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Nama: Nailah Khoirun W

Kelas: XII MIPA 2

Grup: 4

Good Morning, viewers. I’m Nailah from breaking news.

bringing you the latest news for today
*New Capital City Development Hampered by Land Acquisition*
The new capital city development project in East Kalimantan is still experiencing obstacles.
One of them is land acquisition that has not been completed and has caused unrest among
indigenous peoples.
President Joko Widodo hopes to move the capital city from Jakarta to Nusantara, the official
name of the new capital city, by 2024. However, the target is doubted by some experts, given
the slow progress of the project so far.
According to data from the Ministry of Public Works and Housing (PUPR), by the end of
2022, only 21 percent of land had been acquired for the project. Meanwhile, foreign investors
are still cautious as they want to see tangible results of the development, the number of civil
servants who will move to the archipelago and the commitment of Jokowi's successor.
Jokowi said that land acquisition requires a long and complicated process, starting from price
determination, negotiation, to compensation. He hopes that the land acquisition mechanism
can be accelerated by using the government cooperation with business entities (PPP) scheme.
That's all the news for today, stay tuned for more news on the latest news channel.
Thank you for watching, have a nice day.

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