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Family Law II – Research Paper

Advent Of Islam: History and Origin of Islam Religion

Islam is a one of the world’s major monotheistic religions. It began in the early 7th century. Islam
comes from the word “Al-silm” and “Istaslama” which means peace and surrender. The god in Islam
is referred to as Allah, which in Arabic means “the God” or “the Deity”. A person who is believe and
practices the religion of Islam is called a Muslim. It’ founder was the Prophet Muhammad the last in
line of Prophets or Messengers of God. Its central article of faith is that "There is no god but God
and Muhammad is his Messenger".
Muhammad was born in 570 C.E. in Mecca in the Quraish tribe. In the year 610 C.E. at the age of
around 40 years Mohammed received the first revelation of God from Angel Gabriel/Jibril at mount
Hira announcing him as Prophet of God. These revelations further went on to be compiled as Quran
which the holy book for Muslim’s. Muhammad died in 632 as the effective leader of Islam and ruler
of Southern Arabia.
The research paper is mainly focused on Origin of Islam and its extension beginning with the pre-
Islamic period, birth of Mohammed, life of Mohammed till 40 years of age, revelations of Quranic
verses, journey of Mohammed in Mecca as Prophet and travel to Yathrib (Medina) of Mohammed and
his Companions, battles between Meccan’s and Muslim’s, Death of Mohammed and origin of
Caliph’s rule (difference between Sunni and Shia Muslim’s). Extend of Islam outside middle east by
Umayyad and Abbasid Dynasty, Origin of Islam in Indian Subcontinent.
After Muhammad died in 632 C.E., a series of four Caliphs governed the Islamic state: Abu Bakr
(632–634), Umar ibn al-Khattab (Umar І, 634–644), Uthman ibn Affan, (644–656), and Ali ibn Abi
Talib (656–661). These leaders are known as the "Rashidun" or "rightly guided" Caliphs in Sunni
Islam. Whereas Difference began with the followers as many wanted a Caliph to be someone from the
blood line of Mohammed who was Ali. As Abu Bakr was made first caliph of Islam this led to the
begin of Shia Islam who did not give allegiance the Abu Bakr.
Islam was further spread by Umayyad dynasty from Iberia to Indus River and Abbasid dynasty in
middle east and Europe. Muslim conquests in the Indian subcontinent mainly took place from 13th to
16th century, though earlier Muslim conquests include the invasions into modern Pakistan and the
Umayyad campaigns in India, during the time of the Rajput Kingdoms in the 8th century.
At present Islam is the second largest religion the world behind Christianity. Though its roots are
from Arabia and now extended to the most of the countries in the world.

Key Notes:

 Introduction
 Mecca or Arabs before Islam
 Origin of Islam
 Prophet Muhammed
 Expansion in Islam
-Battles between Muslims and Meccans
 Caliph’s Rule
 Conclusion
Introduction: Islam as religion was started in Arab somewhere around 610 A.D. The word Islam
means “Submission to will of God”, it is an Arabic word which also comes from same root word
‘Salam’ which means peace. Followers of Islam are known as Muslims and further the word Muslim
means the one of any race, tradition or nationality has submitted themselves willfully to God by being
obedient and believing in the message of God.
Few say that Islam is only a religion of Arabs, but by looking at the population of Muslims around the
world and especially is popular countries such as England (U.K), USA, India etc., one can easily say
that Muslims comes from various races, ethnic groups and nationalities. If one can consider the
population of Muslims only in Indonesia which is actually more than the that of whole Arab countries
(Arab World/Gulf Countries). Accurately more than 80% of Muslims are not Arabs.
Islam just like Judaism and Christianity is a religion with monotheistic faith which is believing in only
one God. Muslims believe that they are following in the same tradition as the Judeo-Christian figures
Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus who they believe were prophets before Muhammad.

