DLP TAMAYO Gr4.Stomach&Intestine

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 4

Prepared by: Ruth P. Tamayo

At the end of the 45-minutes discussion, the students should be able to:
a. Identify the organs and function of digestive system.
b. Relate the functions by each organ in performing specific functions for the body.
c. Give ways on how to take care of digestive system.


Lesson: Living things and Their Environment
Topic: Stomach and Intestine
Materials: Power Point Presentation
References: Conceptual Science and Beyond 4 Book (Pages 40-45)

A. Preparatory Activity
1.1 Prayer

- Annisa, can you please lead the prayer. - Yes ma’am!

- My Lord and my God, turn on your
spirit, to acknowledge your presence
this day. Let my thoughts, words and
actions be guided by your good will,
and always make me a vessel onto
your glory. With the highest praise,
worship and honor be yours forever
and ever, amen.

1.2 Greetings
- Good morning, ma’am! ^^ good
- Good morning grade 6! morning classmates.

1.3 Checking of Attendance - 4 ma’am!

- How many are absent today?

1.4 Setting of Standards

- Okay! So, before we start let me remind you
first my rules in our class.
- Raise your hand before speaking.
- Respect and listen to your teacher.
- Respect and listen to your classmates.
- Be prepared for class.

B. Lesson Proper
1.1 Drill
- Let’s have jumbled words.

- Mouth
- Tongue
- Esophagus
- Liver
- Stomach
- Pancreas
- Large intestines
- Small intestines
- Anus

1.2 Review

- Let’s have some short review about the topic

that we had last week.

- What is skeletal system?

- framework of the body, consisting of
bones and other connective tissues,
which protects and supports the
body tissues and internal organs.

- And what are the two divisions of our

- Axial skeleton
skeletal system?
- Appendicular skeleton
1.3 Motivation

- Are you hungry grade 6?

“Cracker in the mouth” is our activity today. Get one - yes, ma’am
cracker each.
- Step1: put the cracker in your mouth and
chew it not so fast.

- What it feels like when you chew/bite it? - like melting slowly

- What do you think helps it to crack into small - saliva


1.4. Presentation

- Based on our activity, do you have any idea

on what topic we are discussing today?
- Alright, very good! - digestive

 Digestive system - converts

the foods we eat into their
simplest forms. It is the
breakdown of food into small
pieces that absorbs our body.

- There are two divisions:

 Gi Track - a series of hollow
organs joined in a long,
twisting tube from the mouth
to the anus. The hollow organs
that make up the GI tract are
the mouth, esophagus,
stomach, small intestine, large
intestine, and anus.
 Accessory organs - are organs
that secrete substances needed
for the chemical digestion of
food but through which food
does not actually pass as it is
digested. Besides the liver, the
major accessory organs of
digestion are the gallbladder
and pancreas.

- What do you think is the importance of our

digestive system? - helps us process food.
- Eliminate waste.

- Very good! Our digestive system main

function in our body is to:

 Ingestion – the process of

taking food through our
mouth. Where we use the help
of our teeth and saliva.

 Digestion – process of
breaking down food into such
components that our body
would absorb.
Two types:
- Mechanical - physically breaking down food
substances into smaller particles. Grinding,
biting, chewing.
- Chemical - degrade the molecular structure
of the ingested compounds by digestive
enzymes into a form that is absorbable into
the bloodstream.
- Acid and enzymes are present in the stomach
and intestines.

- What are the two types of digestion again?

- Mechanical digestion
- Chemical digestion
- Very good!

 Absorption – nutrients
from the food we eat pass
through the wall of the
digestive system into your
Example: A paper towel
absorbing water. Hair
absorbing water.

 Elimination – The food

molecules that cannot be
digested or absorbed need
to be eliminated from the
body. The removal of
indigestible wastes through
the anus, in the form of
feces, is defecation or

- Here are the parts of our digestive system.

 Mouth – this where digestion
start when we chew our
food. The teeth cut and crush
the food and while it’s mixed
with the saliva. To helps
make it softer and easier to

- contains special enzymes that help

digest the starches in your food. An
enzyme called amylase breaks down
starches (complex carbohydrates) into
sugars, which your body can more
easily absorb. Saliva also contains an
enzyme called lingual lipase, which
breaks down fats.

 Tongue - facilitating the

movement of food during
mastication and assisting
swallowing. Other important
functions include speech and

 Esophagus - transport food

entering the mouth through
the throat and into the
stomach. This function
begins at the very beginning
of the esophagus.

- Are you still with me grade 6? - Yes

- Alright, let’s continue.

