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Having a keen interest in data science and real estate I thought it

would be a great idea to combine my two interests into an interesting

machine learning project in which I was aiming to develop and deploy
an application to predict the prices of houses in California. Why
California housing prices you may ask? Simply, because there is a very
rich and publicly available dataset from the 1990 California census
which we can easily access for model training. Yes, of course, this may
not help us with predicting current housing prices, however it does
provide an accessible introductory dataset for teaching people about
the basics of machine learning.

Furthermore, the dataset isn’t entirely clean! Thus, there are some
preprocessing steps required which you will see as we begin to explore
the dataset. This is a great practice!

In this article I will be focusing solely on the process from data

exploration to building an end to end machine learning pipeline. We
will look at the problem in depth and from several angles. We will also
consider many different approaches to tackling the problem given
certain scenarios. My goal is to not just provide a solution to this
particular machine learning problem, but to incorporate many other
ideas so that I can provide you with a framework which you take and
apply to many other machine learning problems. Therefor, I would
encourage you to keep an open mind as you read the article and try to
think of ways that you could apply these solutions to your own projects.
All of the key steps required in the process of model development are
outlined below in the table of contents.

Table Of Contents

1. Download the data

2. Exploratory Data Analysis

3. Data Cleaning

4. Data Preprocessing

5. Select and train a machine learning model

6. Fine tune the model

7. Build a pipeline

P.S: In the near future I am planning on writing a second article where

I will be focusing on how to put this machine learning solution in an
application and deploy it on Heroku.

The application is deployed and available here: https://houses-

All of the code and data for this project can be seen on my Github
Repository for this project
Now, with all that said lets get to it!

1. Download the Data

Before we do anything let’s first import all of the libraries and make
any necessary adjustments that will be required for this project.

In typical environments your data would be available in a relational

database (or some other common datastore) and spread across
multiple tables/documents/files. To access it, you would first need to
get your credentials and access authorizations, and familiarize yourself
with the data schema.

In this project, however, things are much simpler: you will just
download a single compressed file, housing.tgz, (available on my
github) which contains a comma-separated value (CSV) file called
housing.csv with all the data.

You could use your web browser to download it, and run tar xzf
housing.tgz to decompress the file and extract the CSV file, but it is
preferable to create a small function to do that. It is useful in particular
if data changes regularly, as it allows you to write a small script that
you can run whenever you need to fetch the latest data (or you can set
up a scheduled job to do that automatically at regular intervals).
Automating the process of fetching the data is also useful if you need to
install the dataset on multiple machines.

Now we can create a function to load the CSV into Pandas and make it
return a Pandas DataFrame of our housing dataset.
And, that is step one, getting the data, complete! Lets keep going.

2. Exploratory Data Analysis

Firstly, lets use the .info() method to retrieve some information about
the dataset. Here we can get a quick snapshot of the current state of the
dataset. How many columns and rows to we have? What do the column
variables refer to? What data types do we have? Are they numerical or
categorical? Do we have any null values?

Here we have nine features and one target variable which is the
1. longitude: A measure of how far west a house is; a higher value is
farther west.

2. latitude: A measure of how far north a house is; a higher value is

farther north

3. housing_median_age: Median age of a house within a block; a lower

number is a newer building

4. total_rooms: Total number of rooms within a block

5. total_bedrooms: Total number of bedrooms within a block

6. population: Total number of people residing within a block

7. households: Total number of households, a group of people residing

within a home unit, for a block

8. median_income: Median income for households within a block of

houses (measured in tens of thousands of US Dollars)

9. median_house_value: Median house value for households within a

block (measured in US Dollars). This is the target variable.

10. ocean_proximity: Location of the house w.r.t ocean/sea

Initially, I can immediately see that there are null values present in the
total_bedrooms column. This is something that we will handle shortly,
but it is good have this in mind from the start.

