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Spatial Layout & Functionability

In regards to spatial layout, it is of importance to provide your services with a clear sense of
welcome as the customers enter the facility. You want your design to help you serve each customer
promptly even at your busiest times, while still making them feel relaxed and welcome (Coffee Business,
2019). In order for coffee shops to operate and serve people efficiently, especially during rush hours,
having easy access to the counter is a must. Given that Cofferoma’s allotted area is very limited, simple
table arrangements would provide customers with a clear pathway to the counter without them having
to weave through other customers and tables. Currently, if a group of people were to be seated at the
table closest to the entrance, they’d be partially blocking it off and preventing new customers from
entering. This places other people into a situation where they no longer want to come inside due to the
hassle of having to squeeze themselves in. Also, due to the lack of any additional signages of their menu
it is highly important that the customers have access to the front and be able to view the menu. By
simply moving the table and chairs to the center of the area, it would become much easier to access the
counter itself regardless of the incoming foot traffic.


By repositioning the current table arrangement and

seating plan, it should enable a better flow of operation and
allow for consistency. However, Cofferoma’s current table
design is deemed ineffective when it comes to larger groups
of people as they generally experience an inconsistency in
customer patterns. By redesigning their table structures into
smaller squares, they can maximize the value of their given
area and ultimately provide better service to satisfy their
customers. Regardless if they have very few customers on any
given day, it would be beneficial for them just by having the
capability to serve a bigger group on unexpected occasions to
also improve their income potential.
With the newly proposed spatial layout, its function ability and flow of customers is now better
regulated through a spacious area for entering or exiting, easier access to the counter and menu, and
increased availability for seating arrangements. The main point of a space plan is to ensure that your café
is easy for both employees and customers to navigate (Delcie, 2021). In consideration for the customers
who are placing orders and those who are waiting to pick up their orders, it is still important to leave a
decent amount of space between the tables and the counter. Upon picking up their order, they can
follow the path to their right and pick their desired seating without having to disturb or find their way
through the customer line. When they are finished, they can simply follow the flow of the path to the
nearest exit.

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