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1.Diffused type of nervous system is seen in AHydra B Planaria C Cockroach D Earthworm 2 Planaria shows type of nervous system. A nerve net. B ladder C ganglionated D brain 3 In order for a stimulus to be effective, the stimulus must have a minimum intensity called stimulus. A subliminal B depolarised Parivartan Learning Center 4) YouTube Channel (Rata 4 The resting potential of a neuron is A 30 millivolts B -30 millivolts C threshhold D polarised C70 millivolts D -70 millivolts 5 The third ventri fourth ventricle onnected to the A Foramen of B Duct of Sylvi C Metacoel D Eustachian tube 6 Degeneration of dopamine producing neurons in the CNS causes disease. A ADHD B Alzheimer’s C Parkinson’s Parivartan Learning Center ¢y YouTube Channel Cas (ad App ? is a mineralocorticoid secreted Adrenal D Fever gland. A Aldosterone B Cortisol C Corticoid D Androgen 8 has le in the development o by maturation of T lymphocytes. A Thyroxine B Thymosin C Aldosterone D Parathormone 9 Hyper secretion of growth hormone in childhood causes A Acromegaly Parivartan Learning Center 4) YouTube Channel B Dwarfism C Gigantism D Goitre 10 shows gastric contractions and inhibit the secretion of gastric juice. A Gastrin B Secretin C Entero- gastrone D Inhibin /11. //1/ MTT. 1 Which cells of PNS secrete myelin sheath around the nerves? Ans: Schwann cells sccrete myclin shcath around the nerves. 2 Give function of astrocytes in nervous system? Ans: Astrocytes have varied roles in the brain secretion and absorption of neural transmitter and maintenance of blood-brain barrier BBB. They also regulate the transmission of electrical impalses with the brain. 3 what is covering of nerve fascicule called? Ans: the covering of nerve fascicule is called endoneurium. 4 How electrical synapse differs from chemical synapse? And: the synaptic gap in chemical synapsc is 20- 40nm which is larger than that in electrical synapse. 5 What is the function of red nucleus? Ans: Red nucleus plays an important role in controlling posture and muscle tone , modifying some motor activities and motor Coordination. 6 Define Saltatory conduction? Parivartan Learning Center ¢ YouTube Channel Ans: saltatory condition is the rapid passage of action potential along myelinated nerves from one node of Ranvier to the other. 7 Name the hormone secreted by Pars intermedia in lower vertebrates? Ans: melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH)is secreted by pars intermedia in lower vertebrates. 8 Which disease is caused by hyper secretion of Glucocorticoids? Ans: Cushing’s discasc is caused by hypersecretion of Glucocorticoids . 9 Which organ acts a temporary endocrine gland in females? Ans: placenta acts as temporary endocrine gland in female. 10 Give one of hormone therapy. And: Hormone therapy is applied in pregnancy menopause osteoporosis growth hormone deficiency, insulin resistance, cancer.etc. i ‘The Learning App 1 ‘Injury to the medulla oblongata causes sudden death’ Explain. Ans : (1) Medulla oblongata is a part of brain stem which controls in voluntary vital function like heartbeat, respiration, vasomotor activities and peristalsis. (2) Thus, injury to Medulla oblongata may disrupt these vital functions and cause sudden death. 2 Which two hormones are responsible for the regulation of calcium and phosphorus in the blood? Ans: calcitonin and parathormone are responsible for regulation of calcium and phosphorus in the blood. 3 Describe any two hormones produced by the ovaries Parivartan Learning Center ¢y YouTube Channel Th The Learning ApP (1) Progesterone: it is secreted by corpus lutcum of the ovary after ovulation. it is essential for uterine endoneurium ,this preparing the uterus for implantation of fertilization ovum .it is inhibits uterine contractions during pregnancy .It inhibits uterine contractions during pregnancy. (2) Oestrogen: it is secreted by developing follicles.Estradiol is the main oestrogen. it is responsible for development of secondary sexual characters in female. (3) Relaxing: it is secreted by the corpus luteum of the ovary at the and of gestation period. It relaxes the cervix of the pregnant female and the ligaments of pelvic girdle to ease out of the birth process. Inhibin: It is secreted by the corpus luteum. Inhibit inhibits the FSH and GnRH production. 