Narayana - 12-05-2022 - SR - IIT - OUTGOING&LT IIT - Jee-Main - GTM - QP

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Sec: SR IIT &LT IIT N120 Date: 12-05-22

Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 300

Name of the Student: ___________________ H.T. NO:


PHYSICS: Total Syllabus

CHEMISTRY: Total Syllabus
MATHEMATICS: Total Syllabus



Narayana IIT Academy
This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (1), (2), (3) and (4) for its
answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 if not correct.
1. In an electron microscope, the resolution that can be achieved is of the order of the
wavelength of electrons used. To resolve width of 7.5 1012 m , the minimum electron
energy required is close to

1) 500 keV 2) 100 keV 3) 1 keV 4) 25 keV

2. In the cube of side ‘a’ shown in the figure, the vector from the central point of the face
ABOD to the central point of the face BEFO will be

1 ˆ ˆ 1 ˆ ˆ 1 ˆ ˆ 1 ˆ ˆ

a k i  2)

a i k  3)

a ji  4)

a jk 
3. In a Young’s double slit experiment with slit separation 0.1 mm, one observes a bright
fringe at angle rad by using light of wavelength 1 . When the light of wavelength 2
is used a bright fringe is seen at the same angle in the same set up. Given that 1 and 2
are in visible range (380nm to 740nm), their values are
1) 625nm, 500 nm 2) 380 nm, 525 nm
3) 380 nm, 500 nm 4) 400 nm, 500 nm
4. Two guns A and B can fire bullets with speeds 1 km/s and 2 km/s respectively. From a
point on a horizontal ground, they are fired in all possible directions. The ratio of
maximum areas covered by the bullets fired by the two guns, on the ground is

1) 1 : 16 2) 1 : 2 3) 1 : 4 4) 1 : 8

SR.IIT_N-SC Page. No. 2

The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy
5. A parallel plate capacitor is of area 6 cm 2 and a separation 3mm. The gap is filled with
three dielectric materials of equal thickness (see figure) with dielectric constants
K1  10, K 2  12 and K3  14 . The dielectric constant of a material which when fully

inserted in above capacitor, gives same capacitance would be

1) 4 2) 14 3) 12 4) 36

6. A charge Q is distributed over three concentric spherical shells of radii a, b, c ( a < b <
c) such that their surface charge densities are equal to one another. The total potential at
a point at distance r from their common centre, where r < a, would be:
Q ab  bc  ca Q  a 2  b2  c 2 
1) 2)
12 0 abc 4 0  a 3  b3  c 3 

Q Q a  b  c
3) 4)
4 0  a  b  c  4 0  a 2  b 2  c2 

7. Three Carnot engines operate in series between a heat source at temperature T1 and a
heat sink at temperature T4 (see figure). There are two other reservoirs at temperature
T2 and T3 as shown with T1  T2  T3  T4 . The three engines are equally efficient if

1/2 1/3 1/3 1/3

1) T2  T1 T4  ; T3  T12T4  2) T2  T12 T4  ; T3  T1T24 
1/3 1/3 1/4 1/ 4
3) T2  T1 T42  ; T3  T12T4  4) T2  T13 T4  ; T3  T1T43 

SR.IIT_N-SC Page. No. 3

The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy
8. A satellite is moving with a constant speed  in circular orbit around the earth. An
object of mass ‘m’ is ejected from the satellite such that it just escapes from the
gravitational pull of the earth. At the time of ejection, the kinetic energy of the object is:

1 3
1) 2 m 2 2) m 2 3) m 2 4) m 2
2 2

9. A train moves towards a stationary observer with speed 34 m/s. The train sounds a
whistle and its frequency registered by the observer is f1 . If the speed of the train is
reduced to 17 m/s, the frequency registered is f 2 . If speed of sound is 340 m/s, then the
ratio f1 / f 2 is

1) 18/17 2) 19/18 3) 20/19 4) 21/20

10. A plano convex lens of refractive index 1 and focal length f1 is kept in contact with
another plano concave lens of refractive index 2 and focal length f 2 . If the radius of
curvature of their spherical faces is R each and f1  2 f 2 , then 1 and 2 are related as:

