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No Topic Page No
1. Introduction 2

2. Study area and accessibility 3

3. Study of soil types and soil profile 13

4. Study of rock outcrop and 16

identification of rocks
5. Study of river morphology and 23
6. River channel 23

7. Description of existing and potential 23

problem to design a Bridge / Tunnel at
studied site.
8. Conclusion 27

9. References 28


We went to Malekhu for our field observation where we got
many more information and knowledges about geological
compasses, rock out crops, soils, types and its profile, river
morphology, design of bridges/ tunnel etc which were
introduced by our geology teacher Dr.Pradeep Poudyal and
Er.Bishnu Sunar.

Study area and accessibility:
As, we are student of Rapti Engineering College from Dang. we
went to Malekhu Dhading which is located between the route of
Dang to Kathmandu (capital of Nepal). For our study we went to
2 km downward from Malekhu Bazzar called Malekhu Khola
and went to right side of the bank of Trishuli river where we
studied about RMR and tunnel, then we went to Gorkha. We
can go there by bus or by foot.

We went there with main objective knowing the rock outcrops,
process of designing tunnel and bridges, morphology of rivers,
soil types etc.
Study Tools:
For studying we needs following tools:
• Hammer
• Measuring tape
• Geological compass
• Marker

Right bank of Malekhu Khola, approx 2 km from Malekhu
bazaar and up stream of Malekhu khola.


Application of geological compass for measurement of bearing
and attitude of bedrocks.
There are a number of different magnetic compass used by
geologist to measure orientation of bedrock and geological
structure in field. The geological compass is an essential
instrument for geologist or geoscientists who works in the field
of geology. Geologist more commonly used the Brunton
compass and silva compass in practice.
Brunton compass is a pocket compass which is known as
Burnton pocket transit. It is made by American company
Burnton .inc , riverton , Wyoming. The name is given after a
canadianborn geologist named David W. Brunton who got its
patient in 1894.

Uses of geological compass

• Taking bearing with the compass.

• Magnetic declination setting.
• Measuring inclining angle with clinometers.
• Defining points of the same elevation.
• Measuring strike and dip of bedding plane, foliation and
geological structure.
• Measuring trend and plunge of linear features present of
bedding of rock.

How to record bearing

Bearing is the direction of distance object relative to the
current location. It is the angle away from north of a distant
point of observe at the current point. The bearing is always
measured an angle with reference to north direction or south
direction and compressed in term of quadrant or in term of
azimuth. Azimuth is the value of measure in clockwise
direction from north point in a compass.
Notation of bearing of an object
Azimuth: 247
Quadrant: 567 W

Measuring strike:
Strike is a direction of line of intersection between an inclined
plane and horizontal plane.
• Basic step for measuring strike:
• Make the compass horizontal with the compass edge flush
to the inclined plane.
• Read and record the angle shown by northen needle.
• Record it in azimuth or quadrant form.

Measuring dip direction:

Dip direction is the maximum slope of a plane measuring from
horizontal plane. The dip direction towards maximum slope. It is
always perpendicular to strike. the dip direction is the direction
in which water runs down a slopping surface.
• Basic steps for measuring dip direction
• Make the compass horizontal plane and point the index pin
of compass towards slope direction of plane.
• Read and record the angle pointed by north needle.

Measuring dip amount

Dip amount or dip angle is the angle made by inclined plane
with the horizontal plane .it range from 0 to 90. The dip amount
of plane towards it dip direction is called as true dip amount.
While the dip amount measured towards other direction that dip
• Basic step for measuring dip amount
• Place the site of the compass flat against the inclined plane
toward perpendicular direction of strike.
• Adjust the level on the back of compass until the air bubble
in the clinometers level is centre.
• Read and record the value on clinometers scale that
coincide with “0” at Vernier scale of clinometers level.

