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Department of Communication
Faculty of Social & Political Sciences


Subject Religious Study

Meeting Number 8

Topic Summary For Today’s Course

Lecturer Firdaus Wajdi Ph.D

Name of Student(s) Muhammad Idlal Hanif


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Date Wednesday,30th August 2023


Today we learn about the challenge of religious and global terrorism and this
is what we have learned:

The challenge of religious terrorism is a complex issue that stems from the
intersection of religious beliefs, political motivations, and acts of violence. This
challenge involves individuals or groups who employ violence, often citing
religious justifications, to achieve their ideological, political, or social goals.
Key aspects of this challenge include:

1. **Religious Motivations:** Religious terrorism is often characterized by

individuals or groups using religious doctrines to legitimize their actions. They
may perceive their acts of violence as divinely mandated, believing that they
are carrying out a religious duty.

2. **Political Objectives:** Many religious terrorist groups have political

objectives at the core of their actions. Their violence may be aimed at achieving
specific political changes, such as establishing an independent state or gaining

3. **Global Nature:** Religious terrorism is not limited by borders. It often

operates on an international scale, with terrorist networks transcending
countries and continents. This global reach poses significant challenges for
counterterrorism efforts.

4. **Diverse Religions:** Religious terrorism is not confined to a single faith.

While Islam has gained considerable attention, there are instances of religious
terrorism associated with other religions, such as Christianity, Hinduism, and

5. **Radicalization:** The process of radicalization, which can occur both online

and offline, plays a crucial role in religious terrorism. Individuals may be
exposed to extremist ideologies that push them toward violence.

6. **Counterterrorism Strategies:** Governments and international

organizations are continuously developing counterterrorism strategies to
address the threat of religious terrorism. These strategies include intelligence
gathering, law enforcement efforts, and cooperation among nations.

7. **Protection of Religious Freedom:** Balancing counterterrorism measures

with the protection of religious freedom is a significant challenge. Ensuring that
security measures do not infringe upon the rights of peaceful religious
communities is a delicate task.
8. **Preventing Recruitment:** Countering the recruitment efforts of terrorist
organizations is vital. Preventive measures include promoting dialogue,
education, and community engagement to dissuade individuals from becoming

9. **The Role of Technology:** The internet and social media have become
powerful tools for radicalization and recruitment. Addressing the influence of
these platforms in spreading extremist ideologies is a crucial aspect of tackling
religious terrorism.

10. **Long-Term Solutions:** Addressing the challenge of religious terrorism

requires a multifaceted approach that goes beyond security measures. Social,
economic, and political solutions are also needed to address the underlying
factors that lead to extremism.

In summary, the challenge of religious terrorism is a multifaceted issue that

demands a comprehensive approach involving counterterrorism measures,
preventive strategies, and addressing the root causes of radicalization.
Balancing security needs with the protection of religious freedoms is an
ongoing challenge for nations worldwide.

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