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West Clermont Walk-Through Observation Feedback Form for Small High Schools School_________________ Date__________ Time______________ Observer _____________________

The Students Were: The Teacher Was: _____On task in challenging/engaging work (80% or _____Specifying expectations & desired behavior more) _____Writing or creating original work _____Lecturing or assigning to whole group _____Taking a test or quiz _____Helping individual students _____Completing projects _____Facilitating small groups _____Completing worksheets _____Demonstrating or modeling a task _____Using technology _____Reading to or with students _____Listening and / or responding _____Using multiple questioning strategies _____Answering rote or knowledge-level questions _____Asking higher order questions _____Answering higher order questions _____Asking knowledge-level or procedural questions _____Initiating higher order questions _____Using wait time effectively _____Working in groups _____Using or modeling technology _____Self-directed, self-initiated _____In front of class _____Completing or correcting homework assignment _____Circulating among students _____At the overhead projector _____Sitting or standing behind desk (or podium) _____Reading _____Giving direct instruction _____Speaking in front of, or presenting to, class _____At the overhead projector _____In class, downtime _____In class, downtime _____Transitioning between classes or activities _____Transitioning between classes or activities Evidence of Schoolwide & District Expectations: Evidence of Positive Climate & Teacher Efficacy: _____Objectives clearly stated or cited _____High expectations for all _____Standards or curriculum objectives evident _____Appropriate student praise _____Student data posted _____Instruction appropriate to students _____Critical thinking / questioning skills used _____Student work displayed _____Process or strategy charts in room and used by _____Specific constructive feedback students _____Reading: comprehension strategies _____Equitable, consistent application of rules _____Emphasis on non-fiction _____Respectful behavior / positive regard _____Writing process (e.g., prompts, conferencing) _____Relearning or reevaluation of material _____Differentiation of instruction _____Room was without clutter _____Student agenda used & updated _____Effective time management _____Problem of the Day (DOL, DOM, OPT) _____Efficient materials management _____Character initiatives / respect _____Real-world connections / student interests _____Cooperative/collaborative classroom _____Assessment (rubrics, student-generated) _____Personalization _____Relearning or reevaluation of material _____Instruction focused on small schools curriculum _____Cooperative/ collaborative classroom _____Curriculum integration _____Positive personal interactions with student _____Rubrics in use _____Procedures in place and being used Notes: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

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