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PST: Kaeth Laurence O.

Notario Date of Teaching: February 28, 2023

Mentor: Ms. Rosalina Del Prado

Lesson Plan in English IV

(Deductive Method)

I. Objectives
Given an activity, the Grade IV Samosa students are expected to do the following with
at least 85% level accuracy:
a. recall the concept about simple present, future and past tense of verbs;
b. determine the correct use of the simple present, future and past tense of verbs;
c. follow the rules of the activity.

II. Subject Matter Topic: Simple Present, Future and Past Tense of Verbs
Reference: English This Way IV pp. 138-200

III. Materials: Charts

IV. Procedure
A. Preparation
Good morning class! (Good afternoon ma’am) How are you today? (We are good)
Very well, you may now take your seat. Are you ready for today’s lesson? (Yes) Today,
we are going to have a group activity. This table will be group 1, group 2, and group 3.

1. Recall of the Rule

Yesterday, we learned about the three (3) tenses of verbs, right? (yes teacher) Who
can tell again to the class, what are the three-basic verb tenses? (Simple present, future and
past tense of verbs) That’s right! Now, when the action is about something that is currently going
on or something that is habitually performed, what form or tense of verb to be used? (In the
simple present tense) Very good. In the present form or tense of the verb, if our subject is in
singular form, what becomes with our verb? (Subjects and verbs must agree with one another in
number whether it is singular or plural. Thus, if a subject is singular, its verb must also be
singular; if a subject is plural, its verb must also be plural.) Very good. How about in the simple
future tense, what are the kind of verb used, if the action is to be done in the future? (will +
action verb) Very good. Now, when the action is already done what form or tense of verb to be
used? (In the simple past tense of the verb) Very good.
B. Inference
This time class, we will be going to have a Quiz Bee.
Mechanics: Each group will be given an illustration board and a chalk. In your group,
assign a number in each member. The Quiz Bee is divided into 3 rounds: easy, moderate, and
difficult. For each item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer.

Easy round-Multiple Choice

1. Tim _____ the table

a. sets
b. settle
c. set
2. John ____ people’s hair.
a. cutes
b. cuts
c. cut
3. He _____ to the theatre tonight. He has got a free ticket.
a. will go
b. is going
c. is going to go
4. We _____ if we can find ticket for the REM concert.
a. sees
b. are seeing
c. will see
5. I_______ tennis with my friend yesterday.
a. plays
b. played
c. play

Directions: Determine whether the verb expresses a Present Tense, Future Tense or Past
1. Came
2. Will play
3. Cooked
4. Jumps
5. Sings

Difficult- Enumeration
1. Give the three (3) tenses of verbs
2. Give at least three (3) verbs that expresses a Present Tense, Future Tense or Past
C. Verification
Easy round-Multiple Choice

1. Tim _____ the table

a. sets
b. settle
c. set
2. John ____ people’s hair.
a. cutes
b. cuts
c. cut
3. Mark_____ into the army next year.
a. will go
b. is going
c. is going to go
4. We _____ if we can find ticket for the REM concert.
a. sees
b. are seeing
c. will see
5. I_______ tennis with my friend yesterday.
a. plays
b. played
c. play

Directions: Determine whether the verb expresses a Present Tense, Future Tense or
Past Tense.
1. Came-Past tense
2. Will Play-Future tense
3. Cooked- Past tense
4. Jumps- Present tense
5. Sings- Present tense

Difficult- Enumeration
1. Give the three (3) tenses of verbs (Present, Future and Past tense of the verbs)
2. Give at least three (3) verbs that expresses a Present Tense, Future Tense or Past
(answer may vary)
V. Evaluation
This time, to check if you really have learned something. I want you to answer the
short quiz.

Directions: Circle the action verb and write past, present or future in the blank space

1. Lila blew her nose. _______

2. Phoebe likes movies. _____________
3. We will watch a movie. _____________
4. You will be late. _____________
5. Jean enjoyed this book. ________

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