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Self Development Idea (19): Manifestation Through



Manifestation Through RELEASING:

Part 1 - Return to Your Beingness through

From the Observer Effect in Quantum Physics, we know that in the
beginning all are waves (energies). Until our consciousness bring focus
onto it (consciously or unconsciously), then waves becomes particles
according to our intention or mind set. One will materialize the waves, the
energies, into his physical reality, according to his beliefs. And the process of
materialization of Waves into Particles is called Manifestation. Where the
particles and materialization are the gross low frequency end (3rd Dimension)
of a high frequency consciousness (4th Dimension).
In the Higher Dimension, there is consciousness we all share and we are
this consciousness. Therefore, we are all born of this consciousness. All life
and objects, in this Physical Three-Dimensional World, are condensed
particles of our consciousness. Reality is a state of condensed
consciousness and that’s why all the enlightened spiritual teachers call it
as illusion. Our brain, our body, this earth and this universe is all part of the
illusion, condensed consciousness.

Our whole experience of life is in the brain, converting consciousness

to particles. It’s all in the brain and it’s all mental because all our experiences
are through our five senses and our five senses are interpreted only by our
brain. This consciousness is configured by the brain and all results are by our
beliefs, therefore, we can only do and see (interpret/comprehend) all
according to our beliefs.

All humans born are already realized. Realization is not something that
we learn or achieve as we educate and move on in life searching for the path
to being. It’s something that we have lost. We were born already realized
and with no veil between us and Being, no filters and beliefs.

All blocks (filters/beliefs) are thoughts and feelings, all based on our
so called education by parents and the establishment, which in turn become
our established limiting beliefs.

There are no limits; there is only belief in limits. How can we have
limits when all is an illusion? There is no such thing as impossible
because we are dealing with an illusion.

How can we want and crave for things when they are already ours?
As it’s in our illusion, we already own it. We just need to ask and it shall
be given, we have to know and understand that.
All we have to do is allow our intentions to happen. When we don’t
need or want, it’s ours. When we feel the need or want, we can’t have it,
as need or want is lack. It is the feeling of Lacking/Needing/Wanting
radiates negative energies becomes the blockage for us to receive.

We can have it all, we can have anything we intent to enjoy as long as

we don’t need or want it; that’s how it works. Just allow our intentions to
come, no push or pull, completely centered, complete knowing,
complete understanding that whatever our intentions, it will come, it’s

How can we, a multidimensional being, need and want? Beingness is

oblivious to such emotions. Why? Because man does not walk on this
plane by these means, beingness is.

When we understand who and what we are, we set

an INTENTION and ALLOW our intention to manifest. There are no ifs or
buts, no push and pull, it just is, it’s a knowing, a certainty, we just

When we throw a stone up in the air, we have that knowing and certainty
that it will land somewhere. We have the knowing that it will not stay up in the
air somewhere, we are most certain of that, of that knowing.

When we raise our consciousness to understand and practice

these, we can simply start a cause with a focused intention, we don’t
push or pull, we are centered, we always walk this plain with an air of
certainty and we have absolute certainty that we will have an effect,

This is very important to understand. It’s what has been hidden from us by
feeding our mind with tons of misinformation. It’s been hidden from us so that
we will never assume our natural creative faculties on this physical plane. We
need to know and understand who and what we really are.

All negative thought and feeling will bring trauma-based disorders into our
body. They will stay there until death unless removed. All traumas are a
recording of an emotion by the mind/body which brings about body
malfunction and deformities. There is no such thing as germs, there is no
such thing as illness and all these things are introduced into one’s
consciousness by the mind, which is a recorder and the creator of all
our mental and physical problems.

Before awakening, the Little “i” control the mind with what I think and
what I create and do. The Little “i” don’t have the “I AM” telling me(this mind-
body) what to do, a construct of my mind. The Little “i” controls my outcome
on this material plane as my being, not some “I AM” - a figment of my creative
mind and imagination, it’s not the real “I”, it’s just an identifier, an EGO. I AM,
the “I”, is the Master.

Before Awakening…

The Little “i”

who is a doer
and a constructor

and a construction








The mind(ego) gets in the way by obstructing my real self with recorded
misinformation and challenges my real self on everything that I wish to
achieve by my ego’s blocks/filters/beliefs/garbage, and stops my real self from
being who and what I really AM, and in finding Myself, My Being, whilst on this

By removing all blocks, (filters, beliefs) I come back to My Being. My ego

and its belief in itself is a block as separation. There is no such thing as
separation, as the ego is a creation of the mind.

