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인도네시아 유니버시아드 (지질, 수자원)

- 지반침하 방재 대책으로 세운 방파제 'Giant Seawall'가 현재 높이 2m라고 알려져 있는데

현재 높이로는 몇 년도까지 견딜 수 있다고 생각하시나요?
- Giant Seawall, which was established as a ground sinking disaster prevention
measure, is currently known to be 2m high, but how long do you think it can
withstand at this height?

-It is said that the Giant Seawall, which was established as a disaster prevention
measure for ground subsidence, is currently 2 meters tall, but until what year do
you think it can withstand the current height?

인도네시아 공공사업주택부 수자원국장

- 대한민국 수자원공사가 인니 상수도사업에 참여하고 있는데 전망을 어떻게 바라보시는지
-The Korea Water Resources Corporation is participating in the INNIE water
supply project, how do you look at the outlook?

디나스 섬버다야 에어 자카르타, 인도네시아

-수도를 이전 후 자카르타에 남아있는 인구 비중을 어떻게 예상하시나요?
-How do you expect the percentage of the population remaining in Jakarta after
moving the capital?

주사르완토 PT. Virama Karya 총장 (P.Virama Karya를 방문)

-수도이전은 계획대로 진행되고 있는 중인가요?
-Is the water relocation going on as planned?

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