Mecca/Arabs before Islam:

Mecca was initially considered sacred because of Kaaba, built by prophet Ibrahim and son Ismael to
worship one God. Whereas Arabs gave importance by placing and worshiping idols inside Kaaba
which were around 360. During 3rd century one of leader of mecca travelled to Damascus where he
saw people worshipping idols for their needs, it was when first idol was placed in Kaaba for the
purpose of prayers which eventually led to placing of many more idols inside for worship. People all
over Arabia started visiting Mecca annually in order to visit the idols.
Most of the people in Mecca were polytheists, whereas few still believed in religion of Ibrahim and
ignored in worshiping idols inside Kaaba, these people were called Hanif which meant pure and clean.
Hanif is a religion which is believed in one God and in pure submission to the will of God. These
people were also called people of fatrat which meant a period in which no divine revelation was made
since prophet Ibrahim.
The Arabian state was full of moral and social corruption before Islam. As each tribe had its own rules
and regulations, therefore, the tribes in Mecca were frequently fighting with each other for power and
position. Meccan people described themselves as being uncivilized the most powerful who always
dominated the weak, there were no laws and bloodshed of weaker section of society was so common
and normal. The slaves were treated badly. Adultery and fornication were more common than legal
Women were considered as a second-class entity. Many were scared or afraid to have a female child
as this would bring disgrace to the family and also the fear of poverty. Anyone who was unable to
take of female child would either kill the babies or bury them alive. The Quran also points this case in
the following verse: “And when the news of (the birth of) a female (child) is brought to any of them,
his face becomes dark, and he is filled with inward grief! He hides himself from the people because of
the ill of which he has been informed. Should he keep it in humiliation or bury it in the ground?
Unquestionably, evil is what they decide.” (Nahl:58,59)
A companion of Prophet Muhammad, narrated one of his stories he had in the age of ignorance. He
said: “O Messenger of God! I had a daughter. One day I told her mother to dress her for I was taking
her to her uncle. My poor wife knew what this meant, but could do nothing but obey and weep. She
dressed the girl, who was very happy that she was going to see her uncle. I took her near a well, and
told her to look down into it. While she was looking into the well, I kicked her into it. I heard her
screaming saying: “Daddy, Daddy! While she was rolling down!” Prophet Muhammad sobbed after
hearing the story of his companion.
The situation of society was in darkness and the world was in need of guidance from God. When
humanity was in need of someone to bring the faith back to the society and give a new life in to the
world, Allah sent Muhammad, to return the faith into its purity.

Origin Of Islam: From a point of recorded history Islam started originating from early 07th Century
in a city called Mecca of Arabian Peninsula. Approx. by the 8th century, the Umayyad Caliphate
extended from Iberia to the Indus River in the east. The Islamic Golden Age refers to the period
traditionally dated from the 8th century to the 13th century, during the Abbasid Caliphate, when much
of the Muslim world was experiencing a scientific, economic, and cultural movement. The expansion
of the Muslim world involved various states and caliphates such as the Ottoman Empire, trade, and
conversion to Islam by missionary activities (dawah).
Islam religious concepts and practices include the Five Pillars of Islam which are –

 Shahada (there is God but Allah, and Muhammed is the messenger of God).
 Praying 5 times a day
 Zakat also known as charity
 Fasting in the month of Ramzan
 Pilgrimage

