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Project Report
Prime Minister Employment Generation Programme
By :
Lokendra S/o Veer Singh Chauhan
Vill : Harganakhedi, Tehsil : Sironj, Dist : Vidisha (M.P.)

1 Name of the Proprietor & Unit Lokendra S/o Veer Singh Chauhan
2 Constitution Propreitorship
3 Name of Proprietor Lokendra S/o Veer Singh Chauhan
Vill : Harganakhedi, Tehsil : Sironj, Dist : Vidisha (M.P.)

4 Location Vill : Harganakhedi, Tehsil : Sironj, Dist : Vidisha (M.P.)

5 Purpose Dairy and Dairy Products Unit

6 Total No. of Employement 7 Persons for 19,00,000.00

7 Cost of Project Fixed Cost 1600000.00
Working Capital 400000.00
Land & Building Leased 0.00
Other Assets Nil 0.00

8 Means of Finance Promotors own contribution 1,00,000.00

Bank Assistance 19,00,000.00

Eligible Subsidy : 35%
Total Requirement
For Fixed Asset 16,00,000.00
For Working Capital 4,00,000.00

Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 About Business & Scope
Chapter 3 Assumptions & Premises
Chapter 4 Analysis & Interpretation

Schedule 1 Cost of Project & Means of Finance
Schedule 2 Operating Cost
Schedule 3 Depreciation on Fixed Assets
Schedule 4 Term Loan & Repayment Schedule
Schedule 5 Profitability Statement
Schedule 6 Balance Sheet
Schedule 7 Cash Flow Statement
Schedule 8 Ratio Analysis
Schedule 9 Notes to the Annexure of Ratio Analysis
Schedule 10 Working Of Coverage Ratios
Schedule 11 Coverage Ratios
Chapter- 1

1.01 The Promoter envisages to setup Dairy and Dairy Products Unit unit on medium scale in village-Vill : Harganakhedi,
Tehsil : Sironj, Dist : Vidisha (M.P.)

1.02 About Progress : Few steps towards implementation of the project has already been taken up like selection of the site,
market survey, identification of machines, however the order has still not been placed, pending loan approval
application. It is expected that unit may start commercial Operations within Three months from the date of
disbursement of the loan.

1.03 After collecting the requisite information and data promoter approached us to study, analyze and interpret the
financial implication in greater details and to prepare a bankable project report and we as consultant after taking
into consideration the information, data, market survey done by the promoter & all available documents produced,
prepared the same which is based on the assumptions, premises and information furnished in following section of
Chapter 2
About Business & Scope

3.01 Milk is one of the basic nutrient available in abundance in India. Milk products such as curd, butter,
ghee, panneer, cheese, butter-milk, milk sweets, are very popular consumable items used by the
people in their daily life. Good quality Milk is boiled, cooled, cream is separated, later ghee is
prepared from one part, from the another part, adding little quantity of curd to make curd, butter,
panneer, cheese, butter-milk, tonned milk, etc.Recent study shows that India is the largest producer
of milk in the world which is nearly 10% of the world production. Various milk-based products which
can be manufactured commercially in a rural industry are Paneer (Cheese), Dhahi (Curd), Ghee etc.
These products can be manufactured by low cost traditional methods and machineries. This kind of
industries can be located in area where abundance quantity of milk is available. The cost of these
products would be considerably low compared to those of big companies. A good number of
employment generations is possible with low investment. Recognizing the importance of the sector,
several key initiatives were taken by the Govt. in the past ranging from Operation Flood (OF)
programme, Intensive Dairy Development Programme (IDDP), Strengthening infrastructure for Clean
Milk Production, Assistance to Cooperatives, Venture Capital Fund (VCF) for Dairy, Dairy
Entrepreneurship Development Scheme etc. As the milk is perishable item the milk processing
industry is having good profitablity and year long market.
5.02 As of 2011 India census Vidisha had a population over 160000, Which Currently has grown to above
3.5 lakhs. The economy of Vidisha is based on agriculture. As it is centerally located it has got
benefits of good transport network, Further one can also find labours at competative rates. Here as
the main source of income is farming the flow of money in market is good and We can expect good
consumption of consumer centric products & Services. There are over 200 villages near Vidisha, the
peoples residing there are dependent on Vidisha for all their purchases. Moreover as it is
Geographicaly located at strategically important Location.

