel universes successively fell, coming to witness the
dramatic transformation of this parallel universe's global front. The reason being the
emergence of a significant disturbance in the world alignment of this parallel universe.
Once the three God Pillars merge, is there a high likelihood of giving rise to an
existence akin to them?
The plot's content hypothesis is truly surreal!
Not only did the ancient super divine beings reveal their authentic lineage, but their
actions also seemed daring to the point of being suicidal. The hypothesis that this
multiverse is so audacious that it is on the verge of exploding.
However, it is quite evident that the greatest clash at this moment is not among the
online communities. They are merely keyboard heroes, able to do no more than search
for content similar to investigating the script of a TV show, contemplating how players
immersed in the atmosphere of the game are choosing the future direction of the era.
Yet the large secret research chambers know more: Yes, this seems incredibly
significant, but what is even larger than that?
This is highly likely to be true!
It is the real world of the heavens, not a game!
"Fuck fuck?"
In the research room, still influenced by the excitement of the online community, the
venerable scholars, upon reaching this point, began to ponder, and even words
involuntarily escaped their mouths.
Regardless, there was a saying: Joy comes too suddenly, and no one can stay calm!
They were all top elders in the research community, many of them being eminent
figures who had received various awards in physics. Only they truly understood the
terror of this parallel universe. Despite the development of physics to this day, the
notion of parallel universes, multiverses, remained the biggest hypothesis on Earth, with
no one being certain about it.
The parallel universe is a dominant theme. Based on the uncertainties of modern
quantum science, this perspective could also explain the "grandfather paradox" or a
series of time-travel paradoxes, equivalent to debates about the "Big Bang" origin of the
universe. Even those outside the circle of scientists could clearly see this.
In such a situation, someone suddenly became very certain and said to them, "The
universe is truly infinite, with multiple universes and parallel universes!"
That nonsense!
They immediately slapped the person.
They were indeed impulsive, stubborn, and hot-headed individuals.
There's a saying: Assume boldly, carefully seek evidence; anyone in the scientific
community who dares to conclude so definitively is a fool! The hypothesis of physics
remains a crucial step in advancing history, but how to prove parallel universes? Find
someone who has "time-traveled" from a parallel universe and brought them here to
In history, there have been those who claimed to be from a parallel universe, similar to
those who "time-traveled." With such a vast universe, there might be more
possibilities... But at this moment, it couldn't be proven. At least, with the current
scientific and technological capabilities of Earth, it was impossible to prove.
But what about now? They saw an endless stream of news about the worldview on the
internet, and they naturally felt threatened, as if they were about to wet themselves in
fear! It was truly terrifying last week!
"A multiverse of time and space?"
"Are advanced universes terrifying like that?"
The worldview was enough to shatter their brains from time to time.
A group of scientists in white coats gathered in front of computer screens, engaging in
excited discussions. This time, the script's explosive content not only shook the Internet
but also caused research rooms everywhere to explode.
The atmosphere was not curious and excited, as on the internet, but unusually tense
and stifling.
"No way! The multiverse theory can't be established!" someone insisted, standing up
and speaking out.
"This doesn't make logical sense!" an old man exclaimed. His eyebrows furrowed, and
his face was full of wrinkles. Everyone could feel the pressure within him.
Of course, there were scientists who supported the parallel universe theory. This person
was extremely excited, a loyal supporter of the theory of a stacked multiverse.
"I have presented several research papers on the hypothesis of a parallel universe
before. Quantum itself is uncertain, based on observation, there are times when it
'collapses.' It is indeed true! The world is a multiverse!"
Another person, a supporter of Hawking's parallel universe theory, stood up in the
"This game is terrifying! It allows us to discover scientific truths; indeed, it's a game that
can make learning powerful. In the article 'High-Energy Physics,' Hawking proposed in
the paper 'A Smooth Exit from Eternal Inflation' a hypothesis. The multiverse is not truly
infinite; the parallel universe is finite... This also fits well with the worldview of the
ancient Dung Nham land. The two strongest powerhouses in the parallel universe fell,
and it didn't require an infinite number of powerhouse falls. This is enough to prove that
the true parallel universe is not that extensive!"
Another scientist nodded in approval, admiringly looking at the researcher who spoke.
He also stood up, speaking with confidence:
"This perspective is indeed very plausible. Professor Thomas Hertog collaborated on
writing this paper. After Hawking's passing, they publicly declared that they had
conducted numerous complex calculations based on this theory, ultimately arriving at
what they called a finite multiverse."
"This, this..." People broke out in cold sweat, feeling as if their voices were trembling
and emotions were hard to control.
If this is a coincidence, then it's too timely, isn't it?
If it's a coincidence, and all point in the same direction, it's no longer a coincidence; it
can only be the truth.
The player who sought the atmosphere earlier also mentioned that the world alignment
underwent significant changes, likely leading to the emergence of a new parallel
It's like a tree with branches and sub-branches, but it won't be infinite. This theory
coincidentally bears some similarity to Hawking's multiverse theory.
"Oh! My god! Divine intervention! This game may confirm the hypothesis of the world's
structure and win the Nobel Prize! The parallel universe theory is likely a giant leap for
"But we know this game is real, what about others? We can't base scientific hypotheses
on events happening in a game. Using a game? That would be a laughingstock for the
"But we all know this game is real!"
Scientists: "!!!"
Researchers: "..."
Using a game to discuss the origin of the universe, people couldn't help but doubt
whether we are crazy, or is the world going insane?
It's a parallel universe! A multiverse!
It's not just a casual sidewalk conversation! Simply put, our Earth has countless stars,
right? In the world, there are no two leaves alike, but there will be countless leaves
identical to an object, just like the multitude of tree leaves on Earth.

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