4 Name the glucocorticoid used in treatment of allergy and why? Parivartan Learning Center ¢y YouTube Channel G3 The Learning App 5 Which hormone is secreted by Pineal gland? What is its function? And: [1] Melatonin is Secreted by The Pineal gland . [2] Melatonin plays a very important role in the regulation of biological clock (e.g 24- hour diurnal rhythm ) of our body . It helps in maintaining the normal rhythm of sleep -Wake cycle and also influences body temperature ,metabolism and reproductive cycles . 6 Sketch and label T.S of Spinal cord. Parivartan Learning Center 4 YouTube Channel And: Posterior median fissure _ Posterior Dorsal root . Dorsal horn median septum White matter Ependyma Central \ Bi Lateral horn canal Ay ; i . Ventral horn Grey J Z| roc ERS matter ¥ Anterior median fissure 7 Sketch and label V.S of Pituitary gland. Ans: Supraoptic nucleus (ADH) Paraventricular nucleus (oxytocin) Optic ‘Median eminence chiasma Infundibulum Hypophyseal artery Pars intermedia Pars nervosa of Pars distalis of neurohypophysis adenohypophysis Hypophyseal vein Fig. 9.25 : Pituitary gland 1 Write a note on meninges Of Brain. Ans: bony coverings, are three protective membranes called meninges. That protect the brain and spinal cord. a. Dura mater : It is the outermost tough, non vascular, thick and fibrous meninx and is attached to the inner side of the cranium. It is separated from the underlying arachnoid mater by the subdural space, filled with a serous fluid. b. Arachnoid mater : It is the middle, thin and non vascular layer of connective tissue having web like appearance. It is separated from the 2 Describe any three functions of hypothalamus. Ans: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Hypothalamus is the controlling centre for hypophysis. Hypothalamus secretes releasing factors and inhibiting factors and hence regulate the secretions of hypophysis. E.g. Adrenocorticotropin hormone releasing factor or CRF; Thyrotropin releasing factor or TSHRF; GHRF and GHRIF ie. Growth hormone releasing and release inhibiting factor, ete. Hypothalamus forms the hypothalamo- hypophyseal axis through which transportation of neurohormones take place. Hormones like vasopressin and oxytocin are secreted by neurosecretory cells of hypothalamus, Hypothalamus can register the internal changes in the body as it issa part of diencephalon and thus it accordingly brings about coordination in the body through endocrine system. 3 Name three Mixed cranial nerves along with their numbers. Ans: the mixed cranial nerves are follows; (1) V-Trigeminal (2) Vll-Facial (3) IX- Glossopharyngeal (4) X-vagus 4 Distinguish between Cerebrum and Cerebellum. Ans: = Cerebrum TGs ee ____ ano "Cerebellum 1, The cerebrum is the larger part forming 85% of | 1. ‘The cerebellum is the smaller part forming 11% the brain, It has four lobes, of the brain. It has three lobes. 2, The eerebrum coordinates the functions of the|2. The cerebellum coordinates the equilibrium of sensory and motor areas, ‘muscular movements during walking and running, 8. The cerebrum plays an important role in|. The cerebellum plays an important role in receiving the sensory impulses such as touch,| maintaining the posture and belance of the pain, heat. cold. ete. body. 4. The cerebrum is concerned with higher mental) 4. The cerebellum Is concerned with neuro- faculties such as memory, will and intelligence. | muscular mechanism. Parivartan Learning Center ¢) YouTube Channel 5 Answer the questions after observing the diagram given below. {Generation of second messenger) (Cyclic AMP or Ca”) Biochemical responses y Physiological responses (e.g., ovarian growth) MECHANISM OF HORMONAL ACTION 1) What acts as the first messenger? 2) Why can’t hormones like catecholamines enter their target cells through plasma membrane? 3) Name the mode of hormone action shown in the diagram. Ans: (1) the hormone Acts as the first messenger. (2) Hormones like catecholamines are not lipid soluble and hence they cannot enter their target cells through the plasma membrane. (3) Mode of hormone action through membrane receptor . 