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Nornally,domestic wasteisi not very dangerous That is why this wade

The dry wasteis further separatedinto different categories. Paper, Plastic, Iron,ssyclod
lead nd theerotcns
wt we dvet
dry Gf
Wet wasteincludesvegetables, leaves, food itens gone bad and spoit frun1oor ther prel Ths wee as te
buriedunthesoilto make compost for agriculture or for usein gardening. It can be composed by yrrklng y duq
water onitand introducing carthworns to convert it into vemi-compost. Alermatvely, the wet wate can av te
to feed the mulch
sent topiggeries orused

6. Energy use conservation

Conventional energY
non-renea aHe tha
Eirewood. coal.,petrol and naural gas arc all conventional sources of energy. These are
ie once used they will not be replenishcd naturally agan. Nearly, 9U% of the workd's energy needs today re met by
gas and petroleum products are commercialIfuels. Non-commercial fuels inchde
these energy sources. Coal, crores of years to form in theearth May rces
frewood and cow dung. Coal, petrol and gas are fossil fuels, taking
remains got buried into the earth
of yearsago, forests, animals and their

Coal mining forest areas, rendring the

Coal is extracted from mines. Digging ofa coalmine involves destruction of large
century, coal met 80% of the needs oftte
various life forms in this habitat, homeless. At the beginning ofthe twenticth
estimated that India's coal reserves from around
people. Now the dependence ofpeople on coal is only 30%. It is
and is fourth argest in coal reserves ofthe
1-10% ofworld's reserves. India is the third largest producer of coal
is released. Ifthe surroundings have dense
world. When coal is burnt in the presence of oxygen, carbon dioxide
adding to the greenhouse cfiect. Ifinsuficicnt
forests, the carbon dioxide is absorbed. Or else, it goes up into the air
decreases the oxygen carying capacty
oxygen is available when coal is burnt, it generates carbon monoxide, which
of our blood. It may even cause death.

Page No: 16
Petokeumivextracted tlrouyha lon process. Cude oil isheated up to 400 deyrees centiyrade
disillation ALhe lowet level, 40 deyrees, we obtain Liqucticd Paroleu
at 40 |70 deprces, we lind petrol vapours, at 170 250 deyrees, keroscne is lormed, betweenn250 nnd V50, die
is obtaed and| between 35S0-450 deyrees, enpine oil is
obtaincd..At 400 degrees we gel paralin.
Naluralgas isabo found akong with oil in the wells. It contains methane. When conmprcsscd it turnsto
Ih does not cause pollution.
Conpressed NaluralGas(CNG),
Fnvironmental Ellects
Iviromentally speakingtthe refinng of oil is very darmnuging process. The finul residue ofthe
Rvess s sJid to be extremely harmlul. The punzent fumes can seriously
pollute the air. distl atuon
There are other causes lor petroleumpollution too. Sometimes the huge tunkers carrying oil ucross Oxcans
from ConventionalIsources ofenergy are limited. Rescarch on their proper usage haS not pickcd up. Nenher hs
rescarch into non-conventionalIsources ofenery been promoted by the various agencies involved. Anyrescarch
requiresfunals. C'orporates, businesses sand other big institutions ure so hooked ontothe corvent ional sources of
energythatthey areunwillng to fundtheerescurch to find alternative sources to mcct our cnergy demand. Asa resul.,
todaytheenergysituationthe workd over is grim. Ilowever, ifthere are various sources of energy avoilable across the
country, mxost people will find employmen So, we need tofocuss on ckeaner, better non-conventionalenergy ssources.
need not
Besdes, the devclopment of non-conventional sOurces of cnergy does not nced a lot of land. We
impot oil fom foreign countries to develop them. We will only bec using what is available to us and to its optimum

Ekctricity from wastes:
In 2006, Andhra Pradesh hus acapacity to produce 570 megawatts ofenergy from renewable sources. In
Iyderaba, the municpal corporation huas established a6.6 megnwalt electricity station that uses solid wastes, afist
such facilty in the country lnVijayawada, methane from sewerage is being uscd to generate 0. 15 megawatts of
clkctricity, The capacily to generate about 40 megawatts ofelectricity from urban waste exists in sx nunicipalitics in
the state. Programnes are on to generate 12.5 megawatts ofclectricity using wastes from the sugar, distillery and
colton industries inAnalhra Pradesh. There is apotential for the generation of 135 megawatis ofenergyfromsuch
diterent sources in the state.

