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Half Orc / Rogue 2 Evasion: Half damage on a failed reflex

20 metre darkvision
orc ferocity
Attacks: Greataxe +6/1d12+4/x3
STR 17 (+3) P.A +5/1d12+7/x3
DEX 13 (+1)
CON 13 (+1) Equipment: 555
INT 12 (+1)
WIS 11 (0) ● Mvk. Greataxe
CHA 11 (0) ● Mvk. Chainmail
● Backpack
BAB: +1 AC:17 HP: 17/15 ● Blanket
● Bedroll
Saves: Fortitude +1/ Reflex +4/ Will+0 ● Belt pouch
● Blue book
Speed: 20 (4) ● Coffee pot
● Fishhook
Know (local) 1/ +5 ● Hammock
Bluff 1/ +4 ● Flask
Perception 2/ +5 ● Lamp
Stealth 2/ +2* ● Perfume
Climb 1/ +6* ● Rope
Disable Device 1/ +3* ● Soap
Linguistics 1/ +5 ● Thieve’s Tools (mvk)
Intimidate 2/ +7 ● Waterskin
Disguise 1/ +4
Sleight of Hand 2/ +2*
Sense Motive 1/ +4
Craft (Weapons) 2/ +6
Appraise 1/ +5
(*= -4 from armor)

Special abilities: Sneak attack +1d6,

trapfinding (+1 to perception and
disable device vs traps).

Feats: Power Attack, Weapon Focus

(Greataxe). Medium Armor Prof.

Languages: Varisian, Orc, Abyssal,


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