Sas Kelas 7 Ganjil 2023

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1. Edo : “Hi, Beni! How are you?

Beni : “I am fine.And you?”
Edo : “ .............., thank you.”
A. You are welcome C.Fine, thanks
B. It’s okay D. How do you do
2. Lina : Sorry, I must go now. See you tomorrow.
Dayu : ............. be careful.
A. Good night C. See you too
B. Good morning D. nice to meet you
3. Ratno : Mom, this is Tio, my classmate. Rio,
this is my Mother.
Ratno’s mother : Nice to meet you , Rio
Rio : ............................................
a. I am fine c. Good bye
b. Thank you d. Nice to meet you, too
4. Lina : What is ............. ?
Zeni : My name is Zeni
A. Your name C. His name
B. Her name D. Their name
5. Galang : Hi, Dennis. Are you coming to the football game?
Dennis : Hi, Galang. Yes, I’m coming to the football game.
Galang : Ok, then. See you there. Goodbye.
Dennis : .........................
A. Bye C. Good night
B. Good day D. Hi
6. Linda : “Hello, My name is Linda.
Rania : I’m Rania.
A. What are you? C. Where do you live?
B. What is your name? D. How old are you
7. Good morning, I’d like to introduce myself. ..................... I am a student of SMP
A. My name is Max Bae. C. Max Bae is good name.
B. You can call me Max Bae. D. Max Bae is a clever student.

8. Haira : Hello,are you a new student?

Hasnida : Yes, I am. My name is Hasnida.
Haira : I’m Haira. _____________Hasnida?
Hasnida : I ‘m from Jakarta.
A. How are you C.What is your name
B. Where are you from D.Where do you live
9. Rina is my friend.
………live in surabaya.
a. I b. she c. he d. they
Putri likes………………in the kitchen
Singing cooking
Drawing eating
11. Dafin Likes sport very much. Every Sunday he always go to the yard
with Eddy. He always brings racket, shuttle cocks, and net. What kind of
hobby is it? It is …..
a. Playing tenis b. playing footballc. Fishing d. playing batminton
12. I and my friends … in library. We read some books C.have D.are
13. My father … coffee every morning.
A.drink B.drinks C.drinking d. drank

14. Joko : Please call me if you need.

Yanto : No. I … need your help. not B. does not C.not not
15. Mr. Frank is my uncle. He likes eating very much.
His weight is 75 kg. His body is…………………

a. Fat b. short c. Thin d. tall

16. Hello my name is Dicky. I was born twelve years ago in Bandung. I live at Jln. Ahmad Yani
number 49 Magelang, and every afternoon I take English course. My favourite song is “She will be
loved”. My father is a teacher of SMP N 1 Seputih Agung.
22. Where does Dicky come from?
a. Bandung c. SMP 5 Bandung
b. Magelang d. Jln. Ahmad Yani no. 49
17. Hello my name is Dicky. I was born twelve years ago in Bandung. I live at Jln. Ahmad Yani
number 49 Magelang, and every afternoon I take English course. My favourite song is “She will be
loved”. My father is a teacher of SMP N 1 Seputih Agung.

18. How old is Dicky now?

a. 11 years old. c. 12 years old.
b. 10 years old d. 13 years old.

19. Hello my name is Dicky. I was born twelve years ago in Bandung. I live at Jln. Ahmad Yani
number 49 Magelang, and every afternoon I take English course. My favourite song is “She will be
loved”. My father is a teacher of SMP N 1 Seputih Agung.
What is his hobby?
a. dancing c. Swimming
b. listening music d. Painting.

20. Look! Ryan is carrying five………..

Box boxs boxing boxes
Hello, my name is KETUT. I was born on the 4th of June 2004. I am a student of SMPN 1
Denpasar. I live on Garuda street no 68. My house is only 1 km from school. I have a bicycle, it is my
favourite vehicle. So I ride my bicycle to go everywhere. My favourite colour is blue. I like to eat
Betutu chicken. Nice to meet you!!