Wnd-energy projects:
InAndhra Pradesh, atotal of31 areas havc been recognized as suitable for wind energy. At present, wind
mils wih acapacity of 124 megawatts have been installed. The potential is for 1920 megawatts with the preset
Blomass projects:
Andlira Pradesh stands first in the country in the use of bioass. In this area, the state has a
meyawatts ofckectricity Projects with a capacityyof 207 megawatts have already becnstarted. potantial for

Small-scal(hire hydroelectrlc projects:

state hassa potential for
K2 meyau
altsofcneryy are heing S00Dmegawatts ofclectricity from small-scale projects At present, about
penerated through these projects.
Page No: 17

Solar energy projects

Solar Irradiance
from the Sun

Solar Electric
Panel(s) Current Chergo

AC Power M

DC Power

For the first time in the country, ahuge solar

kitchen with acapacity to prepare meas for
day has been installed at Tirumala. By this, we can "save 250
litres of dieselper day. 30,000people in a
Solar energy could be used with great efficiency in hostels,
Rishi Valley in Madanapalle and in Sanghi industries in hospitals, schools and industries. In the school at
solar energy in industries is also getting popula.
Hyderabad, solar energy is being used for cooking. Use of
The Godavari Fertilizer Industries, in Kakinada, has a capacity to
heat 1,20,000 litres of water aday wth
solar energy.

Careful use of energy resources

Energy resources have to be used carefuly. We must make saving abasic concernm in the
management, usage and supply ofenergy. We have got used to using electricitycarelessly. So, alot ofit gets wasted.
We have to change our wasteful habits in orderto conserve
The use ofelectricity is very high in industry and agriculture. To run asmall pumpor to make a
electricity is required. chine work,
Ifindustries and agriculture are modemized, power can be saved. In agricuture, for example, the use of drp
irigation and the sprinkler system have reduced the use ofwater.
Instead of giant electric projects, the trend is now towards snaller ones. In our state, the Ekectricity Board
has been split into two corporations for promoting better management of resources. One company focuses on
production, another examines its distribution or supply.

NARAYANA Page No: 18


Rigt and officlent uso of energy resources

Proper usage
uper traInport Ihoper tramsport
In house In indusries In the
On the
rlondly Ruable
" Aluminum sector fam
Power "UReofChemicals
" "appliances "Glass "Control of plmp sts
is nxd Cables
done at the antnliadand &Use of " rnstecl supply
it will sve place of cxsunpion cletrical " Rcbatcs and
The trungowtation costs
se of the mot
Provision for
" Evaparation
Pumps with subsides for capactrs
In the
technology will give beN rsuts entry of
mtral wind
Controllable Corect use of
Control fwl supply axd metres
redke loud, and use use, If suprcondutrs and light
"Fewer raw Resourccs ship and
tht consune less applinces
" To heat
are sed, dere is
no wastage Houses Materials "Bigger taxes trucks;
Adjusting " Heating "Disconnection "Using
to he
is low, consume koadwhen surply delectricity
ess, whensupply opper wires
s in To cool
Houses Methods Ofpower
is high, consume
more. Wherevcr
" Uscs "Varying rates that gve
According to "Public
Controlling loadauontic contrd Trarsport by mileage
methods, savings in coling need.
hcating. ligting muchines, and fans Proving "Sttheoggiusenofg
Subsides and
Homes-modifying the houBG, Abol ishing vehicles
buildng new houses, and changing Taxes that gve
the applances a home es
Nt allowing
" Use lalcs nergy cfhicient Old vehicle Mileag
appliances at home. " Taxes on "Changes in
vehicles shape and

NARAYANA Page No: 19



Righttandeficient use of energy resOurces

important resourcein agriiculture.