As I put my senses to sleep and I AM with My Being. Let go

of My senses and I AM with My Being. Stop mind chatter and I
AM with My Being.

There is absolutely nothing outside of Me. I AM One with all there is.
All life, people, trees, world and universe that I see in My mind are other
reflections of the same consciousness.
Our eyes see only light, the brain converts it to an image from
consciousness. All things stem from within consciousness, there is nothing
without. How far is the end of the universe from where we are standing?
Take a tape measure and measure the distance from the back of our head to
the front; is that how far it is?

We are the center of it all, we are all there is. As our consciousness
affects the quantum field, what’s true, what’s real? Nothing.
Our biggest problems in life are the hidden thoughts, tendencies and
emotions that we carry all of our life, which burden all of the people, all seven
billion of us, with negative misinformation that has been deeply implanted in
us since a very early age.

These are very deep and hidden from us in our subconscious (the
recorder). The subconscious is just a recording device, and negative
recordings, are not life supporting. So if there are health problems, emotional
problems, physical problems, it is almost impossible to find them all as they
are hidden very deeply. It’s difficult to find all hidden recordings to revert back
to Being.

When everything that we try to do doesn’t work, under any and all issues in
life, and we can’t resolve the problem when things keep going wrong
and we do not know why, then the only conclusion must be blocks, filters,
beliefs and garbage in the subconscious, recorder/mind that work against us.
These blocks come under thoughts and emotions that carry all of one’s
issues, like health, wealth, happiness, etc.

Here are the six most negative emotions:

Apathy, Grief, Fear, Lust, Anger and Pride.(AGFLAP.)

Below each emotion there are hundreds of tendencies. And below
these hundreds of tendencies, under each emotion, there are millions
of our thoughts that make us the person we are.







A tendency is like a trigger that releases stored thoughts in our

Now by understanding this, from then on we choose to consciously release
that tendency when it next rises up. After a few persistent tries we will drop
this tendency and all the hundreds of thoughts associated with it fall like a

Every time a tendency arises under any emotion it must

be completely released and should not be suppressed, expressed nor
escaped. Otherwise these accumulated un-released tendencies and
emotions will do more damage to us psychologically and physically and this
creates an even stronger block to us return to Beingness.

Imagine. If we start a pyramid apex under each of the six emotions listed
above and as they spread out, they all start to overlap each other to a
bottomless pit, as all these pyramids have no base. Now we can imagine the
complexity of a human being, the complexity of the human mind, the
Imagine dropping an emotion by totally releasing it every time it
rises.When we drop that emotion out of our life we drop hundreds of
tendencies associated with this emotion, as well as, millions of accumulated
associated thoughts that go with it that one has gathered in one’s lifetime.
This is misinformation and programming, negative beliefs, THE BLOCKS,

Yes it can be done and it is being done by people who understand this and
do it. It’s called releasing, which we will look into more detail and do the
exercises later on.

Now imagine one more emotion in the center above the row of the six
emotions. Start an apex of a pyramid going down as the pyramid spreads
and widens over the six emotions, that jewel would be DESIRE.
Imagine dropping desire out of one’s life and every emotion that we
can think and feel would be dropped, along with all the thousands of
tendencies and millions of thoughts all wiped off by releasing DESIRE.

Now we would be in a state of pure Being. There is absolutely no

resistance to our thoughts. All filters/blocks/ or negative beliefs are a
RESISTANCE to all our rightful powers. Once all resistance is removed a
mere thought would manifest anything.
These are the gifts and powers on this plane, in this conscious illusion that
was given to us as our birthright by the source of all consciousness and
our beingness. We all seek this from outside of ourselves and the source of
it all is within each of us, it’s ME!

This is the secret of all ages. This is the knowledge that is hidden from us
all. With this knowledge we don’t need anybody. The source of all things
is within each of us, it is within ME. We are pure consciousness of love and
creation. There is nothing outside us, we are all there is.

As one proceeds to weaken all the emotion by releasing, energy,

health, happiness, peace and beingness start to return to us. The
resistance or blocks start to weaken and we start coming closer
to our being. Our DNA will start to be affected by our being and that
blueprint, which is uniquely to each of us, starts to repair the imbalances
in our body and reinstate the perfection of health and happiness that we are.


The above information is just a basic foundation of understanding; It is

good to understand before we release, though that is not quite true because
we all release naturally without realizing it -- but understanding
makes it works with our psyche easier.
The following simple exercise is very powerful when applied in a controlled
way to remove blocks in our subconscious mind. So, it is good to practice it
faithfully, and we are surely to notice the result very soon, if not immediately.