Furthermore, It seems that all data columns are numerical, but there is
one which is an object. It should surely be some sort of text, perhaps a
category. Try to check which categories those are and how many
districts belong to that category by using the value_counts() method.

Next, lets print a statistical summary of the dataset. It is important for

us to get a good understanding of the characteristics of our data. We
want to know more specifically what are the min, max, mean, standard
deviation, upper and lower bounds and count of all the variables within
our dataset. This information is important firstly for determining the
general characteristics of our data, secondly, for determining the
outliers we have in our data and it will give also us a better idea as to
how we need to prepare our data for training later on.
Another thing we need to understand right from the start are the
distributions underlying our dataset. When training a machine
learning model for optimisation ideally we want all of our variables to
be as close as possible to a normal distribution. If this is not the case
then maybe we can perform some transforms on the data in order to
transform it into having a normal distribution.

Looking at these plots what do you think are the questions you need to
be asking yourself?

Here are some of the questions I am pondering….

1. Is the median income expressed in dollars?

2. And the median age and house value? How are they expressed?
3. Do all the attributes have the same scale?

4. Most of histograms are skewed… how would this affect learning?

Well to answer these questions…..

1. First, the median income attribute does not look like it is expressed
in US dollars (USD). Let’s imagine that after checking with your
team that collected the data, you are told that the data has been
scaled and capped at 15 (actually 15.0001) for higher median
incomes, and at 0.5 (actually 0.4999) for lower median incomes.
Working with preprocessed attributes is common in Machine
Learning, and it is not necessarily a problem, but you should try to
understand how the data was computed.

2. The housing median age and the median house value were also
capped. The latter may be a serious problem since it is your target
attribute (your labels). Your Machine Learning algorithms may
learn that prices never go beyond that limit. You need to check with
your client team (the team that will use your system’s output) to see
if this is a problem or not. If they tell you that they need precise
predictions even beyond 500,000 dollars, then you have mainly
two options:

 Collect proper labels for the districts whose labels were capped.
 Remove those districts from the training set (and also from the test
set, since your system should not be evaluated poorly if it predicts
values beyond $500,000).

3. These attributes have very different scales and this is a problem.

4. Finally, many histograms are tail heavy: they extend much farther to
the right of the median than to the left. This may make it a bit harder
for some Machine Learning algorithms to detect patterns. We will try
transforming these attributes later on to have more bell-shaped

We will discuss how to deal with these issues later in the article for now
we are just exploring the data and getting an idea of the big picture and
the steps that we will need to take later in order to tackle this problem.
This exploratory data analysis step is all about gathering information
and understanding the data!

Before going any further lets create a test set

It may sound strange to voluntarily set aside part of the data at this
stage. After all, you have only taken a quick glance at the data, and
surely you should learn a whole lot more about it before you decide
what algorithms to use, right?

This is true, but your brain is an amazing pattern detection system,

which means that it is highly prone to overfitting: if you look at the test
set, you may stumble upon some seemingly interesting pattern in the
test data that leads you to select a particular kind of Machine Learning

When you estimate the generalisation error using the test set, your
estimate will be too optimistic and you will launch a system that will
not perform as well as expected. This is called data snooping bias.

Creating a test set is theoretically quite simple: just pick some

instances randomly, typically 20% of the dataset, and set them aside.
This can easily be done using Sklearns built in train_test_split()

Lets talk about sampling

So far we have considered purely random sampling methods. This

is generally fine if your dataset is large enough (especially
relative to the number of attributes), but if it is not, you run the
risk of introducing a significant sampling bias.

When a survey company decides to call 1,000 people to ask them a few
questions, they don’t just pick 1,000 people randomly in a phone
booth. They try to ensure that these 1,000 people are representative of
the whole population. For example, the US population is composed of
51.3% female and 48.7% male, so a well-conducted survey in the US
would try to maintain this ratio in the sample: 513 female and 487

This is called STRATIFIED SAMPLING: the population is divided

into homogeneous subgroups called strata, and the right number
of instances is sampled from each stratum to guarantee that
the test set is representative of the overall population.

