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Class: XII Subject: English Time: 3 Hrs

21.02.2023 (Pages:17) Marks: 80

Q. 1. (A)
b. The writer wished to run away from IIT and even from Mumbai.
d. The writer could overcome his feeling of depression with his own efforts.
A2. The writer developed an inferiority complex during his stay in Mumbai. Enlist the causes:
a. He had his entire education in Marathi.
b. His spoken English was quite pathetic.
c. He had a very weak vocabulary.
d. His pronunciation also was terrible.
e. His construction of English sentences was very awkward.
Ans: The qualities of the writer: Negative qualities: (i) depressed
(ii) diffident
Positive qualities: (i) self-esteem
(ii) determination
A4. Ans: I would like to suggest following points to improve English communication skill:
a. Develop listening skill by listening English stories, documentaries, etc
b. Increase your vocabulary. Add new words in your conversation.
c. Read English Novels, newspapers, magazines, etc.
d. Practice English conversation with your classmates.
(Accept any reasonably correct answer.)
(1) (c) Though I was quite happy getting into IIT, my joy was short-lived.
(2) (b) How humiliated and upset I felt !
A6. Write antonyms:
(a) diffident : (iii) confident
(b) humiliated : (iv) exhilarated
(c) arrogant : (i) humble
(d) inferiority : (ii) superiority

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B1. Do as directed:
1. (b) This agreement has been signed in haste by both the partners.
2. (a) I asked my sister what I could do for her in that matter.
3. (c) No sooner did he leave the house than he met with an accident.

B2. Spot the error:

She has been worked in this office since 1996.
Ans: She has been working in this office since 1996.

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Q.2 (A)
Hepatitis A

Tuberculosis Infection of Amoebic dysentery

diseases possible
through Medical


A2. Complete the statements-----

Ans: (i) Exposure to diseases without such immunity can be hazardous for weak individuals –
specially with respect to gastrointestinal diseases like Hepatitis etc.
(ii) (a) The problem of accessibility, affordability and ethics.
(b) Large section of Indian population relies on public health care system and has vey
little access to private health care.
(c) People are unable even to avail the basic needs related to health care like proper
nourishment and sanitation.
(Accept any reasonably correct answer.)
A3. Complete the given table.
Positive aspects of Medical Tourism Hazards / Negative aspects of Medical
(1) Patients can avail the most sophisticated (1) Carries same risks that locally provided
medical facilities and treatment available to medical care does not.
developed country.
(2) Patients can avail the services of the (2) Chances of spreading infectious
skilled and renowned specialists to cure diseases / transmission of diseases.
their completed medical problems.
(3) Post-operative care can be inconvenient
/ costly.

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A4. ‘We need to promote the concept of Wildlife Tourism in India’.

Wildlife tourism covers everything from meeting wild animals to birding to interacting with
them in zoos and safaris. With the fast promotion of national parks and sanctuaries, as well
as encounters with rare species of lions, tigers, and other wild creatures, wildlife tourism in
India is booming. Most people visit these wildlife areas in the hopes of seeing lions, but
they should not be discouraged if they do not spot one because there are several
unexplored species of wild creatures to be found. We need to promote the concept of
wildlife tourism in India.

A 5. Language Study:
(i) (d) The Government of India has encouraged medical tourism in the country.

(ii) (c) This will make it difficult to deal with any complication.

A6. Vocabulary: Identify the words from the passage.

(i) booming
(ii) hazards
(iii) acquiring
(iv) accessibility

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Medical Tourism
The Government of India is promoting medical tourism to facilitate the growth of Medical
Tourism Industry. It has set up a task force to evaluate the opportunities in this industry.
Though efforts are being made to standardise procedures and to guide foreign patients,
there are risks for the life of patients of getting infected with diseases that are rarely found
in developed countries. Also there are questions regarding inadequate public health care
system and lack of proper infrastructure and facilities.
(Words: 82)

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(C) ‘Human Interest’

Professor Doctor Lawyer

Human Mechanic
Aesthetic Practical
Poet Interest

Artistic Technician

Painter Dancer Singer

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Q.3 (A)
A1. (1) (c) The mariner wished to hear the Inchcape Bell.
(2) (b) The vessel strikes with a shivering shock.
(3) (a) Sir Ralph the Rover cursed himself in despair.
(4) (d) Ralph the Rover heard one dreadful sound.

