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The Familiar Teacher (Miss Sherly)

The video begins with Miss Sherly teaching Class T1-T5. Having gotten so used to the
students, she can guess their quirks, such as Vincent attempting to link the camera with the
question about photosynthesis, Ben wanting to go to the toilet, Nicole being late, Vicky
snacking, Cherylene repeating her name and Denise about to give a super detailed answer
about photosynthesis. However, she has to leave to teach to another class, but reminds the
class that she'll always be their homeroom teacher so they will get to see each other

The Confused (Miss Sandy)

Miss Sandy teaches biology and excitedly announces that they're about to learn about
reproduction system. She then prepares a model which somehow looks like an animal skull,
or a pug's or a turtle's to the students. When Debbie asks about how babies are made, Miss
Sandy instead instructs the rest to do silent reading and finding more information about it
from their textbooks. Meanwhile, Nicole feels like she's having a déjà vu.

The Intimidating (Mr. Damian)

Mr. Damian teaches finance, but then sees Jasmine chatting with Abbey behind her whilst
an insect was buzzing. Mr. Damian then slams his palm to the table, startling Jasmine, but
Mr. Damian casually tells her that he successfully smashed the buzzing fly and suggests
Jasmine using insect repellent next time. Later, while still teaching, JianHao comes to the
class late. Mr. Damian then approaches him with a very intimidating walk and pulls out his
belt, to which JianHao is reduced to begging for mercy just to avoid physical punishment,
but Mr. Damian just offers him the belt as JianHao's pants were dropping. Later, Vincent
notes that the class is getting too hot, to which he's trying to loosen up his shirt. Mr. Damian
approaches him and then lifts his collar as if trying to intimidate him further. It turns out,
he's just lifting Vincent high enough so he can manually turn on the air conditioner located
in the ceiling. Once he puts Vincent down, he suggests to ask Miss Sherly to leave the
remote control in the class.

The Passionate (Mr. Catoir)

Mr. Catoir, the English teacher, passionately reads a verse in William Shakespeare's Romeo
and Juliet, but the whole class is generally bored and uninterested, with some of them
having a hard time staying awake. Noticing this, Mr. Catoir tries to encourage the class to
get excited, and asks if there are better tragedy than Romeo and Juliet and asks some
students, but JianHao's choice for 'better tragedy' is Avengers: Infinity War, Vincent's choice
is The Fast and The Furious (between 5 and 9), and Denise's choice is Albert Einstein's
theory of relativity. Mr. Catoir then deduces that he'll have to educate them more and then
starts reading Hamlet, to the students' annoyance.

The Eye Candy (Miss Natalie)

Miss Natalie continues with the Hamlet reading, but reads it in a dry tone that she's just not
interested. However, the class suddenly becomes more attentive due to her attractive
figure. Miss Natalie apologizes for being so dry and offers an early recess. The students,
however, disagrees for once, they prefer to look at their eye candy more, telling her that the
subject is very interesting. Miss Natalie reluctantly reads more of the Hamlet line, and
eventually asks if the students seriously finds Hamlet interesting. The students line up in
front of her and says that it's very interesting (though obviously finding her figure more
interesting) and she continues again.

The Grumpy (Mr. P-lip)

Mr. P-Lip enters the class, and tells the students if they have anything to ask, they should
not be afraid. Hakim then asks if he can go to the toilet, but Mr. P-lip can't hear it well so he
tells Hakim to come near him. Once Hakim gets near, he raises his volume that startles Mr.
P-lip, who starts scolding Hakim and insisting that his name is "P-Lip", not "Philip", showing
that at heart, he's a grumpy old man. JianHao attempts to ask a question, but changes his
mind quickly, to the annoyance of Mr. P-Lip.

The Bestie (Miss Sofia)

Miss Sofia asks the students to hand over their homework. JianHao, however, excuses his
lack of homework by saying that his crocodile ate his homework. Surprisingly, Miss Sofia
understands, telling JianHao that she had her homework eaten by her own croc too, so she
delays the homework submission for next week and instead offers pizza for the whole class,
to the joy of the class.

The Biased (Miss Sofia)

In the middle of eating pizza, Vincent proudly confesses that he didn't do his homework to
which the whole class boos at him. Miss Sofia is not pleased, and punishes Vincent by taking
pineapples out of his pizza. Cherylene also confesses that she didn't do her homework, so
she's curious if Miss Sofia would take away the pineapples for her, but instead she lets her
go with it. Cherylene then says she doesn't like pineapples on her pizza.

The Shy Teacher (Miss Jia En)

Miss Jia En silently enters and after a beat, introduces herself as the Graphics Design
teacher. She then tries to teach about PNG, but got the definition wrong several times due
to her shyness.

