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jene inhibitors 23. Levkotri Decrease the thie pesetions and aids in th Longterm U VV dysfunction _Y_ used to seduce ym asthma toms of allersies and 24, Decongestants Reduce the swelling of nasal PasseBSS Used to relieve or suppress coughing Overuse can cause insomnia ‘Use daily for extended periods of time 95. Shorting beta adrenergc agonists (SABAS) Relaxe smooth muscles almost immediately 7 fects wear off quickly Common side effects include depression May cause tremors 38 (Chater 8 Drags for Allergy and Re “ Relax the muscles around the airways ¢ the body's own adrenalin ‘Allow more 0! cpotivate beta, FecePLOrS May cause constipation 28, Mucolytics “Shrink swollen nasal me May cause fungal infectio throat mbranes vn in the nose \ prevent bronchoconstriction jn asthma Decrease the thickness of respirator seoretions and aid in their removal 29. es Relieve or suppress cougbing esthetizing Can work by peripherally anestheltt stretch receptors in the respiratory eos? Capsules that are not gwallowed 8° anesthetize the throat ee Prevents mast and white plood calls i snfiarartio® releasing mediators of fluid intake because of another health problem, drink curl pistarines estrict your / yy must restrict ¥‘ # fo tele 0. Unless you iyory tract dryness: revel 5 p «5 because the CNS depressant effects of antihistamines may be respi n snk fede while taking antihistamine drink S 31. Do not ‘ mines affect you because they cause drowsiness in many clients, increased ain ha you know how anti gp, oid EI GE _ upset take it with meals oF milk to decrease this problem. star 33. qf the drug. caus Leukotriene inhibitors ae Asthne tacks or alesse sypproms 10398" healthcare provider. MM preast feeding. if you are king these drug 436. Because these drugs re ised to prevent (rather than stop) ApthwA at the drugs or decrease 437, Do not use sympathomimetic nasal De more than 3 days because a rebound stuffiness and cor likely to occur. 38, If you have high blcod pressure or heart problems, check with the pharmacist before using guet- the counder® cold preparations. 2, 39. Ifyou have eglocome? ataracts, check with your healthcare provider before using com! lop in the nose or mouth while takir 45, Consider not tl cks or allergic responses. do not suddenly stop he dose. ‘Decongestants tion are icosteroid nasal Sprays 40. Contact your healthcare provider if, patches devel ing corticosteroid nasal sprays. Beta-adrenergic agonists and anticholinergic antagonists 41. Contac i ent 1. Contact your healtheare provider if bronchial YW! fone occur, chest pain, insomnia, or any changes i spmplons 42, Drinkin eames eed eater, makes theyAJAC3 thinner and helps the drug work Peter fo preventeAser&! Frac: song See bronchospasm, use your reliever bronchodilator inhaler 15 to 30 minutes beiore Aer using yor f er - 12 Your inhaler, rinse your mouth with L422" to decrease dry mouth and bad tase lucolytic and ant 44, ssive drugs © vege ane 2g wn ingame mn 4 tin st tb me sng a mocolytcunles there isa medic 3501 o 2 ome are rovider if he cough is present with igh Ceara. or persistent headache, oF ithe $8. Do not take a “ h at least one full glass of ator erase ood antnssves wien legladrta iny other drugs that slow the central nervous system because the side intensified, Con "OO 2022, re. otis reserved 39 Pm cot 8 rage or Ag an espa Ro ee —— p. dry powder inhaler use of metered dose inhaler, no the spacer A ithpiece end wh xpi ato the nonmouth Insert the moul e ext dose of OPUS: out A the device to them — ‘ A spate ana ten pace te mouthpiece into YOuT™ Fully exhale am \ z ever exhale (breathe cut) into your inhaler ee 54. Breathe in stowly and deeply. s ace the inhaler in Water ; eo tips closed, hold your preath for at least 10 seconds : Zz voce from your mouth; Keeping your lip Ree Oe ae nj ly. * on re is no propellant in the inhaler; only nai and breat your breath pulls the dB in). 5g, _A__ Wait atleast 1 minute etween putts 59, AL Atleast once a diy. clean the case and ¢: o. B Exhale fully away from the inhaler. 31 CASE STUDIES Faith Delaroix isa 40-year-old woman wiho came the nie stating, she has been having difficulty breathing tha dy, nonproductive cough. She states she Fes been Wierng and short of breath even while talking, She We iagnosed with asthma several yeas ago buts presently seeing weated, After Socusing ber axdhaax with the peuiteare provider, you decide Faith should be assessed to determine if she needs a bronchodilator, 1, What would be included when assessing whether & patient with asthma needs a bronchodilator? (Select that apply.) Is the client pregnant? Does the client have a history of liver disease? the in forcefully (the rap of the inhaler. 2, Choose the patient and family teaching points you ‘vould be responsible for providing if Faith is prescribed wi pronchoditator for her asthma, (Select all that apply.) Take the drug as directed by the healthcare provider. 