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5.1 General Provisions
5.11 The defined Technical Specifications refer to all kinds of concrete, for all
structures, for cements and mortars as well as for grouts for tendon grouting.
5.111 The criteria for the quality and testing of the basic materials, technological
conditions and circumstances, the control of the current concrete production, mix
design and preliminary investigations for the concrete, as well as the control for
the fresh concrete, should all be in compliance with the code PBAB-87 and the
current standards.
Untill the formal adoption of Eurocodes and the other European
standards there is a possibility to use them on different projects. In
cases where the final design projects are prepared according to
Eurocode provisions you must use appropriate European standards.
5.112 The quality of concrete for various structures and members shall be denoted by its
grade (MB), and in some instances according to its special properties: durability
and resistance to frost and defrosting, watertightness, durability and resistance to
abrasion, to frost and to salts. The conditions and specifications for concrete
quality shall be defined in the design for the structure, in accordance to the
influences and conditions in service and they are denoted by classes.
5.12 Item 1.2 of these Technical Specifications gives general determination that criteria
of probability of occurrence and statistics shall be used for confirmation of the
validity of the essential indicators for individual production operations and for the
properties of individual materials and products.
5.121 The control of quality for the performed concrete works shall be carried out in
accordance with the programme as defined in the Design for concrete. The
assessment of quality of the concrete by concrete charges shall be made according
to the criteria of PBAB-87.
The control of individual characteristics of concrete should be performed on
samples taken at the place of incorporation.
5.122 Testing for concrete grade and other concrete properties takes into consideration
only particular operations of the products or work processes subject to accidental
error only.
5.123 The term particular operations understands determined operations of production
or work processes subject to accidental errors only.
5.124 The term particular kinds of material and products understands specific materials
and products from the same source and same production i.e. having equal
- In the case of mineral aggregates, each fraction shall be treated and considered
for itself separately as a specific material, and so is with the homonymous
fractions, if they differ in view of the material composition and the place of
- In the case of cement as a specific type of homonymous cement, it is to
consider the cement that has been produced in the same cement factory, under
same material conditions and production and technology criteria and
- In the case of admixtures for concrete and other industrially produced
materials the same shall be applicable as for the cement;
- Regarding the concrete, the specific types shall be defined primarily in regard
to the main technical features.

Concretes that are composed of various basic materials as well as concretes made
from various production sources shall be treated individually.
5.13 Concrete must be produced from preliminary tested and in the course of time
visually controlled basic materials, and the production shall take place in plants
for concrete production that have been designed functionally, preliminary tested
and controlled in the course of the work.
The term concrete production plants refers to complete plants including:
reception, storing, handling of the basic material, preparation, handling and
transportation of concrete. The plants for production of mineral aggregates
(screening plants) are considered as independent plants.
5.131 The control that is carried out by the Supervisory authority within the concrete
factory, includes above all testing of individual basic materials which are
performed before and in the course of the use of the material, and in accordance
with the current standards.
5.132 It is only those basic materials corresponding to the required criteria for quality
that, as a rule, are delivered to the concrete factories. The Contractor shall
organize storing and handling within the concrete factory in such a way as to
ensure definitely to exclude of use possible defective charges of the basic material.
The reserves of material shall be determined depending on the dynamics of
execution of works.
5.133 For the control of quality of the basic materials, from a viewpoint of a preventive
measure, it is possible to also perform visual control of the properties of the fresh
concrete in both unbuilt-in and built-in state.
5.134 The preliminary investigations and testing of the basic materials shall be carried
out by the contractor, and the use Supervisory authority, in accordance to the item
1.2 of these Technical Specifications.
5.14 With regards to the General Technical Specifications, the Supervisory authority
shall carry out taking over of final products according to the programme for
testing fresh and hardened concrete or samples taken out from the structure.
Structures or works for which it has been regulated or anticipated with the design,
or for which the Investor shall determine so, shall be taken over by means of trial
test loading on the basis of measured deformations and stresses in the structure.
The structures or works for which trial test loading is not required, shall have final
technical acceptance according to other suitable methods.
5.15 The composition of the concrete mix must be designed in compliance with the
current Technical Regulations and these Specifications and it shall be proved by
evidence from previous laboratory testing on the properties of the basic materials,
as well as fresh and hardened concrete.
5.16 For each concrete plant or set of concrete plants, the Contractor is obliged, in
accordance with the Supervisory authority - to nominate responsible professional
person in charge as a manager for the concrete production. The work of the
manager must exclusively be associated with the technology problems of the
concrete plant. In the same time, the manager shall be responsible for the overall
activities of the Contractor's laboratories that are associated with the concrete and
concrete works.


5.2 Basic Material for Concrete - Aggregate

5.21 Quality of Gravel-Sand and crushed mineral Aggregates for Concrete

For preparation of concrete it is possible to use aggregate fulfilling the require-
ments from the standards MKS B.B3.100/83 and MKS B.B2.010/86.
Table 5.1 Testing of stone and aggregate

No. Type of testing Requirements for


Testing of stone

1. Compressive strength in dry condition 80-130 MPa

Testing of aggregate

Shape of aggregate grains according

to MKS B.B8.049/84
- for crushed aggregate up to 15%
- for natural aggregate up to 18%

2. Abrasion Los Angeles, MKS B.B8.045 up to 30%

3. Crushability up to 25%

Contents of particles passing the sieve,

MKS B.B8.036
- crushed aggregate up to 10%
- fine aggregate (up to 4mm) up to 5%
- coarse aggregate (larger than 4 mm) up to 1%

5. Contents of particles up to 0,02 mm up to 1%

Contents of organic and other

harmful ingredients
- according to MKS B.B8.039 0%
- according to MKS B.B8.040 up to 15%
Contents of lumps of clay according to
MKS B.B8.038
- fine aggregate (up to 4 mm) 0.4%
- coarse aggregate (larger than 4 mm) 0.15%
Percentage of crumbly grains according to
MKS B.B8.037
- for ordinary concretes up to 4%
- for concretes exposed to frost and salts up to 3%

9. Specific gravity according to MKS B.B8.031 min 2,6 kg/dm3

Volume mass/gravity according to depending on the ori-

MKS B.B8.030 gin of the material


Table 5.1 Continued

No. Type of testing Requirements for
11. Absorption of water according to MKS B.B8.031 up to 1,5%

12. Chemical analysis according to MKS B.B8.042

a) Contents of sulphates and sulfides such as SO3

- in fine aggregate (up to 4mm) up to 1%
- in coarse aggregate (larger than 4mm) up to 0.5%
b) Contents of chlorides Cl- up to 0,05%
(0,01 for prestressed
Aggregate stability/resistance to frost stable
according to MKS B.B8.044
- for fine aggregate (up to 4 mm), loss of weight up to 10%
- for coarse (larger than 4 mm), loss of weight up to 12%
Granulometric composition of aggregate acc. to satisfies specifications
MKS U.M1.057, MKS B.B3.100, MKS B.B8.029 of PBAB-87 and PPB-
Detailed mineralogical-petrographic and spectral
15. satisfactory
analysis acc. to MKS B.B8.003, MKS B.B8.004
Composition of rock and mineral as percentage
a) satisfactory
of the weight and by fractions
Shape of grains in percentage of the weight and by
b) satisfactory
fractions (cube-shaped, spherical, oval and flat)
Appearance of the grain surface in percentage of
c) satisfactory
the weight and by fractions
- rough-fine to rough
- smooth-vitreous
- porous

d) Degree of grain alternation satisfactory

- fresh
- slightly alternated
- crumbly grains
e) Contents of mica in the fine aggregate up to 1% by weight
Contents of coal in aggregate according to
f) up to 0,5% by weight
MKS B.B8.034
Contents of amorphous silicon according to
g) to be examined
MKS B.B8.003 and MKS B.B8.004
h) Opinion for usability acceptable
Opinion for usability on the basis of all
16. acceptable
completed testing


- Along with each test certificate for preliminary testing, it is necessary to submit
minutes/records for taking samples, signed by the Supervisory authority, the
authorized person from the institution performing testing and by the
Contractor of the works.
- If there is amorphous silicon in the stone aggregate, then the aggregate's
alkaline-silicate reactivity shall be tested according to MKS B.B8.056 and MKS
B.B8.057 along with the cement that is intended to be used and, if the
participation of dolomite in the aggregate is between 40% and 60%, then also
in regard to the alkaline-dolomite reactivity.

5.211 Criteria for Quality of Material

5.2111 The mineral aggregate for concrete must be sound stone, mechanically hard and
resistant to the effects of weathering. In regard to the surface properties, the
grains must have good ability for adhesion to the cement paste i.e. to the cement
The aggregate should neither contain ingredients that have harmful effects to the
hydration i.e. to the cement setting and hardening, nor shall have such ingredients
that could damage or destruct the hardened concrete.
5.2112 The mineralogical-petrographical analysis yields a general picture for the
composition and the structure of the mineral aggregate i.e. the stone of which the
aggregate is built-up, while the mineralogical-petrographic spectrum yields the
quantitative participation of the minerals.
5.2113 The grains' surface must not be coated with dust of stone or other origin, and
particularly not with clay or other colloid ingredients.
5.2114 The aggregates that possibly contain common anhydrous or hydrated lime (CaO
or MgO) may be used only after preliminary proved usability by means of testing.
5.2115 The aggregate must not contain substances of organic origin such as sugar,
organic fats, organic acids, as well as their salts etc.
5.2116 The mineral aggregate must be tough and mechanically hard, resistant to abrasion
and wear, to impact i.e. crushing, resistant to weathering effects and especially
against frosting and defrosting. It must have low absorption of water. The
aggregate for concrete intended for wearing courses of the pavement, for
reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete and channels i.e. gutters in
watersoaked condition must have a strength of at least 130 MPa. For other
concretes such lowest strength may drop as low as 80 MPa. The strength in
watersoaked condition must not be less than 80% of the strength of stones in dry
Some works may exclusively use aggregates having lower strength if through
appropriate testing the possibility for attaining the required properties of
hardened concrete's quality has been proved.
The wearing of the aggregate intended for use in the wearing course of the
pavement as determined according to MKS B.B8.015, could come to max 10
cm3/50 cm2.
The loss of weight for fractions 0-8 mm during testing for resistance to frost of
aggregates intended to be used for pavement structure may be up to 5 weight


5.212 Granulometric Criterion

5.2121 The shape of aggregate's grains should be as close as possible to a cube or a
The participation of flat-shaped elongated grains must not exceed 15% for crushed
aggregate and 18% for the river aggregate.
5.2122 For preparation of concrete it is as a rule necessary to use fractioned i.e. graded
and washed out or dustless aggregate. For plain concrete grade up to MB 15 it also
possible to use ungraded aggregate, provided it is intended to be used as an infill,
regulating layers and the like.
5.2123 The following fractions shall be used for structural types of concrete: 0-4; 4-8; 8-
16; 16-31,5 and 31,5-63,0 mm.
It is possible to also use other fractions if after appropriate preliminary evaluation
it has been proved that segregation of the concrete during its handling does not
take place.
Sieves shall be used in determining the grains composition by fractions.
5.2124 The maximum grain size of aggregate for structural concrete must not be larger
than 1/4 the least dimension of the concrete member, and when dealing with slabs
not larger than 1/3 of the appropriate thickness, i.e. not more than 0,8 times the
clear horizontal distance between each two reinforcing bars.
5.2125 For various sizes of maximum aggregate grains, the granulometric composition of
the aggregate shall be determined by means of testing and it depends on the
regulated i.e. required quality, the way and conditions of transportation and
placement of the same as well as other factors having influence upon the quality of
concretes. The established quality must not be changed without corresponding
additional testing
Depending on the necessity of the significance of the available materials, it is also
possible to consider special addition of fractions having maximum grain size up to
1 or 2 mm, and possibly stone flour or separation of fractions 0-4 on sieves having
openings 1 or 2 mm. Such separation could be considered in cases when it is not
possible to achieve production of sand fractions having satisfactory uniformity of
the granular composition.
5.2126 A deviation from this regulation could be done according to clause 9 of the code
PBAB-87 if concrete of category B-1 is prepared, having maximum grain size 16 to
32 mm and aggregate mix in accordance with MKS UM1.057/84.
5.2127 As a rule, it is always necessary to determine the granulometric composition of the
aggregate as well as the concrete composition on the basis of experimental testing
all in order to attain optimal technological, technical and economic
characteristics, adjusted to the circumstances of production, handling and
placement of fresh concrete. In the same time, it is necessary to enable using
available materials in order to meet the criteria for quality of the hardened
In such circumstances i.e. in the case of experimental determination, it is possible
to apply such ratio of the fractions that would yield continuous or discontinuous
optimal compositions.
Regarding the question of the use and participation of natural sand or crushed
sand having grading up to 4 mm in the overall aggregate composition - it is
necessary to experimentally make assessment from both economic and
technological aspect. The fine aggregate could have maximum 45% remainder i.e.
residue between two sieves and modulus of grainness within the limits of 2,3 to
The boundary values of the granulometric composition of fine aggregate should be
set off within the limits as given in T.4.10 of MKS B.B2.010/86.


