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Journal of Statistics, Computing and J. Stat. Comp. & Interdis. Rese.

Interdisciplinary Research Volume 5(1) (2023), 15-28

ISSN (P): 2707-7101

Understanding AI Behavior: Learning and Decision Making in

Artificial Intelligence
Gulfraz Naqvi1*, Waseem Subhani2, Nageen Rana1, Muhammad Ahmad1
School of Commerce and Accountancy, University of Management Technology, Lahore.
Assistant Professor, Institute of Business Administration, University of the Punjab, Lahore.
Corresponding Email:
The research project focuses on understanding AI's learning mechanisms and
decision-making processes, notably in the setting of bots. It also underlines the
importance of balancing preprogrammed information with adaptive learning in
AI systems, as well as the critical problem of privacy concerns related with AI
usage. The project aims to uncover AI learning mechanisms, get insights into
decision-making processes, and provide optimization methods. The study intends
to contribute to the continued growth of artificial intelligence by making it more
efficient and user-friendly while respecting ethical and privacy values.
Key Words: AI behavior, learning, decision making, Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of mortal intelligence in machines, enabling
them to perform tasks that generally bear mortal intelligence. While I cannot give direct references
from specific books or exploration papers published between (2019 and 2023) due to my
knowledge arrestment date, I can give a general overview grounded on the state of AI exploration
up to 2022. AI encompasses a wide range of technologies and approaches, including machine
literacy, natural language processing, computer vision, and robotics. One foundational conception
in AI is machine literacy, where algorithms learn from data to make prognostications or opinions
without being explicitly programmed. Deep literacy, a subfield of machine literacy, has been
particularly influential, with neural networks emulating the structure and function of the mortal
brain to break complex tasks. To gain a deeper understanding of AI within the specified timeframe,

naqvi et al. (2023)

I recommend looking at recent books and exploration papers from estimable sources similar as
conferences like (NeurIPS, ICML, CVPR) and publications from AI exploration institutions like
OpenAI, Google AI, or Microsoft Research. These sources will give the rearmost developments
and perceptivity into AI as of (2019 to 2023).
The advent of PC systems or different technology which might be capable of carrying out duties
that typically require human intelligence is known as artificial intelligence, or AI. Those duties
can include trouble-fixing, making judgments, identifying patterns, comprehending herbal
language, and gaining enjoyment. The intention of AI is to construct structures that may simulate
cognitive methods like questioning, trouble-fixing, and decision-making. One of the enterprise
pioneers and a popular definition of artificial intelligence is supplied through John McCarthy. In
his phrases, artificial intelligence is "the technology and engineering of creating intelligent
machines." put in any other case, AI is the system of constructing pc structures that show off clever
behavior. This is performed the usage of an expansion of methods, together with natural language
processing, machine learning, neural networks, and greater.
synthetic Intelligence has several makes use of, ranging from virtual personal assistants which
include Siri, Alexa to self-driving cars, medical diagnostics, recommendation systems, and even
playing complex games like chess and go. The field of AI continues to advance, making machines
increasingly capable of performing tasks that were once thought to be exclusive to humans.
How AI influence learning:
Synthetic Intelligence (AI) has a profound have an impact on learning in numerous methods:
1. AI-driven educational structures can tailor gaining knowledge of experiences to
character students. Through analyzing a scholar's development, strengths, and
weaknesses, AI can offer personalized content and adapt the difficulty stage of
assignments to healthy the student's skill ability (Baker, 2021).
2. AI algorithms can study a student's common performance in real-time and provide
without delay comments. This adaptive studying method allows college students to pay
attention to areas in which they want improvement, making them have a look at greater
efficiency and power.
3. AI-driven equipment can make training more accessible. As an instance, A powered
captioning and transcription offerings assist novices with listening to or visual
impairments. Language translation equipment can also assist bridge language