1) 2 1  2  3 2) 2 1  2 2  1 3) 2  1  3 4) 2 2  1  1

11. To get output ‘1’ at R, for the given logic gate circuit the input values must be

1) X = 0, Y = 1 2) X = 1, Y = 1 3) X = 1, Y = 0 4) X = 0, Y = 1

12. If the magnetic field of a plane electromagnetic wave is given by (The speed of light
 x 
= 3 108 m / s ) B  100  106 sin  2  2 1015  t    , then the maximum electric field
  c 

associated with it is :

1) 6 104 N / C 2) 3 104 N / C 3) 4 104 N / C 4) 4.5 104 N / C

SR.IIT_N-SC Page. No. 4

The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy
13. Using a nuclear counter the count rate of emitted particles for a radioactive source is
measured. At t = 0 it was 1600 counts per second at t = 8 seconds it was 100 counts per
second. The count rate observed, as counts per second, at t = 6 seconds is close to:
1) 200 2) 150 3) 400 4) 360
14. A solid metal cube of edge length 2cm is moving in a positive y-direction at a constant
speed of 6 m/s. There is a uniform magnetic field of 0.1 T in the positive z-direction.
The potential difference between the two faces of the cube perpendicular to the x-axis, is
1) 12 mV 2) 6 mV 3) 1 mV 4) 2 mV
 
15. Two electric dipoles A, B with respective dipole moments d A  4 qa iˆ and d B  2 qa iˆ are
placed on the x-axis with a separation R  R  size of dipoles  . The distance from A at
which both of them produce the same potential is
R 2R R 2R
1) 2) 3) 4)
2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1

16. In the given circuit the cells have zero internal resistance. The currents (in Amperes)
passing through resistance R1 and R2 respectively, are

1) 1, 2 2) 2, 2 3) 0.5, 0 4) 0, 1
17. A 2W carbon resistor is colour coded with green, black, red and brown respectively. The
maximum current which can be passed through this resistor is
1) 20 mA 2) 100 mA 3) 0.4 mA 4) 63 mA
18. A piece of wood of mass 0.03 kg is dropped from the top of a 100 m height building. At
the same time, a bullet of mass 0.02 kg is fired vertically upward, with a velocity
100 ms 1 , from the ground. The bullet gets embedded in the wood. Then the maximum
height to which the combined system reaches above the top of the building before falling
below is ( g  10 ms 2 )
1) 20 m 2) 30 m 3) 40 m 4) 10 m

SR.IIT_N-SC Page. No. 5

The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy
19. An insulating thin rod of length l has a linear charge density   x    0 on it. The rod is
rotated about an axis passing through the origin (x = 0) and perpendicular to the rod. If
the rod makes n rotations per second, then the time averaged magnetic moment of the
rod is
 
1)  npl 3 2) npl 3 3) npl 3 4) npl 3
3 4
20. A homogeneous solid cylindrical roller of radius R and mass M is pulled on a cricket
pitch by a horizontal force. Assuming rolling without slipping, angular acceleration of
the cylinder is
3F F F 2F
1) 2) 3) 4)
2mR 3mR 2mR 3mR

(Numerical Value Answer Type )
This section contains 10 questions. The answer to each question is a Numerical value. If the Answer in the
decimals, Mark nearest Integer only. Have to Anaswer any 5 only out of 10 questions and question will
be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Marking scheme : +4 for correct answer, -1 in all other cases.
21. To mop-clean a floor, a cleaning machine presses a circular mop of radius R vertically
down with a total force F and rotates it with a constant angular speed about its axis. If
the force F is distributed uniformly over the mop and the coefficient of the friction
between the mop and the floor is  , then torque applied by the machine on the mop is
 FR where x and y are numbers. Then x y 

22. A potentiometer wire AB of length L and resistance 12r is joined to a cell D of emf 
and internal resistance r . A cell C having emf  / 2 and internal resistance 3r is
connected in the secondary circuit as shown. The length AJ for which the galvanometer
shows no deflection is L where x and y are numbers. Then x y 

