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Public Statement

The Provincial Parent Teachers Association Federation (PPTAF) is deeply shocked and
saddened by the unfortunate shooting incident involving a student within our province. Our
hearts go out to the student, their family, and all those affected by this distressing event.

The safety and well-being of students are of paramount importance, and any incident that
jeopardizes the security of out educational environments is profoundly concerning. The PPTAF
strongly condemns acts of violence within our schools and is committed to working
collaboratively with educational institutions, law enforcement, and relevant authorities to address
and prevent such incidents.

The PPTAF stands in solidarity with the local PTA, school administrators, and the
broader community as they navigate the aftermath of this incident. In the wake of such events, it
is incumbent upon all stakeholders, including parents, teachers, and community leaders, to come
together to create an environment that fosters safety, understanding, and compassion within our
educational institutions.

The PPTAF will continue to advocate for the well-being of students and work towards
fostering a culture of respect and non-violence within our schools.

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