PMP 9-Week Study-Plan As of December 25 2019 at 1219 MST

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PMP Study Plan

List the tasks needed and put dates against each task.
If you miss completing a task on a given day, you can easily adjust the dates.
Below is a sample PMP study plan. This is typical for a Project Manager having 3 to 10 years of project managemen
You can use this sample to create a plan that best
The plan below assumes that you have completed the 35 hrs of PM training required for PMP exam

I strongly recommend that you create a Study Plan. Pay attention to your completion dates --> COMMITMENTS . . .
Remember 97% of the people who achieve their goals . . . DO IT . . . because the

PMP by --> your exam date goes here

WEEK 1 August 26 - 30 Read the PMBOK Guide, sixth edition --> COVER TO COVER!!!!
Call James at 208-995-1895 . . . To make sure "I am on the right trac
Play the ECO - Domains and Tasks Game . . . Tape them to a flip ch
BUILD a Giant page 555 (with a friend?) . . . Watch this --> https://w
Read the ECO. Take a 200-question, 4-hour practice exam . . . Simu
Answer the 18 "next" questions
Trace WPD, WPI, and WPR through the Giant Wall Chart.
WEEK 2 September 2 - 6 Build the Giant Wall Chart and trace the Outputs to Inputs . . .
CALL YOUR TEST CENTER --> "Do I get two - #2 pencils and six s
Read the Agile book cover to cover --> use the Agile Cheatsheet an
INITIATING Process Group: Answer ALL the questions in the JLH
Color code the Glossary . . . AND . . . Study the EEFs and OPAs for
Complete the PMP Financial Analysis Quiz . . . and study it.
Use the Exam Tips: COE and PC . . . Answer the questions and com
WEEK 3 September 9 - 13 Read the ECO. Take a 200-question, 4-hour practice exam . . . Simu
Use Flash Cards to help research your wrong answers
Color code the 49 DFDs . . . Take them out of the book? . . . and st
BRAIN DUMP: Pages 25, 267, and the KEY on page 211
CLOSING Process Group: Answer ALL the questions in the JLH bo
Study the Forward Pass and Backward Pass slides (optional)
WEEK 4 August 19 - 23 EXECUTING Process Group: Answer ALL the questions in the JLH
Call your fellow PMP Certificants . . . Do a PERFORMANCE REVIEW
Email James --> . . . File a Status Repo
September 16 - 20 Trace ALL the Plans, Components, and Documents from page 89 t
WEEK 5 (Use the Plans & Baselines Handout, Kirsten Rivera, PMBOK - Fifth
Attend the Advanced PMP Exam Prep Boot Camp on October 17 a
ANSWER the 200+ questions in the Fill in the Blanks handout
DRIVE TO YOUR TESTING CENTER: same day of the week and sam
Read the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct . . . AND . . . Stu
September 23 - 27 PLANNING Process Group: Answer ALL the Planning questions fr
WEEK 6 BRAIN DUMP: Pages 25, 267, and the KEY on page 211
Call a fellow PMP Certificant and trace through "The Next Best Thi
September 30 - October 4 Trace "CHANGE REQUESTS" . . . AND . . . "UPDATES" through th
WEEK 7 Study ALL the pictures and examples of Plans, Documents, and D
(Use the Plans & Baselines Handout, Kirsten Rivera, PMBOK - Fifth
October 7 - 12 MONITORING & CONTROLLING Process Group: Answer ALL the q
WEEK 8 Meet . . . or call . . . with your fellow PMP Certificants
STUDY --> The 41 Confusers . . . Find them in the PMBOK Guide . .
Read the Situational Questions Advice handout
October 14 - 18 Do something to make you feel good about Y
WEEK 9 Review ALL the PMI-isms and exam strategies
Read the PMP Exam advice
Email James --> . . . Sha
Remember . . . Sleep well . . . take the day off . . . from
ily adjust the dates.
years of project management experience.
a plan that best suits you.
r PMP exam


. . . DO IT . . . because they put their goals in writing.


ion --> COVER TO COVER!!!!
EAD THE PMBOK GUIDE, SIXTH EDITION --> COVER TO COVER!!!! (except pay for and schedule your exam)
make sure "I am on the right track to be a PMP by __________?
s Game . . . Tape them to a flip chart and hang them on the wall . . . Read them every day
end?) . . . Watch this -->
n, 4-hour practice exam . . . Simulate Exam Day conditions . . . Drink the water, do the Brain Dump

h the Giant Wall Chart.

ce the Outputs to Inputs . . . USE THE FULLY-DRESSED ITTOs
o I get two - #2 pencils and six sheets of paper? Can I get into my locker during the exam?"
r --> use the Agile Cheatsheet and the SCRUM picture
er ALL the questions in the JLH book and Total Seminars; research your wrong answers . . . See the Errata.
. . Study the EEFs and OPAs for ALL 49 processes . . . using the FULLY-DRESSED ITTOs
ysis Quiz . . . and study it.
STIONS from and study them
. . Answer the questions and complete the Exercise
n, 4-hour practice exam . . . Simulate Exam Day conditions . . . Drink the water, do the Brain Dump
your wrong answers
hem out of the book? . . . and study them using the Giant Wall Chart
the KEY on page 211
ALL the questions in the JLH book and Total Seminars; research your wrong answers . . . See the Errata.
ward Pass slides (optional)
wer ALL the questions in the JLH book and Total Seminars; research your wrong answers . . . See the Errata.
. . Do a PERFORMANCE REVIEW (see PG, page 227) . . . with each other.
ACKS OF THE "MAGIC" 64 FLASH CARDS? . . . File a Status Report!!!!
, and Documents from page 89 through the Giant Wall Chart
ut, Kirsten Rivera, PMBOK - Fifth Edition, and the 15 files of Course Slides)
Prep Boot Camp on October 17 and 18
e Fill in the Blanks handout
R: same day of the week and same time of day as your exam; go in and talk to them
essional Conduct . . . AND . . . Study the Tools and Techniques for ALL 49 processes . . . using the FULLY-DRESSED ITTOs
er ALL the Planning questions from the JLH book and Total Seminars; research your wrong answers . . . See the Errata.
the KEY on page 211
race through "The Next Best Thing" . . . together
AND . . . "UPDATES" through the Giant Wall Chart
ples of Plans, Documents, and Diagrams --> Color-code them?
ut, Kirsten Rivera, PMBOK - Fifth Edition for DFDs, and the 15 files of Course Slides)
rocess Group: Answer ALL the questions in the JLH book and Total Seminars; research your wrong answers . . . See the Errata.
w PMP Certificants
ind them in the PMBOK Guide . . . Color code them.

you feel good about YOU!!!!

s and exam strategies . . . Share your $UCCE$$!!!!

. . take the day off . . . from studying . . . before your exam day . . . I AM, I CAN, I WILL!!!!

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