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Intramuscular Injection

Perform hand hygiene

Put on gloves

Select an appropriate injection site

Position and drape the patient appropriately

Clean the injection site with an alcohol pad; allow the skin to dry

Remove the needle sheath

Displace the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the injection site by pulling the skin
Position the syringe at a 90-degree angle. Tell the patient to expect a needlestick

Insert the needle quickly and smoothly deep into the muscle
Support the syringe with your nondominant hand if you prefer
Inject the medication slowly
Withdraw the needle slowly

Wait 10 seconds and then withdraw the needle slowly at a 90-degree angle. Activate
the needle's safety mechanism
Release the displaced skin and subcutaneous tissue
Cover the site with a gauze pad and apply gentle pressure
Inspect the site for signs of bleeding or bruising. Apply pressure or ice, as necessary

Apply an adhesive bandage, as necessary

Return the bed to the lowest position
Monitor for adverse reactions for 10 to 30 minutes after the injection

Discard all equipment in the appropriate receptacles

Remove and discard your gloves if you wore them
Perform hand hygiene
Document the procedure

Lippincott Procedures (2020). Intramuscular Injection. Revised August 21, 2020,inject,injection,injections,injecting,
injectable&a=false&ad=false 60

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