Place our hands on our heart center/chakra. Now move our fingers down
on our rib cage until we start to feel the soft bit of the top of our stomach.
Next place our hands half way between the soft bit of our stomach and our
center lower rib cage.

Now... Imagine there is a door just under your hands, which we can open
it easily.

Now this door can open like a draw bridge from a castle opening
downwards or opening from the bottom upwards, or two doors opening from
the center like a cuckoo clock. Whichever we choose doesn’t matter; all we
need is a door that will open at our command.
All we need is to see it there.

Now imagine a smoke that would represent negativity. What color

would we attach to that smoke? Would it be black, white, dirty brown, red,
pink, or blue? It doesn’t matter. It just has to be picked by us, whatever
represents negativity to us, individually.

These are the mental tools that we set up to work with our psyche. Trust
only our higher self as best that we can for the moment.

We only need to bring out what we really are. Remove all

the misinformation that learned in the past and we will see who we really are
and what the rest of humanity really is.

Our Ultimate Goal is to return to our Beingness, to bring

forth love, health, happiness, prosperity, abundance, peace,
and total freedom.
We will be adding absolutely nothing but will be removing everything that
stands between us and our Beingness. Our mind is all there is.In the past,
when people talk about rising of consciousness, the created a thousand-and-
one ways of achieving it by putting in more rules and regulation, principles
and doctrines. We don’t need that! Today, the only reason why most of the
people don’t have higher consciousness is because we are full of
methods, disinformation and weird procedures.

Could it be that simple? That a self-regulating application working

on our own thoughts raises our consciousness level? YES. It is the most
direct means to do it – through RELEASING what is not original belongs to
our Beingness!

Find ourselves a comfortable place to relax and make sure we are alone at
first. The best place to start is at the beginning. When we said at the
beginning, we meant as from when we were a baby or from the earliest age
that we remember.

We want to relive our whole life from then to now, step by step. The
whole process here is to CHECKour emotions and to FORGIVE.

Forgive and understand the child within that has accepted many false
teachings as it grew up, then go with the relations, our mother, our father, our
sister and our brother, our grandmother and our grandfather, our uncles and
our aunts.

As we go through the family first, check any emotions that arise. If there is
something there, allow it to come up whatever it is and open the door in the
area in the middle of our rib cage and stomach. Then allow this feeling and/or
emotion to flow out of this door like a smoke of the color that we have
chosen. We can help the smoke to leave our body by creating an imaginary
Black Holein front of the door at our body. The other end of the Black Hole is
connected to the infinite, and it has a Super Strong Suction Power that help to
clean up the negative energy in our body completely. See it, Hear it, Feel it.

If the emotion is strong keep doing it until there is no strength left. It’s
probably deep and we should return to that emotion often until that emotion
does not raise itself again. Many people cry or having tears, and that helps to
remove it. Always release all emotions, that’s the whole idea of bringing
them up.

Bring them up and get rid of them by using the door and the
smoke. We are telling our psyche to get rid of it out of our system.

We don’t just forgive and forget. We forgive and get rid of it by

releasing, that’s the object of the whole thing. We do this with everybody
and everything. Start with ourselves, our family, our friends now and from
the past, our boss, our work mates, everybody and everything including all
pets and animals.
If we have had a very bad experience with anybody, bring that emotion up,
talk to this person and ask them to forgive us. Send them love and see them
smiling before we leave them. Always see everybody smile before we leave

It doesn’t matter if they are dead, make up with them and forgive. If for
any reason we feel that somebody, for whatever reason, would never in a
million years forgive us, that’s no problem as long as we have forgiven and
apologized and let go of that emotion by releasing it out of the door with the
smoke. It is done, we have forgiven ourselves.

As we go through all these experiences from the past to the

present, we must keep releasing all these emotions through our doors with
the smoke. Our psyche will accept and understand what we are doing.

This may take some weeks to months. As Lester proved that all these can
be done in three months. See… When the process is correct, and doing it
diligently, one can achieve enlightenment in a matter of few months!
Go through all the events of our lives reliving the past that had
accumulated a lot of emotions that have left their mark on us somehow. All
guilt must be brought up and released until it has no more power left to
raise itself. Keep releasing, keep releasing and keep releasing.

Eventually we will be able to walk outside and keep our doors open
permanently; nothing will bother us. As all data, no matter what comes
to us, immediately leaves us through our open door. Nothing will be able to
upset us. All nonsense bombarding us will not have an effect, it comes
in and straight out, we cannot be touched, period.