Data collection:

SN Strike Dip Dip Measured by

direction amount
1 175° 85° 60° Mohan Upadhyay
2 165° 255° 30° Nigam Budha
3 346° 250° 25° Opendra
4 255° 345° 90° Parash Budhathoki
5 256° 350° 84° Prashant Shrestha
6 349° 242° 50° Rajesh Pariyar
7 340° 255° 45° Mohan Upadhyay
8 262° 175° 87° Nigam Budha
9 76° 165° 89° Opendra
10 170° 254° 14° Parash Budhathoki
11 170° 85° 17° Prashant Shrestha
12 350° 82° 13° Rajesh Pariyar

1. Silt:
Soil colour: red
Soil grain size: 160 cm
Soil type based on genesis: alluvial soil
Engineering uses:
• Preparation of brick, filling material.
• Used as mud mortar.

2. Medium sand
Soil colour: light yellow
Soil grain size: 0.2-0.6 mm
Soil type based on genesis: alluvial soil
Engineering uses: used for mortar for construction work

3. Fine sand:
Soil colour: red
Soil grain size: 0.06-0.2 mm
Soil type based on genesis: alluvial soil

Engineering uses: used as plaster mortar
4. Coarse grain boulder
Soil colour: light brown
Soil grain size: 4.75-160mm
Soil type based on genesis: alluvial soil
Engineering uses:
• Used for soiling of foundation
• Used for filling works

Study of soil types and soil profile
According to soil types based on genesis these are three types
of soil that is alluvial soil, colluvial soil residual soil. here we
have collect different types of soils:

Sample 1
Location :Malekhu, suspension bridge over Trishuli river
Soil Color: light brown
Soil grain size: fine
Sphericity: no
Classification based on uses: sand
Soil type: alluvial soil
Engineering important:

Sample 2
Location :Malekhu, suspension bridge over Trishuli river
Soil Color: light yellow
Soil grain size: fine
Sphericity: no
Classification based on uses: sand,clay
Soil type: alluvial soil
Engineering important: not so important in field of
engineering but use as cultivating and for agriculture.

Sample 3
Location :Malekhu, suspension bridge over Trishuli river
Soil Colour: red
Soil grain size: coarse
Sphericity: no
Classification based on uses: silt
Soil type: alluvial soil
Engineering importance : They have permeability, strength
and also helps infrastructures durable for long period.

For types of soil, we go for right bank of Trishuli river near

suspension bridge of Malekhu Bazzar.

Vertical soil profile in scale:

Study of rock outcrop and identification of rocks
A rock outcrops is defined as an exposure of a solid rock on the
earth surface. Outcrops are exposed more clearly on the cut
banks of river and good cut sides.
• Cut banks:
Cut banks are step sloping banks along a given body of
water that are created by erosive action of the water.
• Road cut sides:
Road cut sides are step sloping banks that are created when
a road is built into a hill or other elevated terrain.

Data collection:
Sample 1:
1 Location : Malekhu khola 2 km away from Malekhu
2 Type of outcrops : Natural
3 Presence of strata : Bedding planning plane /
foliation plane/ none.
4 Colour of rock : grey white
5 Texture : crystalline
6 Grain / Crystal size and shape : fine crystalline
7 Structure: foliated
8 Minerals : Muscorlie
9 Reaction with HCL : no reaction
10 Specific, diagnostic properties : hard about 7
11 Rock name : Quartzite

Sample 2:
1 Location : Malekhu khola 2 km away from Malekhu
2 Type of outcrops : natural
3 Attitude of bp plane : No
4 Color of rock : shiny grey, dark grey
5 Texture : smooth, non-crystalline
6 Uses : not preferable for work
7 Structure: well foliated
8 Minerals :biotite, chlorite
9 Reaction with HCL : no reaction
10 Specific, diagnostic properties : hard about 7
11 Rock name : phyllite
12 Rock type : metamorphic rock

Sample 3:
1 Location: 84°50'5.3"E
2 Type of outcrops : Natural exposed
3 Presence of strata : Bedding plane
4 Color of rock : shiny grey
5 Texture : fine crystalline
6 Rock type : metamorphic rock
7 Structure: schistos, presence of garnate
8 Minerals : chlorite, moscouite, garnate mineral
9 Reaction with HCL : no reaction
10 Uses : filling stone, not preferable for developmental
11 Rock name : schist