Chapter 4
Assumptions & Premises

4.01 Operating cost and revenue has been estimated for the first Seven years of operation of the unit in Project Report
and based on the assumption stated hereinbelow:

4.02 Financial projections have been made on the basis of prevailing market price, however no effect of price index has
been taken into account as cannot be determined in advance. Further price index will also have the same impact on
the both the dimensions that is cost as well as revenue simultaneously, though not necessarily in same proportion.

4.03 Gross revenue has been shown in schedule-1 titiled as-Cost of Project & Means of Finance. The sale price of the
product has been taken considering the prevelant market rate.

4.04 Operating Cost is shown in Schedule 2. Actual Cost may vary from projections.

4.05 Direct wages has been calculated in schedule- 2 A

4.06 Depreciation has been calculated on WDV method , to calculate proper tax liablitily written down value method
adopted and rate at which calculation has been made is dipcted in schedule-3 titiled as-Depreciation on Fixed
Chapter 5
Analysis & Interpretation

5.01 The unit is promoted by Lokendra S/o Veer Singh Chauhan in Vill : Harganakhedi, Tehsil : Sironj, Dist : Vidisha
(M.P.) where pospects of the unit is undoutbly be high because of available infrastructure facility, power,
communication, water, transport and huge potential demand of goods to be traded & produced.

5.02 From the financial analysis and project appraisal it appears that the project is economically viable and financially
feasible due to the supportive factors enumerated hereinbelow.

5.03 The debt equity ratio as calculated indicates that the debt is well with in the limit i.e. far less than traditionally
accepted ratio of 2 : 1 which indicate, in case of any unfortunate adversaries nothing would affect the project
viability and its liquidity.

5.04 DSCR of the project is 2.03

In nutshell considering the excellent market potentiality, good debt service coverage ratio, low pay back period indicates that
no risk to promoter as well as the funding agency.

Whole project report has been prepared on the basis of information and details supplied by promoter. All precautions
and due care have been made/taken into account while compiling the project report and to arrive at realistic conclusions.

At last it is concluded that the said unit will be financially and economically viable due to above-said supportive factors.
The promoter is fully confident that the project will stand the test of time and get all help/assistance and co-operation from
state govt. and all concerned agencies.

I hereby Confirm that this report is prepared by me on the basis of Facts asumptions provided by
Promoter and relevant industry Standards. These are just projections and actual performance of
the project may differ.

For Pitalia Financial Advisors

Lokendra S/o Veer Singh Chauhan

Schedule 1
Cost of Project & Means of Finance
[Amount in ₹ ]
Total Amount
1 Cost of Project

Fixed Cost
A. Fixed Investment (As Per Schedule 1A) 80.00% 16,00,000.00

B. Working Capital ( As per Schedule 1B) 20.00% 4,00,000.00

Total Cost of Project 20,00,000.00

2 Means of Finance
Percentage Fixed Assets
(i) Promoter's Own Contribution 5.00% 1,00,000.00

(iii) Bank Assistance 95.00% 19,00,000.00


Note : The promoter is eligible for Back Ended Subsidy Assistance Under Prime Minister Employment
Generation Programme.
Lokendra S/o Veer Singh Chauhan

Schedule 1A
A. Fixed Investment
S.No Particulars Qty Rate Amount in Rs.
1 Cow ( Including Transportation) 4 100000 400000
2 Buffalo (Including Transportation) 6 120000 720000
3 Chaffer 1 25000 25000
4 Shed 1 450000 450000
5 Weighing balance 1 5000 5000
Total 1600000
Schedule 1B

