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भारत सरकार Government of India

राष्ट्रीय परीक्षण शाला (उ.क्षे .)

National Test House (NR)
राष्ट्रीय परीक्षण शाला (उ.क्षे .), कमला ने हरू नगर, गाज़ियाबाद, उत्तर प्रदे श – 201002
Kamla Nehru Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh - 201002


भाग 'अ' जमा किये गये नमूने का विवरण

परीक्षण प्रमाणपत्र सं /Test Certificate No: SRF Number: जारी होने की तिथि/Date of issue कोड सं /QR Code
NTH(NR)/CH(P)/23/2986_1 NTH(NR)/CH(P)/23/2986 10 Apr, 2023 : NTH230021332

a) जिसे जारी करना है /Issued To : CPWD

Office -AE -(E)-3 Centre vista Project Electrical Div -2 CPWD Room no A-507 IP Bhawan New
b) पता/Address : Delhi 110002 site address --CCS BUILDING 1,2,3 Plot 137 137 New Delhi, New Delhi, New
Delhi, Delhi, India - 110002

c) ग्र ाहक का संदर्भ सं एवं दिनांक/ 24(1)/AE(E)3/CVPED-2/2023/CCS 1,2,&3 /12 DT 16-03-2023

Customer's Ref. No.

d) नमूना मु हरबंद स्थिति/Sample Sealed

Sealed Status

e) परीक्षण सामग्र ी का विवरण/ Ameetuff Fire Retardant coating on GI Duct for two hours , temp 250 *c
Description of Test item

e) नामपद्धति का विवरण/ Ameetuff Fire Retardant coating on GI Duct

Description of :

f) नमूना का विशिष्टता (यदि हो)/ NTH/NR/CM/CUSTM/02 - Fire retardant test on Bunsen flame for 2 hours
Product Specification(if :

g) नमूना प्राप्ति की तिथि /Date of 29 Mar, 2023

Receipt of the Test item

h) कार्य सम्पादन की तिथि/Date(s)of From: 03 Apr, 2023 To: 10 Apr, 2023

Performance of Tests

i) Quantity : 2.0 2

j) Any other Information / Testing of Ameetuff fire retardant coating performance for 2 hrs on GI duct , for spread of
Expiry Date, If any flame , insulation ,stability ,integrity and self extinguishing properties At 250 *C

k) Section Code : 23CHPD480N

l) Section Report No. : 23CHPD480N_1

m) Report Type : New

n) Reference Report No. :

o) Remarks : Test Report forwarded.

(Authorized Signatory)
Authorized on: 10 Apr, 2023 17:18 PM

1. This Test Certification shall not be reproduced except in full, unless permission for the reproduction of an approved
abstract has been obtained from the Director, National Test house (NR), Ghaziabad. 2. This Test Certificate relates only to
the sample/items submitted to the laboratory for test.

This is a Computer Generated Report.

Page 1 of 5
भारत सरकार Government of India
राष्ट्रीय परीक्षण शाला (उ.क्षे .)
National Test House (NR)
राष्ट्रीय परीक्षण शाला (उ.क्षे .), कमला ने हरू नगर, गाज़ियाबाद, उत्तर प्रदे श – 201002
Kamla Nehru Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh - 201002

Section Report No. : 23CHPD480N_1 NTH/NR/CM/CUSTM/02


1. नमूना ले ने की प्रक्रिया का सं दर्भ, जहां लागू हो! Not Applicable

Reference to sampling procedure, wherever applicable.

2. परीक्षण रिपोर्ट से सं बंधित मापन एवं परिमाण प्रप्ति हे तु सहायक प्रले ख जै से ग्र ाफ, तालिका, चित्र और / Not Applicable
अथवा फोटोग्र ाफ , यदि कोई हो।
Supporting documents for the measurements taken and results derived like
graphs, table sketches and or photographs as appropriate to test report, if

3. सम्बध्द मानक / कार्य निर्दे शो में निर्धारित परीक्षण पद्धति से विचलन , यदि कोई हो। Not Applicable
Deviation from the test methods as prescribed in relevant ISS/Work
instruction, if any.

