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English Literature Worksheet Class VII

Q1. Fill in the blanks-

a) Chee Wee wanted to buy a _________________.

b) Chee Wee was _________ years old.
c) The common factor among human beings all over the world is that they
d) The narrator faked stomach ache because __________________________.
e) Everyone will be your friend when you _____________________________.
f) Shakespeare has advised that one should beware of __________________.
g) Full name of Muhammad Ali was _________________________________.
h) Muhammad Ali defeated _______________ to become the World
i) We should give ________and __________ to the people who mourn.
j) Muhammad Ghori wanted to invade Delhi_________________________.
k) Jaichand was the king of _________________.
l) Sanyogita wanted to marry _______________________.
m) _______________ was the true friend of Prithviraj Chauhan.

Q2. Read the lines given below and answer the following questions-

a) “The Headmaster has telephoned your mother and she’s coming to fetch
you this afternoon.”
i) Who said this line to whom?


ii) Why was the mother coming to fetch the listener?


iii) Did the listener succeed in his plan?


iv) What was the plan?

b) “I don’t want to fight. I cannot see. Take my gloves off”

i) Who said this line to whom?


ii) Why the speaker could not see?


iii) What sport did the speaker play?


iv) Did the speaker give up the fight?


b) “Maharaj, I feel that Ghori should not be pardoned but instead be

sentenced to death”
i) Who said this line to whom?


ii) Why the speaker feel that Ghori should not be pardoned?


iii) Did the listener follow his advice?


iv) Who was Muhammad Ghori?


v) Was the speaker right in his judgement of Ghori? Support your

answer with a reason.

Q3. Read the extract given below and answer the following questions-

a) “I not the obvious difference, between each sort and type

But we are more alike my friends, that we are unalike.”
i) From which poem these lines have been taken?


ii) Who is the poet of this poem?


iii) Why does the poet say that we are alike my friends than we are unalike?


iv) What are the obvious differences?


b) “Every man will be thy friend, whilst thou hast wherewith to spend
But if the store crowns be scant, no man will thy want.”
i) From which poem these lines have been taken?


ii) Who is the poet of this poem?


iii) When does everyone want to be your friend?


iv) What does ‘store of crowns be scant’ means?

c) “ Give truth and your gift will be paid in kind; and honour will honour

And a smile which is sweet will surely find, a smile that is just as sweet”

i) From which poem these lines have been taken?


ii) Who is the poet of this poem?


iii) What is the poet trying to teach us here?


iv) Why it is important to be truthful?


v) If you smile, what do you get in return?


Q4. Complete the sentences given below-

a) Chee wee was praising her necklace in front of the shopkeeper because
b) The narrator could not fool Dr. Dunbar because
c) BBC named Muhammad Ali Sports Personality of the Century because
d) Jaichand hated Prithviraj because
e) Chandbardai went to meet Ghori because he

Q5. Correct and rewrite the incorrect sentences given below-

a) The trader gave 6 dollars to Chi- wee for the necklace.


b) Matron scolded the narrator an sent him back to the hostel.


c) A flattering foe will stay with you in times of need.


d) The audience thought that Cassius Clay would easily defeat Sonny Liston.


e) Jaichand made a beautiful painting of Prithviraj Chauhan and hung it in the



f) Jaichand was handsomely rewarded by Muhammad Ghori for betraying his

country and his fellow men.


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