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Name & NPM

1. Muhammad Idlal Hanif - 2306256721

2. Hoeby Erawan - 2306256665
3. Ramadansyah Putra Wicaksono - 2306256772
4. Aiman Ksatria Priyambodo -




The Wachowski Sisters, Directors of The Matrix

Trilogy, masterfully weaves an allegorical tale of
coming out as trans in their sci-fi action
masterpieces. The concepts of shedding the
identity placed upon you by the digital world is
present in the matrix, in the third act of the first
matrix, Neo says to Agent Smith ,”My name is
Neo” accepting his new identity and removing
himself from the one given to him by the
simulation, and the name that smith calls him by
throughout the movie. There was an attempt to
have a more direct trans allegory in the matrix
by having the character of Switch be female in
the matrix and male in the real world, however
this was cut by Warner Bros, an androgynous
performer was then cast as switch. Even though
that element of Switch’s character was taken out,
the movie’s exploration of identity, rejecting the
rules of the simulation and queerness runs clear
throughout the movie, welcome to be unpacked
by viewers.

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