4. परीक्षण सामग्र ी की पहचान/identification of Test item Ameetuff Fire Retardant coating on GI Duct
for two hours

5. व्यावद्रत की प्राणाली की पहचान/Method(s) used for Test As per customer specification

6. नमूना प्रक्रिया जहां प्रासं गिक हो/Sampling Procedure where relevant -

7. पर्यावरण की स्थिति/Environmental Conditions MAINTAINED

8. उपयोग किए जाने वाले प्रमु ख मानक/उपकरण/Major Standards/Equipments used -

9. कैलिब्र े शन स्थल/Site of Calibration -

10. मापन का पता लगाने की क्षमता/Traceability of Measurement -


OIC Testing/Calibration Chemical (Paint, High Polymer, Outdoor)
(Authorized Signatory)
Authorized on: 10 Apr, 2023 12:00 PM

This is a Computer Generated Report.

Page 2 of 5
भारत सरकार Government of India
राष्ट्रीय परीक्षण शाला (उ.क्षे .)
National Test House (NR)
राष्ट्रीय परीक्षण शाला (उ.क्षे .), कमला ने हरू नगर, गाज़ियाबाद, उत्तर प्रदे श – 201002
Kamla Nehru Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh - 201002

Section Report No. : 23CHPD480N_1 NTH/NR/CM/CUSTM/02


Clause No
Parameter - Method Min Max Result/
S.No. Table No. Test Description Unit
of test Limit Limit Observation
Sl. No
1 Customer Please see Annexure Please see Annexure - - - Please see Annexure

Dr. Brijmohan Singh Bisht ANSHU MALA SHUKLA

Lab Sc. Testing/Calibration Chemical (Paint, High Polymer, OIC Testing/Calibration Chemical (Paint, High Polymer,
Outdoor) Outdoor)
(Authorized Signatory) (Authorized Signatory)
Authorized on: 10 Apr, 2023 12:00 PM

This is a Computer Generated Report.

Page 3 of 5
Section Code : 23CHPD480N
कोड सं ख्या पृ ष्ठ पृ ष्ठों की सं ख्या
Code No. Page No of pages

23CHPD480N 1 of 1 1

Sample Description: Ameetuff Fire Retardant coating on GI Duct

S. No. Test Result

1 Stability No significant change in the shape of GI Duct.

No crack, hole or opening observed after 120 minute of fire

2 Integrity
resistance test.

Maximum average temperature on other side of GI Duct did

3 Insulation
not rise above 177 0C during120 minute of fire resistance test.

Fire Resistance
4 Flame does not propagate after removing from flame source.

Self Extinguished
5 Fire self- extinguishes when flame source is removed.

Peel off after 120 Coating remains bonded on GI Duct. No cracking and peel off
minute observed.

Note: Test performed on burner flame continuously for 2 hour.

Brijmohan Singh
Singh Bisht
Mala Shukla
Lab Sc. Testing/Calibration OIC Testing/Calibration
Lab Sc. (Paint,
Chemical Testing/Calibration
High Polymer, Outdoor) OIC Testing/Calibration
Chemical (Paint, High Polymer, Outdoor)
(Authorized (Paint, High polymer, Outdoor) Chemical (Paint, Signatory)
(Authorized High polymer, Outdoor)
(Authorized Signatory) (Authorized Signatory)
Page 4 of 5
भारत सरकार Government of India
राष्ट्रीय परीक्षण शाला (उ.क्षे .)
National Test House (NR)
राष्ट्र ीय परीक्षण शाला (उ.क्षे .), कमला ने हरू नगर, गाज़ियाबाद, उत्तर प्रदे श – 201002
Kamla Nehru Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh - 201002

Section Report No. : 23CHPD480N_1 NTH/NR/CM/CUSTM/02


PART D. Notes


OIC Testing/Calibration Chemical (Paint, High Polymer, Outdoor)
(Authorized Signatory)
Authorized on: 10 Apr, 2023 12:00 PM

This is a Computer Generated Report.

Page 5 of 5 End of Report

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