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Sport World & Identity – Termpaper | Year 1 Semester 1

Module Assignment:
Within this module, students need to write a term paper. Students must choose a topic of their
choice related to the module themes and write a comprehensive paper supported by a minimum of
10 scientific sources (including journal articles and books). The paper should critically analyse the
chosen topic, considering social, cultural, and political implications. Students must adhere to proper
academic writing conventions, provide accurate citations, and demonstrate their research and
analytical skills.

The topic needs to be consulted and accepted by the module teacher in advance. The term paper
needs to be handed in via the Blackboard Dropbox before the deadline.

Deadline 1st chance: 08.12.2023 at 17.00 CET

Deadline 2nd chance: 12.01.2024 at 17.00 CET

Learning Outcomes:
LILO 1 Identity of the Sports Professional
LILO 2 Research and Development
LILO 4 Leadership, management and organisation

Supportive guideline/structure of the termpaper:

Title of your paper, Studentname, Studentnumber, Study program, Module, Teacher, Date
Table of content
List all chapters with page numbers
1. Introduction (0,5 - 1 page)
Introduce the chosen topic and its relevance to the module's themes. State the purpose of the term
paper and its research question or objectives.
2. Literature Review (4 pages)
Conduct a comprehensive review of existing literature on the chosen topic. Explore key concepts,
theories, and debates related to the topic. Identify relevant studies, scholarly articles, books, and
other academic sources. Analyse and critically evaluate the literature to develop a strong theoretical
foundation. If needed, provide for example a historical overview of the chosen topic. Discuss
significant events, milestones, or developments related to the topic. Highlight key figures,
organizations, or movements that influenced the topic's evolution. Explain the (eventually historical)
significance and impact of the chosen topic in the sport world.
3. Analysis and Discussion (2 pages)
Present a detailed analysis of the chosen topic using the gathered literature. Explore different
perspectives, arguments, and viewpoints on the topic. Discuss the social, cultural, economic, and
political implications of the chosen topic. Examine any controversies, challenges, or advancements
associated with the topic. You could include relevant case studies or examples to illustrate key points.
Analyse specific instances or events related to the chosen topic. Explore how these case studies
contribute to understanding the broader issues of sport and identity.
4. Personal Reflection and Conclusion (1-2 pages)
Share your personal insights, reflections, and experiences related to the chosen topic. Discuss why
you chose this particular topic and its significance to you. Summarize the main findings and
arguments presented throughout the paper.
5. Reference list (depends)
Provide a comprehensive list of all the sources cited in the paper in APA style.
6. Own Work Declaration
See template

Important Information:
• Follow a consistent APA citation style for proper referencing.
• The termpaper must consist of own work. Content produced by AI platforms, such as
ChatGPT, does not represent the student’s own original work so would be considered a form
of academic misconduct to be dealt with under the university’s disciplinary procedures.
• Estimated Page Numbers: 9n h written pages + coverpage, reference list & eventually
• Please note that the page numbers are approximate and can vary based on the depth of
research and the extent of analysis conducted!
• Hand in as PDF document
• File name: Studentname_Studentnumber_Coursename

Inspiration for possible topics:

• History of Women's Soccer
• The importance of Title IX
• Surfing matters - Surfing as a sport in the 21st century
• The growth and development of the Paralympics
• Racism in the NFL
• …
→ The topic needs to be consulted and accepted by the module teacher in advance.

Module teachers:
Leonie Theus
Rob van Rozen

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