We will end up being very light and at peace with everybody. And
everything in our illusion will be at peace with us.
Part 2 - Get Everything Through RELEASING ONLY

We are manifestors, the creators of our reality.Due the false beliefs in

the past, we as humanity have been divided as to weaken our consensus to
manifest the reality that we all seek. The divisions are basically through
different religious, political, racist and tribal systems around the world that are
governing beliefs and creating a divided consensus. Beliefs are the essence
of all manifestations and creation on this plane through the gateway of
the subconscious mind.

We all have governing beliefs that were imposed and accepted by

us since childhood, and even now as adults, these beliefs are very deeply
seated in our subconscious mind and are fixed there until our death.
The subconscious is a recorder and is part of our survival kit, it is
the manifestor of all that we would ever need to sustain ourselves in this
illusion. And the subconscious also remembers, reminds, and warns us so we
don’t continue to make dangerous mistakes, which could lead to our extinction
from this created reality.

All manipulators are targeted to indoctrinate the first 7 years of life of any
child. The basic limiting factors are set in the subconscious by that time
making the child look outside of itself for guidance, i.e.: gods, money, survival
and manifesting.

If indoctrination was not given by any outside manipulator by that time, the
results will still be the same as the parents pass this on because of their own
indoctrination by the system or their parent. There is no escape, it’s a vicious
The children grow up knowing nothing of what they are and what
this reality really is. The children will be directed to ask an outside power,
e.g. “god”, to help them through life so that they can attain love, health,
prosperity and happiness, and it will be the WILL of a “god” that these things
will manifest for them.

Let’s take an imaginary trip into consciousness.

Let’s imagine that we are reading this on our screen and we are focusing
our consciousness into that room, the screen. Now imagine taking a few
steps back and close an imaginary door and now we are in the room that our
computer resides in. Now walk back out of this room and close the door and
now we are in the rest of our house. Now imagine walking back again into our
bedroom and close the door, now lie down on our bed.

While we are lying on the bed and relaxing, the brain starts to slowly shut
off; all our senses, one by one. Our breath is slowly getting shallower and we
feel that we are slipping away from our body. Slowly, our feelings start to
disappear, we don’t really know where our hands and feet are, our sense of
smell is diminishing and we no longer have any taste in our mouth. Our
hearing is diminishing slowly, images are passing by in our mind and our eyes
are slowly beginning to close. Images are now more dominant, but seem to
just flow on and on. Now that this door is shutting, we’ll move on backwards.

We are now in our mind and nothing has changed. Imagine we are
walking down a high street looking for our wife and children as they are doing
their weekly shopping and we’ve come to help and drive them back home.
We see our family and start to run towards them. Our body on the other hand
does not move because our brain is shutting down our nervous system, in fact
our whole body is now in a state paralysis and all our movements are mental,
in our mind only.

If we kept ourselves conscious while the brain was shutting our system
down we would experience an OBE (out of body experience). We are now in
what is called the astral. We have all our faculties and functions and more,
but every thought materializes instantaneously. We still have all the
function of intention and we still have all and every emotion of love, fear, etc.

Now step back again from this reality and close the door. We find
ourselves hardly conscious, we feel or we think we feel part of all that is. We
can’t define anything as individual; all is and all seems to “just be”. We feel
we are all there is, yet seem to be nothing but a dot. A full stop and yet
everything is still in a state of potential.
Now let’s step back and close this door. Now all is nothingness and
oblivion. There is light, but, and that’s a big but, we are still a potential, a dot,
a full stop. Step back and close this door.


Imagine being a potential, a dot again. Where would that potentiality come
from? Some would say from the source of all things. Some call it God, fine no
problem. Are we in a state of going TO or coming FROM a state of

This is important. Are we going into or are we coming out of that state of
potentiality? Well can we come from nothingness? Or is there something, a
force, a spark behind our potentiality. Most would say we are coming from
something, a source, and not from “nothing” to the source.

Therefore, we have a source as our potentiality behind us, the dot.

Now step forward and open a door in front of us with our

potentiality and never close that door again, ever.

The reason why we went through the doors was to backup and show
that there could not be anything outside of ourselves. From the dot stage
our consciousness expands into a “mind realm” of the astral and on further
expansion into a “mind realm” of condensed consciousness we call The
On close inspection of condensed consciousness, it is a mathematically
based reality, as is the Earth and the Universe in this realm of mind. It’s a
creation. It’s a realm of mental construct, a mind created playground, which
makes us think of this creation as a reality, which it is not.