SR.IIT_N-SC Page. No. 6

The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy
23. A TV transmission tower has a height of 140 m and the height of the receiving antenna
is 40m. The maximum distance upto which signals can be broadcast from this tower in
LOS (Line of Sight) mode is _________ (in km) (Given: radius of earth = 6.4 106 m )

24. A uniform metallic wire has a resistance of 18  and is bent into an equilateral triangle.
Then, the resistance between any two vertices of the triangle is _______ (in ohms)

25. A block of mass m is kept on a platform which starts from rest with constant
acceleration g/2 upward, as shown in figure. Work done by normal reaction on block in
a mg b t c
time t is where a,b,c,d are numbers. Then a  b  c  d is_______

26. A magnet of magnetic moment 10 2 iˆ A  m 2 is placed in a magnetic field, B iˆ where B = 1

Tesla. The magnitude of work done in reversing the direction of the magnet
is___________( in J)

27. A heat source at T  103 K is connected to a heat sink at T  102 K by a copper slab which
is 1m thick. Given that the thermal conductivity of copper is 0.1WK 1 m 1 , the energy flux
through it in the steady state is_______(in Wm-2)

28. The density of a material in SI units is 128 kg m 3 . In certain units in which the unit of
length is 25cm and the unit of mass 50g, the numerical value of density of the material

29. Water flows into a large tank with flat bottom at the rate of 104 m3 s 1 . Water is also
leaking out of a hole of area 1cm2 at its bottom. If the height of the water in the tank
remains steady, then this height is _______ (in cm)
30. A string of length 1 m and mass 5g is fixed at both ends. The tension in the string is 8.0
N. The string is set into vibration using an external vibrator of frequency 100 Hz. The
separation between successive nodes on the string is close to_____(in cm)

SR.IIT_N-SC Page. No. 7

The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy
This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (1), (2), (3) and (4) for its
answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 if not correct.
31. A process that has H  200 J mol–1 and S = 40 JK –1 mol–1. Out of the values
given below, choose the minimum temperature above which the process will be

1) 20 K 2) 12 K 3) 5 K 4) 4 K

32. The values of Kp/K c for the following reactions at 300 K are respectively:

(At 300 K, R = 24.62 dm3 atm mol–1)

 2 NO  g 
N 2  g   O2  g  

 2 NO2  g 
N 2O4  g  

 2 NH 3  g 
N 2  g   3 H 2  g  

1) 1, 24.62 dm3 atm mol–1, 606.0 dm6 atm2 mol–2

2) 1, 24.62 dm3 atm mol–1, 1.65  10–3 dm–6 atm–2 mol2

3) 1, 4.1  10–2 dm–3 atm–1 mol, 606.0 dm6 atm2 mol–2

4) 24.62 dm3 atm mol–1, 606.0 dm6 atm2 atm2 mol–2, 1.65  10–3 dm–6 atm–2 mol2

33. Water filled in two glasses A and B have BOD values of 10 and 20 respectively. The
correct statement regarding them is

1) B is more polluted than A

2) A is suitable for drinking, whereas B is not

3) both A and B are suitable for drinking

4) A is more polluted than B

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The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy
34. The major product of the following reaction is:

1) 2)

3) 4)

35. Consider the given plots for a reaction obeying Arrhenius equation  00 C  T  3000 C  :
(k and Ea are rate constant and activation energy respectively)

Choose the correct option:

1) I is right but II is wrong 2) Both I and Ii are correct
3) I is wrong but II is right 4) Both I and II are wrong
36. Which dicarboxylic acid in presence of a dehydrating agent is least reactive to give

1) 2)

3) 4)

SR.IIT_N-SC Page. No. 9

The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy
37. The decreasing order of ease of alkaline hydrolysis for the following ester is

1) III > II > IV > I 2) III > II > I > IV

3) IV > II > III > I 4) II > III > I > IV
38. Which of the graphs shown below does not represent the relationship between incident
light and the electron ejected from metal surface?

