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Ifugao State University

Nayon, Lamut Ifugao

College of Advanced Education

Name: Greg L. Sangalang Score

Course and Year: PHD-EM Date: January 18, 2024

Activity No. 5b
Chapter Topic: Globalization

QUESTION: Globalization is a big issue among people who still don’t like to embrace
in your workplace how you handle the changes. Explain by citing examples.

Globalization is a broad and complex term. It is defined by different

connotations from people around the globe. There has been a lot of debate about
globalization some perceive it as dangerous phenomenon which has changed our
world in the negative ways as it brought undesirable consequences in the society,
affecting its peace. On the other hand, some people regard it positively as it serves
as the source of optimism in the world.

Education is one field that is greatly affected by globalization. Globalization

has radically transformed the world in every aspect because globalization brought
advancement in technology. It has especially transformed the world economy which
has become increasingly interconnected and interdependent. Because of these
changes, our economy has become increasingly competitive, and more knowledge
based. With all this advancement it is necessary that education be transformed into
something that would meet the demands of the 21 st century. As an educator, it is my
duty to keep myself updated to these changes so that I can teach my students all the
skills they need to survive the ever-changing world brought by globalization.

Globalization also interconnects methods of teaching from worldwide systems

as it develops multicultural awareness and well-balanced conclusions regarding
issues that surround the world. Our nation grows increasingly connected because of
the possibility of collaboration because of the presence of technology. Educators like
me were able to collaborate with educators from all over the world which gave us the
chance to exchange knowledge and information. Meanwhile, globalization enhances
the student’s ability to acquire and utilize knowledge. It enhances the ability of
learners to access, assess, adopt, and apply knowledge, to think independently to
exercise appropriate judgment and to collaborate with others to make sense of new
situations. The presence of technology changes the role of educators from being the
center of instruction to facilitator of knowledge. Nowadays, we teachers are not
merely the supplier of knowledge and information but instead we are just the
facilitator of how our students will acquire the knowledge. Collaboration is the new
means of learning because globalization encourages students to work in teams.
Working in teams requires students to develop skills in-group dynamics,
compromise, debate, persuasion, organization, and leadership and management
skills which is usually the demand of most of the employees today.
Globalization breaks the boundaries of space and time. The new mode of
learning in the form of both synchronous and asynchronous learning is now more
attainable and possible. As educators it is our job to adapt to these changes and be
able to provide knowledge not only through face-to-face instruction but also during
online instruction.

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