Gen017 Lesson 7

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Robert Marlo T.


Check for understanding

1. Cultural Diversity
- For me, culture is less important than being able to provide a helping hand to someone
in need as long as I can do so with a true heart. I said that culture doesn't concern me
because, as a nurse, I have a responsibility and the privilege to be able to assist others.
I will do so without seeking payment if I have the necessary knowledge and skills.

2. Socioeconomic Diversity
- Similar to the first one, having the necessary knowledge and abilities to assist others is a
benefit for me, particularly given that I am a nurse. I will offer my full assistance to
everyone in need, whether they pay me or not, in order to help them feel better and heal

3. Religious Diversity
- Since we are all equal in the Lord's eyes, I am not bothered by religion either.
Since we are all individuals, helping one another—especially those who are in
need—is ultimately what matters.

Thinking about learning

1. Did you find this lesson easy/difficult/important? Were you able to meet the
learning objectives? Yes/No/Why? Explain in your own words.
- Since I was able to express my views and feelings about helping others while
acknowledging that there are differences, I found this lesson to be both simple
and significant.
2. Did you have challenges in today’s learning? How did you overcome those
- None so far.

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