Handout 5

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Formation of Muslim League

Events leading to the formations of the Muslim League

For Context
Role played by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
- Sir Syed Ahmad Khan took important steps to put forward the demands of the Muslims before the
- Sir Syed Ahmad Khan laid the foundation of All India Mohammedan Educational Conference and held its
sessions simultaneously in order to withhold the Muslims from attending the Congress (1886)
- He along with Raja Shiv Prasad of Banaras founded the United Indian Patriotic Society as a rival to Congress.
o This reactionary body began to oppose the progressive policies of the Congress.

Mohammedan Anglo Oriental Defence Organisation

- Setting up of Mohammedan Anglo Oriental Defence Organisation (1893) with the aim of persuading the
Muslims to give up their prejudice against the British and strengthen their loyalty towards the British in order
to protect their political interest

In Syllabus
Hindi Urdu Controversy (1900)
In Uttar Pradesh
- Urdu was the official language that is all official documents, petitions had to be submitted in Urdu
- Hindus found this difficult and opposed this practice
- In 1900, the government passed an order stating that government offices and courts would entertain petitions
written both in Hindi and Urdu
- This angered the Muslims who organised protests and demonstrations
- Hindus also held meetings to counter these protests
- Thus it worsened the relation between the two community

THE Aligarh movement AND Aligarh Politics

- The Anglo Oriental College in Aligarh became the centre of a movement popularly known as the Aligarh
- The theme of the movement was ‘loyalty approval and support of the government ‘
- After the death of Sir Syed in 1898, Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk let the Aligarh movement.
- When the Hindu Urdu controversy raged, he criticised order granting equal status to Hindi and Urdu in UP.
- This aggravated other Muslim leaders who put forward the suggestion of establishing a political organization
of the Muslims.

Partition of Bengal
- The Partition of Bengal aggravated the conflict between the Hindus and Muslims
- The creation of Eastern Bengal and Assam with Dacca as its capital demarcated it as pre-dominantly as
Muslim area.
- Nawab Salimullah joined cause of preventing Muslims from joining the protest.
- This move fanned the Muslim aspiration of a separate region as well as ensured their loyalties towards
the British.
- It gave a crushing blow to the national movement led by the Indian National Congress.

Deputation sent to Lord Minto

- Lord Minto, the viceroy, wanted to use Muslims against the Hindus by creating a counterpoise to the Congress
- Smith, the private secretary to the Viceroy, wrote to the new principal of Mohammedan Anglo Oriental
College that the Viceroy would be glad to meet a Muslim delegation to meet their demands.
- Meanwhile the Viceroy appointed a committee to work out the expansion of the legislative council
- A delegation of 35 influential Muslim led by Aga Khan met the viceroy in Shimla in 1906
- In their address, they professed their loyalty to the British and expressed their fears about being dominated by
the majority
- Their demands were...
o Representation of Muslims in elected bodies on the basis of its political importance and not on the
numerical strength of the community
o Separate electoral constituency for the Muslims
o Reservation of seats for Muslims in the state service
o More state aid for promoting new Muslims universities
o Preference to be given to Muslims while nominating members of the Viceroy’s Council

Aims and objectives of the Muslim League

- To promote loyalty towards the British government among the Muslims in India and to remove any
misconception regarding the intentions of the government with regard to any of its members
- To protect and advance the political rights and interests of the Muslims and to represent their needs and
aspiration to the government
- To prevent the rise of feeling of hostility among the Muslim towards other communities

Significance of the Lucknow Pact

- It symbolised Hindu-Muslim unity. Both the communities agreed to compromise in some areas to achieve this.
While the congress compromised on its secular character by accepting a separate Muslim electorate, the
Muslim league accepted the principles of election and majority rule.
- Both the congress and the league demanded self-government which the government could not ignore.
- The unity between the congress and league challenged the divide and rule policy of the British.
- The session is also symbolic of the unity between the early nationalist and the assertive nationalist.

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