Sample 4:
1 Location : Trishuli river
2 Type of outcrops : Natural
3 Presence of strata : Bedding plane.
4 Color of rock : weathered color
5 Attitude of B/F plane:
Dip direction:226°
Dip angle:82°
6 Texture : slightly crystalline
7 Grain / Crystal size and shape : fine lightly foliated
8 Structure: well foliated
9 Minerals : graphite mineral
10 Reaction with HCL : no reaction
11 Specific, diagonostic properties : well cleavage
12 Rock name : slate
13 Rock type : metamorphic rock
14 Uses : roofing , paving

Sample 5:
1 Location: 84°49'56"E
2 Type of outcrops : river worked material
3 Colour of rock : light grey
4 Texture : very coarse grain
5 Grain / Crystal size and shape : coarse
grain/crystalline/Aruhe dual
6 Minerals : feldspar, quartz
7 Reaction with HCL : no reaction
8 Rock name : granite
9 Rock type : igneous rock
10 Uses : building stone, decorating purpose

Sample 6:

1 Location : Malekhu khola at left bank of river
2 Formation of rock: lime stone, metamorphism
3 Color of rock : white perfectly
4 Texture : crystalline, coarse crystal
5 Minerals : pyrite, calcite (caco)
6 Reaction with HCL : highly reaction
7 Rock name : marble
8 Rock type : metamorphic rock
9 Uses : filling purpose

Study of river morphology and mapping
Location: Malekhu area, right bank of trishuli river upto
200 m north from suspension bridge.

River channel: In malekhu, the trishuli river has a wide

mandoring channel with point bar, cuts bank and oxbow
lakes. This indicate that the river has undergoes lateral
migration over time.

Description of existing and potential

problem to design a Bridge / Tunnel at
studied site
Location: Suspended bridge over Trishuli River at
A bridge is a structure built span and physical obstacles
(such a body of water, valley, roads, etc.) without
blocking the way underneath. It is constructed for the
purpose of prouding passage over the obstacles, which is

usually sometimes that is otherwise difficult or impossible
to cross.
We discussed on the site location bed
rocks strata, river morphology, river velocity for
sustainable bridges development.
• The site for the bridge should constructed over the
hard rock strata.
• Bridges should be constructed where the obstacles
have least span.
• Bridges should be constructed where the river
morphology is straight i.e. there should be no
meandering nature of river.
• Bridges should be constructed over high flood level
considering the HFL of past years.
• River should be non- scouring type.
• Dead load and live load should be considered.

Topographic map:
Where the horizontal alignment of the proposed
bridges is known as topographic map should be embrace a
minimum area of 100 ft upstream and 100ft downstream
and 100ft beyond the ends of the structure.

Foundation Investigation Data:

The need for foundation data should be established
by originating office personnel with assistance from
the region and TSC representatives. For the major
bridges structure and unusual or difficult road
alignments, it is recommended that on the site
inspection and a field conference to be held.

At last we had concluded the, malekhu and its
surrounding is the answer the geological curiosity.
Actually, the malekhu is small in area but it has large
amount or numbers of the geological phenomenon
and hence it can provide board knowledge for the
Along the malekhu River, we found sedimentary
rock and gradually metamorphosed from phyllite to
crystalline schists and along the way to Dhading, it
gradually metamorphosed to lime stone to phyllite
and then to slate.
Every major bed was dipped in north
direction. This proved the tectonic movement along
the way from south to north.
Besides this we have learnt different methods
of geological data collection measures and the way,
how rock mapping is done.
Handeling the compass to measure the
attitude or rock outcrops is now very easy to us.

By the river channel morphology, we knew that the
river flows, what are the factors affecting erosion
and deposition and how it occurs.
Really……………. beyond expectation
• Data collection during field visits,
• Sketches drawn in paints
• Added photos which were clicked during field


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