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Case Study - Ashley

Ashley has a problem: She never stops feeling guilty.

The first time she met you for counselling, Ashley told you how the biggest goal in
her life was to break up with her boyfriend. “He’s a great guy,” she quickly
explained, “but I guess I just don’t see much of a future with us.”

You ask her how long she had been feeling this way: “Three and a half years,” she
replies timidly.

Before you can say anything she hurriedly explains: “I know, I know, everyone
keeps telling me I need to just break up with him, but I just can’t. Each time I have
another pep talk with myself and get ready to tell him, I imagine how bad he’ll feel
and chicken out. I’m so stuck…”

You ask her how she imagines she’ll feel when she tells her boyfriend she wants to
break up. She paused and thought for a minute, then said, “Pretty guilty, I guess.”

What is preventing Ashley from breaking up with her boyfriend?

What further questions would you ask her?

How could you help her?

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