From every blade of grass right up to the universe, it is not a power unto
itself. It is of consciousness, just like our body and every single strand of hair
on our head. All animate and inanimate is consciousness, everything,
every single thing. There is no power outside of itself here for the source is
everything and everything is source, every single speck of dust is source,
condensed consciousness.

There is nothing that is above or below us in status here. There is nothing

that is more sacred or divine here that is either above or below us. There are
no “gods” or powers here that are above or below us, all is equal, all is
one, all is in this condensed conscious reality.

We are a conscious being with a mind that can co-create its reality

We have the faculties to manipulate this illusion and manifest our

thoughts into condensed consciousness, i.e.: matter. We were not
given a power of potentiality, we are that power, we are of source and so is
everything in this reality. Everything is source.

There is no power greater or lesser than each and individual of us that

is outside of us on this plane. And we are no greater or lesser than any
other creation on this plane. All is source and all power resides from within.
There is nothing outside of itself, or by itself. We are part of all that is, all is

We return every night in sleep into a mental realm of the astral and return
to a condensed consciousness reality every morning called Earth, where our
illusionary biological suit awaits us. Masters have been telling people for
thousands of years that this realm that we call reality is an illusion, it’s a
mental plane created by mind. It is condensed consciousness.
Our suit, the body, can feel only through our senses that are
connected to the brain and all our reality is translated by the brain. The
brain makes this reality feel solid by the resonating frequency that each
texture of condensed consciousness emits.

The higher the frequency, the finer and softer the feel that the brain
translates. The lower the frequency, the harder and more rigid the feel that
the brain translates. We and everything, including the Earth and Universe,
are a mass of resonating frequencies called condensed consciousness,
stemming from consciousness.
When out of body (OBE) in the astral, our resonating frequency will be
higher and above that of Earth. Our mind is not our brain. Our mind is on
a far higher frequency than the brain. Our mind just walks through this
reality and this reality is no barrier to the mind. We can walk through
walls and mountains, we can walk under the sea, we can explore the
universe, we can create anything and everything instantaneously. We create
a mental duplicate in the astral of this world and the universe. Therefore, is
the astral a continuation of a creation, The Matrix?
Why do we go to sleep? It is said to recharge us. For most people who
stop themselves from sleeping for too long this illusion starts to fall apart. We
see that we can’t sustain this reality continuously.

We have the capacity to store great energy that keeps our connection
strong while in our body. This energy used by a focused mind with an
intention will bring results. One of the most powerful emotions that we all
possess is sexual. Understanding and use of this energy brings health,
longevity and emotional balance in one’s life.

The whole of the western systemis designed to deplete us of this

important energy. It is designed to keep us locked in the 3 chakras below
our belt. Masters throughout all ages have always taught to center
ourselves from the heart. The 3 chakras above the heart are of mind, the 3
chakras below the heart is of earth or ground; the centre of us all is the
Deal in all things with the heart, not the mind. And not from the
material or ground.
Those that resist the temptation to deplete themselves can, with correct
balance, attain kundalini. Countless people throughout the world
achieve this state without realizing what is happening to them.

There is no past or future, all is now, all is present only. The mind
remembers and that is what we think is our past. There is no future, only
a constant stream of now. Imagine standing in the middle of 3 squares.
The square behind us is our past (a memory), the square we are standing in
is our present/now, the square in front of us is our future. When we focus on
our past (a recorded memory) we are bringing it into our present/now, which
will become our future again (from the past). When we focus on the future it
will always be in the future; we will never get there.

Whatever we focus on in the present/now will then become our

future. There is only now.

Our subconscious mind is our programmed memory. All the

disinformation that we have been indoctrinated with is now on autopilot from
our subconscious mind, which is constantly projecting into the present/now
and is creating the future for us automatically.
It is our beliefs in the misinformation that’s been impressed on us which
are the limiting factors to manifesting our wants, needs and desires. So
whatever our subconscious mind - on autopilot - is projecting now to
the present, will become our future over and over again.
By indoctrinating all of us with misinformation, which works perfectly well
because all is a mind’s creation. And even misinformation hit on this plane is
a reality, everything is. All is possible here in this illusion, this condensed
consciousness, this creation.

With this understanding, what is a truth and what is a lie? What is right and
what is wrong?

NOTHING! It’s all a creation from our mind. It’s what we BELIEVE in
which manifests here for us as a limited indoctrinated reality and is a creation
and nothing else.

Does Karma exist? Well, it exists in many people’s mind. So, it’s the
belief in their existence that is the creation of their Karma.

