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Plan and Prepare Maintenance Procedures

Learning Objective:

After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to plan and
prepare maintenance procedures.


Planning and preparing systematic maintenance procedure will save

time, money and frustration. It is a good idea and opportunity to learn the
proper care and maintenance of your computer.

PC maintenance is an important topic for anyone who owns a PC.

Looking after your PC properly ensures you of trouble-free use. Regular PC
maintenance also keeps the machine’s performance optimal.

A. Plan Maintenance Procedures for Computer System and Networking.

1. Design a systematic maintenance plan for hardware.

• Monitoring, evaluating and updating plan
• Place your computer in a well ventilated area
• Schedule use of computers for its longer life
• Move computers only when it is turned off and unplugged
• Treat your computer properly
• Maintain your hard disk

2. Design a systematic maintenance plan for your software.

• Backup your files
• Install or secure passwords
• Delete temporary files
• Update antivirus and spy ware


Maintenance Program- is a comprehensive list of maintenance and its

incidents. This would include all maintenance activities to be undertaken ,
manpower needed, maintenance methods to be used, all the materials and
supplies needed for the maintenance and cost involved in the maintenance.
Maintenance Schedule- Is a list allocating specific maintenance of an
area, Equipment and tools to a specific period. The maintenance schedule is
just a part of the maintenance program.

Quality management- is a method for ensuring that all the activities

necessary to design, develop and implement a product or service are effective
with respect to the system and its performance.

The following diagram is the Shewhart cycle (PDCA) for quality

improvements. Made popular by Dr. Deming.

The Quality Management Cycle






The philosophy is to keep improving the quality of an organization. It is
defined by the four key steps:

• Plan: Design and revised business process components to improve results.

• Do: Implement the plan and measure its performance

 Check: Assess the measurements and report the results to decisions


 Act: Decides on changes needed to improve the process.

The consolidation phase enables the organization to take stock of what has
been taking place and to ensure made to processes that require documentation
(both to allow processes to be repeatable and to facilitate recognition of the
achievement of some form of quality standard).

1. Plan. Here in this stage an organization must be able to prepare a good

maintenance program which will define the standards for Best Management
Practices. The maintenance program must clearly answer the question on


Facilities Maintenance
Facilities Maintenance

Why Maintain?

What can we gain from maintaining our facilities?

• Ensured SAFE environment

• Improve MORALE of human resources
• Reduced operational COST
• Increased PRODUCTION
• Prolonged LIFE facilities
• Prompt DELIVERY of services/ product


• Who will manage the activities?

• Who will monitor and evaluate the operations?
• Who will prepare the maintenance schedule?
• Who will implement the program?
• Who will keep the records?
• Who will conduct inspection?
• Who will certify and accept the work?
• Who will prepare the report?

What, Where, When?

• What routine actions must be done to keep the device on working order?
• Where is the maintenance activity to be carried out?
• When do you perform the maintenance activities?

How to maintain?

The question on how do we implement the maintenance program will

center on the 5Ms are as follows:

• Manpower
• Money (Financial Resources)
• Methods and System
• Machines (Facilities)
• Materials and Supplies

2. DO. Here in this stage the organization through the clearly identified
Maintenance Program, must be able to practice the Methods and System
defined in order to meet the standards (measurable performance levels of
maintenance execution) established.


Maintenance Methods
and System

Preventive Maintenance Corrective Maintenance

Overall, the combination of standards, methods and strategies are elements

of an integrated Planted Maintenance System.

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