 Epiglottis - It blocks the

airway to the lungs while
swallowing to prevent food
or liquids from entering the
lungs. It prevents us from
choking by covering the
larynx when we swallow.
 Stomach - muscular organ
that digests food. holds the
food and mixes it with acid
and enzymes that continue to
break the food down into a
liquid or paste.

Function of our stomach are.

- to store and digest the food and liquid one
consumes during meals.
- It produces hydrochloric acid and enzymes to
help digest food and other foreign objects
like bacteria.

 Duodenum - where they mix

with bile from the
gallbladder and digestive
juices from the pancreas. The
absorption of vitamins,
minerals, and other nutrients

 Large intestine - 3 primary

functions: absorbing water
and electrolytes, producing
and absorbing vitamins, and
forming and propelling feces
toward the rectum for

 Small intestine - break down

food, absorb nutrients
needed for the body, and get
rid of the unnecessary
components. It also plays a
role in the immune system,
acting as a barrier to a
multitude of flora that
inhabits the gut and to make
sure no harmful bacteria
enter the body.
- Large and small intestines

- What are the two intestines again?

 Pancreas - produces
digestive enzymes that help
break down proteins,
carbohydrates, and fats.

 Liver - filters all the blood in

the body and breaks down
poisonous substances, such
as alcohol and drugs. The
liver also produces bile, a
fluid that helps digest fats
and carry away waste.

 Gall bladder - Your

gallbladder is a small, pear-
shaped organ that stores and
releases bile. Bile is the fluid
your liver produces that
helps digest fats in the food
you eat.

 Anus - is the opening at the

end of the digestive tract
where stool comes out. A
ring of muscles called the
anal sphincter keeps your
anus closed until you go to
the bathroom.

- I have here another song that will help you memorize the parts
and process of our digestive system.

- Healthy food
- Drink more water.
- Avoid unsalted food.
- Takle vitamins

- Now you know what’s the importance and

major functions of our digestive system. How
about the proper caring or on how do we take
care of our digestive system. Any idea?
 Eat healthy foods — For your
digestive system this means
eating plenty of fruits,
vegetables and both insoluble
and soluble fiber. Soluble fiber
found in foods like oat bran,
barley, nuts, seeds, and beans
helps your digestive system
absorb water. Insoluble fiber
found in foods like wheat bran,
vegetables, and whole grains
keeps everything moving
through your digestive tract.

 Stay hydrated — Drinking

plenty of water helps your - 8 glass a day or more
digestive system function

- How many waters did you take a day?

 Take probiotics —
Probiotics are the good
bacteria in your stomach.
They can be added to your
diet by eating yogurt,
fermented foods or can be
consumed in daily

 Get moving — Exercise

increases blood flow and
metabolism for smoother

1.5 Enrichment Activity

- Refer to the picture in here. Name the parts of

digestive system.
1.6 Generalization
- Always keep in mind that digestive system is important
It gives our bodies the ability to process foods, extract
the nutrients we need from the foods, and eliminate the
waste. Without these abilities our bodies wouldn't be
able to function.
- The parts and the functions of digestive system are also
important for us know and be aware of it.
- So, we know the proper things that we can do to take
care of our digestive system. By eating proper food and
practice healthy habits.

1.7 Application

A. Group Activity
- Will provide you marker and manila paper each.
- Group yourself into two. Let’s have a “where this organ
belongs.” Will give you 10 minutes to draw and input
all these organs inside the body.


Directions: Answer the following questions, write the

correct letter of your answer.
1. This part is where digestion start.
- B
a. Tongue c. Intestine
b. Mouth d. All the above
2. This is the process of taking food into the mouth.
a. Ingestion c. Digestive system - A
b. Digestion d. All the above
3. How many glasses of water a day that is advisable to take.
a. 15 c. 8
- C
b. 5 d. 1
4. Types of digestion that is physically breaking down food
substances into smaller particles.
a. Chemical digestion c. digestion
b. Mechanical digestion d. none
- B
5. This is the muscular organ that digests food.
a. Liver c. Stomach
b. Intestine d. Mouth
- C
6. It helps you chew, taste, and swallow. Fights germs in your
mouth and prevents bad breath.
a. Mouth c. Stomach
b. Saliva d. None - B
7. Facilitating the movement of food during mastication and
assisting swallowing.
a. Tongue c. Mouth - A
b. Pancreas d. Stomach
8. Drink plenty of ________ helps your digestive system run
a. Juice c. Water - C
b. Coffee d. Alcohol
9. This is what they called good bacteria in the body.
a. Vitamin A c. Probiotics
b. Bacteria d. Water - C
10. This is a group of organs that help the body break down
and absorb food.
a. Skeletal system c. Muscular system
b. Digestive system d. None
- B

Instruction: Turn your book of page 44.

Draw the digestive system organs and
complete the table by answering the
function of each organ.


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