A2. Complete the tree diagram:

Reasons for the sinking of the ship

Lost No Drifted along The vessel /

the sound of the tides hip strikes
way / bell to towards the the rock
route alert / Inchcape Rock

A3. ‘As you sow so shall you reap?’ Justify it in your own words.
It’s the moral lesson In ‘The Inchcape Rock’. In this poem out of jealousy Sir Ralph the
Rover cut the warning bell which was installed out of benevolence by the Abbot of
Aberbrothok. In the end Rover along with his men died in a ship wreck. The poet has
given a message that those who do wrong things will meet with due punishment.
A4. Poetic Device:
‘One dreadful sound could the Rover hear’
a) The figure of speech: Inversion
The word order is changes for rhyming effect.
Correct word order is ….
‘The Rover could hear one dreadful sound’
A5. Compose four lines on ‘Sea’
The waves whispers to me,
Calling me to the soft sand,
The water sweeps over my feet,
Surrounds where I stand

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She Walks in Beauty


The title ‘She Walks in Beauty’ is self- explanatory. ‘She walks in beauty’ doesn’t
mean that she walks beautifully but it means she is such an exceptionally beautiful
lady who creates a beautiful aura around her. In this poem Lord Byron celebrates
female beauty.


This is not a love poem but a poem celebrating a female beauty.

Poetic Style:

It is a short lyrical poem. It consists of three stanzas of six lines each. The stanzas
are written in /ababab/ rhyme scheme.

Language / Poetic Devices:

Use of Simile, Metaphor, Alliteration, Personification, Antithesis, etc has increased

the poetic beauty of the poem.


Through this beautiful poem, Lord Byron defines ‘real beauty’ i.e. combination of an
external aspect and inner goodness. Actually, inner goodness reflects into the
external aspect of beauty.

Reader’s View:

To conclude it we can say that beauty of mind and soul is as needful as external

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Q 4. (A)
1. Virtual message:

Hello dear Ramesh,

As you know I am going to Pune to participate in the National Level Chess Competition
(NLCC) during the 10th to the 13th January 2022. Due to Covid 19 pandemic, it was not
held for last two years so, how far my career as a chess player is concerned, this NLCC is
very important. And hence I won’t be able to attend the class test which will be on 11 th
January 2022. Please convey this message to Mrs. Suamya Patil, subject teacher in
Your loving friend,

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3. Interview:
Name of the Mr. Sumit Patil
Area of Success National Defence
Date / Venue / Time At 11.00 am on 10th January 2022, Assembly
Hall, Modern College Pune
Duration of Interview 45 Minutes
1. His decision When and why did you decide to join NDA?
2. His idol / Inspiration Who has inspired you to join defense services?
3. Support Who has supported you the most to get this glittering
4. Training Please tell us about the defense training.
5. Difficulties What difficulties did you face during your study?
6. Challenges / Motivating Please tell us about the challenges or motivating
Experience experience in your life.

7. Goals / Expectations Please tell us about your goals or expectations.

8. Message What message would you like to give for the students
aspiring to be NDA cadets?

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2. Compering:

 Introduction of the programme

 Good Evening everyone, I welcome all of you from the bottom of my heart on a very
special function. Today, we have gathered here to bid farewell to the students
appearing for HSC examination.
 Welcome speech
 On this occasion, we have Sunil Godbole as the chief guest who has written variety of
books in English as well as Marathi.
 I request the Principal of our college to felicitate him.
 Lighting of the lamp
 Let’s begin this wonderful function with the lighting of the lamp.
 I request the chief guest and the principal to inaugurate the function by lighting the
 Speech of the Chief Guest
 Now I request the chief guest to express his feelings on this very special occasion.
 Thank you Sir. Thanks for your inspiring words.
 Vote of thanks
 Now I request our Principal to propose a vote of thanks.
 Thanks you sir.
 Now I thank you all for your presence.
 Thanks you very much.

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Q. 4 (D) Film Review –



Ajay Patil, TNN, Updated: Nov 22, 2018.

Critic's Rating: 3.5 /5

Story: After his father, Sakharam Patil (Mohan Joshi) blows off the money they get from selling off their
ancestral land, events in his son Rahul’s (Om Bhutkar) life make him take up the path of crime.

Review: The movie opens to aerial shots of Pune city 'spreading shapelessly like an amoeba'- as the
narrator calls it. But this holds true for almost any major city in the country today. The opening shot gives a
jolt of reality, making one realise how the once beautiful villages have been lost in the quest for
unsustainable development.

Originally into farming, the Patil family is forced to live on a pittance after Mohan Joshi sells off large
stretches of his land only to blow off the money he makes from it. That leaves the family with income coming
only from Patil's small-time job working as builder Shinde’s watchman. But one day, he gets bashed up for
getting scratches on Shinde’s car while opening the bungalow gate and is fired from the job.