2, The bronchodilator will make sputum more liquid aa asier to spit out but will not help the cour ‘Overuse of these drugs may result in severe side effects. £.) Contact your heldhoane procter He dst not helping your breathing problems. Use a humidifier. Contact your healthcare provider if bronchial ‘eritaion, dizziness, chest pain, insomnits ay change in symptoms occur. Drinking lots of fluid, especially water makes ke a bustin set of vital signs Drinking Ios of Tul peas wa astfeeding? cus thinner anc 1S oii roel sample @ Notify your healtheare Provider if the out Check for any history of hyperthyroidism, heart is present with a high fever, rash, oe ts ase, hypertension abe, glucoms, sei headaches, o if the cough returns ore ane a 9 been unde oe lowly shen movin ten! , ; sitions 5 story of ay allergies lying or sitting position. ast ist of other drgs the fin takes in case they Cfo) Do not take any OTC drues a interact with bronchodilators a ing with your healthcare PIOVEE. ast “ Te prevent exercise-induced PORT 5 ® ° your reliever bronchodilator ‘mates heifors starting 0 Sx 40 Chae ‘Drugs for Allergy and Respiratory Problems, nw lered harmless sub- consid s to people ing are ne “allergic reaction ur at the point of con- jn reacts to an allergen what is one com- that can be used ations usually 0Ce! in. Ifthe ski ~ red and/or swollen, ‘essen the reaction? ‘a. Nasal spray Lung inhalation Topical cream @. Suppository 4, There are two types of histamines, HI] and H2. Anti- Fee ines that block IH receptors limit bronchocon aia What do anti’stomines block when focused ‘on H2 receptors? Skin irritation b Lymph nodes ‘Stomach acid prods 4, Nasal passage swelling 4. How can an individual procure first-generation antihistamines? With a prescription from an allergy specialist Can be purchased over the counter ©. Are available over the Internet from Canada or ia 4, These drugs are no longer produced. 5. When as ‘Nhen asesing clients prior to administering anti {iamines, what specific information should you 4. Determine whe i * nest ther the client is actually allergic to amine the client's mauine the client's ears and throats to deter- ‘ns how badly affected they are from the allergic © ASK wh i ious parte client has objections due to reli- OAC Se ak 86 Or migraine Headaches” MTOM 6 Whe "shou Adninistreay® '°°KOtriene inhibitors not be Goll the client is ha hen the client Wing an acute asth a wing an acute asthma atack nly to tem wn Ne 88 Aeute asthma attack nly to adultg ee Pas never had asth poe? Mls with asthma wie a who weigh over 100 6 2 Ee. ee reseed, 7. How do cromones reduce symptoms of clients with allergies or asthma a. Block leukotriene response b. Activate mast cells that control the immune system Prevent mast cells from opening Prevent allergic responses to dander 8. hat is the function of sympathomimetic drugs? Mimic stimulation of sympathetic nervous system and shrink blood vessels so the nose can drain more efficiently b. Block the body's adrenalin to reduce inflamma- tion in the nasal passages «. Slow the production of histamine and leukotriene 4. Reduce discomfort of skin allergies 9. Which of the following conditions does NOT pro- hibit use of oral sympathomimetic drugs? a. High blood pressure b. HIV Sinus infection Nasal inflammation 10. Why do clients with asthma usually require Tore thar one type of drug to manage the symptoms? ‘a. Many drugs become ineffective after long-term usage. Inflamm bronchoconstriction outside. tacks are initiated by allergens and mul- cc. Asthma att tiple drugs are necessary to focus on speci aller gic reactions. d. To address t (shortness of breath, wheezin| causes of chronic obstructive mation narrows airways from the inside and arrows airways from the fhe multiple symptoms of asthma 1g, cough, etc.) 11, What is one of the usual pulmonary disease (COPD)? a. Allergies to dust mites b, Pneumonia fires smoking ‘Repeated bouts of bronchitis 12. Drug therapy for both asthma an\ two types of agents. One agent is an What is the other type of agent requil @) Bronchodilator ‘Sympathomimetic c, Corticosteroid d. Mast cell stabilizer id COPD includes antiinflammatory. red for treatment? at CChaper 8 Drugs for Allergy and Respiratory Problems 5 ( € . Increasing more productive COUB? 4, Enabling clients (© drain the FDA, mucolytic tvs should not 4, According 1 LU ci ing clients? be given to which ofthe follow a. Immunocompromised clients by. Elderly cients Young children Pregnant or breastfeeding women s reduce the cough 15, How do nonopioid antitussi reflex? 2 Anesthetizing stretch receptors in respiratory Pas- ae Tungs, and pleura ‘Acting directly onthe cough center i Aang ie gh center in the medulla Thinning the secretions to sto promote ciliary a “d. Relaxing the muscles around the a “ee acute attack b, SABAS ca roid it {ways airway a respiratory tract. 4, Some people feel “ ors with corticosteroid inhalers are of prevent bronchospasms, yf er, what is important to remember? he slow acting so do not help during a ‘be combined with an inhal 2 ed one inhaler. Sorte. use the SABA inhaler first to oper ind allow the corticosteroid to ea c the ‘nervous” and may hi a these drugs. ei

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