5.213 Aggregate Handling & Storing

5.2131 Each aggregate fraction must be treated as individual item for storing and
handling. In case when there is work with two or more homonymous fractions in
respect to the granulation at the very same construction site, however fractions
from various sources, it is necessary to strictly respect the criterion that it is not
allowed nonsystematic mutual mixing of such materials.
5.2132 Handling and storing individual fractions must satisfy the following requirements:
a) Each individual fraction must be monitored through all stages of storing and
handling all up to the stage of direct dosing into the concrete mixer and
without segregation, in order to achieve that, appropriate measures shall be
taken (gravitational transportation, correct inclinations of the belt conveyors,
spreading of material heaps in the sense of preventing forming cones);
b) Change in the grain composition and structure because of grains crushing
(particularly with coarse fractions) should not occur;
c) Regardless of the atmospheric conditions, and by using some suitable and safe
way, the uniformity and evenness and sufficiently low level of humidity of
individual fractions must be ensured in the stage of their dosing into the
concrete mixer, and that above all applies for fractions up to 4 mm;
d) It is not allowed to use frozen aggregate i.e. aggregate mixed with ice and snow
for concrete preparation;
e) Regarding the entire working complex of the concrete plant, the possibility for
regulating the temperature of individual fractions before or during their mixing
in concrete must be guaranteed by means of technically appropriate way.
5.214 Preliminary Testing of Mineral Aggregates
For the concrete production it is allowed to use only mineral aggregate that has
been preliminarly tested. Such preliminary testing shall be carried out in
accordance with the regulations set out in item 1.2 and item 5.21 of these
Technical Specifications.
The number of samples as well as the way of taking them must realistically
represent the quality of aggregate and the degree of homogenousness of the
It is necessary to carry out such preliminary testing for every kind of the mineral
aggregate separately. The term kind of mineral aggregate considers a variety of
geological sources, as well as a variety of locations and the way of preparation.
The period at validity for the test certificates regarding the preliminary testing for
the stone and aggregate for concrete is one year (Yugoslav Official Registar
Sl.l.SFRJ No. 41/87, Order for obligatory testing and certificates for aggregates for
5.215 Control Testing for Mineral Aggregates
During overall period of its production i.e. service of the works and for each
individual kind of mineral aggregate it is an obligation to perform at least as many
control tests as they should be in accordance with all directions as specified in
item 5.21, if there are changes in the mineralogical composition.
5.216 Control Testing of Mineral Aggregates within the Concrete Plant in all
Stages of Production, Aggregate Storing, Handling and Transportation
as well as Fabrication of Concrete.
The tests of the mineral aggregate within the quality control shall in principle
differ by samples that have been taken:


a) Immediately under the devices of the screening plant;

b) From the aggregate store of screening plants, possibly from local aggregate
stores and from aggregate stores of a concrete factory;
c) At the discharge spots of dosing devices in factories for concrete.
The control tests of the mineral aggregate must be in compliance with the
specification as outlined in item 5.21 and the code PBAB-87.
The single set of samples for testing (b) represent single sampling at least three
individual samples that have been taken separately at three individual
characteristic spots of the aggregate store. These samples are tested separately
and the obtained results yield a picture for possible heterogeneousness of the
granulometric composition, humidity of aggregate and the like.
It is necessary to perform sampling and testing aggregate samples at equal time
intervals depending on the quantity of the material. Samples are taken depending
on the filling of aggregate stores and on the quantitatively used aggregate for
concrete production.
For each individual concrete plant, in order to obtain practical execution of
concrete works, the investigation and testing should be carried out according to
special programmes. These programmes are approved by the Supervisory
authority. All testing cited in item 5.216 is performed by the Supervisory authority
in his laboratories and by his professionals, according to the provisions of clauses
51, 52 and 53 of the General Technical Specifications.
A summary of the current standards for testing mineral aggregates is given in the
table of item 5.217
5.217 Material Balance of Mineral Aggregate
The Contractor of the works shall have, by means of special survey analysis, to
prove the possibility of guaranteed supplying mineral aggregate to the concrete
The current material balance harmonizing the consumption and production of
aggregate is also included within the composition of the control of aggregate and
the production of the concrete factory. This harmonizing must be performed in
such a way as to ensure achieving optimal technological solutions.


Table 5.2 Summary of current standards for testing mineral aggregates for concrete

No. Name of standard MKS

1. Laboratory sieves and screens L.J9.010/84
2. Natural aggregate and stone aggregate (taking samples) B.B0.001/8
3. Screened/graded aggregate for concrete B.B2.010/8
3. Screened/graded aggregate for concrete B.B2.010/8
Natural aggregate for the production of aggregate
4. B.B2.009/8
for concrete
Technical Specifications for stone aggregates for the
5. B.B3.050/6
construction of contemporary pavement layers
Fractioned stone aggregate for concrete and asphalt (basic
6. B.B3.100/8
requirements for quality)
7. Testing the natural stone for resistance to frost 2B.B8.003/


Table 5.2 Continued

No. Name of standard MKS
8. Determination of water absorption by the natural stone B.B8.010/8
9. Natural stone (determination of compressive strength) B.B8.012/8
10. Testing the natural stone for resistance to weathering B.B8.013/6
11. Testing for stone toughness B.B8.014/57
12. Testing resistance of natural stone for abrasion at grinding B.B8.015/8
13. Testing of stone by Deval’s machine B.B8
Stone aggregate. Determination of granulometric
14. B.B8.029/8
composition by sieving
Determination of volume gravity (mass) for aggregate
15. B.B8.030/8
at specific density
Determination of volume gravity and absorption
16. B.B8.031/8
of water by aggregate
Determination of volume gravity (mass), specific gravity,
17. B.B8.031/8
compactness and porosity of natural stone
18. Determination of lightweight particles in aggregate B.B8.034/8
19. Determination of surface moisture for aggregate B.B8.035/8
Determination of the quantity of particles in aggregate
20. B.B8.036/8
passing sieve 0,09 mm
21. Determination of crumbly grains in coarse aggregate B.B8.037/8
22. Determination of lumps of clay in aggregate B.B8.038/8
Testing sands for building purposes. Approximate deter-
23. B.B8.039/8
mination of pollution with organic matter (colometric
Testing sands for building purposes (testing sands for
24. B.B8.040/8
pollution with organic matter)
25. Chemical testing of aggregates for concrete B.B8.042/8
Testing for abrasive wearing of coarse stone aggregate by
26. B.B8.043/6
means of Deval’s machine
Testing of stability of natural aggregate by using
27. B.B8.044/4

sodium sulphate
Definition of shape and appearance of aggregate’s grain
28. B.B8.047/6
29. Investigation for the shape of grains of stone aggregate
30. Granulometric composition of aggregate mix for concrete U.M1.057/8
Abrasion wearing of natural and crushed aggregate
31. B.B8.045/7
(Los Angeles)


Table 5.2 Continued

No. Name of standard MKS

Abrasion wearing of natural and crushed aggregate
31. B.B8.045/7
(Los Angeles)
32 Testing small particles up to 0,02 mm B.B8.036/8
33 Testing for alkaline-silicate reactivity, chemical method B.B8.056/8
34 Testing for alkaline-silicate reactivity (mortar prism B.B8.057/8
method) 6
Order for obligatory testing and certification of aggregate
(Yugoslav Official Register No. 71/87)
Code for technical norms for concrete and reinforced
concrete PBAB-87
Code for technical norms and specifications for
prestressed concrete PPB-71

5.22 Cement
Types of cement, specifications for quality, specifications for handling, prelimi-
nary and control tests
5.221 Types of Cement according to MKS
According to the type and assignment of the works, for the execution of the works
the following classes of portland cement shall be used: 25, 35, 45 and 55. If
portland cements with admixtures are used, and it usually is class 35 and 45, then
the participation of the admixtures is limited: pozzolana up to 15%, slag up to
30%. The use of portland cement having addition of pozzolana more than 15%
could be permitted only for construction of concrete structures that are
permanently in water. These cements should be in compliance with the
requirements as given in item 5.2231 of these Technical Specifications.
5.2211 The pozzolanic and metallurgical cements could be used for stabilization in
earthworks and they shall be in compliance with the specifications for quality as
outlined in item 5.2232 of these Technical Specifications.
Cements could be used for preparation of concrete if only a test certificate has
been issued by a Macedonian organization registered for activities such as cement
testing and issuing such test certificates.
5.222 Types of Cements Outside Macedonian Standards - Special Cements
Specific concrete works may require the use of portland cement having
appropriate composition with and without admixtures, as well as some other types
of cement. It will depend on the type of the structure and its assignment which of
these cements shall be used; it will also depend on the conditions of structure's
service life. That is why the selection of cement for any larger or significant
structure should be carried out on the basis of preliminary testing of both the
cement and the concrete. Prior to such preliminary testing, previous testing of the
soil and ground water has been performed since they have significant effect upon
the cement selection.


5.2221 Special Cement for Pavement Structures and Works

Special cement for pavement structures and works is portland cement having
previously determined mineral composition or portland cement having selected
type and quantity addition of slag from blast furnaces or pozzolana.
These cements shall be in compliance with the specifications as outlined in item
5.2233 of these Technical Specifications.
5.2222 Cement with High initial Strength
For structures requiring high concrete strength within a short time period, it is
necessary to use portland cement having high initial strength.
This cement could be produced from clinker having defined mineralogical com-
position i.e. clinker having high contents of C 3S and is ground in order to comply
with the specifications given in item 5.2234 of these Technical Specifications.
5.2223 Sulphate Resistant Cement
Sulphate resistant cement and sulphate resistant portland cement having addition
of slag or pozzolana shall be used for structures that shall during their service life
be exposed to aggressive sulphate environment. These cements are made from
clinker with determined mineralogical composition and having low percentage of
C3A and corresponding to the specifications set in item 5.2235 of these Technical
5.2224 Cement for Wearing Course of Edge Strips in Pavement Structures
and Concrete Kerbs
The white cement shall be in compliance with the requirement imposed in item
5.2235 of these Technical Specifications.
5.2225 Cement for Grouting
This cement is portland cement or portland cement with addition of slag or
pozzolana maximum up to 15%; in view of the type it should correspond to the
cement used in the works.
5.223 Requirements for Quality of Cement
Testing of cement is carried out in accordance with the methodology given in the
5.2231 Participation of additives and expansion of cement
Cements intended to be used should comply with the specifications given in MKS
In addition, the following additional requirements for quality have also to be
a) For portland cement:
- autoclave expansion (MKS B.08.025/79) up to 0,8%
b) For portland cement having addition of slag (maximum 30%) or pozzolana
(maximum 30%):
- autoclave expansion up to 0,5%
- the contents of the additions could vary from the declared maximum ± 2%
5.2232 Cement for Stabilization
Cement for stabilization purposes must be in compliance with the specifications

for quality according to MKS B.C1.011/82 for class 25.


5.2233 Special Cements for Pavement Structure and Works

a) Portland cement;
b) Portland cement with selected kind and quantity addition of slag from blast
furnaces or pozzolana.
5.22331 Mineralogical Contents of the Clinker
a) Contents of C3A, maximum 8%
b) Contents of C3S 55-65%
The above contents could be changed depending on the kind of structure and
service conditions and that should have to be determined by means of preliminary
c) The shape and size of the crystals C3S and C2S as determined
by microscopic analysis must be regular
5.22332 Chemical Composition of Cement
a) Losses at glowing/annealing, maximum 5,0%
b) Contents of SO3, maximum 3,0%
c) Contents of MgO, maximum 5,0%
d) Unsoluble remainder/residue,
- for portland cements with addition of slag, maximum 2%
- for portland cements with addition of pozzolana, maximum 10%
e) Control of contents of addition of slag or pozzolana
while allowing deviations from declared values, maximum ± 2%.
5.22333 Physical-mechanical Properties of Cement
a) Fineness of grinding (MKS B.C8.024/63 and MKS B.C8.023/82)
- for portland cements and portland cements with additions of slag, minimum
2400 cm2/g, i.e. the remainder on the sieve of 0,09 mm maximum 10%
- for portland cements having addition of pozzolana, max 5000 cm2/g
b) For standard consistency, maximum 29%
c) Setting: beginning of setting not earlier than 1 hr
end of setting not later than 10 hrs
d) Stability of volume, measured on rings, maximum 5 mm
e) Autoclave expansion, maximum 0,5%
f) Shrinkage (measured on mortar prisms) after 28 days, maximum 0,6 mm/m1 ;
g) Strength of cement:
The compressive and flexural strength of cement should correspond to
the specifications for quality given in the standard MKS B.C1.011/82.
5.2234 Cement having Short Setting Time
5.22341 Mineralogical Composition of Cement
a) Contents of C3A, maximum 15%
b) The shape and size of crystals of C3S and C2S as determined
by microscopic analysis of the clinker must be regular.



