5 Weeks To A Faster 5 Mile

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Here's how to use this spreadsheet:1) Sign in with Google2) Click "File" then "Make a copy"3) Rename the

file as desired
"3) Rename the file as desired, and click "Make a copy"4) Update the highlighted 2mi and 5mi times in the same format as the ones l
e same format as the ones listed below5) Click on the "Calendar" tab to view the workouts⭐ Notes on Training ⭐:Dedicate the next 5
ining ⭐:Dedicate the next 5 weeks to HARD, CONSISTENT training and make sure your RECOVERY and NUTRITION are on point 👍Yo
UTRITION are on point 👍You can do the "perfect program", but if those are not on point, you won't get resultsComment your new 5 m
Time Calculations:Time
Previous PRs:
2mi 0:12:20
5mi 0:35:00

RPE 10 Max Effort
RPE 9 Very Hard Intensity
RPE 8 Hard Intensity
Vigorous Activity
RPE 7 Can speak
Hard Activityin short sentences; becomes uncomfortable quickly. Requires constant effort.
RPE 6 Labored breathing,
Progressive Pace challenging and uncomfortable but sustainable for 30-60 mins.
RPE 5 A pace that requires
Comfortable with Somesome pushing and effort to maintain; still able to hold a conversation
RPE 4 Requires effort,
Comfortable Pace but you can still speak a few sentences without struggling
RPE 3 Able
Light to maintain
and Easy a conversation without getting out of breath while running.
RPE 2 Non-taxing,
Minimum Effortvery gentle and easy to maintain a conversation – could continue for hours.
RPE 1 Bare minimum exertion; a simple walk
👈 update this
👈 update this

mes uncomfortable quickly. Requires constant effort.

uncomfortable but sustainable for 30-60 mins.
and effort to maintain; still able to hold a conversation
ak a few sentences without struggling
out getting out of breath while running.
maintain a conversation – could continue for hours.
Monday Tuesday
Week (rest)
1 10min warm up
10 x 400m @ RPE 9,
01:28 work interval
1min rest
10min cooldown
2 10min warmup
8 x 600m @ RPE 9,
02:17 work interval
2min rest
10min cooldown
3 10min warmup
4 x 800m @ RPE 9,
03:10 work interval
2min rest
10min cooldown
4 10min warmup
5 Rounds:
1000m @ RPE 9, 03:58 work interval
10min rest
20min @ RPE 3
5 Weeks to a Faster 5 Mile
Wednesday www.SOFPrepCoach.comThursday

1mi warmup
2mi @ previous 5 mile pace 14:00 main effort work interval 45min @ RPE 3
1mi cooldown
1mi @ RPE 5
10min warmup
3 Rounds:
45min running/
1mi @ 5 mile goal pace, 06:50 work interval
non-impact cardio @ RPE 3
10min rest
10min warmup
4 Rounds:
1mi @ 5 mile goal pace, 06:50 work interval 20min non-impact cardio @ RPE 3
10min rest
10min warmup
5mi @ previous 5 mile pace 35:00 work interval 20min non-impact cardio @ RPE 3
10min cooldown
10min warmup
2 Rounds:
1mi @ 5 mile goal pace, 06:50 work interval Rest
walking recovery
Friday Saturday Sunday
(Rest) (Rest)

60 - 80min @ RPE 3

60-90min @ RPE 3
w/ 3-4 x 30s strides

20min @ RPE 3
io @ RPE 3 2mi @ previous 5 mile pace 14:00 work interval
30min @ RPE 3

io @ RPE 3 60min @ RPE 3

5mi timed trial

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