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Map work

A map is a form of short handwriting. It represents the world created by people called
cartographers to help other people navigate the world.
What is a map?
A map is a flat representation of an area of the Earth using a scale. In other words, it
can be defined as:
• A map is a diagram drawn accurately on a flat surface to show a whole or part
of the earth’s surface. Maps are said to be accurate because they are generally
drawn to scale.
Maps may not show everything from the area represented, but only important things
that represent the area while using symbols (such as points, lines and colours) to show
some information. Most maps show both natural or physical features of a given area
(those things made by nature) and human or cultural features of an area (those things
made by people).

Activity 1
The list below is made up of some features which could be shown on maps.
Railway line cliff dam windmill mountain
Factory lake town road houses
Airport river forest waterfall railway station
Draw a table and divide the above list of features into natural and human-
made features.

Maps are very important in Geography because through them, we can:

1. Locate places on Earth, continents, countries, cities, towns and villages
2. Learn about the physical features of particular places such as highlands,
lowlands, drainage or vegetation.
3. Learn the human geography of other places, such as the distribution of
population, settlements and industries.
4. Learn where natural resources such as minerals can be found.
5. Study boundaries that show the properties owned by people or the boundaries
of a country.
6. Do fieldwork by being able to locate places in the area.
To read a map successfully, there are five fundamental things that a geographer
should be familiar with:
• compass directions
• grid references
• map's key
• title
• scale
Characteristics of a good map
Title- the title describes the map and tell us what information the map is showing us.
The title should be in a large clear font that is easy to read.
Legend /key- this tells us what the different symbols and colours on the map mean.
Without a key, we will not be able to read or understand a map.

Direction information- a map should indicate in which direction north lies. This is
done using a north arrow, or a compass rose. From this, we can work out what
direction a feature lies from another. North is generally at the top of the map.

Scale- the map scale is the relationship between the distance on the map and the
corresponding distance on the ground. The scale of the map determines the amount
of detail that can be shown. We can calculate distances between objects in reality if
we know the scale of the map.
Co-ordinate reference system- latitude and latitude are called co-ordinates. When
we use a grid of lines of latitude and longitude, we can call it a co-ordinate reference
system. They are measured in degrees, minutes and seconds. We can give the exact
location of a place or feature by giving the latitude and longitude.
Grid- this is a network of horizontal and vertical lines that we use to locate points on
a map. The grid divides a map into a system of rows and columns, which are
sometimes identified by letters and numbers. The grid can also show lines of latitude
(horizontal lines) and longitude (vertical lines).
Types of Maps
Maps are used to show specific information, and so different people use them in
different ways. Geographers use them to study the pattern and distribution of both
physical and human features.
Common types of maps include:

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