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During the development of my project charter.

the VCI sessions were valuable

experiences. I received feedback and had an opportunity to seek clarification from my supervisor

and preceptor, who ensured a learner-led approach that enhanced effective decision-making,

collaboration, and problem-solving. During the first VCI session I received feedback regarding

my topic which was initially about approaches toward enhancing emotional health among nurses.

The feedback I received was that the topic did not meet the requirements for a DNP project since

the gap in practice needs to have data to support an evidence-based intervention, and within your

locus of control. Additionally, my preceptor, Dr. Yvonne, advised me to change my selected

topic as it was not in line with her area of specialty and her clinic could not provide an

appropriate study environment for such a study topic. This new development brought a new twist

to my DNP project program as it brought forth a new dilemma. My preceptor preferred I use a

behavioral intervention topic, with a preference for a topic based on use of behavior intervention

measures to manage patients battling obesity. However, my supervisor, Dr. Conner, confirmed it

was impossible to use a behavioral approach for a short intervention period of twelve weeks. Dr.

Conner guided me on the importance of proceeding with my already approved topic while also

reminding me of the effort it would take to get a new instructor and topic approval.

During the second VCI session, I made changes to the project design and sought clear

information on the submission process and deadlines from my supervisor, Dr. Conner, to ensure

I plan myself accordingly. Some of the uncertainties I had included the length of the project

charter in the two sections and the information required. My supervisor, Dr. Connor, and

preceptor, Dr. Yvonne, emphasized the need for empirical research and to determine if the

variables were measurable to help enhance the quality of my work.

During the completion of the project charter, I received feedback about my gap analysis

and the tool used to develop the gap analysis. I made changes to ensure that the fishbone diagram

reflected the gap analysis. I also received comments about my project and communication plans.

Initially, I listed the steps that could be followed but my supervisor advised that I elaborate more

to ensure details were succinctly outlined. Additionally, I received feedback on enhancing the

SWOT analysis.

During the project charter development, I got a new supervisor and this was a new

development because I got further comments from the new supervisor. I received feedback on

clearly stating my role in the project and stressed on the importance of citing all facts in the

project charter. Also, grammar issues were addressed.

Overall, during the VCI sessions and submission of my project charter, I learned the

importance of incorporating the feedback I received into my work. Overall, the VCI sessions and

comments from my supervisor were essential for enhancing my project as the feedback

contributed to completing the project charter and fulfilling all the requirements and expectations.

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