The family then shifts to Pune where Patil and his son Rahul take up job as labourers hauling heavy
agricultural produce. Here, an incident takes place that puts Rahul on the path of crime.

Although the story is based on farmers who sold off their land in Mulshi taluka during the 1990s and early
2000s, it holds true for other parts of the country as well. The reality that director Pravin Tarde depicts
through his screenplay makes the drama spine-chilling. Be it bringing to fore the haplessness of the farmers
coerced into selling their lands or the path of crime their subsequent generations embark on, the film opens
your eyes to the harsh realities of this developmental phase.

Om Bhutkar proves his acting prowess once again while veterans Mohan Joshi and Mahesh Manjrekar as
farmers who have made the mistake of selling their lands, have put their best foot forward. Upendra Limaye
(a cop) and Ajay Purkar deserve a special mention for pulling off their roles with perfection.

On the flip side though, some scenes are repetitive, making stretched. With a little crisp editing, the film
could've been phenomenal. However, this one definitely deserves a watch.

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Q.5 (A)
(1) Match the columns:
Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
a) Oroonoku (iii) Aphra Behm
b) The Heart of Darkness (i) Joshep Conard
c) Frankenstein (iv) Mary Shelly
d) The Pilgrim’s Progress (ii) John Bunyan
(2) Complete the given statements:
(a) The novel with the elements of horror, blood-shed and mystery are called the Gothic
(b) The German word ‘bildungsroman’ indicates growth.
(c) There are six essential elements of ‘Novel’ or ‘Novella’.
(d) The struggle between the opposite forces in the story is called ‘conflict’.

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(i) The character sketch of E.R.Braithwaite (the narrator)

Ricky Braithwaite, the narrator, is a very sensitive person. He is very upset at the
racism. He gets a job in a school, and initially has a very difficult time with the students
who are disrespectful, ill-mannered, and mischievous. They harass him from day one.
But his novel and creative ideas, innovative techniques, and understanding of
students’ psychology wins their heart. Though he was bullied, harassed, mentally and
physically tortured many time, he didn’t lose his patience and continued implementing
his novel ideas and techniques that help his bring significant change in the life of the
students. He is immensely satisfied with the progress of the students of his class.

(iii) Miss Phillips justifies the importance of P.T. to Denham

Miss Phillips had a remarkable convincing potential. She was in support of having the
P.T. classes which Denham a trained boxer objected to. He thinks that PT twice a
week for twenty minutes was waste of time. She convinced Denham. According to her
the school had made a good time-table including PT and games so that each student
received maximum benefit from it. She reaffirmed telling his that they are fortunate in
their fine physical development and do not really need the few meagre helpings of PT
and games.

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(i) ‘Quitters never win and winners never quit’
There are various obstacles during the journey. But Fogg, Aouda, and Passepartout win
over it all as they never meant to quit. The time calculation which they gather later was
erroneously set right by rushing and reaching the destination in the nick of the hour. Thus,
if one set his heart to achieve, he definitely will. ‘Quitters never win and winners never
(ii) Phileas Fogg knocked detective Fix down because….
Detective Fix had arrested Phileas Fogg on a charge of bank robbery. Fix was duty bound
to arrest him. For him it doesn’t matter whether Mr. Fog was guilty or not. But when Fix
found that Fogg was innocent, he was out of breath, and his hair was in disorder. He
could not speak. He stammered. When Fogg was free, he walked to the detective and
with the precision of a machine, knocked him down.

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(i) The significance of Mary Morstan’s visit to Lyceum Theatre with Holmes and Dr. Watson.

Mary tells Holmes that she received a letter instructing her to go to Lyceum Theatre with
the accompaniment of two friends. The letter gives hint that some injustice has been done
to her. Holmes and Dr. Watson agree to accompany her. Soon Dr. Watson and Mary get
attracted to each other. As the trio is heading to the Lyceum Theatre, they are whisked
away in a darkened carriage to a strange house. Inside the house, they found an
eccentric gentleman named Thaddeus Sholto who reveals that Mary’s father died leaving
behind great hidden treasure.

(ii) The theme of ‘The Sign of Four’

The theme of ‘The Sign of Four’ revolves round the mystery of sudden disappearance of
Captain Morstan on arriving to London, surprise gift of rare and expensive pearls that
Mary received for six consecutive years and the mysterious letter that received by her on
the sixth year along the pearl, the journey of Holmes, Dr. Watson and Mary to the Lyceum
Theatre to meet the writer of the mysterious letter and Agra treasure.

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