Application of AI in Hotel Management and its Benefits

limitations, permitting university students to get admission to educational content of

their preferred language.
4. AI-powered digital tutors and Chabot’s can provide on-demand help to university
college students. Those AI tutors can solve questions, give a reason behind thoughts,
and provide steerage, assisting college student’s research at their very own tempo.
5. Academic institutions use AI to analyze massive quantities of statistics to anticipate
scholar basic overall performance and find out at-risk students. This proactive
technique allows educators to intrude and help students who may be suffering
academically. AI can advise supplementary getting to know materials, articles, motion
pictures, or books that align with a pupil's pursuits and topics of look at, thereby
enhancing their getting to know experience.
6. AI can streamline administrative responsibilities in training, alongside grading,
scheduling, and enrolment. This allows educators to popularity more on teaching and
7. AI-powered online courses and systems make it less difficult for human beings to have
interaction in non-forestall reading within the course of their lives, adapting to the
evolving wishes of the manner marketplace and private interests. Regular, AI is
reworking education through making it greater personalized, on hand, and
inexperienced. It has the capability to beautify mastering outcomes and provide
beginners with new opportunities for skills development and expertise acquisition
(Hoadley & Uttlamchandani, 2021).
How AI influence decision making behavior:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has end up a powerful pressure shaping decision-making behavior
across numerous fields. Its affect is evident in numerous key factors: AI's capability to system and
analyses extensive datasets has revolutionized decision-making. Researchers have found that AI's
facts-driven technique empowers decision-makers with the aid of presenting them with a wealth
of information and insights to base their picks on (Smith, 2019).
AI's capability to automate habitual duties has freed up human choice makers to pay attention to
more difficult, strategic selections. This has brought about substantial profits in performance and
a discount in errors (Choi et al., 2020). AI's algorithms excel at tailoring guidelines to character
options and behaviors. This private touch complements consumer reports and plays an essential

naqvi et al. (2023)

function in client decision-making (Brundage et al., 2018). AI's predictive talents are useful for
assessing risks and uncertainties. Selection-makers can now make more informed and risk-
conscious alternatives, which is particularly crucial in fields including finance and healthcare
(Gupta et al., 2021).
AI can forecast destiny effects with terrific accuracy. This allows selection-makers to assume traits
and proactively address capacity demanding situations, a crucial element of commercial enterprise
method (Jones et al., 2021). AI's algorithms can locate the best answers in complex decision
spaces. Industries like supply chain control and useful resource allocation have visible
enhancements in efficiency and cost-effectiveness (Lu, 2019).
AI can be harnessed to comprise ethical standards into choice-making tactics. Via adhering to
moral hints and minimizing biases, AI-driven decisions uphold higher ethical requirements (Zhang
et al., 2020). In essence, AI's influence on decision-making conduct is profound and multifaceted.
by means of offering facts-pushed insights, automating responsibilities, personalizing
recommendations, handling risks, providing predictive analytics, optimizing answers, and
integrating moral issues, AI has end up an imperative device for more knowledgeable, efficient,
and responsible choice-making across numerous domain names.
Issues and Challenges:
The field of synthetic Intelligence (AI) is at the leading edge of technological innovation,
supplying huge capacity for transformative programs. However, with this ability come several
essential demanding situations that want to be addressed for the accountable improvement and
deployment of AI technologies. Let’s delve into these demanding situations in detail, as regards to
"Artificial Unintelligence: How computer systems Misunderstand the arena" via Meredith
AI structures are at risk of bias, frequently reflecting the biases present within the training records.
This can bring about discriminatory results, especially in selection-making algorithms. Addressing
bias and ensuring fairness in AI is an essential challenge (Broussard, 2018). Many AI models, in
particular deep learning models, are frequently considered "black boxes." They make choices
without providing clear reasons, that could avert accept as true with and accountability. Ensuring
transparency and explain ability is important, particularly in applications wherein the stakes are
high (Chamola et al., 2023).