Suppose you chatted with experts who told you that the median
income is a very important attribute to predict median housing prices.
It is a variable that defines population composition in this dataset as
well as female/male does for the US population. You may want to
ensure that the test set is representative of the various categories of
incomes in the whole dataset. Since the median income is a continuous
numerical attribute, you first need to create an income category
Most median income values are clustered around 2–5 (tens of
thousands of dollars), but some median incomes go far beyond 6. It is
important to have a sufficient number of instances in your dataset for
each stratum, or else the estimate of the stratum’s importance may be

This means that you should not have too many strata, and each
stratum should be large enough. The following code uses the pd.cut()
function to create an income category attribute with five categories of
median income (labels 1 to 5).

Now we are ready to do stratified sampling based on the income

category that we have just created using StratifiedShuffleSplit class.
Let’s check the proportions of the income category proportions in
the overall dataset, in the test set generated with stratified
sampling, and in a test set generated using purely random

As you can see, the test set generated using stratified sampling
has income category proportions almost identical to those in
the full dataset, whereas the test set generated using purely random
sampling is quite skewed.

Now let’s drop the income_cat attribute from the stratified sets, since
we only needed it for actually stratifying the dataset.

Visualising The Data

First, make sure you have put the test set aside and you are only
exploring the training set. Also, if the training set is very large, you may
want to sample an exploration set, to make manipulations easy and

In our case, the set is quite small so you can just work directly on the
full set. Let’s create a copy so you can play with it without harming the
training set.

Next we will plot a simple plot of the dataset using its longitude and
latitude. However, we want to try to do it in a way that will reveal some
information and patterns (population, house prices) in the same plot.

This is an example of a bad visualisation of our data as it is not

revealing a lot of useful information to us.
This is a slightly better visualisation as it gives us an idea as to where
the more expensive houses are located. You can quickly get the
impression that the more expensive houses are located close to the
Ocean, and in the cities San Diego, Los Angelas and San Francisco.

This is an example of a great visualisation plot!

If you plot it correctly, you will see that there are different patterns and
areas of different price density. You will see that houses are more
expensive as they get closer and closer to ocean and where there is a lot
of population.

It will probably be useful to use a clustering algorithm to detect the

main clusters, and add new features that measure the proximity to the
cluster centers. The ocean proximity attribute may be useful as well,
although in Northern California the housing prices in coastal districts
are not too high, so it is not a simple rule.

Looking For Correlations

It is important to analyse the correlation coefficients between

variables. When building machine learning models we are aiming to
look for features that have a significant correlation ( be it positive or
negative ) with our target variable in this case the median house value.
Provided that the “correlation implies causation” these features will be
important in determining the target variable and in increasing the
accuracy of our model.

However, we also want to avoid introducing multi-collinearity into our

model. This is when we have a significant correlation between the
features within our model. If we have multi-collinearity in our model it
will negatively affect the balance of our model coefficients leading to a
more inaccurate model.
Since the dataset is not too large, you can easily compute the standard
correlation coefficient (also called Pearson’s r) between every pair of
attributes using the corr() method:

You can see how each variable correlates with “median_house_value”

which is what is interesting for us:

The correlation coefficient ranges from –1 to 1.

When it is close to 1, it means that there is a strong positive

correlation; for example, the median house value tends to go up
when the median income goes up. When the coefficient is close to –
1, it means that there is a strong negative correlation; you can see
a small negative correlation between the latitude and the median house
value (i.e., prices have a slight tendency to go down when you go
north). Finally, coefficients close to zero mean that there is no linear

Below there is an image with the standard correlation coefficient

(Pearson’s r) of various datasets:
We can also use plot a scatter matrix to plot graphs for each of the
following attributes:

 median_house_value

 median_income

 total_rooms

 housing_median_age
Note: The correlation coefficient only measures linear correlations (if
x goes up, then y generally goes up/down). It may completely miss out
on nonlinear relationships (e.g., if x is close to zero then y generally
goes up).