B. Working Capital

Particular Annual Maximum

Working capital*
1 Wages (Schedule 2A) 7,39,200.00 1,84,800.00
Expenditures- Purchase Cattle feed, Medicines, Testing
Material, Packing Material
2 7,70,000.00 1,92,500.00
Total Administration Cost 15,09,200.00 3,77,300.00
*Expenses for 3 Months. In our project Working Capital is required for 95.00 Days

Working capital Required for project is : 4,00,000.00 Rupees


Working Capital is demanded for Days : 95.00 Days

Lokendra S/o Veer Singh Chauhan
Schedule 2
Operating Cost

Year 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th

1 Office/Shop Expenses 11,000.00 11,550.00 12,127.50 12,733.88 13,370.57 14,039.10 14,741.05

2 Wages (Schedule 2A) 7,39,200.00 7,76,160.00 8,14,968.00 8,55,716.00 8,98,502.00 9,43,427.00 9,90,598.00
3 Electricity Expenses 18,000.00 18,900.00 19,845.00 20,837.00 21,879.00 22,973.00 24,122.00
4 Lease Rent 16,000.00 16,800.00 17,640.00 18,522.00 19,448.00 20,420.00 21,441.00

Total Administration Cost 7,84,200.00 8,23,410.00 8,64,580.50 9,07,808.88 9,53,199.57 10,00,859.10 10,50,902.05
Lokendra S/o Veer Singh Chauhan

Schedule 2A
Computation of Wages

Particulars No of Working Wages/Day Total Wages

Workers Days/Year

Staff 7 12 8,800.00 7,39,200.00

Total 7.00 7,39,200.00

Lokendra S/o Veer Singh Chauhan

Schedule 3
Depreciation on Fixed Assets

Year 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th

Block 15%
Opening Balance 0.00 4,08,000.00 3,46,800.00 2,94,780.00 2,50,563.00 2,12,979.00 1,81,032.00
Addition during yrar 4,80,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Sale during year 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Closing Balance 4,80,000.00 4,08,000.00 3,46,800.00 2,94,780.00 2,50,563.00 2,12,979.00 1,81,032.00
Depreciationfor the year 72,000.00 61,200.00 52,020.00 44,217.00 37,584.00 31,947.00 27,155.00
Written Down Value 4,08,000.00 3,46,800.00 2,94,780.00 2,50,563.00 2,12,979.00 1,81,032.00 1,53,877.00

Total Depreciation 72,000.00 61,200.00 52,020.00 44,217.00 37,584.00 31,947.00 27,155.00

Lokendra S/o Veer Singh Chauhan
Schedule 4
Term Loan & Repayment Schedule

Amount of Loan 19,00,000.00

Rate of Interest 12.00%

[Amount in ₹ ] [Amount in ₹ ]
Year/ Principal Principal Principal Interest Year/ Principal Principal Principal Interest
Month openong Bal. Repaid Closing Bal. Accrued & Month openong Bal. Repaid Closing Bal. Accrued &
Paid Paid