5.22342 Chemical Composition of Cement according to MKS B.C8.020/75

a) Losses at glowing/annealing, maximum 3,0%
b) Contents of SO3, maximum 3,5%
c) Contents of MgO, maximum 5,0%
d) Unsoluble remainder, maximum 2,0%
5.22343 Physical-mechanical Properties of Cement
a) Fineness of grinding (specific surface after Blain), minimum 3000 cm2/g
b) Stability of volume for the "cakes" and "rings" shall
correspond to the requirements of MKS B.C1.011/82
c) Autoclave expansion, maximum 0,8%
d) Initial setting not earlier than 1 hr
e) End of setting not later than 10 hrs
f) Strength tested according to MKS B.C8.022/76
5.2235 Sulphate Resistant Portland Cement SPC-K, in acc. with MKS
Sulphate Resistant Cement with Addition of Slag and,
Sulphate Resistant Portland Cement with Addition of Pozzolana
5.22351 Mineralogical Composition according to MKS B.C8.020/75
a) Contents of C3A maximum 5%
b) Contents of (2 x C3A + C4AF) maximum 20%
c) The shape and size of the crystals C3S and C2S as determined
by microscopic analysis must be regular.
The percentage of addition and the kind of addition is selected depending on the
type of works and the aggressive environment in which the structures shall be
exposed during their service life.
5.22352 Chemical Composition of Cement according to MKS B.C8.020/75
a) Loss at glowing/annealing, maximum 4,0%
b) Contents of SO3, maximum 3,5%
c) Contents of MgO, maximum 5,0%
d) Unsoluble remainder:
- for sulphate resistant cement and sulphate
resistant portland cement with addition of slag, maximum 3%
- for sulphate resistant portland cement
with addition of pozzolana, maximum 15%
5.22353 Physical-mechanical Properties of Cement
a) Stability of volume:
Le Chatelier's rings, enlargement of the distance
between the tips of needles after boiling up to 5 mm
b) Autoclave expansion up to 0,5%
c) Standard consistency maximum 29%
d) Time of setting according to MKS B .C1.011/82
e) Shrinkage (measured on mortar prisms
in accordance with MKS B.C8.029/79), maximum 0,6 mm/m1


f) Strength of cement:
It is defined according to MKS B.C8.022/76, or shall be in
compliance with the requirements for quality MKS B.C1.011/82,
for the class 25, 35 or 45, depending on the type of structure.
g) Resistance to corrosion:
Such resistance should be in compliance with the requirements
for sulphate corrosion tested after B.B.Kind.
5.2236 White Portland Cement according to MKS B.C1 009/82
5.22361 Chemical Composition of Cement
a) Loss at glowing/annealing maximum 5,0%
b) Contents of SO3, maximum 3,5%
c) Contents of MgO, maximum 5,0%
d) Unsoluble remainders maximum 2,0%
5.22362 Physical-mechanical Properties of Cement
a) Stability of volume:
Le Chatelier's rings, enlargement of the distance
between the tips of needles after boiling maximum 10 mm
b) Autoclave expansion maximum 0,8%
c) Setting: beginning of setting not earlier than 45 min
end of setting not later than 10 hrs
d) Whitness: A, B, C
- Dry unhydrated and hydrated cement, taking into consideration
barium sulphate must express minimum whiteness: for group A - 80%
for group B - 75%
for group C - 70%
- Wet hydrated, whiteness maximum 50%
e) Strength of cement:
It is defined in accordance with MKS B.C8.022/76 and it should be
in compliance with the requirements for quality MKS B.C1.009/82.
5.224 Handling Criteria
(Transportation and storage of cement, as well as cement handling during stages
from the purchase to the entrance and the process of preparation of fresh concrete
mix). MKS B.C1.012/79.
5.2241 For each type of cement, transportation shall be carried out depending on the
quantitative need and the type: cement-bin (and cement-bin wagons) and trucks
and wagons for bags packing.
White portland cement shall be obligatorily brought to the construction site in bags.
The cement-bin trucks and cement-bin wagons for bulk state transportation of
cement must be airtightly closed and in taking over the cement they shall be kept
under leads with affixed leads as long as they are shot from one place to another.
The cement could be filled into transportation bins if only they are completely dry.
The bin-trucks and wagon-trucks must be equipped with devices for reloading the
cement into the bins on the construction site.
Cements in bags shell obligatorily be transported in covered trucks i.e. in closed
wagons. The bottom of the truck, i.e. the wagon, must be completely dry. Loading
and reloading of cement bags is carried out on covered area only.


Each shipment of cement must have documentary evidence with packing list and
cited specification in accordance with clause T3.1 and T3.2 of the standard MKS
B.C1.012/79. In addition, a test certificate having data for tests as outlined in item
5.2262 must also be submitted.
5.2242 Storage of Cement
For the storage of cement, the construction site must be equipped with
qualitatively and quantitatively appropriate bins for receiving bulk cement
brought to the site as well as storage space for cement bags.
The bins on the construction site must be protected from atmospheric effects,
have possibility for taking samples across the entire height of the cement bin, and
also with equipment for measuring quantities of cement in the bins. The bins
must obligatorily be equipped with devices for discharge of some possibly
inappropriate shipments of cements.
The cement-bins must be from the outside painted with bright colors.
The cement-bins at the construction site must have a capacity for seven days'
production of concrete, and at least three units. Cement for concrete production is
taken from one of these units, filling is performed into the other unit and the third
unit is under control, and possibly the fourth one or the following unit serves as
reserve in case material has not been provided, and in case the quality of cement is
not appropriate one.
The cement stores must be constructed in such a way that dry storage of cement in
bags is ensured regardless of weathering conditions.
A safe way for separating various individual kinds of cement into the storage must
be made possible. Cements, in principle, could be stored at the most three
months, including a single turning upside a month, with exception for the special
cements requiring faster use. For cements having short setting time, storing could
last at the most 1 month
5.225 Preliminary Testing of Cement
Only preliminary tested cement shall be used for concrete production. Preliminary
tests are performed by a registered institution.
It is necessary to carry out preliminary testing for each type of cement separately.
The term type of cement refers to a different designation i.e. name of cement and
different source or origin.
The preliminary tests shell be performed in accordance with the specification and
it is for each type of cement separately regulated in the standards.
5.2251 Time-limits for Preliminary Testing of Cement
In accordance with the code PBAB-87, it is an obligatory requirement to provide
test certificate for preliminary testing of cement for each type, as it follows: 1 test
certificate for consumption quantities up to 2000 tons a month, 2 test certificates
for consumption quantities from 2000 to 5000 tons a month and minimum 3 test
certificates for consumption quantities over 5000 tons a month.
When taking samples, it is an obligation to take minutes/records which is amended
to the test certificate. Taking samples is according to MKS B.C1.012/79.
5.226 Current Testing of Cement
The current tests of cement contain:
- current tests within the concrete plant;
- certificate of the supplier for cement testing.


5.2261 Current Control and Testing within the Concrete Plant

The current control testing on the construction site shall be performed by the
Engineer in the construction site's laboratories. Such testing is carried out on
samples taken from the transportation truck, or from the cement-bins at each
pouring from one place to another of a single cement delivery in a bulk state.
Samples of cement, that are being used in smaller quantity (special cements) and
are delivered in bags to the construction site - shall be taken from each delivery.
Samples of bulk supply and supply in bags shall be taken for a single measure -
ment end overall testing, individually and all at once in quantity that is necessary
for performing tests which means that these tests are not performed on samples
for establishing and defining certain specific degrees of average state.
The current control tests for all types of cement of these Technical Specifications
shall obligatorily be carried out to the extent as the standards have anticipated:
- Cement intended to be used for concrete pavements and concrete bridges is
tested every day when concrete works are being performed, which is in
accordance with the code PBAB-87;
- Each delivery is tested for cement intended to be used for other concrete works.
By means of control tests according to MKS B.C8.023/82 in both cases the
following should be established:
- Standard consistency;
- Time of setting;
- Volume stability;
- Fineness of grinding, remainder on sieve 0,09 mm
5.2262 Supplier's Certificate for Testing Cement
The Contractor has on obligation to submit to the Engineer certificate for testing
cement's quality for each delivery.
The certificate of testing must contain results of conducted tests according to MKS
as well as other tests as outlined in these Technical Specifications.
Such certificate must contain marking and origin of the cement, date of produc-
tion, supply, type and number of transportation vehicle, quantity of cement, seal
and signature of the supplier i.e. the agent he should authorize.
5.227 Keeping and Maintaining Cement Samples
The Contractor of the works is obliged to take and maintain samples for each type
and class of cement all in accordance with the Macedonian standard for taking
samples of cement. One such taken sample of cement could refer to maximum 250
tons of received i.e. used cement.
Taking samples of cement must be carried out all at once, and at the latest in a
course of one week from the moment of delivery. Keeping and maintaining taken
samples of cement on the construction site must be ensured up to the moment of
final technical acceptance of the completed structure, provided the quality
stability and steadiness of the cement sample should not be endangered during all
that time.
Cement samples are taken in the presence of the Supervisory authority and they
must be sealed and marked according to the regulations.


Table 5.3 Kinds of cement testing in an institution authorized for issuing test
certificates and methodology of testing

No. Type of test Method of testing and

1. Taking samples MKS B.C1.012/79
2. Chemical analysis of portland cement MKS B.C1.020/75
Potential mineralogical composition of After analysis of Boge or
3. portland cement (tested according to according to correction of Lee-
circumstances) Parker-Boge formulae
Mineralogical composition of portland Microscopic and by X-ray
cement, according to circumstances defraction
Chemical analysis of cement with
5. MKS B.C8.020/75
addition of slag or pozzolana
- alkali Photometric
- undissolved remainder for ce-
ment with addition of pozzolana MKS B.C8.020/75

Percentage contents of slag or According to established proc-

pozzolana edure
7. Physical-mechanical analysis
a) Fineness of grinding
- by sieving MKS B.C8.023/82
MKS B.C8.024/63 or
- specific surface, after Blain MKS B.C8.026/66
b) specific gravity/mass MKS B.C8.023/82
c) volumetric gravity/mass MKS B.C8.023/82
d) standard consistency and time of setting MKS B.C8.023/82
e) Volume stability/steadiness
- tested on “cakes” MKS B.C8.023/82
- on Le Chatelier’s rings MKS B.C8.023/82
f) Shrinkage MKS B.C8.029/79
g) Dilatation/expansion MKS B.C8.023/82
MKS B.C1.001/76 and
h) Compressive and flexural strength
MKS B.C8.022/76
After L’Hermite or according to
i) Sensitivity to cracking
AFNORP 15-351
Cases when cement resistant to Resistance to sulphate corrosion
8. aggressive sulphate environment is according to MKS U.M1.056/89
concerned and MKS U.M1.014/59


NOTE:The following standards are also required:

- Testing standard sand, MKS B.C1.001/76
- White portland cement, MKS B.C1.009/82
- Cement having low hydratant heat, MKS B.C1.013/80
- Autoclave expansion of cement, MKS B.C8.025/79
5.23 Water for Preparation of Fresh Concrete
Water intended for preparation of concrete must not exhibit any adverse influence
on the setting and hardening of cement.
Ordinary drinking water (from waterworks) could be considered to be suitable for
preparation of concrete.
Industrial waste waters as well as water from marshes having harmful
constituents and causing disturbance in the normal setting and hardening of
concrete, are considered unsuitable and useless.
Waters from rivers, lakes and ground water may be used only after obtaining
satisfactory test certificates issued by a professional specialized organization,
registered for activities such as testing the quality of water.
5.231 Requirements for the Quality of Water
Water could be considered to be suitable for concrete preparation if it fulfills the
following requirements from the code PBAB-87.
a) hydrogen indicator pH, within limits 4,5 to 9,5
b) Sulphate contents (SO4), less than 2700 mg/l water
c) Contents of chlorine ions (CI ) less than 300 mg/l water if it is intended to be

used for reinforced concrete, while water for prestressed concrete should not
contain more than 100 mg/l, provided the chlorine ions are not entering the
concrete in any other way (additives for concrete etc.);
d) The organic constituent’s indicator (humic acid, sugar etc.) expressed as
consumption of potassium permanganate (KMnO 4) according to the method of
oxidation, should not be larger than 200 mg/l water;
e) Total contents of salts, expressed as dry remainder, less than 5000 mg/l water
f) Testing of water shall be carried out according to MKS U.M1.058/85
5.2311 Time-limit validity for test certificate after preliminary tests is one building season.
5.2312 Current control testing by the laboratory shall be performed as circumstances
require and upon a request by the Supervisory authority.
5.24 Concrete Admixtures
The term "concrete admixtures" means chemical agents used for improving or
changing particular properties of the fresh or hardened concrete.
For the preparation of concrete, it possible to use only admixtures possessing test
certificate confirming that they have the declared properties and that by using
them the basic concrete properties have not been weakened and also they are not
causing corrosion to the reinforcement.
Test certificates are issued by a professional organization registered for activities
such as testing the quality of concrete admixtures.
Prior to the use of concrete with admixtures, the contractor should test its
qualities and should confirm it by test certificate issued by a professional
organization the activities of which cover testing such concrete.
The Contractor must obligatorily ask for directions from the manufacturer,
showing the way of use and he is obliged to hold on to it. The Contractor is also
obliged to submit to the engineer test certificate for the quality of each delivery,
for each kind of admixture.