Prophet Muhammed: Muhammed who as per believers and Muslims is the last prophet of many
Judeo-Christian prophets. Muhammed, born in Mecca in western Arabia in the 570 A.D. Muhammed
took birth in one of the respected Quraish family in Meccan city. Muhammed’s father Abdullah died
before the birth of his son and also mother Aminah passed away when Muhammed was the age of 6.
Muhammed was taken care by his grand father Abdul Muttalib until the age of 8. After the death of
Grand father Muhammed was taken care by his uncle Abu Talib.
Muhammed married Khadija one of the most powerful business woman when he was of age 25 years
and Khadija was of 40 years. They both were married monogamously for 25 years.
Muhammed and Khadija both never prayed to idols placed in Ka’ba, due to which many tribes of
mecca never entertained them in any other important decisions. At the age of 40 Muhammed was in
cave Hira meditating when received the first revelation of Quranic verse from Angel Gabriel/Jibrael.
Though Muhammed never learned to read and write, he remembered what the first revelation was and
he informed the same to Abu-Bakr the first caliph and also the very first to accept Islam along with
Khadijah, Daughter of Muhammed Fathima.
This was the moment Islam was originated under Muhammed as prophet. Many of prophet
companions such as Umar, cousin Ali, uncle Abu Talib and many others accepted Islam under
Muhammed. In the year 613 Muhammed makes it public appearance that he was a prophet and asked
to accept Islam as Religion and Allah as one and only God. This led to differences between the tribes
of Mecca and the Muslims. As Muslim focused only in believing and praying only one God and
accepting Muhammed as messenger but the other tribes did not accept to this as they prayed the 360
idols placed inside Ka’ba and believed that trades with other cities was possible only due to these
idols. Meccan’s tortured Muslims along with Muhammed by pelting stones at them and by giving up
all the business activities with them which led to huge loss to Muslims. As Muslims were being
tortured to death, many Muslims to seek refuge moved to land of Abyssinia (Present day Africa –
Ethiopia and Eritrea) which was ruled by Christian kingdom of Aksum.
In the year 622 A.D Muhammed received a revelation asking him and all his companions to move to
Yathrib, a city which was far from Mecca but the people there had accepted the message of God and
were converted Muslims. All the Muslims of mecca left the city and all their belongings behind and
went to a new city called Yathrib, this movement was very notable in the Islam which was later called
as Hijrat. From this year Islamic calendar was started with same as Hijri Year which was lunar
calendar. Yathrib was renamed Madinah.

Expansion of Islam: After moving to Madinah, Muhammed and his companions mainly focused on
following the revelations of God which included in expansion of Islam but in way of only peace and
no one to be forced for conversion. Many Muslims went across different cities and kingdoms to
inform and forward the message of God received by Muhammed. This invitation to the religion of
Islam was not accepted was any of the kingdoms which was huge setback for Muslims, but they never
gave up and focused in praying God and following all the obligations mentioned in the revelations.
It was in Madinah the first mosque built by the Muslims which was used to perform the prayers 5
times a day. People from various kingdoms used to visit Madinah for purpose of trade which also
made them curious to know the religion Islam. Upon hearing Muhammed and his companions and
also the benefits of being given by God many took up the religion and accepted Islam and Muhammed
as messenger of God.
Muslims from Madinah had faced a lot of problems from various tribes of Makkah which included the
loss of their home land, properties and wealth back in Makkah which was effected the livelihood of
them. Muhammed received a revelation that they can fight the Meccans for their right which results in
various battles between them of which 3 were the most famous.

Battles between Muslims and Meccans:

There were 3 most famous battles between Muslims and Meccans as follows-

 Battle of Badr
 Battle of Uhud
 Battle of Trench

Battle Of Badr: Battle of Badr was the very first battle between the Muslims and the Meccans which
was fought in the year 13th March 624 A.D which was 2 years after the Hijri. This battle was fought
between approximately 317 Muslims and 1000 Meccans in which the Muslims were victorious with
minimum causalities whereas Meccans suffered huge losses. It is said that Muslims including during
battle and after war due to injuries were of 14 in number were as Meccans lost approximately 70 and
also 70 were taken captive.
Battle Of Uhud: This was the second battle of Islam, fought a year after Battle of Badr in the year
23rd March 625 A.D. Meccans wanted to avenge the loss of Badr which was very humiliating so this
time they went with even huge army which was of 3000 in number approximately. Whereas Muslims
was with army of around 700. In this battle the Muslims lost very badly as they did not follow to what
Muhammed was asking them which resulted in loss of lives of around 75 in which also included
Hamza (Paternal Uncle and Companion of Muhammed), Muhammed was also severely injured in this

Battle of Trench: This was the last battle fought between Muslims and Meccans with armies of
approximately 3000 and 10000 respectively. In this battle the Jews also supported the Meccans. This
was the first longest battle in Islam lasting for 27 days in the year 626 A.D. As Muslims were again
outnumbered with manpower and also had to defend the city of Madinah from the Jews this time were
starting give up, it was when a Persian follower named Salman came in support and asked prophet
and the Muslims to dig up trenches around battlefield so that the enemies could not enter with full
force. These trenches were huge backdrop for the Meccans as they couldn’t enter the slopes due to
rain and mud, due to which few Muslims were sent by prophet to defend the city. As a result,
Meccans withdrew by giving up in the battle and Muslims were again victorious which also led
Meccans to give up trade with other tribes in Arab. This battle resulted in very less causalities for both
the sides which was 4 in Muslims and 10 in Meccans.

