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Chi-squared test

1/ Null Hypothesis There is no association between doing sport and

complications after surgery. Choose btw yes/no gender: male/female.
2. Alternative Hypothesis There is an association between doing sport
and complications after surgery.

3. Explain why you chose to use this test. Add the table or image of the table
with proof your decision is correct (percentage of the expected count less than five
and minimum expected count). ANALYSE->Descriptive stat->
crosstabls(+checkmarks STATISTICS= chi-square, Phi and …. /CELLS=
observed, row, adjusted standardized)
I choose Chi-square test because number of cells is <20; minium expected
count is >1
CHECKMARKS(percentage() and total for each x category.
4. Copy the best graphical illustration of the results in the field below.

5. Write the full result in APA style, including descriptive statistics and
inferential statistics.

15 (53.6%) are people who do sport and have complications after surgery.
13(46.4%) are people who don’t do sport and have complications after
surgery. The association between doing sport and having complications are
statistically not significant(Chi-square test, x 2(1,N=55)=1,643, p-value
=0,20) and shows small effect (Phi = -0,173).
Parametric or nonparametric test
Choose like erythrocytes before and after surgery. (pared data, N>30, normal
1. Null Hypothesis There is no difference between erythrocytes before
and after surgery
2. Alternative Hypothesis There is difference between erythrocytes
before and after surgery

3. Explain why you chose to use this test. Add images of proof that you have
tested all assumptions (sample size, normal distribution) in the field below.

This data have Quantitative data, normal distribution and sample size more than
30. That is why I choose to use paired sample t-test

1. The p-values for Shapiro-Wilk test are 0.446; 0,525; 0,994 for Difference
between erythrocytes, Erythrocytes before surgery and after. There is no
statistically significant differences in distribution.
2. Skewness and kurtosis values should be in the range -1 - +1.
3. Histograms are symmetrical.
4. The points do not deviate much from the line in the Normal Q-Q plot.
5. The median is approximately in the middle of the box plot, the whiskers are
of similar length and there is no outliers.
6. Sample size is 49, which is more than 30.

Statistic Std. Error
Diff_erithrocytes Mean .0151 .12134
95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound -.2289
Upper Bound .2591
5% Trimmed Mean -.0044
Median .1100
Variance .721
Std. Deviation .84935
Minimum -1.71
Maximum 2.11
Range 3.82
Interquartile Range 1.21
Skewness .177 .340
Kurtosis .081 .668
Er before surgery Mean 3.9176 .08635
95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 3.7439
Upper Bound 4.0912
5% Trimmed Mean 3.9235
Median 3.8700
Variance .365
Std. Deviation .60444
Minimum 2.74
Maximum 5.08
Range 2.34
Interquartile Range .85
Skewness -.093 .340
Kurtosis -.655 .668
Er after surgery Mean 3.9327 .09994
95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 3.7317
Upper Bound 4.1336
5% Trimmed Mean 3.9359
Median 3.9100
Variance .489
Std. Deviation .69961
Minimum 2.22
Maximum 5.59
Range 3.37
Interquartile Range 1.02
Skewness -.025 .340
Kurtosis -.191 .668

Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
Diff_erithrocytes .093 49 .200* .977 49 .446
Er before surgery .064 49 .200* .979 49 .525
Er after surgery .056 49 .200* .993 49 .994

4. Copy the best graphical illustration of the results in the field below.
Graph->Boxplot-> simple->separate variables-> choose variables to
boxes represent.
Put image into colloq.
5. Write the full result in APA style, including descriptive statistics and
inferential statistics.

Results: The mean erythrocyte level before surgery is 3,92(0,60). The mean
erythrocyte level after surgery is 3,93(0,70). Surgery does not affect on
erythrocyte count statistically significantly(paired sample t-test, t(48)=-
0,124, p-value = 0,901).

Cohen`s d = -0.018. There is no effect size -0.018 standart deviations (95%

TI -0,298 - 0.262.
Linear Regression
1. Null Hypothesis:

2. Alternative Hypothesis:

3. The choice of the test/graphical illustration

For linear regression: explain why you chose to use this test. Add images in
the field below of the proof that you have tested all assumptions (linearity,
outliers, Durbin-Watson test, normality and homogeneity of residuals).

Linearity: Analyze->compare means-> means-> put into dependent and

independent. CHECKMARKS Options->test for linearity.

Liniarity is statistically significant p-value is <0,001 and there is no

deviation from linearity p-value is 0,296. {1} and {2} have a linear relationship.

Outliers: Analyze > Descriptive Statistics > Explore, then choose the
Statistics button and Outliers

There is no statistically significant outliers.

Durbin-Watson - values can be from 0 to 4. For regression it is good if the
value is approximately 2 (±0.7). How to check in another file.

Durbin-Watson test in a normal range (1.706)

Residuals are homoscedastic

Residuals are normally distributed

4. Write the full result in APA style, including descriptive statistics and inferential

R square - average years explain 41% of variation in body mass index. Number of
years can predict body mass index statistically significaly, F(1,51)=
35,821,p<0,001. Body mass index=8,176+0,296*years. With every year far, BMI
increases by 0,296(95% CI = 0,196, 0,395) points, this relationship is statistically
significant at 95% level of confidence(t=5,985, p<0,001)

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