YEAR - 1 YEAR - 2
1 19,00,000.00 22,619.05 18,77,380.95 19,000.00 1 16,28,571.43 22,619.05 16,05,952.38 16,285.71
2 18,77,380.95 22,619.05 18,54,761.90 18,773.81 2 16,05,952.38 22,619.05 15,83,333.33 16,059.52
3 18,54,761.90 22,619.05 18,32,142.86 18,547.62 3 15,83,333.33 22,619.05 15,60,714.29 15,833.33
4 18,32,142.86 22,619.05 18,09,523.81 18,321.43 4 15,60,714.29 22,619.05 15,38,095.24 15,607.14
5 18,09,523.81 22,619.05 17,86,904.76 18,095.24 5 15,38,095.24 22,619.05 15,15,476.19 15,380.95
6 17,86,904.76 22,619.05 17,64,285.71 17,869.05 6 15,15,476.19 22,619.05 14,92,857.14 15,154.76
7 17,64,285.71 22,619.05 17,41,666.67 17,642.86 7 14,92,857.14 22,619.05 14,70,238.10 14,928.57
8 17,41,666.67 22,619.05 17,19,047.62 17,416.67 8 14,70,238.10 22,619.05 14,47,619.05 14,702.38
9 17,19,047.62 22,619.05 16,96,428.57 17,190.48 9 14,47,619.05 22,619.05 14,25,000.00 14,476.19
10 16,96,428.57 22,619.05 16,73,809.52 16,964.29 10 14,25,000.00 22,619.05 14,02,380.95 14,250.00
11 16,73,809.52 22,619.05 16,51,190.48 16,738.10 11 14,02,380.95 22,619.05 13,79,761.90 14,023.81
12 16,51,190.48 22,619.05 16,28,571.43 16,511.90 12 13,79,761.90 22,619.05 13,57,142.86 13,797.62
2,71,428.57 2,13,071.45 2,71,428.57 1,80,499.98

YEAR - 3 YEAR - 4
1 13,57,142.86 22,619.05 13,34,523.81 13,571.43 1 10,85,714.29 22,619.05 10,63,095.24 10,857.14
2 13,34,523.81 22,619.05 13,11,904.76 13,345.24 2 10,63,095.24 22,619.05 10,40,476.19 10,630.95
3 13,11,904.76 22,619.05 12,89,285.71 13,119.05 3 10,40,476.19 22,619.05 10,17,857.14 10,404.76
4 12,89,285.71 22,619.05 12,66,666.67 12,892.86 4 10,17,857.14 22,619.05 9,95,238.10 10,178.57
5 12,66,666.67 22,619.05 12,44,047.62 12,666.67 5 9,95,238.10 22,619.05 9,72,619.05 9,952.38
6 12,44,047.62 22,619.05 12,21,428.57 12,440.48 6 9,72,619.05 22,619.05 9,50,000.00 9,726.19
7 12,21,428.57 22,619.05 11,98,809.52 12,214.29 7 9,50,000.00 22,619.05 9,27,380.95 9,500.00
8 11,98,809.52 22,619.05 11,76,190.48 11,988.10 8 9,27,380.95 22,619.05 9,04,761.90 9,273.81
9 11,76,190.48 22,619.05 11,53,571.43 11,761.90 9 9,04,761.90 22,619.05 8,82,142.86 9,047.62
10 11,53,571.43 22,619.05 11,30,952.38 11,535.71 10 8,82,142.86 22,619.05 8,59,523.81 8,821.43
11 11,30,952.38 22,619.05 11,08,333.33 11,309.52 11 8,59,523.81 22,619.05 8,36,904.76 8,595.24
12 11,08,333.33 22,619.05 10,85,714.29 11,083.33 12 8,36,904.76 22,619.05 8,14,285.71 8,369.05
2,71,428.57 1,47,928.58 2,71,428.57 1,15,357.14

