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IOP2601 Assignment 3 Complete

Answers, Semester 2 2023 (Due 19

September 2023)

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IOP2601 Assessment 03 Complete Answers

Due: 19 September 2023 @ 23:00

Semester 2/ 2023

Organisational Research Methodology

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1.1. In her study, the research psychologists stated “There is no difference in memory

scores of patients diagnosed with depression and those who are not.” This is a typical

example of a/an null hypothesis.

P.G. 115 Study Guide

1.2. A test that allows us to assess differences between more than two group means and to

examine the effects of more than one independent variable is Analysis of Variance


P.G. 290 Textbook

1.3. A χ2 significant test (Chi-square significant test) is typically used to test for

association between two categorical variables.

P.G. 474 Textbook

1.4. A Null hypothesis is a negative statement about a possible difference between the

variables that you want to study.

P.G. 115 Study Guide

1.5. True= The single-sample t-test is used when you have a single set of scores and are

investigating whether the mean of this sample equals a known mean.

P.G. 159 Textbook

1.6. Type I error= The type of error that occurs when a researcher rejects a null hypothesis

that is actually true.

P.G. 268 Textbook

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1.7. P.G. 116 Study Guide

a) H1: μ1 > μ2 = Directional

b) H1: μA < μB = Directional

H1: μA ≠ μB =Non-directional

1.8. P.G. 129 Study Guide; P.G. 607 Textbook

𝑡 = 2,14 . df= 18
a) Critical Value
t(0,01) (18) = 2, 8784

b) 2,14 < 2, 8784

Therefore, she must reject the null hypothesis.
It can be concluded with 99% certainty that there is no significant difference between the

1.9. “Sig” p value of .470 is less than 0.05, therefore reject the null hypothesis.
It can be concluded with 95% certainty that there is a difference between the three
departments in terms of productivity.
P.G. 305- 308 Textbook

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P.G. 117 to 128 Study Guide; P.G. 607 Textbook
2.1. Null hypothesis
Ho: μ female = μ male
There is no difference in the performance of female and male cohort of interns.
H1: μ female ≠ μ male
Alternative hypothesis:
There is a significant difference in the performance of female and male cohort of interns.
2.3. Two-tailed test.

2.4. Calculation:
𝐗̅̅𝟏 − ̅̅
𝟐 𝟐
√ 𝐬𝟏 + 𝐬𝟐
𝐍𝟏 𝐍𝟐

3,2 − 2,8
√0,7 + 2,7
5 5
√0,14 + 0,54
t = 0,48507125
𝐭 = 𝟎, 𝟒𝟗

2.5. df = N1 + N2 – 2
=5 + 5 -2
2.6. Critical Value:
t0,05 (8) = 2,3060
2.7. 0,49 < 2,3060

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Therefore, do not reject the null hypothesis.

2.8. It can be concluded with 95% certainty that there is no difference in the performance of
female and male cohort of interns.

P.G. 154-158 S.G. Textbook Table P.G. 609
3.1. Calculation:
(ΣX)2 SSgroup = nΣ(X̅j − X̅.. )2
SStotal = ΣX 2 −
N = 5 [(3,4 -3,53)2+(3,2 -3,53)2+(4 -3,53)2]
= 209 − 15 = 5 [(-0,13)2+(-0,33)2+(0,47)2]

= 209 − 2809⁄15 =5 [0,0169 + 0,1089 +0,2209]

= 5 [0,3467]
= 𝟐𝟏, 𝟕𝟑
= 1,73

SSerror = SStotal − SSgroup

Msgroup = SSgroup / dfgroup
= 21,73 – 1,73
= 20 =1,73⁄2
= 0,865
dftotal = N − 1
=15 −1 Mserror = SSerror / dferror
=14 =20⁄12
dfgroup = k − 1
=3 – 1 MSgroup
=2 MSerror

= 0,865⁄1,67
dferror = k(n − 1) =0,52
= 3(5 – 1)

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Summary Table:
Source df SS MS F
Groups 2 1,73 0,865 0,52
Error 12 20 1,67
Total 14 21,73

NB: Remember that only the summary table will be marked. Therefore, ensure that you
fill it in correctly according to the answers calculated from the above formulas. Showing
the calculations is important as well, to show how you calculated the table.
3.2. Critical Value:
F0,05 (2, 12) = 3,89

3.3. 0,52 < 3,89

No, do not reject the null hypothesis
3.4 It can be concluded with 95% certainty that the recently introduced method of teaching
has made no significant difference in the performance of students at post-graduate level.

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P.G. 172-174 Study Guide; Textbook Table P.G. 612
4.1. Contingency table
Category Yes No Not Sure Total

Male Staff 50 (65) 20 (17,5) 30 (17,5) 100

Female Staff 80 (65) 15 (17,5) 5 (17,5) 100
Total 130 35 35 200

4.2. df = (R-1) (C-1)

= (2-1) (3-1)

4.3. Critical Value:

Χ20.01(2) = 9,2104

Assessment Memo complete 

S.G = Only study guide for IOP2601

T.B = Prescribed Textbook: Numbers, Hypothesis & Conclusions: A course in

statistics for the social sciences, 3rd Edition by Colin Tredoux & Kevin Durrheim

NB: Remember all examples and wording in this Memo is directly from the study guide,
you need to paraphrase all wording.

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NB: Whilst going through this Memo, remember to go through each topic within the
IOP2601 Study Guide to ensure you understand how the answers are calculated and
also to understand further on how to correctly check the A1 A2 Tables in the textbook. I
have provided the page numbers to make it easier to go through the solutions.

Any issues, feel free to DM on my profile.

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