Note how all the plots of the bottom row have a correlation coefficient
equal to zero despite the fact that their axes are clearly not
independent: these are examples of nonlinear relationships.

Exploring Different Attribute Combinations

Hopefully the previous sections gave you an idea of a few ways you can
explore the data and gain insights. You identified a few data quirks that
you may want to clean up before feeding the data to a Machine
Learning algorithm, and you found interesting correlations between
attributes, in particular with the target attribute.

You also noticed that some attributes have a tail-heavy distribution, so

you may want to transform them (e.g., by computing their logarithm).
Of course, your mileage will vary considerably with each project but the
general ideas are similar.

One last thing you may want to do before actually preparing the data
for Machine Learning algorithms is to try out various attribute
combinations. For example, the total number of rooms in a
district is not very useful if you don’t know how many
households there are.

What you really want is the number of rooms per

household. Similarly, the total number of bedrooms by itself is not
very useful: you probably want to compare it to the number of rooms.
And the population per household also seems like an interesting
attribute combination to look at. Let’s create these new attributes:

Now lets recreate the correlation matrix with the new values.
Apparently houses with a lower bedroom/room ratio tend to be more
expensive. The number of rooms per household is also more
informative than the total number of rooms in a district — obviously
the larger the houses, the more expensive they are.

This round of exploration does not have to be absolutely

thorough; the POINT is to start off on the right foot and
quickly gain insights that will help you get a first reasonably
good model prototype.

But this is an iterative process: once you get a model prototype up and
running, you can analyse its output to gain more insights and come
back to this exploration step!

If you have followed me this far you are doing great! This brings us to
the end of our initial exploratory data analysis step. Now it is time to
start cleaning and preparing the data for our machine learning

Preparing the Data for Machine Learning


It’s time to prepare the data for your Machine Learning algorithms.
Instead of just doing this manually, you should write functions to do
that, for several good reasons:

 This will allow you to reproduce these transformations easily on

any dataset (e.g., the next time you get a fresh dataset).

 You will gradually build a library of transformation functions that

you can reuse in future projects.

 You can use these functions in your live system to transform the
new data before feeding it to your algorithms.
 This will make it possible for you to easily try various
transformations and see which combination of transformations
works best.

3. Data Cleaning

First let’s revert to a clean training set (by copying strat_train_set once
again), and let’s separate the predictors and the labels since
we don’t necessarily want to apply the same transformations
to the predictors and the target values (note that drop() creates a
copy of the data and does not affect strat_train_set):

Dealing with Null Values

We noticed earlier that we had missing values (NaN) in our

dataset in the total_bedrooms column:

Most Machine Learning algorithms cannot work with missing features,

so let’s create a few functions to take care of them. You might have
noticed that the total_bedrooms attribute has some missing values, so
let’s fix this. You have three options:

 Get rid of the corresponding districts.

 Get rid of the whole attribute.

 Set the values to some value (zero, the mean, the median, etc.)

Beware that if you use fillna() you should compute the median value on
the training set, and use it to fill the missing values in the training set,
but also don’t forget to save the median value that you have computed.
You will need it later to replace missing values in the test set when you
want to evaluate your system, and also once the system goes live to
replace missing values in new data.

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:
More often then not, replacing Nan values with the median is
the best course of action. Especially when we have a smaller
dataset and we don’t want to lose any of our precious data. If we have a
very large dataset it is fine to just drop the Nan values provided there is
only a small number of them. It is better to replace the Nan values with
the median rather then the mean as the median is less affected when
the distribution of our dataset is skewed.

If the data is skewed to the left as in the graph below the mean will also
skew to the left.
If the data is skewed to the right the mean will also skew to the right.

If the data is perfectly normally distributed Mean = Median = Mode,

and it doesn’t matter if we replace with the mean or the median.

However, unfortunately this is not always the case!