YEAR - 5 YEAR - 6
1 8,14,285.71 22,619.05 7,91,666.67 8,142.86 1 5,42,857.14 22,619.05 5,20,238.10 5,428.57
2 7,91,666.67 22,619.05 7,69,047.62 7,916.67 2 5,20,238.10 22,619.05 4,97,619.05 5,202.38
3 7,69,047.62 22,619.05 7,46,428.57 7,690.48 3 4,97,619.05 22,619.05 4,75,000.00 4,976.19
4 7,46,428.57 22,619.05 7,23,809.52 7,464.29 4 4,75,000.00 22,619.05 4,52,380.95 4,750.00
5 7,23,809.52 22,619.05 7,01,190.48 7,238.10 5 4,52,380.95 22,619.05 4,29,761.90 4,523.81
6 7,01,190.48 22,619.05 6,78,571.43 7,011.90 6 4,29,761.90 22,619.05 4,07,142.86 4,297.62
7 6,78,571.43 22,619.05 6,55,952.38 6,785.71 7 4,07,142.86 22,619.05 3,84,523.81 4,071.43
8 6,55,952.38 22,619.05 6,33,333.33 6,559.52 8 3,84,523.81 22,619.05 3,61,904.76 3,845.24
9 6,33,333.33 22,619.05 6,10,714.29 6,333.33 9 3,61,904.76 22,619.05 3,39,285.71 3,619.05
10 6,10,714.29 22,619.05 5,88,095.24 6,107.14 10 3,39,285.71 22,619.05 3,16,666.67 3,392.86
11 5,88,095.24 22,619.05 5,65,476.19 5,880.95 11 3,16,666.67 22,619.05 2,94,047.62 3,166.67
12 5,65,476.19 22,619.05 5,42,857.14 5,654.76 12 2,94,047.62 22,619.05 2,71,428.57 2,940.48
2,71,428.57 82,785.71 2,71,428.57 50,214.30

YEAR - 7
1 2,71,428.57 22,619.05 2,48,809.52 2,714.29
2 2,48,809.52 22,619.05 2,26,190.48 2,488.10
3 2,26,190.48 22,619.05 2,03,571.43 2,261.90
4 2,03,571.43 22,619.05 1,80,952.38 2,035.71
5 1,80,952.38 22,619.05 1,58,333.33 1,809.52
6 1,58,333.33 22,619.05 1,35,714.29 1,583.33
7 1,35,714.29 22,619.05 1,13,095.24 1,357.14
8 1,13,095.24 22,619.05 90,476.19 1,130.95
9 90,476.19 22,619.05 67,857.14 904.76
10 67,857.14 22,619.05 45,238.10 678.57
11 45,238.10 22,619.05 22,619.05 452.38
12 22,619.05 22,619.05 0.00 226.19
2,71,428.57 17,642.84
Lokendra S/o Veer Singh Chauhan
Schedule 5
Profitability Statement

Particulars Year 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th

1 Gross Receipts From Business 22,00,000.00 23,10,000.00 24,25,500.00 25,46,775.00 26,74,113.75 28,07,819.44 29,48,210.41
(A) 22,00,000.00 23,10,000.00 24,25,500.00 25,46,775.00 26,74,113.75 28,07,819.44 29,48,210.41

Expenditures- Purchase Cattle feed,

Medicines, Testing Material, Packing
2 Material
Opening Stock 0.00 70,000.00 84,000.00 1,00,800.00 1,20,960.00 1,45,152.00 1,74,182.40
Purchase 8,40,000.00 8,22,500.00 8,65,725.00 9,11,531.25 9,60,131.81 10,11,767.20 10,66,710.12
Closing Stock 70,000.00 84,000.00 1,00,800.00 1,20,960.00 1,45,152.00 1,74,182.40 2,09,018.88

Cost of Goods Sold 7,70,000.00 8,08,500.00 8,48,925.00 8,91,371.25 9,35,939.81 9,82,736.80 10,31,873.64

Operting Expenses 7,84,200.00 8,23,410.00 8,64,580.50 9,07,808.88 9,53,199.57 10,00,859.10 10,50,902.05

Depreciation 72,000.00 61,200.00 52,020.00 44,217.00 37,584.00 31,947.00 27,155.00
(B) 16,26,200.00 16,93,110.00 17,65,525.50 18,43,397.13 19,26,723.38 20,15,542.90 21,09,930.70

3 Operating Profit (A-B) (C) 5,73,800.00 6,16,890.00 6,59,974.50 7,03,377.88 7,47,390.37 7,92,276.54 8,38,279.71

4 Finance Cost
Interest on Term Loan (D) 2,13,071.45 1,80,499.98 1,47,928.58 1,15,357.14 82,785.71 50,214.30 17,642.84

5 Net Profit for the Year (E) 3,60,728.55 4,36,390.02 5,12,045.92 5,88,020.74 6,64,604.66 7,42,062.24 8,20,636.87
Lokendra S/o Veer Singh Chauhan
Schedule 6
Balance Sheet
Particulars 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th