1) 2)

3) 4)

39. The effect of lanthanoid contraction in the lanthanoid series of elements by the large
1) increase in both atomic and ionic radii
2) decrease in atomic radii and increase in ionic radii
3) decrease in both atomic and ionic radii
4) increase in atomic radii and decrease in ionic radii

SR.IIT_N-SC Page. No. 10

The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy
40. The major product of the following reaction is

1) 2)

3) 4)

41. The correct structure of product ‘P’ in the following reaction is





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The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy
42. The type of hybridisation and number of lone pair(s) of electrons of Xe in XeOF4
respectively are

1) sp3d2 and 1 2) sp3d and 2

3) sp3d2 and 2 4) sp3d and 1

43. Consider the following

Zn 2  2e  
 Zn  s  ; E 0  0.76V

Ca 2  2e 
 Ca  s  ; E 0  2.87V

 Mg  s  ; E 0  2.36V
Mg 2  2e 

Ni 2  2e 
 Ni  s  ; E 0  0.25V
The reducing power of the metals increases in the order
1) Ca < Zn < Mg < Ni 2) Ni < Zn < Mg < Ca
3) Zn < Mg < Ni < Ca 4) Ca < Mg < Zn < Ni
44. The chemical nature of hydrogen peroxide is

1) oxidising agent in acidic medium, but not in basic medium

2) reducing agent in basic medium but not in acidic medium

3) oxidising and reducing agent in acidic medium but not in basic medium

4) oxidising and reducing agent in both acidic and basic medium

45. A mixture of 100m.mol of Ca(OH)2 and 2 g of sodium sulphate was dissolved in water
and the volume was made upto 100mL. The mass of calcium sulphate formed and the
concentration of OH– in resulting solution, respectively are
(Molar mass of Ca(OH)2, Na2SO4 and CaSO 4 are 74, 143 and 136 g mol–1 respectively;
K sp of Ca(OH)2 is 5.5  10 –6)
1) 1.9 g, 0.28 mol L–1 2) 13.6 g, 0.28 mol L–1
3) 1.9g, 0.14 mol L–1 4) 13.6 g, 0.14 mol L–1

SR.IIT_N-SC Page. No. 12

The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy
46. Liquids A and B form and ideal solution in the entire composition range. At 350 K, the
vapour pressures of pure A and pure B are 7  103 Pa and 12  103 Pa, respectively.
The composition of the vapour in equilibrium with a solution containing 40 mole percent
of A at this temperature is

1) x A = 0.37; xB = 0.63 2) xA = 0.28; xB = 0.72

3) x A = 0.4; xB = 0.6 4) xA = 0.76; xB = 0.24

47. The major product ‘X’ formed in the following reaction is:

1) 2)

3) 4)

48. The increasing order of pKa values of the following compounds is

1) C < B < A < D 2) B < C < D < A

3) D < A < C < B 4) B < C < A< D

SR.IIT_N-SC Page. No. 13

The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy
49. Hall-Herolut’s process is given by
2 
1) Cu  aq   H 2  g  
 Cu  s   2 H  aq 
2) Cr2O3  2 Al 
 Al2O3  2Cr

3) 2 Al2O3  3C 
 4 Al  3CO2

Coke,1673 K
4) ZnO  C  Zn  CO

50. Two pi and half sigma bonds are present in

1) O2 2) N 2 3) O2 4) N 2

(Numerical Value Answer Type )
This section contains 10 questions. The answer to each question is a Numerical value. If the Answer in the
decimals, Mark nearest Integer only. Have to Anaswer any 5 only out of 10 questions and question will
be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Marking scheme : +4 for correct answer, -1 in all other cases.
51. The total number of isomers for a square planar complex  M  F  Cl  SCN  NO2   is ___

52. If each orbital can hold maximum number of five electrons, the number of elements in
4th period of periodic table (long form) will be_____


Number of oxygen atom in compound (2) will be______

54. [(No. of S – O – S bond in  form of SO 3 ) + (no. of P – O – P bonds in P4O 10)] is x.

Find x/4.

SR.IIT_N-SC Page. No. 14

The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy
55. Consider the following statements

1) Solvay process cannot be used to prepare K 2CO3 due to precipitation of KHCO3

2) Hemihydrate of calcium sulphate is known as gypsum.

3) Phenol can give electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions in absence of Lewis acid.

4) Salicyclic acid can give white/yellow solution with Br2 / CS2 .