BLOCKS! Psychological blocks are what we have to deal with concerning

reality. Blocks will not permit us to manifest many things in our life because
we have a wrong misplaced beliefs about them in our subconscious mind. It
is the beliefs in what is NOT that create blocks/karma.

Now that we have moved on and expanded a little from part one, there are
two beliefs that we want to focus on now, first, which is the law of cause and
effect because it’s a non-existence.

Secondly, focusing on false beliefs as a law of karma. These two beliefs

are normally linked together to mean one and the same thing. Cause and
effect stands as a good example of how the mind would work here in this
reality, as mind would be the cause and the effect and would manifest itself

Let’s begin by stating that there are no such law as Karma here in the
illusion. A “cause” would mean that we are projecting a force from within
ourselves to outside of ourselves, the “effect”. This cannot be because there
is no here and there; there is no inside and outside of oneself. All is
mind. All is one. It sounds and feels like the cause is an untouchable
element trying to create a touchable element, the effect. One being mental
force, the other being material. That cannot be because the mental and the
material is one and the same consciousness. It is a BELIEF made manifest
by mind.

We imagined before being a dot with a potentiality. We open the door in

front of us and never shut it again. The way that this potentiality of
source/mind would open that door is by INTENTION.
INTENTION is the source/mind, WILL, is the CAUSE that manifests a
result as an EFFECT in an illusion in the realms of mind. It is mind
consciousness, creating condensed consciousness, as our illusionary reality
here on our illusionary Earth, our playground.

Karma is an event in consciousness that describes a belief in a mental

construct of creation of condensed consciousness, as being real, a reality
existing outside of itself. There is a price to pay for deluding ourselves
into believing that this reality is real. This belief in a false reality brings
many negative emotions – AGFLAP and conditional love, etc.

Karma may seem to behave like a cause and effect or tit for tat. But what
it does is create massive blocks in our consciousness here in this reality of
condensed consciousness and that is our suffering and sorrow on this
plane. If we believe that there is something outside of ourselves and
we believe it’s real, then that is karma; believing in a false reality. But there
again, it’s the psychological blocks to human being due to

This list of emotional traits have a major role on our manifesting or rather
non- manifesting of our reality as we see fit.

If we believe in past life-regression, then think about it this way: If

regression is real and a hypnotist can really connect deep into the
subconscious mind where your past life's memories could be stored, then our
karmic/blocks/traits would still be deep in our consciousness from our last
death. If the Karma is there… How could we be healed simply by knowing
the past?

If the subconscious expands into this new life, then yes, we would bring
character traits and beliefs from our past life into our rebirth. Our
subconscious mind would still be hidden to us and be projecting on autopilot
into our present/now. Remember there is only NOW, which means we would
bring along karmic/blocks/traits that would be affecting our new life with the
same old beliefs as we had before we died.

Our subconscious mind is a memory bank full of specific beliefs; it’s

now time to recognize that there is also a higher/self beyond the
subconscious that is the doorway of source.
The subconscious mind is a gatekeeper that you have to pass
through to get to the higher/self/source for manifesting illusions in this
plane. Once a belief is accepted by the subconscious mind (the
gatekeeper), that belief moves on to the higher/self/source, which is
made manifest as condensed consciousness on this plane for us as a
reality, our reality.

Now if we put a load of garbage and disinformation into a child or an adult

and it is accepted by the subconscious mind (the gatekeeper), then guess
what their life/reality is going to be like?

It’s because a false foundation will be set and accepted by the

subconscious mind. It will set the false reality that there is some power or
something more powerful outside of us, which is nothing more than a deluded
belief, a nonsense.

What is a thought? Is it animate or inanimate? Can you touch it? Prod it?
No, but you can charge it with a given image. Like a thought of love, a
thought of happiness, a thought of perfect health, and so on.

There is one thing that all these thoughts have in common: they each raise
an EMOTION. We write a word, that word creates a thought, that thought
creates a corresponding image and emotion to that word… very powerful
Now we may think, “Where does that emotion come from”? It comes
from our memory bank, the subconscious. So everything that we do, think
or imagine, which we would have to use as our thoughts, comes from our
subconscious, emotionally charged. All images express themselves as
feeling an emotion.

Thoughts are emotionally charged images in our mind. Impressing

our goals as an emotionally charged image is old school in the positive
thinking movement.

All thoughts stored in the subconscious mind are EMOTIONALLY

CHARGEDand the ones that had enough charge in them to OPEN the
GATEKEEPERS (the subconscious) doors and pass over to the
higher/self/source were made manifest in this reality.

