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Solution of Practice Paper – Class 10

Section A ( 1 mark each)

1. D 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. A
8. B 9. C 10. D 11.D 12. B 13. C 14. C
15. B 16. C 17. D 18. C 19. D 20. C

Section B ( 2 marks each)

21. Solution:-

22. Solution:-

In ΔABC, ∠1 = ∠2 ∴ AB = BD ………………………(i)

Given, AD/AE = AC/BD Using equation (i), we get

AD/AE = AC/AB ……………….(ii)

In ΔBAE and ΔCAD, by equation (ii),

AC/AB = AD/AE ∠A= ∠A (common)

∴ ΔBAE ~ ΔCAD [By SAS similarity criterion]

23. Solution:-
24. Solution:-

25. Solution:-
Section C ( 3 marks each)

26. Solution:-

27. Solution:

[1/(x + 1)] + [3/(5x + 1)] = 5/(x + 4); x ≠ -1, -⅕, -4
Let us take the LCM of denominators and cross multiply the terms.
[1(5x + 1) + 3(x + 1)]/ [(x + 1)(5x + 1)] = 5/(x + 4)
[5x + 1 + 3x + 3]/ [5x2 + x + 5x + 1] = 5/(x + 4)
(8x + 4)(x + 4) = 5(5x2 + 6x + 1)
8x2 + 32x + 4x + 16 = 25x2 + 30x + 5
25x2 + 30x + 5 – 8x2 – 36x – 16 = 0
17x2 – 6x – 11 = 0
17x2 – 17x + 11x – 11 = 0
17x(x – 1) + 11(x – 1) = 0
(17x + 11)(x – 1) = 0
17x + 11 = 0, x – 1 = 0
x = -11/17, x = 1
28. Solution:-
(i) 10,11,12,…, 90 are two digit numbers. There are 81 numbers.
So, probability of getting a two-digit number = 81/90 = 9/10
(ii) 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81 are perfect squares.
So, probability of getting a perfect square number = 9/90 = 1/10
(iii) 5, 10, 15,…, 90 are divisible by 5. There are 18 outcomes.
So, probability of getting a number divisible by 5.
=18/90 = 1/5
(i) Probability of getting “A king of red colour.”
P (King of red colour) = 2/52 = 1/26
(ii) Probability of getting “A spade”
P (a spade) = 13/52 = 1/4
(iii) Probability of getting “the queen of diamond”
P (the queen of diamond) =1/52

29. Solution:-
L.H.S. = (cos A – sin A+1)/(cos A + sin A–1)
Divide the numerator and denominator by sin A, we get
= (cos A– sin A + 1)/sin A/(cos A + sin A–1)/sin A
We know that cos A/sin A = cot A and 1/sin A = cosec A
= (cot A – 1 + cosec A)/(cot A+ 1 – cosec A)
= (cot A – cosec2A + cot2A + cosec A)/(cot A+ 1 – cosec A) (using cosec2A – cot2A = 1
= [(cot A + cosec A) – (cosec2A – cot2A)]/(cot A+ 1 – cosec A)
= [(cot A + cosec A) – (cosec A + cot A)(cosec A – cot A)]/(1 – cosec A + cot A)
= (cot A + cosec A)(1 – cosec A + cot A)/(1 – cosec A + cot A)
= cot A + cosec A = R.H.S.
Therefore, (cos A–sin A+1)/(cos A+sin A–1) = cosec A + cot A
Hence Proved
30. Solution:-
First, draw a circle with centre O. Choose an external point P and draw two tangents, PA and PB,
at point A and point B, respectively. Now, join A and B to make AB in a way that subtends
∠AOB at the centre of the circle. The diagram is as follows:

From the above diagram, it is seen that the line segments OA and PA are perpendicular.
So, ∠OAP = 90°
In a similar way, the line segments OB ⊥ PB and so, ∠OBP = 90°
Now, in the quadrilateral OAPB,
∴ ∠APB+∠OAP +∠PBO +∠BOA = 360° (since the sum of all interior angles will be 360°)
By putting the values, we get,
∠APB + 180° + ∠BOA = 360°
So, ∠APB + ∠BOA = 180° (Hence proved).

31. Solution:-
Section D (5 marks each)

32. Solution:-
Let the speed of the boat in still water be x km/h and the speed of the stream be y km/h.
∴ Speed of the boat going upstream = (x - y) km/h and speed of the boat going downstream
= (x + y) km/h

On solving (v) and (vi), we get x = 8, y = 3

Hence, speed of the boat in still water = 8 km/h and speed of the stream = 3 km/h

Let height of tower (TR) be x m, distance (RP) of a point from the base of tower be y m, height
of the flag-staff (QT) be 5 m. Then in the ΔTRP,

33. Solution:- (i) To prove: AP/PB = AQ/QC

Construction: Join the vertex B of ΔABC to Q and the vertex C to P to form the lines BQ and CP
and then drop a perpendicular QN to the side AB and draw PM⊥AC as shown in the given

Now the area of ∆APQ = 1/2 × AP × QN (Since, area of a triangle= 1/2× Base × Height)
Similarly, area of ∆PBQ= 1/2 × PB × QN
area of ∆APQ = 1/2 × AQ × PM
Also, area of ∆QCP = 1/2 × QC × PM
Now, if we find the ratio of the area of triangles ∆APQ and ∆PBQ, we have
area of △APQ/area of △PBQ = (1/2 × AP × QN)/(1/2 × PB × QN)=AP/PB …(1)
Similarly, area of △APQ/area of △QCP = (1/2 × AQ × PM) /( 1/2 × QC × PM) =AQ/QC…(2)
According to the property of triangles, the triangles drawn between the same parallel lines and on
the same base have equal areas.
Therefore, we can say that ∆PBQ and QCP have the same area.
area of ∆PBQ = area of ∆QCP …………..(3)
Therefore, from the equations (1), (2) and (3), we can say that,
(II) Given that,

In triangle ABC, DE // AC.

By Basic Proportionality Theorem,
BD/DA = BE/EC……….(i)
Also, given that DF // AE.
Again by Basic Proportionality Theorem,
BD/DA = BF/FE……….(ii)
From (i) and (ii),
Hence proved.
34. Solution :
Let r be the radius and h the height of the cylindrical part of the toy.
Then, r = 5 cm and h = 13 cm.
Let, r1 be the radius of the conical part, h1 its height and 1 its slant height.
35. Solution:-


Section - E (case study based questions)

36. (i) √52 = 2√13 (ii) L(0, -2) (iii) 12 cm2 OR (3, -2)

37. (i) 120 (ii) 110 (iii) n = 15 OR 750

38. (i) PA = 13 cm (ii) BQ = 5 cm (iii) PX = 8 cm, QY = 1 cm

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