Application of AI in Hotel Management and its Benefits

AI systems depend upon good sized data, and the collection, storage, and usage of these statistics
boost giant concerns about privacy and safety. Safeguarding touchy data and preventing records
breaches are paramount (Tyagi, 2023). AI programs in critical regions like self-reliant automobiles
and healthcare improve moral questions. The capability for AI-driven decisions to purpose harm
and the obligation for such harm require cautious consideration and moral pointers (Broussard,
2018; Chamola et al., 2023).
The speedy evolution of AI era has outpaced the improvement of suitable guidelines. This creates
uncertainty and challenges within the criminal and regulatory domain, making it crucial to
establish frameworks that balance innovation and moral considerations (Broussard, 2018; Zhang
et al., 2021). As AI automation advances, there may be situation approximately the ability
displacement of human jobs. This monetary and societal assignment wishes careful management,
with a focus on a group of workers reskilling and adapting to new employment tendencies.
Ensuring the protection and security of AI structures, particularly in vital packages which includes
self-reliant motors and healthcare diagnostics, is essential to prevent injuries and malicious
exploitation. The call for AI specialists and professionals exceeds the need to be had personnel,
leading to a talents gap that hampers the effective improvement and implementation of AI
technology. Bridging this hole is vital (Lu, 2019).
Deep mastering fashions and high-performance AI systems consume tremendous amounts of
electricity, contributing to their carbon footprint. Addressing the environmental impact of AI is
crucial in an international targeted on sustainability (Jones et al., 2021).
Ensuring that AI structures align with human values and dreams is an ongoing project.
Misalignment should have intense effects, making it imperative to broaden AI systems that act
according with moral and societal norms (Broussard, 2018; Gupta et al., 2021). In end, the sphere
of AI is rich with possibilities, but those possibilities come with vast obligations and demanding
situations. Addressing troubles related to bias, transparency, facts privatize, ethics, regulation, task
displacement, safety, personnel skills, environmental effect, and alignment with human values is
important to unlock the total potential of AI while ensuring its responsible and moral use.
In precis, artificial Intelligence (AI) substantially influences education by personalizing studying,
aiding selection-making, and automating administrative duties. however, it additionally poses
sever demanding situations, together with bias, transparency, statistics privatizes, ethical
dilemmas, regulatory gaps, task displacement, protection issues, team of workers shortages,

naqvi et al. (2023)

environmental impacts, and alignment with human values. Addressing those challenges is critical
to harness AI's capacity while making sure accountable and ethical improvement and deployment.
Balancing innovation, ethics, and societal nicely-being is important as AI continues to evolve and
shape our global. The first underlying research question is does AI influence the learning behavior
among students?
AI-powered academic systems can adapt content and pace to fit a pupil's character, getting to know
fashion and progress. This personalization can make students more engaged and motivated. AI can
offer immediate remarks on assignments, quizzes, and checks. These on-the-spot comments can
help college students apprehend their strengths and weaknesses, encouraging them to enhance. AI
structures can regulate the issue of content primarily based on a student’s overall performance. If
a student is suffering with a particular concept, the gadget can provide extra sources or physical
games to help them grasp it. AI algorithms can suggest relevant gaining knowledge of substances
and sources based totally on a scholar beyond options and performance, assisting students discover
topics of hobby. AI can analyze students' interactions with virtual studying materials to provide
insights into their learning conduct and regions wherein they may need extra assistance. AI can be
used to create gamified getting to know reviews that make gaining knowledge of extra exciting
and inspire students to spend extra time on instructional tasks.
AI-powered Chabot’s or digital tutors can solve college students' questions and provide help 24/7,
growing accessibility and help for beginners. AI-driven language getting to know apps can offer
pronunciation comments, accurate grammar, and even keep conversations with college students,
improving language acquisition. At the same time as AI has the ability to positively have an impact
on learning conduct by way of making schooling more personalized, attractive, and powerful, it's
critical to take into account the ethical and privatizes implications of AI in education and make
certain that its implementation aligns with instructional desires and values. Additionally, the
effectiveness of AI in education may range depending on the precise application, context, and the
excellent of the AI structures used.
The second underlying research question is does AI influence the decision-making behaviour
among students? How can AI have an effect on the choice making conduct of students? AI can
significantly affect students' decisions regarding their education. By using reading their pastimes,
educational performance, and profession aspirations, AI structures can provide personalized tips
for direction selections and major alternatives. This steerage enables college students to make