6 Complete the table based on disorders caused due to under secretion or over secretion of Thyroid gland. Parivartan Learning Center 4) YouTube Channel Secretion. Hypo secretion Secretion | Adults Children | Hyper secretion Ans: : Secretion Adults Children Hyposecretion |Myxodema Cretinism Hypersecretion | Grace’s diseasc 7 Give the names of the hormones released by neurohypophysis. A boy shows excessive thirst and micturition because of deficiency of a hormone secreted by neurohypophysis. Name the disease he is suffering from. Ans: (1) Hormones released from the neurohypophysis. are oxytocin and vasopressin (2) Hyposecretion of vasopressin or ADH results in diabetes mellitus which would be the cause of excessive thirst and micturition in the boy. 1 Describe the functional areas of Cerebrum. Parivartan Learning Center ¢ YouTube Channel Tl ‘The Learning App the voluntary Ans: (1) The cerebrum controls activities. (2) The cerebrum perceives various sensory stimuli received through vision, taste, smell, sound, touch, speech, etc. (3) It is the centre, 6f memory, will-power. intelligence, reasoning and learning. (4) The cerebrum is the centre for emotions, thoughts and feelings, pain, pleasure, fear, fatigue, pressure, temperature, etc. (5) It is also the centre for micturition, defecation, weeping, laughing, etc 2 Distinguish between Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. Ans: Parivartan Learning Center ¢ YouTube Channel rary It increases arterial blood pressure. It decreases arterial blood pressure. 2) It constricts blood vessels. It dilates blood vessels. 3) It dilates pupil of the eye. It construction pupil of the eye. It regards peristalsis It dilates bronchi. It accelerates peristalsis It constructs bronchi. 5|It accelerates the heartbeat .It inhibits bladder contraction. It decelerates the heartbeat .It stimulates bladder contraction. 3 Describe any four hormones secreted by Adenohypophysis . i The Learning App Ans: (1) Somatotropic Hormone: Function: (a) it stimulates growth of the baby of development of all tissues . (b) It accelerates the protein synthesis and.cell.division . (C) It stimulates the release of growth hormone . (2) Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)/Thyrotropin: Function: (a) It stimulates Thyroid gland to produce hormone thyroxine. Parivartan Learning Center ¢) YouTube Channel G ‘The Learning App (2) Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)/Adrenocorticotropic: Function: (a) It stimulates Adrenal cortex to produce it’s hormone. (b) It maintains functioning of adrenal cortex. (4)prolactin/Luteotropin/ Mammotropin: Functions: (a) Activates the growth of mammary glands during pregnancy (Mammotropin) (b) Stimulates milk production and secretion of milk (laktogenic) by mammary gland after child birth. Parivartan Learning Center ¢ YouTube Channel 4 Write a note on the four different kinds of cell in Pancreas. Ans: Islets of langerhans are endocrine cell of pancreas .they are four type of cells in Islets of Langerhans which have endocrine role i.e. they secretc hormones. (1)Alpha cells: they constitute 20%of Islets of Langerhans .they secrete hormone glucogen. Glucogen stimulates glycogenolysis (breakdown of glycogen) in liver which may cause hyperglycemia. (2)Beta cell’s: they constitute 70%of Islets of Langerhans .they secret insulin which stimulets glycogenolysis .in liver Tl] The Learning App and muscles . insulin causes hypoglycemia by pancreas uptake of glucose by cells. (3)Delta cells: they constitute 10%of Islets of Langerhans.these cells secret somatostatin which inhibits the secretion of insulin and glucagon. (4)PP cells or F cells: these cells secreted pancreatic polypeptide (pp) and inhibit the release of pancreatic juice. 5 Complete the flowchart of the process of conduction Parivartan Learning Center ¢s YouTube Channel of nerve impulse. Application of stimulus on a resting nerve we Permeability of membrane changes NY “ nastiness vv positive ions insideaxon increases a “ “ Polarity reverses and depolarisation takes place SO “ Repolarisation - potassium gates open oo Sa | Axoplasm becomes negatively charged and ECF \ Ans: Application of sumulus on a resling nerve Permeability of membrance changes and it becomes more permeable to Na Na*ions. Aliffuse into the neuron from the ECF Number of positive fons inside axon increases Membrance potential changes from —70 mV to above +30 mV and this change 1 the membrane potenttal is called action potential Bins fee Tet La Bea’ senerued froma negate an Galas Wid posite Jnside It 18 also called depolarization (compared to ECF) —— Repolarisation : At the peak of close. K+ action potential (+30 mV), the Nat channels Sates open. The membrance becomes more permeable to K~ K*ions diffuse out of the axon + The inside of the membrance (becomes less and less positive) becomes negative one ‘again Axoplasm inside becomes negatively charged and ECF becomes positively charged respectivel

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