The test certificate must contain: designation and origin of admixture, date of
production, quantity and date of delivery, results of testing characteristic proper-
ties, seal and signature. If some of the properties of admixtures could have
harmful influence on the fresh and hardened concrete, it should obligatorily be
cited in this document. The tes t certificate is submitted by the manufacturer i.e.
his authorized agent. For each admixture separately, the manufacturer of admix-
tures must define the kind of cement that such admixture may be used with.
The selection and the type of admixtures is confirmed by the Supervisory
authority for each particular case separately.
Testing of admixtures shall be carried out according to the standards MKS
U.M1.034/81, MKS U.M1.035/82, MKS U.M1.036/81, MKS U.M1.037/81, MKS
U.M1.038/81, MKS U.M1.039/82 and MKS U.M1.044/82.
5.25 Chemical Agents for Surface Protection of Built-in Concrete,
intended Against Drying
For the surface protection of the built-in fresh concrete which is hardening, it is
possible to use liquid chemical agents for spraying. These agents or substances
must previously have been tested in a professional organization registered for
activities such as testing the quality of those agents/substances. The Contractor is
obliged to respect manufacturer's directions for the concrete admixture. The
Contractor is obliged to submit to the Supervisory authority a test certificate for
the quality, for each delivery and for each kind of protective agent/substance,
containing data as it has been required for the admixtures in the item 5.24.
5.3 Requirements for Quality of Concrete

5.31 Criteria for Quality

5.311 For all concrete works during the construction of the structures, it is necessary to
apply a technology of plasticized, dense, compact and technically water-tight
concrete; in some instances, it could be artificially micro aerated.
Only concrete having preliminary testing establishing it satisfies the anticipated
requirements for quality may be used for these works.
Concrete for concrete pavements must be in compliance with the requirements of
the standard MKS.U.E3.020.
5.312 With regards to its properties in fresh and hardened state, the composition of
concrete shall be determined by both an analytical and experimental way.
5.313 The required concrete grades in the design (MB) will be valid for concrete age at
28 days and they will relate to the destructive strength as determined on cubes
having edges 20 cm and having maximum aggregate grains up to  50 mm. The
control or test samples are kept in water or in a room having relative humidity of
95% and temperature 20 3oC, all in accordance with the standards MKS
U.M1.005/84 and MKS U.M1.020/78.
5.3131 Determination of the concrete grade (MB) is performed by concrete lots and in
accordance with the control programme, as well as according to one of the criteria
1, 2 or 3, as given in clause 46 of the code PBAB-87.
5.314 The concrete grade (MB) represents only a required static i.e. structural criterion,
but in the same time not a sufficient requirement for steadiness of concrete.


5.3141 Taking into consideration various serviceability circumstances for the structures,
concrete must be composed and placed according to the criteria for satisfying
other specific properties, too. Those properties are restricted by the values of
water/cement ratio W/C because of achieving the required degree of placeability
and watertightness of the hardened concrete as defined in the design, and they are
established according to the standard MKS U.M1.015/78.
5.3142 The normal distribution of measured values as expressed with standard deviation
is established. It shall not exceed the following values: 0,03 for the water /cement
ratio; 40 kg/m3 for the volumetric mass i.e. density and 2% for pores.
5.315 For concretes, for which there are no specific requirements in the design and in
the Technical Specifications, it is necessary to use only as much water as is
necessary for efficient concrete placement. The water/cement ratio should have a
value of W/C 0,65.
5.316 For concretes for which according to the specifications or according to the
Technical Specifications should satisfy the requirement for stability and resistance
to frost and thawing, whereas the value of the water/cement ratio W/C must not
be larger than 0,45.
In those cases when the required W/C ratio has to be retained, and there is also a
need for easily workable concrete, appropriate additives have to be used for the
These concretes must correspond to the requirements as defined by the standard
MKS U.M1.016/77.
5.317 For concretes intended for use in pavement structures and for concretes exposed
to influences of frost and salts, it is possible to use micro aeration, and the
percentage of pores should be determined according to MKS U.M1.031/82.
Generally speaking, these concretes should obey the criterion for maximum value
of the W/C ratio being 0,45.
Concretes intended for prestressed concrete structures must not be aerated. The
criterion for watertightness should be valid for them.
5.318 Testing concrete stability and resistance to frost should be performed according to
the procedure in MKS U.M1.016/77 and MKS U.M1.055/84.
Required tests for stability and resistance to frost should be carried out on
concretes intended for pavements, bridge superstructures, bridge piers and
abutments, gutter channels, as well as other concretes exposed to such influences,
and also for concretes using nonstandard mineral aggregates and participation of
particles of 0,02 mm.
Obligatory control testing for stability and resistance to frost, performed on
extracted concrete samples, should also be anticipated for concrete pavements.
5.319 Concretes exposed to aggressive influences from the water or the ground, should
possess quality corresponding to the requirements of the Code for technical
measures and requirements for the design and construction of concrete and
reinforced concrete structures in such environmental circumstances having
aggressive influence upon the water and the ground; they should be in compliance
with the code PBAB-87.
Testing should be carried out according to MKS U.M1.014/59.


5.31.10 The degree of aggressiveness of the water and the ground upon the concrete
should be determined by means of chemical investigations of water and ground
within a professional organization registered for that kind of working activities.
5.31.11 Water samples being sent for testing, should be taken at water temperatures of
0oK to +25oK.
The temperature of the water at taking samples should be registered.
5.31.12 The indicators for the aggressive influences of the water and the ground, as
regulated by the code cited in item 5.319, relate to concrete that has been prepared
with portland cement or portland cement having addition of pozzolana or slag i.e.
special portland cement hardening at 28 days under normal circumstances and
having required watertightness.
5.31.13 The basic forms of the aggressive effect of water upon concrete are:
a) Excretion, which could be determined by the magnitude of hydrocarbonate
b) General acidity aggressiveness, which could be determined by the acid concen-
tration, i.e. by the magnitude of the pH value;
c) Carbon-acid aggressiveness, which could be determined by the concentration
of the free carbon acid, taking into consideration the contents of calcium,
chloride and sulphate as well as the carbonate hardness;
d) Sulphate aggressiveness, which could be determined by the concentration of
sulphate, taking into consideration the content of chloride;
e) Magnesia aggressiveness, which could be determined by the concentration of
magnesia ions depending on the content of sulphate ions;
f) Ammonium aggressiveness, which could be determined by the content of
ammonium ions;
g) Alkaline (base) aggressiveness, which could be determined by the concen-
tration of alkali.
5.31.14 Concrete exposed to aggressive effects of water and ground should be prepared
with appropriate cement and aggregate, taking into consideration that normally
hardened concrete at 28 days should have watertightness corresponding to a
coefficient of filtration of k = (8 - 16) 10-7cm1/sec.
Watertightness is investigated in accordance with MKS U.M1.015/78
5.31.15 Cement selection should be carried out on the basis of the given indicators for
aggressiveness of water and ground; such cement should ensure durability of
concrete without special measures of protection.
The minimum quantity of cement per 1m3 ready concrete is 350 kg.
5.31.16 If the aggregate, intended to be used for concrete exposed to aggressive effects of
water and ground, contains amorphous silicium, its potential alkaline reaction
should obligatorily be investigated in accordance with the standard MKS
5.31.17 In order to prepare concrete exposed to aggressive effects of water and ground, it
should be taken the minimum required quantity of water for attaining the
required strength, placeability and watertightness. It is determined by an
experimental way or in accordance with the directions for the application of

5.31.18 Freshly poured concrete and prefabricated members in aggressive environmental

circumstances and at normal conditions for hardening, must not get in touch with
water during a period of minimum 14 days from the day of pouring i.e. minimum
21 days if the concrete uses pozzolana cement.
5.31.19 In the case of reinforced concrete in an aggressive environment, the thickness of
the concrete cover for the protection of reinforcement should be 5,0 cm, keeping
in mind that the surface should be as closed as possible, without sharp edges i.e.
by rounding them off with a minimum radius of 5,0 cm.
5.31.20 The investment technical documentation for structures the specific parts of which
are within an aggressive environment, must give data for the aggressiveness of the
water and the ground, type of used cement, aggregate and water/cement ratio,
concrete curing, degree of watertightness, additional measures for protection, the
way of quality control for the constructed works and the like, all in accordance
with items 5.319 and 5.3117 in this Code.
5.31.21 The absorption of water by the concrete of the pavement structure and the
concrete used in prestressed concrete structures, may amount maximum up to
1,3% by the weight of concrete.
5.31.22 The quantity of cement and stone material finer than 0,2 mm together, intended
to be used for concretes transported by pumping, concretes having high strength,
concretes resistant to wearing abrasion watertightness as well as all concretes of
category B-II, should amount 400 kg/m3 ready concrete.
5.32 Requirements for Concrete Production
5.321 Concrete Mix Design
5.3211 Prior to the commencement of production of particular types of concrete, it is
necessary to employ both analysis and experimental methods in order to perform
concrete mix design for their composition, which should pay attention to the
specific properties of the basic components intended to be used during
The possibility for placement should be taken into consideration and that is, above
all, determined by the degree of consistency and the maximum diameter of the
aggregate grain, but could also be established using the methods as stated by the
standards MKS U.M8.050/66, MKS U.M8.052/66, MKS U.M8.054/68, MKS
5.3212 Investigations in connection with the concrete mix design should commence prior
to the commencement of works and within a period that would enable getting
necessary results for the properties of the concrete intended to be placed, in
addition to the evidence for the concrete quality at its age of 28 days, there must
also exist evidence for the material used at prestressing. The test samples should
be kept under same conditions as the structure itself.
If it has been found necessary to prove the quality of concrete at other concrete
ages, appropriate tests should be carried out at 7 and 90 days.
5.3213 The concrete mix design formula shall contain:
a) Test certificate for aggregate testing;
b) Test certificate for cement testing;
c) Test certificate for water testing;
d) Design granulometric curve for the mineral mixture;
e) Analysis for the water/cement ratio, as well as for the designed concrete


f) Participation of the mineral aggregate, by individual fractions, for the cement

and water per 1m3 concrete;
g) Participation of the mineral aggregate, by individual fractions, for the cement
and water, for one mixing process, depending on the capacity of the mixer, and
for an integer number of cement bags;
i) Results of preliminary investigations for each required concrete grade (MB),
including testing for frost stability and resistance and other requirements, and
in accordance with the item 5.318 and clause 29 of the code PBAB-87;
j) Control of the measuring instruments of the concrete plant (mixer), i.e. control
for the scale and water meters and the process of assuming the concrete mix
design formula for one mixing charge of the mixer, for the following items:
- cement;
- water;
- aggregate: granulometric composition, dosing by fractions, particles up to
0,09 mm, in fractions up to 4 mm and over 4 mm, and particles up to 0,02 mm
in the aggregate mixture,
- concrete consistency;
- dosing sequence and time for mixing.
The investigation and control quoted under item j) are obligatorily performed by
the Supervisory authority.
5.322 Working Conditions within Concrete Plants and Factories
5.3221 The supply level and working processes of the concrete plant or factory must
ensure the required degree of homogeneousness of the properties of fresh and
placed and hardened concrete.
5.3222 The possibility for regulating the temperature of the fresh concrete and its
appropriate components must be provided, if concreting is to be carried out at low
temperature. The Contractor should provide appropriate protection for the fresh
concrete against atmospheric influences - during concrete handling and placing,
for the placed concrete and also during concrete hardening.
The thermal analysis must be performed in regard to heating caloric properties for
the components of concrete, formwork, outdoor temperatures as well as the
temperature of the fresh concrete at which the concrete has to be placed.
5.3223 The duration of handling and transportation of the fresh concrete i.e. the time
from its preparation up to its placement, is dictated by the need that there must
not happen change of consistency in that time. In general, the following rule
applies: the duration of handling and transportation should not last more than
one hour. Deviations from that limit are possible only on the basis of a proven
experimental procedure and by using additives.
5.3224 The allowed height of free falling of the concrete and the height of the pouring
tremie depend on the concrete consistency; the Contractor must define them for
each case separately so that any gravitational segregation of the concrete should
be avoided. In general, the free falling height of the concrete must not be more
than 1 m.
5.3225 Following each filling and emptying of the containers for concrete, they must be
thoroughly cleaned. As with containers or vessels being filled continually
(example: "passable" concrete bins and silos), it is necessary to adequately prevent
withholding old concrete at the container's walls.