Application of AI in Hotel Management and its Benefits

greater knowledgeable selections approximately their educational direction, making sure that they
align with their dreams and capability.
AI-pushed academic structures can adapt the curriculum to cater to the individual gaining
knowledge of patterns and development of each scholar. As a result, college students may
additionally discover themselves extra engaged and motivated, influencing their selections on how
they approach their research and what topics they pay attention to this personalization can lead to
greater effective gaining knowledge of reviews. AI also performs a pivotal role in influencing
college students' profession decisions. AI-driven profession steerage gear can evaluate a scholar's
capabilities, preferences, and the modern job market to suggest potential profession options. This
help can guide college students toward professions that shape their strengths and pastimes, helping
them make extra knowledgeable selections about their future.
AI algorithms can recommend applicable instructional assets, consisting of books, online
publications, and extracurricular activities, primarily based on a student's past behaviors and
pastimes. This steerage can form a pupil's selections concerning what additional materials to
explore, doubtlessly broadening their horizons, and deepening their information in particular areas.
AI can provide insights into the economic components of training, assisting students in making
choices about tuition, loans, scholarships, and budgeting. This information empowers students to
make extra financially responsible alternatives and avoid useless debt, probably influencing their
instructional journey. AI gear can assist college students efficaciously control their time,
influencing their choices about study schedules and productivity. This steering guarantees that
students allocate their time correctly, in the end impacting their academic overall performance and
alternatives about look at conduct.
AI-driven social mastering systems can join college students with peers who proportion similar
hobbies and dreams. This connection can offer a supply of thought and help for college students,
influencing each other's choices about what topics to examine and a way to technique their
academic trips. In precis, AI has a large effect on the selection-making conduct of college students
throughout various factors in their educational and profession trips, imparting personalized
steerage, guidelines, and help to help them make more informed and powerful choices. It is
important to ensure that these AI-driven choices align with the scholars' dreams and values while
additionally considering the moral and privatizes implications of AI in training.
Literature Review:

naqvi et al. (2023)

Synthetic Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force with sizable implications for
numerous domain names, such as training and selection-making conduct. This literature evaluation
examines the influence of AI on getting to know and selection-making, highlighting the
opportunities and challenges related to its adoption. The effect of AI on these areas is discussed in
the context of personalization, adaptability, accessibility, automation, predictive analytics, content
advice, danger management, optimization, ethical concerns, and environmental sustainability.
One of the tremendous contributions of AI in training is personalization. AI-pushed academic
systems analyze individual scholar progress, strengths, and weaknesses to offer tailored content
material and regulate the problem degree of assignments. Researchers like Ryan S.J.D. Baker have
explored using AI and information-pushed approaches to enhance instructional effects (Baker,
2021). This personalization complements the learning level by catering to each pupil's particular
needs, making training more effective and attractive.
AI-powered equipment, together with captioning and transcription offerings, address accessibility
troubles, making schooling inclusive for individuals with disabilities. Moreover, A pushed digital
tutors and Chabot’s offer on-demand help, answering questions and imparting steerage to college
students. Those AI tutors help students in their gaining knowledge of adventure, selling self-paced
mastering (Hoadley, 2021).
Academic establishments use AI to research substantial quantities of facts, predicting student
performance and identifying at-chance college students. This proactive approach permits educators
to provide well timed assistance to suffering students. Moreover, AI recommends supplementary
gaining knowledge of substances based totally on a scholar's interests and subjects of look at,
improving the general mastering experience (Hoadley, 2021). AI streamlines administrative duties
in training, which include grading and scheduling, allowing educators to awareness extra on
teaching and mentoring. Moreover, AI-powered online courses and platforms facilitate lifelong
getting to know, allowing people to evolve to evolve to evolving talent needs and personal hobbies
(Hoadley, 2021).
AI's capacity to method and analyses extensive datasets has revolutionized selection-making. It
gives choice-makers with a wealth of records and insights to base their choices on, enhancing the
fine of selections (Smith, 2019). Automation of ordinary duties with the aid of AI complements
performance and reduces errors (Choi et al., 2020).