Dealing with Outliers

We don’t have outliers in this dataset as I already outlined that the data
has been scaled and capped at 15 for higher median incomes, and at
0.5 for lower median incomes. However, I think it is important to
discuss how to deal with outliers if they are present in your data as this
is a very common issue. Outliers are something you always need to
check for in your data when approaching a machine learning problem
and handle them appropriately if they are present. Machine learning
algorithms are sensitive to the range and distribution of attribute
values. Data outliers can spoil and mislead the training process
resulting in longer training times, less accurate models and ultimately
poorer results.

We can handle outliers in the exact same way as we handle null values.
Again, with outliers it is even more important to use the median as a
replacement value over the mean as outliers affect the mean of our
data. When we replace the outliers with a new value the mean of our
data will also change, however the median is unaffected.

There is also one more way to deal with outliers that

called capping! Which is what has previously been done to our
housing data in this case. This is the optimal method of dealing with
outliers. Here we first identify the upper and lower bounds of our
data. This is generally done by calculating 1.5*IQR (Inter-
quartile range) above and below the mean. All data points that
fall outside our upper and lower bounds are considered outliers and
need to be replaced by the upper or lower bound.

Data points that fall above the upper bound are replaced with the
upper bound value (1.5*IQR) and every data point that falls below the
lower bound are replaced with the lower bound value (-1.5*IQR).


Sklearn provides a handy class to take care of missing values: Imputer.

Here is how to use it. First, you need to create an Imputer instance,
specifying that you want to replace each attribute’s missing values (or
outlier) with the median of that attribute.
However, the median can only be computed on numerical attributes,
we need to create a copy of the data without the text attribute

Remove the text attribute because median can only be calculated on

numerical attributes:

The Imputer has simply computed the median of each attribute

and stored the result in its statistics_ instance variable. Only
the total_bedrooms attribute had missing values, but we cannot be
sure that there won’t be any missing values in new data after the
system goes live, so it is safer to apply the imputer to all the
numerical attributes.

Now you can use this “trained” imputer to transform the training set by
replacing missing values by the learned medians.

The result is a plain Numpy array containing the transformed features.

If you want to put it back into a Pandas DataFrame, it’s simple.
4. Data Preprocessing

Handling Text and Categorical Variables

But wait a second, what about our ocean_proximity variable? We need

to convert it to labels and put it back to the DataFrame. We can do this
using OneHotEncoders, OrdinalEncoders… you name it.

Now let’s preprocess the categorical input feature, ocean_proximity:

Let’s use OneHotEncoder from sklearn.preprocessing and

fit_transform the variable. and then print some of the entries.
OneHotEncoder is a way of encoding text variables with numbers so
that a machine can understand the text variable.

For example, there are five possible options in our dataset for the
Ocean Proximity variable:

The OneHotEncoder class will return an array in the place of each row.
In this case if the category in a row was <1H Ocean the array returned
would be [1, 0, 0, 0, 0]. If it was Near Ocean the array would be [0, 0, 1,
0, 0].

The 1 signals to the machine which category is present in the row


By default, the OneHotEncoder class returns a sparse array, but we can

convert it to a dense array if needed by calling the toarray() method.
You can access the categories from OneHotEncoder as such:

Custom Transformers

Transformers are part of Sklearn’s API, the transformation is

performed by the transform() method with the dataset to transform as
a parameter. It returns the transformed dataset. This transformation
generally relies on the learned parameters, as is the case for an
imputer. All transformers also have a convenience method called
fit_transform(), which directly fits and transforms the data.

