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How often do you purchase eco-chic recycled paper products?

( )Daily
( ) Weekly
( ) Monthly
( ) Rarely

What factors influence your decision to choose eco-chic recycled paper over traditional
( )Environmental impact
( )Design and aesthetics
( ) Cost
( ) Brand reputation

How important when selecting recycled paper products?

( )Very important
( )Somewhat important
( )Neutral
( )Not important

Where do you usually purchase eco-chic recycled paper products?

( )Online retailers
( ) Local grocery stores
( )Specialty eco-friendly stores
( ) Department Stores
( ) VSU Market
( ) Others _______
Are you aware of the environmental impact of traditional paper production versus
recycled paper production?
( )Very aware
( )Somewhat aware
( )Not very aware
( )Not aware at all

Are you willing to pay a premium for eco-friendly paper products?

( )Yes
( )No

What improvements or features would encourage you to use eco-chic recycled paper
more frequently?
( )Lower price
( )More variety in design
( )Improved availability
( )Enhanced eco-friendly certifications

How would you rate the availability of eco-chic recycled paper products in the market?
( )Excellent
( )Good
( )Fair
( )Poor

Would you consider sharing your eco-friendly paper choices on social media?
( )Yes, regularly
( )Occasionally
( )Rarely
( )Never
How do you prioritize eco-chic recycled paper in comparison to other environmentally
friendly products?
( )Top priority
( )High priority
( )Moderate priority
( )Low priority

What, if any, challenges do you face in consistently choosing eco-chic recycled paper?
( )Limited availability
( )Lack of awareness
( )Higher cost
( )No challenges

Would you be more inclined to purchase eco-chic recycled paper if it had a loyalty
rewards program?
( )Yes
( )No


How frequently do you use eco-chic recycled paper products in your daily life?
( ) Daily
( ) Weekly
( )Monthly
( )Rarely

In which specific applications do you use eco-chic recycled paper products? (e.g., note-
taking, printing, crafting)
( )Note-taking
( )Printing documents
( )Crafting projects
( )Others ___________

What sizes or types of eco-chic recycled paper products do you commonly use? (e.g.,
notebooks, printer paper, greeting cards)
( )Notebooks
( )Printer paper
( )Greeting cards
( )Others _____________

How satisfied are you with the quality of the eco-chic recycled paper products you use?
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Satisfied
( ) Neutral
( ) Dissatisfied

When choosing eco-chic recycled paper products, which factors influence your selection
the most?
( ) Design and aesthetics
( ) Environmental certifications
( ) Price
( ) Brand reputation

Do you actively seek out new eco-chic recycled paper products, or do you tend to stick
with familiar brands?
( ) Always exploring new options
( ) Occasionally trying new products
( ) Prefer sticking with familiar brands
( ) Rarely or never try new products
Would you recommend eco-chic recycled paper products to friends or colleagues?
( ) Definitely
( ) Probably
( ) Not sure
( ) Probably not

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