1. Equity
Opening Balance 0.00 4,60,728.55 8,97,118.57 14,09,164.49 19,97,185.23 26,61,789.88 34,03,852.12
Introduced 1,00,000.00
Add:- Net Profit 3,60,728.55 4,36,390.02 5,12,045.92 5,88,020.74 6,64,604.66 7,42,062.24 8,20,636.87
4,60,728.55 8,97,118.57 14,09,164.49 19,97,185.23 26,61,789.88 34,03,852.12 42,24,488.99

2. Term Liability
Secured Loan 16,28,571.43 13,57,142.86 10,85,714.29 8,14,285.71 5,42,857.14 2,71,428.57 0.00
16,28,571.43 13,57,142.86 10,85,714.29 8,14,285.71 5,42,857.14 2,71,428.57 0.00
3. Current Liability
Defferd Expenditure 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(Pre-operative expenses) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total Capital & Liabilities 20,89,299.98 22,54,261.43 24,94,878.78 28,11,470.94 32,04,647.03 36,75,280.69 42,24,488.99

1. Fixed Assets
Opening Balance 0.00 4,08,000.00 3,46,800.00 2,94,780.00 2,50,563.00 2,12,979.00 1,81,032.00
Add:- Addition 4,80,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Less:- Depreciation 72,000.00 61,200.00 52,020.00 44,217.00 37,584.00 31,947.00 27,155.00
Net Block 4,08,000.00 3,46,800.00 2,94,780.00 2,50,563.00 2,12,979.00 1,81,032.00 1,53,877.00

2. Current Assets
Debtors 3,08,000.00 3,08,000.00 4,62,000.00 6,46,800.00 7,76,160.00 9,70,200.00 12,12,750.00
Closing Stock 70,000.00 84,000.00 1,00,800.00 1,20,960.00 1,45,152.00 1,74,182.40 2,09,018.88
Cash & Bank Balances 1,83,299.98 3,95,461.43 5,17,298.78 6,73,147.94 9,50,356.03 12,29,866.29 15,28,843.11
5,61,299.98 7,87,461.43 10,80,098.78 14,40,907.94 18,71,668.03 23,74,248.69 29,50,611.99

Total Assets 9,69,299.98 11,34,261.43 13,74,878.78 16,91,470.94 20,84,647.03 25,55,280.69 31,04,488.99

Lokendra S/o Veer Singh Chauhan
Schedule 7
Cash Flow Statement

Year 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th

A Sources of Funds
1. Net Profit After Tax 3,60,728.55 4,36,390.02 5,12,045.92 5,88,020.74 6,64,604.66 7,42,062.24 8,20,636.87
Add:- Depreciation 72,000.00 61,200.00 52,020.00 44,217.00 37,584.00 31,947.00 27,155.00
Operating Cash Profit 4,32,728.55 4,97,590.02 5,64,065.92 6,32,237.74 7,02,188.66 7,74,009.24 8,47,791.87

2. Increase In Equity 1,00,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

3. Increase In Term Loan 19,00,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4. Increase In Unsecured Loan 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Tolal Resources 24,32,728.55 4,97,590.02 5,64,065.92 6,32,237.74 7,02,188.66 7,74,009.24 8,47,791.87

B Application of Funds
1. Capital Expenditure
Fixed Assets (Capital) 16,00,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Working Capital 3,78,000.00 14,000.00 1,70,800.00 2,04,960.00 1,53,552.00 2,23,070.40 2,77,386.48
2. Repayment of Secured Loan 2,71,428.57 2,71,428.57 2,71,428.57 2,71,428.57 2,71,428.57 2,71,428.57 2,71,428.57
Total utilisation 22,49,428.57 2,85,428.57 4,42,228.57 4,76,388.57 4,24,980.57 4,94,498.97 5,48,815.05