Although Sklearn provides many useful transformers, you will need to

write your own for tasks such as custom cleanup operations or
combining specific attributes. You will want your transformer to work
seamlessly with Sklearn functionalities (such as pipelines), and since
Sklearn relies on duck typing (not inheritance), all you need is to create
a class and implement three methods: fit() (returning self),
transform(), and fit_transform().
You can get the last one for free by simply adding TransformerMixin as a
base class. Also, if you add BaseEstimator as a base class (and
avoid args and *kargs in your constructor) you will get two extra
methods (get_params() and set_params()) that will be useful for
automatic hyper-parameter tuning. For example, here is a small
transformer class that adds the combined attributes we discussed

In this example the transformer has one hyper-

parameter, add_bedrooms_per_room, set to True by default (it is
often helpful to provide sensible defaults).
This hyper-parameter will allow you to easily find out whether adding
this attribute helps the Machine Learning algorithms or not. More
generally, you can add a hyper-parameter to gate any data preparation
step that you are not 100% sure about.

The more you automate these data preparation steps, the more
combinations you can automatically try out, making it much more
likely that you will find a great combination (and saving you a lot of

Feature Scaling

One of the most important transformations you need to apply to your

data is feature scaling. With few exceptions, Machine Learning
algorithms don’t perform well when the input numerical attributes
have very different scales. This is the case for the housing data: the
total number of rooms ranges from about 6 to 39,320, while the
median incomes only range from 0 to 15. Note that scaling the target
values is generally not required.

There are two common ways to get all attributes to have the same
scale: min-max scaling and standardization.

Min-max scaling (many people call this normalization) is quite simple:

values are shifted and rescaled so that they end up ranging from 0 to 1.
Standardization is quite different: first it subtracts the mean value (so
standardized values always have a zero mean), and then it divides by
the variance so that the resulting distribution has unit variance. We
can easily scale our data using the built in StandardScaler() class from

Now lets build a full preprocessing pipeline that will:

 Impute null values with the median

 Create the combined attributes using the

CombinedAttributesAdder() class we wrote

 Scale our data using the StandardScaler() class

 Apply fit transform to it

 OneHotEncode the Ocean Proximity variable

To do this we will use the pipeline class from Sklearn that will execute
each one of these tasks in a sequential manner. We will create two
separate pipelines to handle our numerical and categorical variables
independently, and we will then create a “full pipeline” with these two
pipelines embedded into it.
Now our data is finally ready to be ingested by a machine learning
model. It is time for the exciting part. Let’s continue!

5. Select and Train a Machine Learning Model

At last! You framed the problem, you got the data and explored it, you
sampled a training set and a test set, and you wrote transformation
pipelines to clean up and prepare your data for Machine Learning
algorithms automatically. You are now ready to select and train a
Machine Learning model.

The Bias Variance Tradeoff

Fundamentally, the question of “the best model” is about finding a

sweet spot in the tradeoff between bias and variance. Consider the
following figure, which presents two regression fits to the same

It is clear that neither of these models is a particularly good fit to the

data, but they fail in different ways.

The model on the left attempts to find a straight-line fit through the
data. Because the data are intrinsically more complicated than a
straight line, the straight-line model will never be able to describe this
dataset well. Such a model is said to underfit the data: that is, it does
not have enough model flexibility to suitably account for all the
features in the data; another way of saying this is that the model
has high bias.

The model on the right attempts to fit a high-order polynomial through

the data. Here the model fit has enough flexibility to nearly perfectly
account for the fine features in the data, but even though it very
accurately describes the training data, its precise form seems to be
more reflective of the particular noise properties of the data rather
than the intrinsic properties of whatever process generated that data.
Such a model is said to overfit the data: that is, it has so much model
flexibility that the model ends up accounting for random errors as well
as the underlying data distribution; another way of saying this is that
the model has high variance.

When trying to decide on an ML model you want to develop a simple

baseline model. If this model performs sufficiently well then we don’t
need to use a more complex model. However, if the
model underfits the data then we can move towards more complex
models remaining cautious as we don’t want our model to overfit the
data. Again, we are looking for the sweet spot!

Training and Evaluating on the Training Set

Thanks to all our hard work, now it is extremely simple to deal with
this dataset. Lets start off with a simple linear regression model.
Now let’s try few instances from the training set to do some inferences.
We just skip through all the crazy data wrangling and just apply the
pipeline we created.

