Bos Mass Short Q

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Name: ___________________________________ Date: ________

Short Answer Questions

1. What is a massacre? Is the Boston Massacre an accurate name for what

happened? Explain your answer.

2. Do some research and list the imported products that were subject to
taxation by the British Townsend Acts.

3. Do some research on the Third Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Does

your knowledge about the history of the Boston Massacre help you to
understand this amendment better? Explain why or why not.

4. What are custom duties and do they still exist today? If you don’t know the
answer, look it up.

5. What is propaganda? Was the Boston Massacre later used as propaganda?

6. Find a picture of Paul Revere’s painting of "The Bloody Massacre

perpetrated in King Street" as he called the event. List at least three
inaccuracies in his painting based on the historical facts.

7. Why do you think that the British did not repeal the import tax on tea when
the other parts of the Townsend Act were repealed?


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