This same system is used for magic, white or black, it does not matter.
There are no rules here, only self imposed rules. For examples, Sex-
emotions and torture-emotions are used in mind-programming of others.
Rituals and murders are used by people to raise great emotions. Children
screaming, snuff parties, etc. So who or what would stop this nonsense?
Well, nobody out there. And what about the moral issues? All morals are self
imposed. So who is checking that these criminal and immoral acts are
punishable and will be imposed on these people? It has to be each of us, for
there is no one else.

So, emotions play a very important part in our reality through the charged
banks of our subconscious mind. So how did it get there? We know we have
thoughts and these thoughts carry emotions in images, but of what? That
would be our BELIEFS.

So what is a belief? It’s a figment of your imagination made manifest.

When was the first time we heard about sickness? Well now we got
it. Its been well implanted.

When was the first time that we heard about the devil? Well now we
got it. He will haunt us now.

When was the first time we heard that we were a failure? Well we got

When was the first time that we heard that we have to have money to
live? Well we got it. And so on and so on. An inexhaustible list... And,
these are negative programs(beliefs) that adding blocks for effortless
All these beliefs are by now deeply seated in our subconscious mind,
charged with varying levels of emotion.

Now we come to the crux of a very great problem. When we try to

change a belief by replacing it with another, the subconscious mind will
fight us tooth and nails. It will reject our new belief if it’s to replace a
similar one that’s already recorded in the memory bank. So we can
repeat and repeat that new belief until we turn blue in the face; we can
visualize and visualize until we fall asleep. We will still meet with resistance
from our memory bank.

So what is the problem with removing an old belief and replacing it with a
new one?

Remember, we are not only dealing with a belief but also an emotion
attached to that belief (remember the thought and emotion it
triggers). All beliefs have different and varying degrees of emotion
attached to them, which means, some are easy to get rid of but many are

The best way to remove these emotional blocks are called RELEASE
METHOD, discovered and shared by Lester Levenson.

Many people have had great results with it but because we are dealing
with full depth removal of psychological blocks that would restrict manifesting
of what we want in our reality. The RELEASE METHOD will take us all the
way and beyond if we wish.

Now to manifesting. The biggest misconceptions that we all possess.

Let’s take for instance that we want a car. What is the first thing that we do?
We look at our bank balance and make a decision on that. If we haven’t the
money we start to rummage through our budget to see if we can extract
enough money to save for one or buy one on credit. If we haven’t enough
money we drop it and forget about it or find a way to start saving for a year or
two to put a deposit.

Now Think again, is it a car that we want or is it the money?


See, this is a wrong way of thinking. We are so sold on this money crap
that we believe that we cannot move nor do anything without it. It’s

The car, or any other physical object, that we want in this plane is an
illusion, a creation. If it’s in our consciousness it’s already ours. That
car is us and we are that car. That car is a product of mind and so are we.
It’s all condensed consciousness. The only obstacle between the car
and us is a misconstrued belief. That belief is a block, karma, because we
think it’s outside of ourselves, separate, a different reality from ourselves that
we will buy with another figment of our imagination: Money. This must be
understood clearly.

The release method is very simple and effective. If used properly to

remove purposely implanted false beliefs, we will attract that car, or any
other physical object, to ourselves by many and every means possible.
Yes, even with money. This is something that we must allow. We must
never interfere in how it is going to come to us, never. We don’t interfere
with mind for mind can create a further obstacle between us and that
car. Leave it alone and allow.

When it comes to manifest anything, all we have to do is to clear

ourselves with all the emotional garbage between us and the object of
we intent to have and allow it to come to us without interference. We
can have anything and everything that’s in our consciousness. If it
hasn’t yet been invented then it’s not in our consciousness, it has no
existence yet. So how are we going to attract that unless we invent it
ourselves, then it will be in all creation’s consciousness.

We start to clear emotional garbage from five different aspects to the

problem of a belief/thought.

The first one is ATTACHMENT, attachment to what? You may be

thinking attachment to things, to an illusion, be it animate or inanimate. It’s all
part of our consciousness, (remember all is one). There is nothing outside of
us. Whatever is in our consciousness is part of us and we are part of it. We
don’t have to crave and hold onto it with great emotion of losing something
that is already ours, a false presumption that something is outside of us and
that we could lose it.

Our dear life does not depend on any of it because all things that we attach
ourselves too are an illusion, and so is our life. Our attachment to anything
is a false reality… a big block.