The Funny (Mr. Fakkah)

Mr. Fakkah teaches history. However, he tends to put up puns that happens to be much
more clever and digestible by the students, making them laugh genuinely.

The Unfunny (Mr. Dan)

Mr. Dan sees Mr. Fakkah making Class T1-T5 happy and decides not to get outdone. He
challenges Mr. Fakkah into a pun battle, but is clearly losing since his boomer puns fail to
make the students laugh, while Mr. Fakkah's fresher puns does instead. In the end, Mr. Dan
tries to intimidate Mr. Fakkah, but instead ends up crying, saying all he wants is just to be
respected, and Mr. Fakkah actually comforts him.

The Principal (Miss Siti)

Miss Siti enters the class asking about the students' opinions on the new teachers. Debbie
says they're nice, Trev asks why Miss Sherly can't teach in every class, and JianHao asks why
they couldn't even get a new P.E Teacher. Miss Siti scolds JianHao for badmouthing Mr. Dan
and punishes him to go to the Principal's office. Tasha then points out that Miss Siti is the
principal, which means no one is in the Principal's office at the moment. For this reason,
JianHao takes over the school announcement system speaking like a DJ bearing Miss Siti's
name (MC Siti), announcing that the school period is over, to teach Miss Siti a lesson for
sending him to her office because he disrespects Mr. Dan about getting a new P.E teacher.
Miss Siti sees Class N4-T1 (shown with just Sunny and Crystal) running in the hallway
dismissing themselves, then exits the class to put the students back in class.

The Monotonous (Ms. Pat Law)

Ms. Pat Law began to discuss about digital marketing. Tasha and Debbie are excited, having
able to learn something "fun" in the class. But as Miss Pat Law begins to explain, the entire
class now began to feel tired because of her monotonous tone and the lengthy amount of
information she gave out, which leads to many getting bored, and few students such as
Vincent and JianHao started to fall asleep, before Pat Law asks: "Got questions?"

The Unhelpful (Miss Shantay)

Miss Shantay is seen looking exhausted and unmotivated. She tells the class to read the
textbook for 45 minutes, and to turn off the lights, but Cherylene began to complain, first
because of their inability to read in the dark, and then Miss Shantay being unspecific about
which chapter in the textbook to start reading, but was ultimately rebuffed when Miss
Shantay tells her to google it. Kevin gives Shantay his brownies in an attempt to make the
latter feel better, only she became disgusted by the taste. JianHao also tasted Kevin's
brownies, and also has the same reaction as Miss Shantay's.

The Emotional (Mrs. Nancy)

Vincent planned for everyone in the class to ignore the next teacher (thinking it would be
funny). When the new teacher Mrs. Nancy began to cry in tears upon being given virtually
no response when asking them about the 5 principles of accounting, JianHao and some of
the students realizes they had gone too far, and after Debbie asks the emotional teacher if
she is okay, JianHao tries to apologize to calm her down, stating that it was not on purpose
and blames it on Vincent, but all of his attempts led to him being sent outside the class.

The Chill Teacher (Mr. Mabuhay)

Mr. Mabuhay enters the class and proceeds to be very friendly, preferring to be called
"pare" (a slang in the Philippines meaning 'bro' or 'pal'). He welcomes the students to ask
anything about him first. He reveals that he likes hiking, eating palabok noodle dishes, and
sometimes box as a hobby. To prove that, he asks volunteer to assist him in boxing lessons,
which happens to be Kevin. Mr. Mabuhay encourages him, calling him pogi (or handsome).
He then shows the class how it's done, telling them to cheer him on.

The Unreasonable (Mrs. Regna)

Mrs. Regna enters and gets really cross when she sees fun happening in the class, even one
that is initiated by the teacher. She stops Mr. Mabuhay's activity, who reasons out that this
is just his way of bonding with the students, and dismisses him. She announces the class
that with the exam coming, the school classes have been extended to be from 1PM to 2PM,
which then distresses the students. Mrs. Regna commands them to be silent, but to no avail.

JianHao suddenly spots a pregnant belly on the window, when another familiar, even more
commanding voice successfully silences the class. The camera pans to reveal the one and
only Madam Soot Beng. Rather than siding with the students, she berates Mrs. Regna that
2PM is going too easy on a class like T1-T5, so she extends it to 3PM, to the students' dismay
(except Denise). Further protests causes Madam Soot Beng to extend it further to 3.45 PM.
With that in agreement, Mrs. Regna announces that Madam Soot Beng will be the new
homeroom teacher of T1-T5. Outside, Miss Sherly comments that things will be different,
with Mr. Mabuhay commenting that he just joined.

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