5.3226 In general, white and colored concretes must be prepared separately in the
concrete plants which are properly and adequately equipped for that purpose.
For handling and transportation of white or other colored concretes, for that
purpose should obligatorily be used specially prepared and safe equipment.
Colors should be stable and should not be harmful for the concrete.
5.323 Use of Additives for Concrete
5.3231 Additives for Concrete
For regulating the properties of both fresh and hardened concrete, it is possible to
use more kinds of admixtures-additives:
- plasticizers (water reducers) and superplasticizers;
- aeration agents;
- additives for concreting at low temperatures;
- thickeners (primary capillary thickeners) for watertightness;
- accelerators for setting or hardening of concrete;
- retarders for concrete.
Only previously tested additives may be used. The appropriate quantity of additive
should be determined experimentally, in accordance with clause T.5. In general,
additives should be dosed in a reduced (diluted) state and in the water for
preparation of concrete, according to the directions of the manufacturer.
Devices for handling and dosing additives must be resistant to the corrosive
influences of some of the additives.
5.3232 Special Requirements for Micro aeration of Concrete
Micro aeration could be applied for improving watertightness, stability and
resistance against frosting and defrosting (thawing) as well as against influences
of salts in some particular concretes, but obligatorily for concrete intended for
pavement structure.
The content and structure of the micro-pores in the hardened concrete must
correspond to the regulated criteria. Dosing of the selected and certified aerator
must be carefully determined by preliminary investigations, separately for each
particular fresh concrete mix. Dosing of the aerator must be precise and
quantitatively controlled at all stages.
The ruling content of micro-pores in fresh concrete relates to the built-in state and
is investigated according to the standard MKS U.M1.031/82.
5.33 Cement Mortars
The composition and the appraisal of the quality of cement mortars are treated in
accordance with the same criteria being valid for concrete (main parameters:
water, cement ratio, consistency, density). The presentation of the content and
quality of the cement mortars by the ratio cement/sand is not permitted, if these
relationships have not been determined on the basis of preliminary technology
investigations in accordance with the standards MKS U.M2.002/68, MKS
U.M2.010/68 and MKS U.M2.012/68.
5.34 Grouting Mix for Grouting Prestressing Tendons
5.341 The protection of the prestressing reinforcement for post tensioned concrete
structures should obligatorily be performed by using specially prepared grouting
mix. Grouting or squeezing the grouting mix into the interior of the protective
steel ribbed ducts should be carried out by means of special grouting pump and at
a pressure of 0,5 MPa up to 1,0 MPa.


5.342 Tendon grouting could be performed if only the results of preliminary

investigations have proven the required features of the grout. The preliminary and
control tests of the grouting mix should be carried out in accordance with the
current standards MKS U.E3.015/86 and MKS U.M8.022/84 and MKS
U.M8.023/84, MKS U.M8.024/84 and MKS U.M8.025/84.
5.343 Grouting should be performed in accordance with the programme that has been
prepared by the Contractor and accepted by the Engineer. In the same time, it
should be necessary to form protocol for grouting having the following data:
designation of the tendon, time of grouting, temperature and humidity of air,
quantity of grouting mix within a tendon, designation of control samples,
characteristics of the protective ducts etc.
5.344 The preliminary and control investigations and testing should cover the following
properties: compressive strength, separation of water and volume change,
stability and resistance to frost as well as fluidity of the grouting mix. In order to
satisfy the directed requirements for quality, the grout mix should be prepared
with water and cement, and the water/cement ratio W/C should be less than 0,40.
5.345 The grouting mix could also be prepared by using additives: superplasticizers,
micro silica, quartz sand etc. The suitability of the grouting mix should be proven
by results from preliminary investigations/testing. The presence of chlorides in
the grouting mix should be less than 0,1% by the mass of cement.
5.35 Special Types of Concretes
5.351 Special types of concrete should be prepared and placed according to special
directions, which are approved by the Engineer. The following types of concrete
are considered as special ones: shotcrete, shotcrete concrete according to the
standard MKS U.E3.011/89, vacuum concretes, fiber concretes and so on.
5.352 Every type of special concrete must be tested in advance by a professional
organization that is registered for such working activities and has been approved
by the Engineer.
5.353 The Contractor must control the preparation and placement of special concretes
both visually and by appropriate measurements in accordance with the
programme that has been approved by the Supervisory authority
5.354 With concretes intended for prestressed concrete and composite concrete
construction, the following requirements should also be taken into consideration:
a) Type of cement: according to item 5.221 and with addition of maximum 15%;
b) Quantity of cement: min 350 kg/m3 ready concrete
max 420 kg/m3 ready concrete
c) Aggregate:
- quality materials, hard and tough materials, either naturally round or crushed
with cube shapes, corresponding to item 5.2131;
- use of river sand, possibly quartz one, is obligatory;
- the curve of screening for aggregate should enable good placeability i.e.
compactibility of the fresh concrete having as low content of cement as
d) Additives to concrete: the application of plasticizers is possible, however, it is
not allowed to use aerators and additions containing chlorides;
e) Experimental investigations shall be necessary for special concrete
compositions and for structures for which creep of concrete has special
importance. The rheological properties of concrete could be adopted for all
remaining cases according to the codes PPB-71 and PBAB-87.


5.355 Fiber concrete represents reinforced concrete that is prepared of cement paste,
cement mortar or concrete and steel fiber reinforcement.
5.356 With regards to fibers it is possible to use steel pieces similar to fibers having
diameter 0,25 up to 0,70 mm or flat pieces having cross sections of (0,15 to 0,41
mm) x (0,25 to 0,90 mm). The ratio between the length and the thickness
amounts 10 to 30. They could be glued by means of liquefiable adhesive for easier
handling. It is also possible to use and prepare other forms and fabrications of
steel fibers. In addition to the form, it is also necessary to know the specific mass
(gravity), limit dilatation, modulus of elasticity, tensile strength etc.
5.357 The application of this type of concrete is for repair and restoration work, as well
as for strengthening reinforced concrete bridge deck slabs. The quantity of fibers
could amount 25 to 100 kg/m3 concrete.
5.358 In case there are no codes and standards for regulating measures for materials
selection, preparation, transportation, base preparation, placement, curing and
quality control, as ruling ones should be considered the directions issued by
American Concrete Institute: ACI 544-1R-82/86 and ACI 544-2R-78/82.
5.4 Concrete Plants - Technical Criteria and Current Control of

5.41 Concrete Plants - Technical Requirements, Current Control of

5.411 Technical Requirements for Equipment of Concrete Plants
5.4111 The concrete plants must be so designed and equipped as to have available
sufficiently independent storages of basic material needed for continuous plant
work. The evidence for the quantitative state of the stock pile material at any time,
must be simple and safe.
The concrete plants must be equipped with all necessary safety valves which
would enable and ensure precise work of all instruments and would exclude the
errors and obstacles during dosing the basic materials, during concrete mixing
and handling, as it has been defined by the standard MKS U.M1.028/82.
The dosage devices (dozers) for dosing individual concrete components, must
possess test certificates issued by authorized institution.
5.4112 Individual basic materials should be dosed separately and by weight. The accuracy
for dosing cement, water for mixing and additives must amount minimum 1%,
and 3% for individual aggregate fractions.
Complete safety against self-willed dosages change by unauthorized persons must
be guaranteed.
5.4113 Emptying concrete mixers, further handling and placing fresh concrete in the
concrete plant must be organized in such a manner as to exclude segregation,
drying, heating or cooling as well as exposure to atmospheric influences.
5.4114 A possibility for fast comparison of the planned and actually dosed material by
means of individual dosing instruments must be ensured in the concrete plants.
The concrete plant should also possess instruments and possibility for registering
dosed quantities of individual materials, as well as the produced concretes in the
course of time.
5.4115 The concrete plants must obligatorily be equipped with devices for simultaneous


dosing of at least two current additives to the concrete. The possibility for dosing
diluted and undiluted additives indirectly with mixing water must also be ensured.
5.4116 The concrete plants must possess a report for the suitability of the plant for
production of concrete and also a report for monthly testing of the measuring
devices, in accordance with MKS U.M1.050/87.
5.5 Current Control of Production, Handling and Transportation
of fresh Concrete

5.51 Preparation of Samples

The control of the produced concrete is carried out by testing samples taken on
the spot of production.
Certain number of tests should necessarily be performed on concrete samples that
have been taken on the spot of placement. The number of those tests should be
determined with regard to the results of testing devices and systems for handling
and transportation of concrete, as well as the possibility for occurrence of changes
in the quality and homogeneousness of the fresh concrete.
The individual samples for testing should be taken by a random selection, in case
there is testing i.e. measuring of more indicators (for example: water/cement ratio
W/C, consistency, temperature, content of micropores), it should be conducted
simultaneously to the already taken sample. The quantity of taken samples must
correspond to those investigations and testing. The entire sample should be well
homogenized at the division of the taken concrete into quantities necessary for
testing individual indicators.
The samples taken from the concrete plants, must relate to a specific concrete mix
and in the same time readings of all dosing instruments must be carried out.
5.52 Specification for Accomplishing Current Control of Fresh Concrete
Criteria are given for minimum total number of results of measurements, for the
appraisal of the value of individual indicators, for maximum quantities of concrete
for which one test must be performed, as well as criteria on the size of the sample
and methods of measurement.
In defining the total number of tests, the requirement as determined by a larger
number of tests always must be fulfilled.
5.521 Consistency of Fresh Concrete
The investigation of the consistency of fresh concrete is carried out at least once
every day and for every concrete grade (MB):
a) Required degree of consistency, which depends on the means of placement and
the type of the structure, should be determined during designing the concrete
mix and the trial concrete placement;
b) The minimum size of the sample should correspond to the method of
c) Method of measurement: as a rule, the investigation of the concrete consis-
tency should be carried out by means of the measure for settlement (Abrahm's
cone - standard MKS U.M8.050/66).
Following the approval by the Investor, the tests for the concrete consistency
could also be carried out by means of the measure for spreading (standard MKS
U.M8.052/66) or the determination of concrete consistency could be by means of

Vebe apparatus (standard MKS U.M8.054/68 and MKS U.M8.056/78).


5.522 Preparation of Samples in Moulds and Their Testing for Particular

Properties of Hardened Concrete
The term samples in mould should mean various samples that have been prepared
during placement of fresh concrete in moulds (cubes, beams, prisms, cylinders),
in accordance with the clauses of MKS U.M1.004/76.
In case if that has been specially required, the fresh concrete is taken with the
system of samples in the concrete plant immediately after the preparation, or at
the locations of the placement.
The samples shall be kept in laboratory conditions and under determined
circumstances, according to the current standards (MKS U.M1.004/76 and MKS
U.M1.005/84) as well as the code PBAB-87.
Testing samples from moulds is a constituent part of the current production
control, handling and transportation of fresh concrete and also is a constituent
part of the tests for the attest documentation for constructed works. The methods
of testing are given in the standards (MKS U.M1.010/57, MKS U.M1.011/57, MKS
U.M1.012/57, MKS U.M1.014/59, MKS U.M1.015/78, MKS U.M1.016/77. MKS
U.M1.019/81, MKS U.M1.020/78 etc.)
Concrete for preparation of samples in mould is taken simultaneously with taking
samples for testing fresh concrete so that the concrete being poured in moulds is
marked with all designations of item 5.52.
5.53 Types of Testing
5.531 Types of Testing Samples Poured in Moulds
The Supervisory authority takes individual samples of fresh concrete and prepares
samples in moulds in accordance with separate predetermined and accepted
programme so that these samples would be uniformly distributed over the entire
quantity of concrete, the properties of which are being controlled.
Tests on samples poured in moulds are conducted for all kinds of concrete, in
order to control the properties as anticipated in the design.
5.5311 The compressive strength of cubes having edges 20 x 20 x 20 cm is tested in
accordance with MKS U.M1.020/78 at the age of concrete 28 days, according to
clause 46 of the code PBAB-87 and also items 5.3131 and 5.522 of these Technical
5.5312 Testing for flexure (in special cases tensile strength), at flexure of prisms 10 x 10 x
40 cm, or by breaking at cylinder 15 x 30 cm or cube - is carried out in accordance
with the standard MKS U.M1.022/81.
5.5313 In the case of concrete pavements, the test samples having cylindrical forms (core)
and taken from the finished pavement, the following control tests should also be
performed at each 500 meters:
a) Compressive strength, acc. to MKS U.M1.040/78 and MKS U.M1.048/85;
b) Absorption of water by concrete, according to MKS U.M1.010/57;
c) Concrete resistance against abrasion by grinding, acc. to MKS B.B8.015/84;
d) Testing stability and resistance of concrete to frost, acc. to MKS B.B8.001 /82.
The allowable drop in strength and loss of mass, have been regulated in item 5.318
of these Technical Specifications, including the number of samples.