C Net Accurals (A-B) 1,83,299.98 2,12,161.45 1,21,837.35 1,55,849.16 2,77,208.09 2,79,510.27 2,98,976.82
D Add:- Opening Balance 0.00 1,83,299.98 3,95,461.43 5,17,298.78 6,73,147.94 9,50,356.03 12,29,866.29
E Closing Balance (C+D) 1,83,299.98 3,95,461.43 5,17,298.78 6,73,147.94 9,50,356.03 12,29,866.29 15,28,843.11
Lokendra S/o Veer Singh Chauhan
Schedule 8
Ratio Analysis

Particulars 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th

1 Gross Receipts 22,00,000.00 23,10,000.00 24,25,500.00 25,46,775.00 26,74,113.75 28,07,819.44 29,48,210.41

2 Net Profit 3,60,728.55 4,36,390.02 5,12,045.92 5,88,020.74 6,64,604.66 7,42,062.24 8,20,636.87
3 Cash Profit 4,32,728.55 4,97,590.02 5,64,065.92 6,32,237.74 7,02,188.66 7,74,009.24 8,47,791.87
4 Operating Profit (profit before interest) 5,73,800.00 6,16,890.00 6,59,974.50 7,03,377.88 7,47,390.37 7,92,276.54 8,38,279.71

5 Net Capital Employed (net investments) 20,89,299.98 22,54,261.43 24,94,878.78 28,11,470.94 32,04,647.03 36,75,280.69 42,24,488.99
6 Net Worth 4,60,728.55 8,97,118.57 14,09,164.49 19,97,185.23 26,61,789.88 34,03,852.12 42,24,488.99
7 Total Liabilities 16,28,571.43 13,57,142.86 10,85,714.29 8,14,285.71 5,42,857.14 2,71,428.57 0.00
8 Long Term Debts 16,28,571.43 13,57,142.86 10,85,714.29 8,14,285.71 5,42,857.14 2,71,428.57 0.00
9 Current Asset (including cash) 5,61,299.98 7,87,461.43 10,80,098.78 14,40,907.94 18,71,668.03 23,74,248.69 29,50,611.99
10 Net Cash Inflow 1,83,299.98 2,12,161.45 1,21,837.35 1,55,849.16 2,77,208.09 2,79,510.27 2,98,976.82
11 Financial Coverage 6,45,800.00 6,78,090.00 7,11,994.50 7,47,594.88 7,84,974.37 8,24,223.54 8,65,434.71
12 Financial Obligation/Service 4,84,500.02 4,51,928.55 4,19,357.15 3,86,785.71 3,54,214.28 3,21,642.87 2,89,071.41


1 Net Profit to Gross Receipts 16.40% 18.89% 21.11% 23.09% 24.85% 26.43% 27.84%
2 Cash Profit to Gross Receipts 19.67% 21.54% 23.26% 24.83% 26.26% 27.57% 28.76%
3 Opearting Profit to Capital Employed 27.46% 27.37% 26.45% 25.02% 23.32% 21.56% 19.84%
4 Net Profit to Net Worth 78.30% 48.64% 36.34% 29.44% 24.97% 21.80% 19.43%
5 Debt Equity Ratio 3.53 1.51 0.77 0.41 0.20 0.08 0.00
6 AVERAGE Debt Equity Ratio 0.93
7 Net Worth/Total Laibilities 0.28 0.66 1.30 2.45 4.90 12.54 -
8 Debt Service Coverage Ratio [DSCR] 1.33 1.50 1.70 1.93 2.22 2.56 2.99
9 AVERAGE Debt Service Coverage Ratio [DSCR] 2.03
Lokendra S/o Veer Singh Chauhan
Schedule 9
Notes to the Annexure of Ratio Analysis