Compare against the actual values:

It works more or less but we could certify it by analysing the mean

squared error and the mean absolute error.

Lets create some util functions to display scores more easily:

Now lets try a more complex model. A random forest regressor

Cross Validation

One disadvantage of using a holdout set for model validation is that we

have lost a portion of our data to the model training. In the above case,
half the dataset does not contribute to the training of the model! This is
not optimal, and can cause problems — especially if the initial set of
training data is small.

One way to address this is to use cross-validation; that is, to do a

sequence of fits where each subset of the data is used both as a training
set and as a validation set. Visually, it might look something like this:
Here we split the data into five groups, and use each of them in turn to
evaluate the model fit on the other 4/5 of the data. This would be
rather tedious to do by hand, and so we can use
Sklearn’s cross_val_score convenience routine to do it succinctly.

In our case lets run a cross validation with 10 folds!

Keeping Your Experiments Saved

You should save every model you experiment with, so you can come
back easily to any model you want. Make sure you save both the hyper
parameters and the trained parameters, as well as the cross-validation
scores and perhaps the actual predictions as well. This will allow you to
easily compare scores across model types, and compare the types of
errors they make. You can easily save Sklearn models by using
Python’s pickle module, or using sklearn.externals.joblib, which is
more efficient at serializing large NumPy arrays.

6. Fine Tuning The Model


GridSearchCV is a library function that is a member of Sklearn’s

model_selection package. It helps to loop through predefined hyper
parameters and fit your estimator (model) on your training set. So, in
the end, you can automatically select the best parameters from the
listed hyper parameters.

You can read more about how GridSearchCV works

The best hyper-parameter combination found:

Let’s look at the score of each hyper-parameter combination tested

during the grid search:
Introducing RandomizedSearchCV

The grid search approach is fine when you are exploring relatively few
combinations, like in the previous example, but when the hyper-
parameter search space is large, it is often preferable to use
RandomizedSearchCV instead.

This class can be used in much the same way as the GridSearchCV
class, but instead of trying out all possible combinations, it evaluates a
given number of random combinations by selecting a random value for
each hyper-parameter at every iteration. This approach has two main

 If you let the randomised search run for, say, 1,000 iterations, this
approach will explore 1,000 different values for each hyper-
parameter (instead of just a few values per hyper-parameter with
the grid search approach).

 You have more control over the computing budget you want to
allocate to hyper‐ parameter search, simply by setting the number
of iterations.
Analyse the Best Models and their errors

You will often gain good insights on the problem by inspecting the best
models. For example, the RandomForestRegressor can indicate the
relative importance of each attribute for making accurate predictions

With this information, you may want to try dropping some of the less
useful features (e.g., apparently only one ocean_proximity category is
really useful, so you could try dropping the others).

You should also look at the specific errors that your system makes,
then try to understand why it makes them and what could fix the
problem (adding extra features or, on the contrary, getting rid of
uninformative ones, cleaning up outliers, etc.).

Evaluate your final system on the test set

Evaluate the final system on the test set. There is nothing special about
this process; just get the predictors and the labels from your test set,
run your full_pipeline to transform the data (call transform(), not
fit_transform()!), and evaluate the final model on the test set. Print the
performance metrics that you have chosen.

7. Building a Pipeline

A full pipeline with both preparation and

prediction and model persistence

Now, let’s wrap it all up and create a pipeline that prepares data and
applies your algorithm. Then run and fit and predict some data
through it. Alternatively, save model with joblib for next time.
Well if you made it this far congratulations. Give yourself a pat on the
back! It was a long road. I hope you learned something. We started at
the beginning downloading the data and knowing very little about it, to
conducting an in depth data exploration, discovering and dealing with
all the underlying problems within the dataset, exploring different
machine learning models as a solution and incorporating the whole
process into and end to end prediction pipeline. If you enjoyed the
article please give it a thumbs up. If you have any questions please
leave and commen

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