5) Phenol gives paraquinol S 2O82 / OH  as a major product.

6) None alkaline metal hydride are ionic in nature.

Find a/b. If a = number of correct statements.

b = number of incorrect statements.

56. A metal crystallizes in bcc lattice. The % of edge length not covered by atom is___


The degree of unsaturation of (X) is….

58. The percentage dissociation of 0.08 M aqueous acetic acid solution at 25°C is (Ka of
acetic acid at 25°C = 1.8 × 10–5)_________

59. Molten NaCl is electrolysed for 35 minutes with a current of 3.50 A at 40°C and 1 bar
pressure. Volume of chlorine gas evolved in this electrolysis is____

60. Aqueous solution of slaked lime, Ca(OH)2, is extensively used in municipal waste water
treatment. Maximum pH possible in an aqueous solution of slaked lime is (Ksp of
Ca(OH)2 = 5.5 × 10–6) ________

SR.IIT_N-SC Page. No. 15

The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy
This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (1), (2), (3) and (4) for its
answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 if not correct.
61. If 5, 5r , 5r 2 are the lengths of the sides of a triangle, then r cannot be equal to

3 5 7 3
1) 2) 3) 4)
4 4 4 2

62. If the dice are thrown at a twice then the probability that difference of the numbers is 2 is

1 2 4 5
1) 2) 3) 4)
9 9 9 9

x  2 y  2 z 1
63. The plane passing through the point (4, -1, 2) and parallel to the lines  
3 1 2
x  2 y 3 z  4
and   also passed through the point
1 2 3

1) 1, 1,  1 2) 1, 1,1 3)  1,  1,  1 4)  1,  1,1

64. The mean of five observations is 5 and their variance is 9.20. If three of the given five
observations are 1, 3 and 8, then a ratio of other two observations is
1) 10 : 3 2) 4 : 9 3) 5 : 8 4) 6 : 7
20 20
 Ci 1  k
65. If  
i 1 
20 20  
Ci  Ci 1  21
, then k equals

1) 400 2) 50 3) 200 4) 100

 3
66. The sum of all values of    0, 2 4
 satisfying sin   cos 2  is
 2 4

5  3
1)  2) 3) 4)
4 2 8
dy 3 1       4  
67. If  2
y 2
, x ,  and y    , then y    equals
dx cos x cos x  3 3 4 3  4
1 6 1 4 1 3
1) e 2) 3)  4) e
3 3 3 3

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The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy
x 5
68. If the third term in the binomial expansion of 1  x log 2
 equals 2560, then a possible

value of x is

1 1
1) 2) 4 2 3) 4) 2 2
4 8

69. If the parabolas y 2  4b  x  c  and y 2  8ax have a common normal, then which on of the
following is a valid choice for the ordered traid (a, b, c)?

1 1
1)  , 2, 3  2) 1,1,3 3)  , 2, 0  4) 1,1, 0 
2  2 

70. For each t  R let t  be the greatest integer less than or equal to t. Then,

1 | x |  sin |1  x | sin  1  x  
lim 2 
x 1 |1  x ||1  x |

1) equals 1 2) equals 0 3) equals -1 4) does not exist

 2 4d sin    2 
71. Let d  R , and A   1  sin    2 d

 ,    0, 2  . If the minimum value of
 5  2sin    d   sin    2  2 d 
det  A  is 8, then a value of d is

1) -5 2) -7 3) 2  2  1 4) 2  2  2 

72. Which of the following is logically equivalent to p  p  q

1) ~ p   p  q  2) q   p  q 

3) ~ p  ~ q 4) ~ q  ~ p

73. Let I  a  x 4  2 x 2 dx . If I is minimum then the ordered pair (a, 1) is

1)  0, 2  2)   2, 0  3)  2,  2  4)   2, 2 

SR.IIT_N-SC Page. No. 17

The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy
74. A point P moves on the line 2 x  3 y  4  0 . If Q (1, 4) and R (3, -2) are fixed points, then
the locus of the centroid of  PQR is a line
1) with slope 2) parallel to x-axis
3) with slope 4) parallel to y-axis