After these various battles the Meccans and Muslims signed a peace treaty in the year 628A.D (Treaty
of Hudaybiyyah) for 10 years from following year allowing the Muslims to enter Mecca to perform
pilgrimage which was further broken by one of the allied tribes of Mecca by killing Muslims on way
to Mecca. Due to the violation of the treaty, Muhammed decided that the one who were attacked need
to be avenged so the Muslims planned a surprise attack on city of Mecca. For the very first time the
army of Muslims was outnumbered the Meccans. As the city was unprepared and knew what was
coming decided to surrender peacefully. Hence, in the year 630 A.D. Muhammed along with his
companions won back mecca without even drop of blood being spilled. Also, in spite of the many
years of intolerance and problems suffered by Muslims, he refrained from exacting vengeance or
forcing conversion to Islam to any of the Mecca. Those who let the Muslims peacefully inhabit the
city were allowed, in turn, to go about their own business. Many of the tribes of the city were so
impressed by this generosity of Muhammed, as well as by the popularity of the new religion, that they
converted to Islam willingly.
This was the moment when Islam completely prevailed over Arabian Peninsula and neighboring clans
also who believed in prophet and one God. Two years after the siege of Mecca Prophet Mohammed
passed away in the year 632 A.D leaving behind a religion which was growing at pace and believers
were accepting Islam in many parts of the world.

Caliph’s Rule: After Mohammed the Islam religion had no leader so the companions of Mohammed
decided to bring in Caliph rule which was already mentioned by Mohammed. Therefore, the heads
decided Abu Bakr to be made first caliph. This was the moment difference began within community
as many wanted Ali to be the Caliph as he was Mohammed’s cousin and also Son-in-law. Followers
of Ali did not follow Abu Bakr as Caliph and called themselves as Shia (followers of Ali).
Abu Bakr: Abu Bakr was the first caliph of Islam. He was father-in-law and companion of
Mohammed. The period of caliphate was only for 2 years from 632 A.D to 634 A.D. He died of
illness where he appointed Umar as next caliphate.

Umar/Omar: Omar as mentioned is the second caliph of Islam. He was also father-in-law of
Mohammed and companion. Omar’s caliphate period lasted for around 10 years from 634 A.D to
644A.D as he was assassinated by Persian slave whose reason is still unknown. Under Usman rule
Islam was spread in middle east but he also faced a lot of problems due to draught, famine and plague.

Usman/Uthman: Usman was third caliph of Islam. He was Son-In-Law of Mohammed by marrying
two of his daughters. Usman was a caliph for a period of 12 years starting from 644 A.D to 656 A.D.
even Usman was assassinated in his house by the rebels who wanted his rule to end. Under Usman the
caliphate reached heights as all his campaigns were successful.

Ali: Ali was last of actual caliphs of Islam. He was son-in-law of Mohammed. Ali ruled for around
five years from the 656 A.D. to 661 A.D. when he was assassinated by the one of rebel reason being
revenge for one of the battles. Ali was considered as the true successor after Mohammed by Shia
Muslims. Ali played in a very prominent role during period of other Caliphs.

After Ali there were other caliphate periods but Islam mainly consider These four as the main caliphs.
Other caliphate dynasties also spread Islam to different part of the world.
Below are the other caliphate’s along with their ruling period:

 Umayyad Caliphate (661 – 750)

 Abbasid Caliphate (750-1258)
 Mamluk Caliphate (1261-1517)
 Ottoman Caliphate (1517-1924)

Conclusion: The main reason for Islam to advent in Arabia and world was due to negligence and
domination of society towards to weak and also for ill treating of women. Islam is mainly considered
as religion of Peace who willfully submit themselves to believing in One God. Mohammed in his final
speech before death informed to be friendly with nonbelievers and not to force anyone into
conversion. Islam is now growing at higher pace and also is second most populated religion after

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