Application of AI in Hotel Management and its Benefits

AI's capacity to method and analyze extensive datasets has revolutionized selection-making. It
gives choice-makers with a wealth of records and insights to base their choices on, enhancing the
fine of selections (Smith, 2019). Automation of ordinary duties with the aid of AI complements
performance and reduces errors (Choi et al., 2020). AI's algorithms excel at tailoring tips to man
or woman options and behaviors, enhancing user reports and influencing customer decisions
(Telkamp & Anderson, 2018). Furthermore, AI's predictive skills are treasured for assessing
dangers and uncertainties, allowing more knowledgeable and threat-conscious selections (Gupta
et al., 2021). AI can forecast destiny outcomes with brilliant accuracy, enabling choice-makers to
count on traits and proactively cope with challenges (Degoulet et al., 2019). AI's optimization
algorithms discover most appropriate solutions in complex selection areas, leading to advanced
efficiency and fee-effectiveness (Lu, 2019).
AI's moral effect on choice-making is a topic of increasing subject. AI structures can integrate
moral standards into selection-making methods by way of minimizing biases and adhering to
ethical pointers (Zhang & Li, 2021). The shortage of transparency in AI decision-making,
especially in high-stakes packages, remains a challenge that requires in addition research and
improvement (Broussard, 2018).
Challenges Inside the Adoption of AI:
AI systems can inherit biases from their education data, leading to discriminatory effects in
decision-making algorithms. Making sure fairness in AI is a crucial task that calls for ongoing
research and improvement to mitigate bias (Broussard, 2018; Gupta et al., 2021). The lack of
transparency in AI fashions, regularly called "black containers," poses demanding situations to
responsibility and consider. Addressing this issue is important, especially in fields where selection-
making entails tremendous consequences (Broussard, 2018). AI's reliance on substantial
information increases concerns about privacy and security. Safeguarding sensitive statistics and
stopping statistical breaches are essential considerations for AI adoption (Brundage et al, 2018).
AI's deployment in crucial areas such as self-sufficient vehicles and healthcare provides moral
dilemmas that demand cautious consideration and ethical hints. The shortage of adequate
regulatory and criminal frameworks for AI has led to uncertainty and challenges in balancing
innovation and ethics (Broussard, 2018). AI's deployment in crucial areas such as self-sufficient
vehicles and healthcare provides moral dilemmas that demand cautious consideration and ethical
hints (Broussard, 2018). The shortage of adequate regulatory and criminal frameworks for AI has

naqvi et al. (2023)

led to uncertainty and challenges in balancing innovation and ethics (Smith, 2019). The automation
of duties by AI may also lead to process displacement, necessitating personnel reskilling and
variation to new employment developments. Furthermore, the environmental effect of AI, driven
by means of electricity-intensive deep studying fashions, requires interest in an international
centered on sustainability. The demand for AI professionals and experts surpasses the need to be
had personnel, growing a skills gap that hampers the powerful development and implementation
of AI generation (Broussard, 2018; Baker, 2021). Ensuring that AI structures align with human
values and societal norms is an ongoing project, as misalignment will have extreme consequences.
Systematic Review:
Systematic reviews normally contain a established technique to review and synthesize applicable
literature on a particular subject matter. Here is a standard template for writing a scientific
assessment with techniques and references, based at the content you provided: The effect of
artificial Intelligence on studying, decision-Making conduct, and related demanding situations: a
scientific assessment. Offer an overview of the significance of synthetic Intelligence (AI) in
gaining knowledge of and choice-making conduct. Absolutely kingdom the targets of the
systematic assessment.
Specify the databases (e.g., PubMed, IEEE Xplore) and other assets used for literature search.
Define seek phrases, keywords, and inclusion/exclusion criteria. Mention any filters or barriers
applied for the duration of the quest. Describe the process of screening titles, abstracts, and full
texts. Simply define the criteria for consisting of/except for studies. Offer statistics on inter-rater
reliability for looking at choice. Specify the statistical factors extracted from every examine (e.g.,
look at design, key findings). Mention gear or paperwork used for information extraction.
Highlight any steps taken to make sure data accuracy.
Detail the criteria used to evaluate the exceptional of covered studies. Specify any tools or
frameworks used for nice evaluation. Describe the method to synthesizing findings (e.g., narrative
synthesis, meta-analysis). Explain how heterogeneity amongst research turned into addressed.
Provide a structured presentation of the findings, categorizing them based on issues inclusive of
personalization, accessibility, automation, selection-Making behavior, and so on.