21. How old is Ketut ?

a. 10 b. 11 c. 12 d. 14

22. Where does he come from ?

a. Lampung b. Jogyakarta c. Padang d. Bali

23. What is his favourite food ?

a. KFC b. Fried fish c. Betutu chicken d. Pecel lele

24. How does Ketut go to school ?

a. By bike b. By car c. By bus d. By train

25. What is his hobby ?

a. Cycling b. Dancing c. Painting d. Gardening

26. I have a neighbour. His name is Tiko. He has…….

straight hair long hair curly hair blonde hair

27. Kevin is my classmate. Everyone likes him because …..

He is helpful
He is handsome
He is clever
He is lazy

28. This baby has one tooth but that baby has three………
a. Tooth b. tooths c. theeth theeths

29. Diana buys…………….

a. An orange
b. Some orange
c. Two orange
d. Two oranges
30. My favorite food is………..
Meatball satay fried cicken noodle
Hi friends, this is my daily activities for a week after school. On Mondays , I join an English club. On
Tuesdays, I learn to cook in the kitchen. On Wednesdays, I play badminton. On Thursdays, I read my
favourite stories. On Fridays, I visit my grandparents and sometimes my friends. On Saturdays, I go
jogging. On Sundays, I go to supermarket to have window shopping.

31. On what days does the writer do sports ?

a. Wednesday c. Tuesday
b. Saturday d. Sunday

32. What does the writer do on Friday ?

a. She plays football c. She visits her grandparents
b. She go to his friends d. She goes jogging

33. How is he?

He is young
His hair is long
His hair is white
He has moustache

34. Mr. Kardi, biology teacher is going to the laboratory , meets Wahyu at break time.
Wahyu : Good morning , sir
Mr. Kardi : Good morning Wahyu, why are you in hurry ?
Wahyu : I am going to library ,sir. I want to borrow some books to read.
Mr. Kardi : Great, How diligent you are !
Wahyu : thank you, sir. Sorry, I must go now. See you
Mr. Kardi : see you.

35. Why does wahyu in hurry ?

a. She wants to go to the library c. She wants to borrow a book
b. She wants to buy a book d. She is late to the library

36. Who works in the hospital?


37. Milo is my pet. He is my lovely cat. He is not an expensive cat. I found him in front of my house.
Though he is not a pricey cat, I love him so much.
Milo has long whiskers and green eyes. He is orange with two gradations of colors. He is not
fat though he eats a lot because he is very active. He likes to play with balls, but his favorite toy is a
ball of yard. He likes to roll it and then chase it. Once he catches it, he throws it from one of his front
paws to the other one. At night, he always sleeps with me.

State True (T) or False (F) to the statement below according to the text!
The writer get Milo from the pet shop
Milo is fat
Milo likes playing ball

38. How is Milo?

Milo has long whiskers
Milo has green eyes
Milo’s colour is green
39. Ratno : Ratih, this is Rio, my classmate. Rio, this is my sister, her name is Ratih .
Ratih : Nice to meet you , Rio
Rio : Nice to meet you

From the text we know that…….

Ratno and Rio study at the same school
Ratih is Rio’s sister
Ratih meet Rio at the first time

40. Rahmi : “Hi, Sella! How are you?”

Sella : “I am fine.And you?”
Edo : “ .............., thank you.”

What does rahmi probably answere to sella?

You are welcome
Fine, thanks
I am very well

Kiri : Ana…….the newspaper every morning
They…………..the magazine in the livingroom
Kanan: word

Kiri : she………….go to scholl
You ………… fried rice
Kanan: word
Does not
Is not
Do not

Kiri : ……. is my father
……..are my friends
Kanan: word

Kiri : That ……a pen
Those ……….three pens
Kanan: word
Kiri : That ……a pen
Those ……….three pens
Kanan: word

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