industrial1zauon and the transportation
Poweristhe lion sector. we should plan usage of
fucls other than petrol and diesel. The
the tran
sporta commercially viable and usable. It should be safe. ec onomical, easily
sector. In to be work without intcrruption. Use of alternative fue ls,
like al cohol i.e.,
replacement needsour needs and fuel cells bas bec ome immensely necessary
fuels like hydrogen and
adpubleto meet ol along with the future. As per the estimate the
ethanoland an urgent needto
estimate the energy requirements insupply is dilficu lt. con servation of
be positioned. When increase in
now. Thereis supply have to need to promote il and suppor i. In the context of energy, we need
and We power
producionthe only alternaive. plans and strategy. This is the only way to have uninterrupted
energy in long lerm
lerm and

Energies of the future Alcohol

Methanol Fuelcell
" Byan electro-chem ical process,
Jivdrogen From rotten food from natural gas
is the enegy in the fuel can be
" Hydrogen Wood, saw dust chemical
converted into electricity. Since there
lightest and
is no burning. there is less was tage.
fuel resouce. When remains

burnt, only vapours husk

" made from to the anode
agricultural " By connecting hydrogen
cathode fuel cell is
released. It releases
molasses and ovygen to the
Encrgy is produced when there
used in filty built.
very little of carbon wast es from
Is an cxcha nge reaction bet
ween these
monoxide and percent of
toilets two clectrodes producing electicity
hydro Brazil's cars fora vehicle,
. releases less and water. To adopt this
carbons modified
" very little air the cnggne has to be
" It is packed with and
pollution gase s These vehi cles release less smoke,
energy " usable in all very little smoke their shape can be chan ged to sit
" Releases very few
rcleased need. Energy is not wasted in
pollutants " very little ozone generating heat. The capacity of this
reduced necds for more.
" Burns very well engine is three to four times
vehicle , released
. self-rel iance can

NARAYANA Page No: 20

Instead of gant clectric projects, the trend is now towards smaller ones. In our state, the
has been split into two corporations for promoting better management of resources. One company
production, anothcr examines its distribution or supply. ElkctraSoycuseBans n

Tips to save energy -at a glance ENVIRONMEN

Saving energy at home
Saving fuel: PA
’ Food must not be over-cookcd, over-fried or rehcatcd.
Unclean vesscls use up more energy. Clean avesselthoroughly before use. Use
The width of the vessel should be larger than .the size of the flame preSsurc cooker
Increase the efliciency of firewood. Ensure that the fire burns brightly Arrange for the
casily. Begin using solar heaters and cookers. smoke to
Saving electricity: Project Name
’ We can
reduce the consumption of electricity by proper ventilation, so that we can avoid
conditioners and lights. the use of ar-
’ Environment
Reduce the use of frefrigerators by getting fresh vegetables and fruits. Do not store food in 1. Man &
prepare fresh food. fridge. Ahwzn
»Household appliances should be used carefully. Use only standard 1SImarked good quality 2. Environment and
appliances and switches. elcctrical
Saving energy in agriculture:
’Wider pipes reduce drag and save power. In pipes having less 3. Pollution
increases, the resutant load increases consumption three times.diameter, though the water pressure
’A pipeline with fewer turns is more efficient
and consumes less. In tube wells and agricultural wels. the
pipe should be lowered as much as possible and taken as 4. Energy
’To ensure correct use, choose a water pumpset of properclose to the water as possible.
the efficiency ofelectrical appliances and to reduce rating. Capacitors should be used to improur
appliance. wastage of fuel. This also increases the life of the Question Bank

Saving fuel in vehicles:

’ Ifa vehicle is driven at a speed ranging
well, we can save 6% of the fuel between 45 and 55 kmph, fuel can be saved. Ifthe engineis tuned
’ Use trains, buses and other public
cars and scooters. transport more often and cut down on the use ofprivate vehicleslike
’ Even in small towns, there is a
large-scale increase the number of fuel- driven vehicles increasing
pollution everywhere. However, the fuel-free clean vehicle, cycle, has to be promoted.


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