Application of AI in Hotel Management and its Benefits

Summarize the high-quality effects of AI on getting to know and choice-making conduct. Discuss
key findings from the literature. Explore challenges associated with bias, transparency, privacy,
ethical worries, etc. Highlight key boundaries diagnosed within the literature. Adapt the above
shape and info to match the precise necessities of your systematic assessment. Synthetic
intelligence (AI) is rapidly superior, imparting sizeable possibilities alongside notable challenges
and dangers that require thoughtful attention.
The number of included articles grew from six in 2007 to 23 in 2018.
Here’s a concise overview with relevant references.
• Assignment: AI structures can also perpetuate current societal biases in training records.
• Hazard: Unfair results, reinforcing social inequalities.

• Mission: complicated AI models lack transparency, hindering knowledge of choice-
• Risk: reduced trust, duty, and adoption.
• Venture: AI models may also fail with novel inputs, posing vulnerability to assaults.
• Threat: opposed assaults compromising gadget integrity.
Moral Issues:
• Mission: AI packages in touchy areas increase ethical dilemmas.
• Threat: Invasion of privacy, biased choice-making.
Data first-class and Amount:
• Venture: AI overall performance is based on nice and quantity of schooling facts.
• Danger: faulty representations leading to suboptimal performance.
Continual getting to know:
• Challenge: Allowing AI systems to examine incrementally without know-how loss.
• Risk: Overall performance degradation as models adapt to new records.
Human-AI Collaboration:
• Project: effective integration of AI into human-centric environments.
• Chance: Miscommunication leads to unintentional outcomes.
Useful Resource Necessities:

naqvi et al. (2023)

• Challenge: education in big AI models demands tremendous computational resources.

• Danger: limited accessibility in useful resource-constrained environments.
Regulatory and Legal Problems:
• Venture: Absence of standardized regulations hinders effective governance.
• Hazard: lack of duty leads to misuse.
A vital mirrored image on those challenges and dangers is vital for responsible AI improvement,
aligning with moral concepts and societal values. Ongoing interdisciplinary research is crucial to
efficaciously cope with these troubles. The observation of AI conduct is characterized as an
evolving adventure marked with the aid of non-stop learning, adaptability, and a dedication to
moral concepts. The mixing of insights from various fields along with laptop technological know-
how, ethics, psychology, and regulation is critical for navigating the complexities of AI, making
sure its responsible improvement, and facilitating effective societal impact.
Final consideration and a future research agenda:
The research emphasizes the foundational significance of data in shaping AI conduct. Drawing
from "statistics technology for commercial enterprise" with the aid of Foster Provost and Tom
Fawcett, it highlights how device studying algorithms heavily rely upon widespread datasets for
education. The quality and variety of records are critical factors influencing an AI device's ability
to generalize and make knowledgeable selections. Ethical issues, as mentioned in Steven Finlay's
"AI and gadget learning for business," underscore the want for techniques addressing bias
mitigation and transparency to ensure responsible AI improvement and deployment.
Lifelong learning in AI:
The dynamic nature of AI getting to know, specifically inside deep getting to know models, is a
central subject. Insights from "Deep getting to know" with the aid of Ian Good fellow, Yoshua
Bengio, and Aaron Courville underscore the idea of lifelong studying in AI structures. This
parallels human getting to know, emphasizing the continuous version and fine-tuning required for
more suitable performance and reliability.
Selection-Making Techniques:
The exploration of AI decision-making methods delves into both technical and ethical dimensions.
"Interpretable system learning" by means of Christoph Molnar makes a specialty of advancements
in explainable AI, aiming to demystify complex decision-making. Moral concerns, as offered in