5.5314 Recognition of concrete grades lower than those as required by the design or by
the analysis is in Investors competence; thereby the Contractor is obligated to
submit to the Investor a documented request including a professional opinion of
the Designer and a professional institution for that area, as well as the Supervisory
authority. In addition to the documentation, for a complete consideration and
depending on the structure, the Contractor is also obligated to submit data for
completed testing of concrete samples (cores) taken out from the controversial
structure all in accordance with item 5.318 of these Technical Specifications.
5.5315 The volumetric mass (gravity) of concrete is defined on all samples and they are
tested according to the items 5.531 to 5.5314.
5.5316 Obligatory tests for prestressed concrete structures shall be considered those tests
aiming at determination of special properties of the concrete as well as the values
for the modulus of elasticity, shrinkage and creep of concrete - all in accordance
with the code PBAB-87 and the current standards (MKS B.B8.001, MKS
U.M1.025/82 and MKS U.M1.027/89).
5.532 Types of tests on samples according to the age of concrete and worked
out according to the quantity of the placed concrete
For individual types of concrete, specific concrete properties are tested according
to item 5.531; an adherence to the rule should be kept: in addition to all described
in the items 5.531 up to 5.5316, the proof for quality should be conducted in
accordance with the codes PBAB-87 and PPB-71.
5.5321 Concrete for Structures
a) Compressive strength (item 5.5311):
- for main limit-time age at 28 days and periodical sequence for preparation of
- additional optional terms are: 7, 14, 90, 365 days
- for concrete in prestressed concrete construction, in addition to the proof at
the age of 28 days, there should also be proofs for the concrete age at
prestressing operations and at the moment of testing the structure, by means of
samples that have been kept in equal conditions as those for the structure and
b) Resistance to frost/thaw (item 5.5313 and subitem d);
c) For individual structures or parts of the works, the Engineer could direct
conductance of tests for particular properties according to specific programme,
which would enable statistical processing of data for determination of the
concrete quality;
d) Testing according to item 5.5316;
e) All cited tests are carried out in a professional organization registered for
testing materials and structures. The expenses for conducting the above
investigations are contained within the price for 1m 3 placed concrete. All
additional tests shall be paid for separately in accordance with the conditions
in the Contract documents.
5.533 In case if the design, or the Investor by agreement, also requires other
investigations that have not been regulated in these Technical Specifications, the
Contractor and the Supervisory authority's Laboratory are obligated to perform
such investigations/tests, regardless of whose is that obligation. Also, all tests that
are required according to the current regulations PPB-71 and PBAB-87 and are
not included in these Technical Specifications, are obligatory ones for the
Contractor or the Supervisory authority’s Laboratory. These tests are not paid for
separately and fall on the Contract's price.


5.6 Placing fresh Concrete

5.61 Steadiness in the Work of the Concrete Plant, Programme for

Concreting, Commencement and Interruption of the Concrete Works
5.611 The organization and the equipment at the construction site must correspond to a
constant work of the concrete plant. The constant work of a concrete plant means
a possibility for uninterrupted daily and nightly concreting, at outdoor tempera-
tures up to +5оC, without appropriate measures for protection.
5.612 Spare generating sets for own production of electrical power, spare air
compressors as needed by the pneumatic devices i.e. machines, equipment for the
protection of the concrete from atmospheric influences, sufficient number of units
for achieving compactness of concrete and safe supply of all other necessary
materials - must be all ensured within the concrete plant.
5.613 Before the commencement of every concreting of particular sections or parts of
the works, the Contractor should work out a Design for concrete mixes in
accordance with clause 232 of PBAB-87, including plans for concreting.
5.6131 The Design for concrete mixes should consist of the following parts:
- Technical specifications for the materials as defined in the design;
- Results of preliminary testing;
- Plan of concreting, working layout and equipment;
- Way of transportation and placement of concrete;
- Way of curing of placed concrete;
- A programme for control testing of concrete components;
- A programme for control of concrete, taking samples and testing of concrete
mix and concrete by lots;
- Design for formwork and scaffold, or plan for erection, if that has not been
given by the main structural design;
- Criteria for technical acceptance i.e. takeover of completed reinforced concrete
5.6132 The design must give the quantities of the required concrete as well as evidence
for the ability of the concrete plant for satisfying the required speed of
advancement in concrete placement.
5.6133 The Design must show the numerical and professional composition of the
contractor's working groups, including the names of the responsible key persons.
5.6134 The Design must also present the composition of the concrete that has been
designed according to the criteria of item 5.32. Concrete mix designs for particular
types of concrete should be given and materials for concrete preparation defined.
5.614 Commencement of concreting is allowed only by a written confirmation by the
Engineer with regards to a technical acceptance (takeover) of the following: state
of the base, the scaffold, the formwork and the reinforcement and approval of the
Design for concreting issued by the Supervisory authority.
5.615 In a case of a default in the fulfillment of the Design requirements of the Technical
Specifications, the Supervisory authority could unconditionally stop the work and
ask for removal of the unsuitable lots of concrete away from the structure i.e.


5.62 Formwork on Scaffolds

5.621 General Requirements for all Kinds of Formwork
5.6211 All formworks for concrete and reinforced concrete must be worked out in
accordance with the dimensions in the design, and according to clauses 242 to 249
in the code PBAB-87 and the current standards.
The Contractor of the works could work out a Design for the formworks and
scaffolds which would be adjusted to his available equipment and technology,
unless such design has been given in the main Design for the structure. Such
design worked out by the contractor should be approved by the Supervisory
authority and the Investor.
In the case of formworks for "visible" i.e. exposed concrete, specific criteria should
be respected and they should be given in the design for the structure.
5.6212 The formwork should be well closed in order to prevent any leakage and flowing
out of cement mortar. Only materials which do not have harmful effects to the
cement hydration and would not colour the concrete surface could be used for
closing the formwork.
5.6213 Supporting and fastening the formwork must be carried out in such a manner as
to make impossible additional deformations or movements of the formwork due
to the pressure from vibrating the concrete as well as the dynamic effects during
The stability and the bearing capacity of the formwork must be proven in the design.
5.6214 The formworks absorbing water must be wetted prior to concreting; that would
prevent taking the water away from the concrete.
5.6215 The formworks and coatings for formworks must not affect the shade of color of
the concrete surfaces.
The formwork coatings must not react chemically with the concrete or have
adverse effects in any way.
5.6216 The time for releasing the formwork and the scaffold should be accommodated to
the clauses of the code PBAB-87 and in accordance with the requirements for
concrete hardening.
5.6217 Twisted wire fasteners for fixing the formwork are not permitted for use.
All members for formwork closing and fixing must be worked out in such a way
that each part remaining into the concrete and could corrode - must be covered
with a layer of 2 cm cement mortar or to be protected in other appropriate way.
All cross tie-rods must be fitted with devices for tensioning which could enable
subsequent tensioning; after concreting, they could be removed without damaging
the concrete.
In regard to the "visible''/exposed concrete surfaces, the arrangement of openings
and shaping must be carried out so as to correspond technologically and visually
to such "visible''/exposed concrete.
5.6218 Prior to each use, the formworks must be well cleaned. In cold weather periods,
the formworks must unconditionally be cleaned of snow and frost.
5.622 Requirements for Setting up Formwork for Boundary Strips
and Lanes for Pavement Structure
5.6221 Concrete roadway pavement, as a rule, is built according to the following system:
the carriageways are confined on both sides with boundary strips, or are confined
with a boundary strip at one side only, and on the other side there is confinement
by other type of members.


Prior to concreting the pavement structure, the boundary strips and strips for
other purposes shall be cast; during concreting the pavement structure
(carriageway) they will serve as a formwork i.e. as a base for heading the paver-
Concreting the carriageways by using other special formwork or formwork rails is
carried out in exceptional cases. The formwork for the boundary strips or for
secondary lanes could be performed by the use of a special formwork or formwork
5.6222 All lanes of the pavement structure must be concreted by means of a paver-
finisher. In addition, systems of steel formwork i.e. of formwork and finisher rails
must be carried out in an appropriate way.
For concreting spots where concrete placement by means of a paver-finisher is
technically impossible, the Contractor must submit to the Engineer a technical
solution for the placement of concrete and setting up formwork, which is subject
to approval by the Supervisory authority.
5.6223 The evenness of the upper edges of the formwork or the finisher rails must ensure
achievement of the criteria for evenness of concrete surfaces.
5.6224 The deviation of the formwork edges from the designed horizontal direction, could
amount maximum 10 mm. Such deviation could occur only in a continuous
unchanged curve, so that it is not visually noticeable.
5.6225 Only specially worked out formwork systems (of formwork finisher's rails) could
be used for curves having radius 2000 m, in order to avoid visible directional
5.6226 The formworks, formwork and finisher's rails must be structurally worked out and
laid in such a manner, as to ensure their stability in all directions and
unconditionally; as a result, completely clean and smooth surfaces are obtained all
across the thickness of the concrete, and there is not a possibility for displacement
of concrete or for leakage of fine cement mortar through the joints or under the
5.6227 Prior to the commencement of the works, the Contractor must timely submit for
inspection to the Supervisory authority evidence documentation for the useability
of the anticipated formwork system and also for the formwork and finisher's rails.
In case of an inappropriate formwork and before or during the work, the
Supervisory authority could request its replacement or may ask for structural
addition to the entire formwork system, or for the formwork and finisher rails -
prior to the concreting commencement.
5.6228 Vehicles could move over the laid rails of placed concrete, provided the concrete
has reached the required strength. The rails must not cause any local damage to
the concrete (according to item 5.683).
5.6229 The available formwork lengths as well as the formwork and finisher rails, must
ensure three concreting operations a day, and in no case less than 1000 m 1 of
5.622.10 Formwork release must not cause damage to the concrete and that is why it
could take place after achieving 30% of the defined concrete strength.
5.63 Construction Joints
5.631 Construction Joints for Structures (Interruptions in Concreting)
5.6311 The construction joints mean watertight joints between the fresh concrete and the
old concrete, while the requirement for good bond (adhesion) of both concretes
must be fulfilled.


5.6312 The locations of the construction joints, their execution and continuation of
concreting for the structures must in advance be defined in the design.
5.6313 Surface treatment of the hardened concrete at the construction joints by using
either hand or mechanical chase cutting - shall not be permitted. Hand concreting
of the construction joints is not permitted either.
5.6314 For all cases and locations where the design calls for roughening of the surfaces of
the placed concrete for horizontal joints, the finish treatment shall be carried out
by washing out and blowing out a mixture of air and water under high pressure
and in the same time there must not be any displacement of aggregate grains.
The stage of surface treatment for the construction joints should be carried out
several hours after concreting has been done and when concrete attains an
appropriate degree of hardening.
Any deposits of dirt from the washed out concrete part must be prevented to fall
upon other concrete surfaces during such surface treatment.
5.6315 The surfaces of the construction joints, which cannot be finished according to the
procedure from item 5.6314, shall be treated by using sand procedure, or in
accordance with other relevant procedures as determined by the Designer.
5.6316 The surfaces of the construction joints must be additionally cured i.e. protected
from drying, and protected from frost at low temperatures; it is generally
applicable to all free surfaces of the placed concrete (as described in item 5.68).
The surfaces of the construction joints must be protected against any kind of
5.6317 Prior to placing the fresh concrete upon a sound surface of a construction joint, it
must be thoroughly be cleaned by blowing out. The degree of wetting the surface
must be minimum.
5.6318 When placing fresh concrete upon hardened concrete for which striking of the
side formwork has not been performed, any leakage of the cement-sand mortar in
the joints between the formwork and the surface of the hardened concrete - must
be prevented.
Other ways for accomplishing the construction joints are also permitted (use of
special resins or the like, combined with prestressing); however, such construction
joint must be checked with preliminary investigations.
5.632 Construction Joints in Pavement Structure
5.6321 During concreting individual lanes or lanes of the carriageway structure, the
construction joints must be separated according to the locations that have been
anticipated in the design for the construction of cross - visible joints, which are
considered as structural joints according to the item 5.642
5.6322 The construction (working) joints should be shaped as apparent joints, which are
connected by dowel connectors and are subsequently cut out as the remaining
cross visible joints.
5.6323 The construction joints must be protected against any mechanical damages, from
drying, whereas in cold period they must also have thermal protection.
5.64 Structural Joints
5.641 Structural Joints for Engineering Sructures
5.6411 The structural joints for engineering structures mean apparent or spaceous joints
for two or more mutually unconnected parts, performed on the basis of


5.6412 The structural joints for engineering structures must be adequately treated in the
design. Their construction must be carried out in accordance with the
requirements in the design.
5.642 Structural Joints for Pavement Structure
5.6421 All longitudinal mutual joints for individual slabs of the pavement structure, as
well as all longitudinal and cross visual joints that have been subsequently cut -
must be constructed as compressed structural joints.
5.6422 All joints of the pavement structure must be watertight and carried out according
to the design.
5.6423 The construction of the joints must ensure same properties of the hardened
concrete around the area of the edges as well as on the other pavement surfaces.
The required evenness of the concrete surface and the evenness of the joints
themselves as well as a uniformity of their section - must be ensured.
5.6424 All joints in the upper part of the concrete are finished with sealed joints, the
watertightness of which must be achieved in using such a way and materials as it
has been determined in item 5.6 of these Technical Specifications.
In cutting the joints of sealed connections for two concretes that have been poured
in two different stages, the cut must be carried out along the real joint and in such
a way that the joint is notched in the both concretes.
5.6425 These cut joints must be timely cut by means of an appropriate sawing machine
and filled with a sealing compound. The joints must be protected from:
mechanical damage, drying of concrete in the early stages of concrete hardening,
or from any dirt or influences that would lower the bond between the sealing
compound and the concrete.
The dynamism of cutting joints must unconditionally follow the dynamism of
placing concrete. Cutting must be performed in such a time interval following the
concrete placement, as to prevent occurrence of irregular cracks; on the other
hand, the concrete strength must be such that concrete should not be damaged
during cutting joints.
5.6426 The distance of the cross visual joints for all lanes of the pavement structure is
anticipated to be up to 6 m.
In the case of the boundary strips, the distance of the cross visual joints amounts
half the length for the concrete pavement slabs. During concreting such border
strips for asphalt pavements, the distance of the cross visual joints is maximum
5.6427 The coatings that are used for bonding the joint between the hardened (old) and
the new concrete, immediately before continuation of concreting, shall be applied
upon the vertical surfaces of the hardened (old) concrete; this work shall be
performed by paying special attention and in accordance with the requirements of
the design.
Prior to application of the coating, possible defective spots on the vertical surfaces
must be repaired by means of mortars intended for repairing concrete surfaces.
5.6428 All Joints of the pavement structure, except for the cross visual joints for the
border strips, are connected with dowel connectors. At locations where the border
strips are subjected to traffic loading, the cross visual extensions of the border
strips are connected with dowel connectors.
The connection with the dowel connectors must be carried out in accordance with
the requirements of the design and according to the criterion of item 4.5 of these
Technical Specifications.