Particulars 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th

A Net Capital Employed

Closing Balance of Equity 4,60,728.55 8,97,118.57 14,09,164.49 19,97,185.23 26,61,789.88 34,03,852.12 42,24,488.99
Add:- Term Loan O/S 16,28,571.43 13,57,142.86 10,85,714.29 8,14,285.71 5,42,857.14 2,71,428.57 0.00
Total Capital Employed 20,89,299.98 22,54,261.43 24,94,878.78 28,11,470.94 32,04,647.03 36,75,280.69 42,24,488.99
Net Capital Employed 20,89,299.98 22,54,261.43 24,94,878.78 28,11,470.94 32,04,647.03 36,75,280.69 42,24,488.99

B Financial Coverage
Net Profit After Tax 3,60,728.55 4,36,390.02 5,12,045.92 5,88,020.74 6,64,604.66 7,42,062.24 8,20,636.87
Interest on Term Loan 2,13,071.45 1,80,499.98 1,47,928.58 1,15,357.14 82,785.71 50,214.30 17,642.84
Depreciation & Non Cash Exps 72,000.00 61,200.00 52,020.00 44,217.00 37,584.00 31,947.00 27,155.00
Total Financial Coverage 6,45,800.00 6,78,090.00 7,11,994.50 7,47,594.88 7,84,974.37 8,24,223.54 8,65,434.71

C Financial Service
Repayment of Term Loan 2,71,428.57 2,71,428.57 2,71,428.57 2,71,428.57 2,71,428.57 2,71,428.57 2,71,428.57
Interest on Term Loan 2,13,071.45 1,80,499.98 1,47,928.58 1,15,357.14 82,785.71 50,214.30 17,642.84
Total Financial Service 4,84,500.02 4,51,928.55 4,19,357.15 3,86,785.71 3,54,214.28 3,21,642.87 2,89,071.41
Lokendra S/o Veer Singh Chauhan
Schedule 10

Working Of Coverage Ratios


Particulars 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th

Procurement of Loan 19,00,000.00 - - - - - -

Repayment of Loan 2,71,428.57 2,71,428.57 2,71,428.57 2,71,428.57 2,71,428.57 2,71,428.57 2,71,428.57


Interest Payment 2,13,071.45 1,80,499.98 1,47,928.58 1,15,357.14 82,785.71 50,214.30 17,642.84

Note: (1) Repayment is to be made from the 1st month of Procurement of Loan.
(2) The Rate of Interest is Assumed to be @ 12%
Actual Rate may Differ Depending upon the Scoring of Each Bank.
(3) Interest is charged on the basis of Reducing Balance Method Every Month.
Lokendra S/o Veer Singh Chauhan
Schedule 11
Coverage Ratios


Particulars 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th

Interest Amount (A) 2,13,071.45 1,80,499.98 1,47,928.58 1,15,357.14 82,785.71 50,214.30 17,642.84

Profit Before Interest & Tax (B) 5,73,800.00 6,16,890.00 6,59,974.50 7,03,377.88 7,47,390.37 7,92,276.54 8,38,279.71

Interest Cov. Ratio (A/B) 2.69 3.42 4.46 6.10 9.03 15.78 47.51


Particulars 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th

Profit After Tax 3,60,728.55 4,36,390.02 5,12,045.92 5,88,020.74 6,64,604.66 7,42,062.24 8,20,636.87
Interest 2,13,071.45 1,80,499.98 1,47,928.58 1,15,357.14 82,785.71 50,214.30 17,642.84
Depreciation 72,000.00 61,200.00 52,020.00 44,217.00 37,584.00 31,947.00 27,155.00
Principal Repayment 2,71,428.57 2,71,428.57 2,71,428.57 2,71,428.57 2,71,428.57 2,71,428.57 2,71,428.57

DSCR 1.33 1.50 1.70 1.93 2.22 2.56 2.99


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