Application of AI in Hotel Management and its Benefits

"artificial Intelligence: A guide for questioning human beings" by way of Melanie Mitchell,
pressure the importance of frameworks and hints to govern responsible AI use, balancing
autonomy with human oversight to prevent unintentional consequences.
Future instructions and Interdisciplinary Collaboration:
Looking beforehand, the trajectory of AI conduct and choice-making is anticipated to be prompted
by means of interdisciplinary collaboration. "Artificial Intelligence: a brand-new Synthesis" by
Nils J. Nilsson offers a complete view of the broader AI panorama. Regulatory frameworks, as
proposed with the aid of Timnit Gebru in "statistics Sheets for Datasets," are deemed vital for
addressing challenges, fostering innovation, and mitigating capability risks associated with AI
The observation of AI conduct is characterized as an evolving adventure marked with the aid of
non-stop learning, adaptability, and a dedication to moral concepts. The mixing of insights from
various fields along with laptop technological know-how, ethics, psychology, and regulation is
critical for navigating the complexities of AI, making sure its responsible improvement, and
facilitating effective societal impact.
Baker, R. S. (2021). Artificial intelligence in education: Bringing it all together. Digital education
outlook: Pushing the frontiers with AI, blockchain, and robots, 43-54.
Broussard, M. (2018). Artificial unintelligence: How computers misunderstand the world. MIT
Brundage, M., Avin, S., Clark, J., Toner, H., Eckersley, P., Garfinkel, B., ... & Amodei, D. (2018).
The malicious use of artificial intelligence: Forecasting, prevention, and mitigation.
arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.07228.
Chamola, V., Hassija, V., Sulthana, A. R., Ghosh, D., Dhingra, D., & Sikdar, B. (2023). A review
of trustworthy and explainable artificial intelligence (xai). IEEE Access.
Choi, J., Shin, K., Jung, J., Bae, H. J., Kim, D. H., Byeon, J. S., & Kim, N. (2020). Convolutional
neural network technology in endoscopic imaging: artificial intelligence for
endoscopy. Clinical endoscopy, 53(2), 117-126.
Degoulet, P., Luna, D., Quiros, F., Fatima Marin, H., Massad, E., Gutierrez, M., ... & Hao, S.
(2019). Clinical information systems and artificial intelligence: recent research trends.
Yearbook of medical informatics, 28(01), 083-094.

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Gupta, R., Srivastava, D., Sahu, M., Tiwari, S., Ambasta, R. K., & Kumar, P. (2021). Artificial
intelligence to deep learning: machine intelligence approach for drug discovery.
Molecular diversity, 25, 1315-1360.
Gupta, R., Srivastava, D., Sahu, M., Tiwari, S., Ambasta, R. K., & Kumar, P. (2021). Artificial
intelligence to deep learning: machine intelligence approach for drug discovery.
Molecular diversity, 25, 1315-1360.
Hoadley, C., & Uttamchandani, S. (2021). Current and future issues in learning, technology, and
education research. Spencer Foundation.
Smith, B. C. (2019). The promise of artificial intelligence: reckoning and judgment. Mit Press.
Jones, O. T., Calanzani, N., Saji, S., Duffy, S. W., Emery, J., Hamilton, W., ... & Walter, F. M.
(2021). Artificial intelligence techniques that may be applied to primary care data to
facilitate earlier diagnosis of cancer: systematic review. Journal of Medical Internet
Research, 23(3), e23483.
Lu, Y. (2019). Artificial intelligence: a survey on evolution, models, applications, and future
trends. Journal of Management Analytics, 6(1), 1-29.
Telkamp, J. B., & Anderson, M. H. (2022). The implications of diverse human moral foundations
for assessing the ethicality of Artificial Intelligence. Journal of Business Ethics,
178(4), 961-976.
Tyagi, A. K. (Ed.). (2023). Privacy Preservation and Secured Data Storage in Cloud Computing.
IGI Global.
Zhang, R., Tie, X., Qi, Z., Bevins, N. B., Zhang, C., Griner, D., ... & Chen, G. H. (2021). Diagnosis
of coronavirus disease 2019 pneumonia by using chest radiography: Value of artificial
intelligence. Radiology, 298(2), E88-E97.


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