5.65 Exposed Concrete Surfaces of Structures ("Exposed Concretes")

In the designs for exposed concrete surfaces, in preparation of the formwork and
the joints, as well as during preparation and placement of concrete, attention
should be paid for the specific criteria in the technology of the exposed concretes.
The following characteristic requirements shall generally apply for all exposed
5.651 An experimental model must be designed and worked out for the exposed
concrete; the contractor must work it out prior to the commencement of the
works, showing the structure and the visual effect of the surface.
5.652 The stability of the formwork must be unconditionally ensured, and joints must be
5.653 The composition of the concrete for exposed surfaces must be experimentally
determined, by using basic materials that have been anticipated for use (cement,
water, aggregate, additives to concrete, colors etc.), while taking into
consideration the structural, technological and rheological conditions.
5.654 The hardened exposed concrete must be watertight, resistant to separation of
excretion, carbonization and other chemicals influences and also must be resistant
to frost and thawing.
The particular exposed surfaces forming a unity, must have uniform structure and
same color.
5.655 In order to carry out these types of concrete works, the Contractor must select
materials and work out detailed production/technology requirements and
directions, which should be approved by the Supervisory authority.
5.66 Placement of Fresh Concrete and Current Control
5.661 Composition and Placeability of Fresh Concrete
5.6611 Prior to each concreting, the Contractor must submit to the Supervisory authority
for his consideration evidence for the properly selected and according to item 5.32
designed composition of the fresh concrete mix and its suitable placeability by
means of available devices and equipment for placement. Those means for
placement must correspond to the properties of the concrete and the formwork in
order to achieve the required compactness.
5.6612 Prior to commencement of concreting, the Contractor must demonstrate proof-
trial concreting for each composition of the fresh concrete mix and for each
placement procedure.
5.6613 If the trial concreting would he performed on the structure itself, i.e. on the
scaffold of the structure, the required quality of concrete must be achieved; on the
contrary, the Contractor is obligated to remove the concrete for his own account.
5.662 General Requirements for Placement i.e. Achieving Compactness
of the Fresh Concrete
5.6621 The concrete must unconditionally be placed in a systematic and programmed
way, according to previously worked out Design and selected system, as is
required in item 5.613.
5.6622 The maximum heterogeneousness in density, as expressed through the standard
deviation may be 40 kg/m3 placed concrete, unless is otherwise defined with these


5.6623 Every commenced concrete section or part, structural part of member of the
structure i.e. the work, must be concreted continuously and within the anticipated
extent, as it has been defined in the Design for concretes, regardless of the
working time, and also in a case of fast weather changes, or turning off some
equipment in the plant. The construction site must be equipped for that purpose,
as it is required in item 5.611 and 5.612.
5.6624 In a case of incidental interruption on concreting, concreting must be completed
in such a way as to enable (at the location of the interruption ) forming
structurally and technologically appropriate construction (working) joint. The
completion of such construction joint is possible only after an approval issued by
the Supervisory authority and also in a manner as directed in the technical
description in the design.
5.6625 The initial temperature of freshly poured concrete during concreting must be at
least +7оC. In case when the environmental temperature is below +5 оC or beyond
+30оC, all additional measures aiming at normal concrete setting should be taken.
The maximum temperature of the concrete that has not been placed according to
special procedure, must not be more than +24 оC, and not more than +30оC when
using slowly hardening cement.
5.6626 For special concreting: for underwater concreting, shotcreting, concrete spraying,
prepacting, vacuum processing and the like, special procedures for concrete
placement must be employed, and they must be regarded in accordance with the
item 5.613, in the sense of the item 5.35 and according to the item 5.613 in the
5.6627 In placing concrete, all requirements from the item 5.322 must be fulfilled.
5.6628 The fresh concrete should be placed in layers and by means of vibration; the
thickness of the layers should be between 50 and 70 cm.
The individual consecutively placed concrete layers must be well jointed by means
of vibrating.
If the previous bottom concrete layer is no more suitable for vibration treatment,
the joint between that layer and the next layer must be treated in the sense of
working out construction joint according to the item 5.63.
5.6629 The use of immersion internal vibrators for spreading the concrete within the
formwork is not permitted. The leakage of concrete must be prevented during
vibration of concrete.
5.663 Requirements for placement i.e. compactness of fresh concrete from
pavement structures (MKS U.E3.020)
5.6631 Placement of fresh concrete for all strips and lanes of the pavement structure,
must be performed upon previously checked high frequency compressive
vibrating paver-finishers.
5.6632 Each layer of the concrete must be compacted with minimum two working passes
of the paver-finisher. In order to achieve the required degree of compactness, and
on the basis of measurements and inspection, the Supervisory authority could
request even larger number of passes, at the Contractor's account.
5.6633 In a case of two-layer concrete placement, a complete joint of the two layers must
be ensured. Until the upper layer is placed, the lower layer must be protected
against drying and other atmospheric influences.



5.6634 Placing and spreading of concrete in front of the paver-finisher must be

performed in a mechanical way.
5.6635 Before the placement, each particularly placed and spread concrete layer, must be
mechanically levelled-off by means of appropriate devices for levelling-off,
working separately or as a constituent part of the paver-finisher, taking into con-
sideration that levelling and spreading must extend over the entire width of
concrete placement.
5.6636 If the fresh concrete that has been spread in front of the paver-finisher has
become dry, or exposed to rains, such concrete must not be placed into the
pavement structure. The Contractor must remove such concrete from the
pavement structure at his own expense.
5.6637 If eventual need arises for depositing concrete at the location of placement, it may
be put on special plateaus, platforms or bins/silos, and must also be protected
from mixing and atmospheric influences.
5.6638 After the final compressive pass of the paver-finisher, the concrete surfaces must
be closed. At the same time, the criteria as given in the item 4.5 of these Technical
Specifications must be fulfilled.
5.6639 Subsequent repairing of the defective surfaces, or any extension of the concrete is
not permitted.
5.663.10The concrete for individual lanes that has been compacted by means of paver-
finisher, must have surface treatment by using high frequency vibrating plates.
Following such surface treatment, the required geometric conditions given in item
4.5 of these Technical Specifications must be fulfilled.
5.663.11 The surface treatment of concrete according to the item 5.6638 must not cause
additional separation upon the cement/sand mortar over the surface.
5.663.12 Subsequent repair of the concrete pavement surfaces in hardened state is not
5.663.13 Hand spreading of concrete and its compacting by means of high frequency
vibrating plates is permitted for smaller pavement surfaces or pavement surfaces
having irregular forms.
5.663.14 All strips and lanes of the pavement structure must have designations with capital
Individual slabs of particular carriageway lanes must be marked by numbers
according to the current order, so that such numbering is identical in the cross
sectional direction.
Edge strips having lengths half the length of the slab, are also marked according to
the slab numbers and with additional letters "A" and "B".
Such marking must be imprinted in the fresh concrete at a depth of minimum
The above mentioned marking should be carried out by the Contractor at his own
The forms and locations of these markings are determined by the Supervisory
5.663.15 In addition to the solutions from the item 5.663 which yield general regulations
for placement of concrete in the pavement structure, all remaining decisions
associated with that decision and special decisions in accordance with the items
5.61 through 5.63 and according to the items 5.3 and 4.5 of these Technical
Specifications - shall be valid.
5.664 Current Control on Placement of Fresh Concrete
5.6641 The current control of the concrete placement must be organized and carried out
in accordance with the regulations set in items 1.2 and 1.3 of these Technical

5.6642 The current control of placement of fresh concrete, both visual and by
measurement, must be conducted, continually and by applying all criteria and
detailed requirements.
5.6643 The visual control must be continuously performed and registered in writing by
appropriate professional person.
5.6644 The control by measuring includes the following properties:
a) density and moisture of the placed concrete;
b) temperature of the concrete, the base, the air and the relative humidity of the air;
c) specific technical measurements such as for instance: levelling and evenness of
the surfaces of pavement structure, thickness of layers and of placed concrete
in the carriageway structures, levelling and evenness of edges as well as general
control of the geometric requirements applicable to and valid for particular
5.6645 Density and Moisture of Placed Concrete
Way of measuring: by the use of radioactive isotopes or according to properly
carried out volumetric method.
Criteria for conducting the measurements: during concreting of all strips and
lanes, the measurements must in principle be conducted continuously and for
each of the layers compressed separately.
The Supervisory authority may also require conductance of those measurements
at every other structure wherever necessary and technically feasible.
The measurement of density and moisture of the placed concrete must be carried
out in preventive-control sense.
The lots of concrete, for which measurements have established that they had not
achieved nominal densities or that the maximum degree of moisture had been
exceeded, must undergo appropriate steps in order to repeat compressing and
recompressing which would enable to either correct them or displace them from
the works.
By means of repeated measurements it should be proven that the corrections have
been successful.
While concreting pavement lanes, parking lanes or other strips and lanes, at least
one measurement must be carried out for maximum 50 m 2, whereas in concreting
edge strips it should be done for maximum 10 m 2, and for each separately
compacted concrete layer.
In regard to the carriageway and other lanes, the measuring places must
systematically be distributed in such a way as to enable testing of edge and
intermediate lane areas.
The number and locations needed for conducting measurements on the structures
i.e. works, shall be determined and carried out by the Supervisory authority.
5.6646 Temperature of Concrete, Base, Air as well as Relative Humidity of Air
The measurements for the temperature of the concrete, the base, the temperature
and relative humidity of air, must be performed continuously, at least three times
a day.
5.6647 Special Technical Measurements
During and after concrete placement, the Supervisory authority must conduct all
necessary current and individual measurements, in order to perform control of
the imposed geometrical criteria in the design and in the Technical Specifications,
as well as measurements for conducting possible needed corrections.