 max | x |, x 2  , | x | 2
75. Let f  x    . Let S be the set of points in the interval (-4, 4) at
 8  2 | x |, 2 | x | 4

which f is not differentiable. Then S

1) is an empty set 2) equals 2,  1, 0, 1, 2

3) equals 2,  1,1, 2 4) equals 2, 2

76. Let f : R  R be a function such that f  x   x3  x 2 f ' 1  xf ''  2   f '''  3 , x  R . Then f  2 

1) -4 2) 30 3) -2 4) 8
  
77. Let a  2iˆ  1 ˆj  3kˆ , b  4iˆ   3  2  ˆj  6kˆ and c  3iˆ  6 ˆj   3  1 kˆ be three vectors such
   
that b  2 a and a is perpendicular to c . Then a possible value of  1 , 2 , 3  is

1 1
1) 1, 3, 1 2)   , 4, 0  3)  , 4,  2  4) 1, 5, 1
 2  2 

78. Let n  2 be a natural number and 0     / 2 . Then

 sin n
  sin   n cos 
d is equal to
 sin n1 
(where C is a constant of integration)
n 1 n 1
n 1 n 1
1) 2 1  n1  2) 2 1  n 1 
n n
C C
n  1  sin   n  1  sin  
n 1 n 1
n 1 n 1
3) 2 1  n1  4) 2 1  n1 
n n
C C
n  1  sin   n  1  sin  

SR.IIT_N-SC Page. No. 18

The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy
79. Consider a triangular plot ABC with sides AB = 7 m, BC = 5m and CA = 6m. A vertical
lamp-post at the midpoint D of AC subtends an angle 300 at B. The height (in m) of the
lamp-post is

3 2
1) 21 2) 21 3) 2 21 4) 7 21
2 3

80. The equation of a tangent to the hyperbola 4 x 2  5 y 2  20 parallel to the line x  y  2 is

1) x  y  1  0 2) x  y  7  0 3) x  y  9  0 4) x  y  3  0

(Numerical Value Answer Type )
This section contains 10 questions. The answer to each question is a Numerical value. If the Answer in the
decimals, Mark nearest Integer only. Have to Anaswer any 5 only out of 10 questions and question will
be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Marking scheme : +4 for correct answer, -1 in all other cases.
81. Let the function f :  0,1  R defined by f  x   x then the value of
9 3
 1   2   3   39  1
f   f   f   ......  f   f 
 40   40   40   40   2

82. Consider the quadratic equation  c  5  x 2  2cs   c  4   0, c  5 . Let S be the set of all
integral values of c for which one root of the equation lies in the interval (0, 2) and its
other root lies in the interval (2, 3). Then the number of elements in S is

83. In a class of 140 students numbered 1 to 140, all even numbered students opted
Mathematics course, those whose number is divisible by 3 opted Physics course and
those whose number is divisible by 5 opted Chemistry course. Then the number of
students who did not opt for any of the three courses is

84. If the system of equations

x yz 5
x  2 y  3z  9
x  3y   z  

has infinitely many solutions, then    equals

SR.IIT_N-SC Page. No. 19

The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy
85. If a circle C passing through the point (4, 0) touches the circle x 2  y 2  4 x  6 y  12
externally at the point (1, -1) then the radius of C is
86. Let A be a point on the line r  1  3  iˆ     1 ˆj   2  5  kˆ and B  3, 2, 6  be a point in
the space. Then the value of  for which the vector AB is parallel to the plane
x  4 y  3z  1 is

87. The sum of all two digits positive numbers which when divided by 7 yield 2 or 5 as
remainder is

88. If z1  1, z2  2 , z3  3 and 9 z1 z2  4 z1 z3  z2 z3  12 then the value of z1  z2  z3 is

equal to

89. If a1 , a2 ,........, an are in AP, b1, b2 ,........, bn are in G.P such that a1  b1  1, a9  b9 and
 ar  369 then b7 is equal to
r 1

90. In a PQR , let a  QR , b  RP and c  PQ . If a  3 , b  4 and

  a
a. c  b
c. a  b  a  b
then the value of a  b is equal to

SR.IIT_N-SC Page. No. 20

The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.

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