The second one, AVERSION. Aversion to what? All is one and one is all
in our consciousness. Having an aversion to anything is like a judgment, an
opinion of creation in our consciousness, repelling of things that we don’t like.
We share in this illusion this consciousness, we all contribute one way or
another be it good or bad. It’s just one’s perspective and view of creation,
which we all play a part in, there is nothing that is bad and there is nothing
that is good, it just is.
Our shock and dismay at what’s going on in this world of murder and
starvation of millions of people we agree is very bad. But we should have put
this right a few thousand years ago and never allowed this to happen in the
first place. It’s a creation in our consciousness; it’s an
illusion. Our aversion to anything is a false reality, a big block.

The third one, APPROVAL, approval of what? Doing, pretending, buying

stuff so as to get approval from others and wanting them to think of what a
great and fantastic guy we are. Working very hard not to mess-up so that we
always have the highest approval. Living in the biggest house, driving the
biggest car, it’s a mind thing, a pride thing, it’s being a very highly educated
thing, with many ranks and titles after your name. We have to have better
than everyone else thing, it’s having to impress everyone thing. Well in
consciousness there seems to be a block concerning someone who thinks
they are better than any other in this creation, be it race or creed. All are
equal, all are one and the same consciousness and there is no separateness
of mind or consciousness. So, APPROVAL is a false reality, a big block.

The fourth one, CONTROL, control of what? Controlling events especially

of others. There is a difference in helping or controlling, doing things so that
one has control, buying things for people so as to control, creating events with
a view to control, doing anything with a view of controlling.

We should allow and never interfere in the goings on of how or where these
things will come from to us? Our interference, which is mind, will put a
screwdriver in the works. Obviously we help with love and compassion to the
best of our ability, but we don’t take over somebody’s life. We give them a
fishing rod but we don’t fish for them, a big difference. CONTROL is a false
reality, a big block.

The fifth one, SECURITY, SAFETY, SURVIVAL, “do what?” Well these
three come under the same headings so let’s call them SSS. Precisely which
one of these do to we think we can insure ourselves against in our mind?
Where do we think that insurance will make a difference in consciousness?
This is an illusion. What protection do we envisage in a condensed

Why does the subconscious mind reject this as a false reality? What do
we think that this rejection means? It can only mean fear.

The subconscious will not allow us to amass anything to do with one, two,
or all three of these SSS’s on this plane. Yeah, sure we can leave money for
our family when we die via an insurance policy. Yeah, we can dig a hole one
mile deep protecting ourselves against a catastrophe and survive, but how do
we separate the emotions of each one of these that the subconscious would
understand and differentiate between safety, survival, or security? The
emotions that the three SSS emit are indistinguishable. We have to dump it
all to clear ourselves. Big block, big time.



So we start.

Get into a comfortable position and relax, have an image of what we want
in our mind. Visualize being and enjoying this image as NOW, there is only
now remember.

If it’s a car, sit in it and enjoy everything about it, take your time. Now that
we have formed a good feeling and images of what we want, bring up each of
the FIVE aspect s of false belief, starting with ATTACHMENT.

Do we feel that we really, really want it? Open the door between our rib
and stomach and gently, no pushing. That emotion does not belong there it
will leave us if we give it a chance. So gently ALLOW the colored smoke that
we have chosen to leave through our door. We can help the smoke to leave
our body by creating an imaginary Black Hole in front of the door at our
body. The other end of the Black Hole is connected to the infinite, and it has
a Super Strong Suction Power that help to clean up the negative energy in our
body completely. See it, Hear it, Feel it.
So what are we doing here? We are checking of how much of an
attachment we have to this car that we want, any raising emotions about our
need and want will bring up that emotion and we open the door and release
it. Keep doing this until we feel that there is no emotion left to come up. We
do this with all FIVE aspects of false belief, all explained above what they
mean. Go through each one and release until we feel none of them are
bringing anything up. We do this three times a day or more if you want,
always gently, no rush, always allowing.

So what are we trying to achieve? We do this until we feel absolutely

no emotions about owning that car (or anything else we intended to
enjoy.) We will have no emotion left in any of the five blocks. We will
come to a stage where we don’t give a shit about owning this car. We have
cleared ourselves with the FIVE false beliefs on this car at least 3 times a
day. We visualize the car and clear ourselves with each emotion, keep
visualizing even if we don’t give a shit and ALLOW IT TO COME.






















“We are unlimited beings limited only by the concepts of limitation we
hold in our mind. So stop being what you are not, a limited body and
mind, and just be what you are — an infinite, totally free, grand and
flowing being, whole and complete.” - Lester Levenson

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