During concreting the pavement structures, the Supervisory authority should

continuously conduct control of measurements, and they should particularly
directed to achieving the criteria according to the items 5.622 and 4.5 of these
Technical Specifications.
5.67 Additional Treatment of Placed Concrete
5.671 Following the placement of the concrete in the works or the pavement structure,
the Contractor must in properly selected time intervals perform all additional
treatments or finishes that have been imposed by these Technical Specifications or
specially defined according to the design.
5.672 The Contractor must carry out the concrete surfaces and the construction joints in
the way that is described in item 5.63.
5.673 The Contractor must treat and finish all surfaces of the pavement structure
according to the procedure using "sweeping" in the cross direction of the
pavement i.e. carriage axis. The Supervisory authority may also direct other ways
of surface finish treatment of the concrete for the pavement structure; the
Contractor should carry out the above for the Investor's account.
5.68 Additional Curing i.e. Protection of Placed Concrete Against
Atmospheric and other Influences
5.681 Protection of Placed Concrete Against Drying
5.6811 The Contractor could put into effect protection of the placed concrete against
drying by using a wet treatment i.e. procedure, or by spraying the concrete with
chemical agents i.e. using a membrane protection.
5.6812 The concrete protection against drying must be effective already in the early hours
after placement of concrete, as soon as the surface state of the concrete allows it.
The duration of the efficiency of the protection must be: minimum 7 days for
works i.e. structures, and minimum 21 days for pavement i.e. carriage structures.
Immediately after placement of the concrete, the concrete must be protected
against sun and rains.
5.6813 Immediately after the placement and surface finish treatment, up to the
commencement of curing, the concrete for pavement structures should be covered
with protective means which should be closed and impermeable to water, by
means of roof covers having bright color - all as a protection against drying.
5.6814 In the case of wet curing of concrete for pavement (carriageway) structures, as
soon as the degree of concrete's hardening would allow, the previously well wetted
concrete must immediately be covered with appropriate covers which must
maintain the concrete in permanently wet condition up to the concrete age of 7
days. Within the time-interval between 7 and 21 day, the concrete surface must
continuously be kept wet.
5.6815 In the case having protection of the placed concrete of pavement structures
against drying carried out by means of spraying with chemical agents, it should be
taken into account that they could be applied to the concrete surfaces as soon as
there is "grey" appearance.
5.6816 Application of chemical agents for spraying is possible in accordance with item 5.25.
5.6817 The efficiency duration of the protection of concrete surfaces by means of spraying
with chemical agents, under any atmospheric conditions, must be at least 21 days.
It has to be proved by both preliminary attested investigations and by current


5.6818 The current control for the protection efficiency of the concrete achieved by means
of spraying with chemical agents, must be conducted by measuring the degree of
moisture of the setting concrete. The measuring control must be carried out with
regards to all concrete surfaces within the entire time interval, for which the
duration, of the efficient protection has been directed. If it is found that the
protection efficiency of the concrete obtained by means of spraying with chemical
agents, is insufficient, from that moment the concrete must be cured by using a
wet treatment.
5.6819 The chemical agents for spraying must not at any way have a harmful effect on the
concrete quality as well as on the color of the concrete surface. Prior to marking
the concrete surfaces of the pavement structure with color, the film of the spraying
the concrete with chemical protective agents - must be completely removed.
5.681.10 If chemical agents, for spraying have also been used for the protection of cut joints
into the concrete, they must not have influence in regard to lowering the
connection i.e. joint of the joint sealing compound and the concrete itself.
5.681.11 The chemical materials must be applied by using fine spraying over the concrete
surfaces, uniformly and with a prescribed quantity.
5.681.12 The working sections of concreting a strip or lane of the pavement structure,
which are being finished every day, must particularly be visibly marked with
boards having denoted the date of concreting. Those boards could be removed
only after the completed curing of concrete against drying.
5.682 Protection of Placed Concrete Against Cooling and Frosting
5.6821 During cold weather periods, the Contractor must provide appropriate thermal
5.6822 Taking into consideration the regional climatic conditions, the Contractor should
provide appropriate conditions for concreting, if the temperature is below +5 оC.
Sufficient quantities of appropriate means and materials for the protection of both
the base and the placed concrete should be available.
5.683 Protection of the Placed Concrete Against Mechanical Damages and
5.6831 The Contractor must appropriately protect each placed and hardened concrete
from any mechanical damages.
5.6832 For the protection of all construction joints and structural joints of the pavement
structure, the regulations from the items 5.6316, 5.6317, 5.6323 and 5.6425 should
be applicable.
5.6833 In principle, the carriageway pavement structure could be exposed to traffic
loading only after previous approval in writing issued by the Supervisory
authority, as it has been determined in item 4.5 of these Technical Specifications.
The general regulations according to the item 5.6228 should be valid for the
influences of rail working vehicles; however, the possibility for loading must be
proven by analysis and by testing the attained concrete strength.
Prior to loading the carriage pavement structure with other lightweight
transportation vehicles, the concrete must have attained at least 70% of the
required strength.
Prior to loading with heavy vehicles, the required concrete strength must have
been achieved.
The loading of the carriageway pavement with caterpillar and other types of
vehicles the weight of which is not transferred through rubber wheel rims, could
only be possible if special safety measures have been taken.
5.6834 Having completed the additional finish treatment and the completed curing of the


surface of the carriageway pavement structure, the Contractor must maintain it in

a clean condition.
5.7 Testing the Achieved Quality of the Hardened Concrete and Technical
Acceptance (take-over) of the Structure or Parts of the Structure

5.71 General Regulations

5.711 The achieved quality of the hardened concrete is controlled and established by
using destructive and nondestructive methods for testing samples, as well as by
means of direct investigations and measurements on the structures i.e. works.
5.712 The investigations must be organized and carried out, and their results must be
evaluated according to the regulations from the items 1.2 and 1.3 from the General
Technical Specifications as well as according to the criteria given in these
Technical Specifications.
5.713 The investigations of test pieces is carried out in accordance with the specification
of item 5.534 of these Technical Specifications.
5.714 The investigation of the test samples that have been taken out from the structure
as well as the direct investigations and measurements on the structures, shall be
carried out according to a special programme which should be approved by the
Supervisory authority, unless it has been otherwise defined in these regulations.
5.715 The Contractor must remove all materials and things making impossible taking
samples and putting into effect investigations and measurements - from locations
that the Supervisory authority of the works has determined for taking out
cylinders for destructive testing, as well as parts of the structures or works, and
the structures or works that the Engineer has determined for testing by means of
trial loading. The Contractor may by no means prevent taking samples and
conducting investigations and measurements for the structures i.e. works.
5.716 All defective spots in the concrete of the structure or the parts of the structure, as
well as all deviations from the design, must be adequately repaired by the
Contractor; the Contractor must also harmonize them with the requirements in
the design in the sense and accordance with the General conditions and having
previous consent by the Investor and the Designer.
5.72 Taking over Concrete of the Structures
5.721 The quality of the concrete of the works i.e. structures is evaluated on the basis of
results from testing control samples that have been worked out during the
production and placement according to item 5.53, the criteria for quality for
particular properties according to the designs and these Technical Specifications.
5.722 On the basis of any suspicious indications regarding the achieved concrete quality
i.e. the structure, the results of testing according to item 5.721 should necessarily
be supplemented with results of investigations on samples taken out from the
structure i.e. works, or with results from the remaining investigations on the
structures or parts of the structures.
5.723 For structures or works for which it has been appropriately directed so, testing
with trial loading is performed, in accordance with clauses 278-283 of the code
PBAB-87 and standards MKS U.M1.046/84 and MKS U.M1.047/87.
5.724 Taking over i.e. technical acceptance of the works or parts of the works is carried
out on the basis of actually performed works within the Project, on the basis of the
test-proven qualities as required by the Design and according to these Technical
Specifications, and also on the basis of the trial tests of the structures or parts of
the structures.


5.73 Taking over (Final Acceptance) of the Concrete of Carriageway

Pavement Structures
5.731 The quality of concrete of carriageway pavement structures is appraised on the
basis of the results from testing extracted concrete cylinders and additional
investigations using nondestructive methods, directly on the structure.
5.732 The achieved quality of the carriageway pavement structure is established on the
basis of results obtained from testing extracted cylinders, supplemented by special
measurements, on the carriageway pavement structure.
5.733 For the purpose of all investigations, concrete cylinders having diameters 10, 15
and 20 cm are taken out through the entire thickness of the concrete carriageway
pavement structure. Boring must be performed by means of drilling bits having
diamond crown.
5.734 The quality of bored concrete cylinders from the carriageway pavement structure
should be established according to the following properties:
- compressive strength, according to MKS U.M1.040/78;
- absorption of water;
- resistance to frosting and defrosting (thawing), according to MKS U.M1.016/77;
- resistance to wearing abrasion in dry condition and waterlogged condition,
according to MKS B.B8.015/78;
- stability and resistance to frost and salt, according to MKS U.M1.056/89
5.7341 Individual concrete cylinders shall be taken out for all tests quoted in item 5.734.
Testing for watertightness is carried out on extracted cylinders, prior to testing the
compressive strength and tensile strength by splitting. Prior to destructive testing,
the concrete cylinders must be dried at a temperature of +105оC.
5.7342 Concrete cylinders are taken out at least for every 500 m 1 for testing the compres-
sive strength, the tensile strength by splitting, watertightness, resistance against
frosting - defrosting (thawing), resistance for wearing abrasion and absorption of
In case that the individual required characteristics have not been achieved, the
Contractor must (at his own account) to take out additional cylinders to an extent
that should be directed by the Supervisory authority.
Taking out cylinders from the concrete carriageway pavement structures is
performed at the age of concrete of 60 days.
5.7343 The tensile strength of the concrete carriageway pavement structure is established
by means of cylinders taken out at the age of 90 days; the ratio of the cylinder's
height to the cylinder's diameter is minimum 1:1. The extracted cylinders for
testing purposes are cut at the bottom side, taking into consideration the position
into the carriageway pavement structure.
5.7344 The watertightness of the concrete of the carriageway pavement structure is
determined on concrete having age 90 days in accordance with MKS U.M1.015.
Testing for watertightness is performed on cylinders that have been taken out for
testing the compressive strength or the tensile strength by splitting.
5.7345 The absorption of water by the concretes of the carriageway pavement structure, is
established on concrete parts of the cylinder having concrete age of 90 days. The
concrete cylinder should be cut into four cylinders having a height 5 cm each -
normally to its axis.


5.7346 The resistance of the concrete from the carriageway pavement structure against
frosting-defrosting (thawing) is determined on cylinders, and the work is
performed according to the method set in item 5.318.
5.7347 The resistance of the concrete from the carriage pavement structure against
wearing abrasion is determined according to the method after Böhme and at the
concrete's age of 90 days, using cubes 7,07 x 7,07 x 7,07 cm cut out from concrete
cylinders. The cubes are cut from the concrete cylinders so that the upper wearing
surface of the cylinder remains unremoved. The investigations are performed over
that cube's wearing surface, two times in the same position of the cube. For testing
in a dry condition and in a waterlogged condition, it is necessary to prepare
special cubes made of two special bored cylinders.
5.7348 Testing the quality of the concrete in accordance with the item 5.7341 through
5.7347 is supplemented by nondestructive testing for the strength and water-
tightness directly upon the carriageway pavement structure according to the
principle of large statistical samples at concrete age of 60 and 90 days, all in order
to achieve better inspection into the heterogeneousness and indications of the
local defective locations or parts of the carriageway pavement structure.
5.735 The fulfillment of the geometrical requirements for the carriageway pavement
structure is controlled according to the following properties:
- thickness of concrete;
- unevenness of the surface;
- index of traffic pavement worthiness according to the AASHTO test;
- deviation of elevation of the vertical alignment.
5.7351 The thickness of the concrete slabs of the carriageway pavement structure is
established by means of all bored cylinders for testing according to the item 5.734.
In case that requirements from item 4.5 have not been achieved, the criteria from
item 5.7342 shall be applicable.
5.7352 The unevenness of the surface of the carriageway pavement structure is
determined in longitudinal direction of the individual lanes; here the term "lane"
always means a width between two longitudinal joints.
In taking over (final acceptance) of the pavement lanes, the competent evenness
approximately 1 m off the right edge of the lane is measured, in the direction of
driving; regarding the remaining lanes, this applies to a position in the middle in
the longitudinal direction.
The measurement of the evenness is conducted continuously over the entire
length, by means of planograph or by means of four meters levelling rod (staff).
When measuring with a levelling rod (staff), each following measurement overlaps
the previous one at a length of 2 m. In case when the requirements given in the
item 4.5 have not been reached, the surface area is considered to be inadequate,
limited by the lane's width and the length (in longitudinal direction), which is
composed of length the unevenness of the surface has been outdone and so
another 3 meters are added to the both sides.
If the distance of both neighboring unevenness is smaller than 6 m, then the
single addition (mentioned above) is reduced to half that distance.
5.7353 The index of worthiness and capability of the carriage pavement structure for
driving according to AASHTO test is determined by means of special apparatus in
the longitudinal direction of individual lanes.


At the final acceptance (taking over) driving lanes, the competent index of
transportation worthiness is measured at about 1 m from the left edge of the lane,
in the direction of driving, and at other lanes - in the middle of the longitudinal
In case the requirements given in item 4.5 have not been achieved, the same
criteria as in item 5.7352 shall be applicable.
5.7354 The deviation of elevation (levels) between the surface of the carriageway
pavement structure and the levels of the vertical alignment, are established by
means of geodetic measuring instruments. In order to be able to carry out those
measurements, the Contractor must, by a draft of the Supervisory authority,
prepare along the roadway a system of elevation fixed and measured bench marks,
from which it is possible to carry out a control measurement. The measurement
for deviation between the surface of the carriageway pavement structure and the
vertical alignment is carried out at each 15 meters, in the middle of the individual
lanes. The area belonging to one measurement is given by the lane width, and for
every consecutive mutual half of the lengths of distances of the adjoining
5.736 The final technical acceptance (take over) of the concrete two-layer carriageway
pavement structure is performed on the basis of the tests and measurements
which prove the correctness of the work, all in accordance with these Technical
5.8 Measurement

Measuring the works of the structures, or parts of the structure, is carried out in
principle for 1m3 placed completed and built-in concrete, unless it has been
defined otherwise in the Contract Estimate or the Technical Specifications for
individual types of work.
5.9 Payment

The quantity that has been measured, as it has been anticipated in item 5.8 of
these Technical Specifications, is paid for according a unit rate of the contract
estimate. This unit price represents a full compensation for supply and placement
of all materials and the entire work, transportation, tools, equipment, supplied
energy and other things needed for completion of the works, so that the
Contractor has no right for any additional claim.


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