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MiniCPM-2B: New Compact Multimodal LLM Outperforming

the Giants


In the realm of artificial intelligence, Large Language Models (LLMs)

have emerged as a transformative force, demonstrating exceptional
prowess in tasks involving natural language understanding, generation,
and even multimodal applications. However, the majority of these
powerful models are designed for cloud-side deployment, which can
impose limitations on their accessibility, efficiency, and privacy.

Enter MiniCPM-2B, a groundbreaking end-side LLM developed jointly by

OpenBMB and Tsinghua University’s Natural Language Processing Lab.
This model is a part of the MiniCPM series, which aims to unlock the
potential of end-side LLMs. Unlike their cloud-side counterparts,
end-side LLMs operate on local devices such as laptops, desktops, and
even mobile phones, eliminating the need for cloud servers or internet

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connections. This innovative approach offers numerous advantages,

including lower latency, enhanced security, and an improved user

What is MiniCPM-2B?

Diving deeper into the specifics, MiniCPM-2B is a transformer-based

Large Language Model (LLM) with 2.4 billion non-embedding
parameters. It’s trained on a diverse and extensive corpus of 1.6 TB,
encompassing a wide range of domains and modalities, including text,
image, audio, video, and code. The model employs a 32K subword
vocabulary and a sequence length of 1024 tokens. Its architecture
comprises 48 layers, 32 heads, and a hidden size of 2048.

MiniCPM-2B comes in two versions: MiniCPM-2B-SFT and

MiniCPM-2B-DPO. The SFT version is fine-tuned with static prompts on
various downstream tasks, such as Chinese, mathematics, coding,
dialogue, and instruction. Static prompts are fixed input templates that
guide the model to generate the desired output.

On the other hand, the DPO version is fine-tuned with dynamic prompt
optimization (DPO) on the MTBench dataset, a benchmark that
simulates real-world user scenarios of LLMs. DPO is an innovative
technique that automatically learns the optimal prompts for different
tasks and domains, eliminating the need for human intervention.

Key Features of MiniCPM-2B

MiniCPM-2B is not just another Large Language Model. It brings a

unique set of features to the table that sets it apart from its peers. Its
compact size and high performance are just the tip of the iceberg.

One of the standout features of MiniCPM-2B is its ability to run on local

devices. This end-side deployment eliminates the need for cloud servers
or internet connections, leading to reduced latency, bandwidth usage,

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and costs. More importantly, it enhances the security and privacy of

users’ data and queries.

Another key feature is the Dynamic Prompt Optimization (DPO). This

feature allows MiniCPM-2B to learn the optimal prompts for different
tasks and domains autonomously, improving its adaptability, robustness,
and generality. This also reduces the human effort and expertise
required to use LLMs.

But that’s not all. MiniCPM-2B is a multimodal model, capable of

handling not just text, but also image, audio, video, and code inputs and
outputs. It can perform cross-modal tasks such as image captioning,
text-to-speech, speech-to-text, and video summarization. A testament to
its multimodal capabilities is the development of MiniCPM-V, a model
based on MiniCPM-2B, which outperforms many existing multimodal

Capabilities/Use Cases of MiniCPM-2B

MiniCPM-2B has many capabilities and use cases that can benefit
various users and applications. Here are some examples:

● Natural language understanding and generation: MiniCPM-2B

can understand and generate natural language in various forms
and styles, such as text, speech, and poetry. It can also handle
multiple languages, especially Chinese, which is often
underrepresented in LLMs. It can perform tasks such as text
summarization, sentiment analysis, machine translation, question
answering, and text classification.

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● Mathematics and logic: MiniCPM-2B can solve mathematical

problems and perform logical reasoning, such as arithmetic,
algebra, geometry, calculus, and proof. It can also generate
mathematical expressions and proofs, as well as explain the
solutions and steps.

● Coding and programming: MiniCPM-2B can write and execute

code in various programming languages, such as Python, C++,
and Java. It can also complete, debug, and optimize code, as well
as generate comments and documentation. It can perform tasks
such as code synthesis, code completion, code summarization,
and code search.

● Multimodal and cross-modal: MiniCPM-2B can handle not only

text, but also image, audio, video, and code inputs and outputs. It
can also perform cross-modal tasks, such as image captioning,
text-to-speech, speech-to-text, and video summarization. It can

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perform tasks such as multimodal search, multimodal generation,

multimodal analysis, and multimodal fusion.

Harnessing Effective Training Methods: The Experimentation Edge

The journey of MiniCPM-2B’s development is akin to a thrilling

adventure, with the Model Wind Tunnel Experiment playing a pivotal

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role. This experiment is like a rigorous training ground, where smaller

models are put through their paces to uncover the most effective training
methods for their larger counterparts.

The experiment zeroes in on five key aspects:

● Hyperparameters: Think of these as the initial settings of the

model, the starting points that can make or break the performance.
● Batch Size: This is the number of training examples used in one
iteration. It’s a balancing act that can significantly impact the
model’s speed and quality of training.
● Learning Rate: This tuning parameter in the optimization
algorithm is like the pace at which the model learns, determining
the step size at each iteration while moving towards a minimum of
a loss function.
● Learning Rate Scheduler: This method adjusts the learning rate
in response to the model’s performance or the number of epochs
elapsed, acting as the reins that control the learning process.
● Data Strategy: This involves strategies for data preprocessing,
augmentation, and splitting, which can influence the model’s ability
to learn, much like a diet can affect an athlete’s performance.

By fine-tuning these aspects, the developers were able to supercharge

MiniCPM-2B, transforming it into a competitive model despite its smaller
size. The insights gained from these experiments then informed the
training process of the larger models, paving the way for their success.

Performance Evaluation with Other Models

In comprehensive benchmarks, MiniCPM-2B ranks closely with

Mistral-7B, even surpassing models like Llama2-13B, MPT-30B, and
Falcon-40B. It particularly excels in tasks involving Chinese language
processing, mathematics, and coding abilities.

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When evaluated on the MTBench benchmark, which closely simulates

user experience, MiniCPM-2B outperforms many representative
open-source models. These include Llama2-70B-Chat, Vicuna-33B,
Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.1, and Zephyr-7B-alpha, highlighting the model’s
robust performance across diverse tasks.

In a move that underscores their commitment to fostering research and

innovation, the developers have decided to fully open-source the model
parameters of MiniCPM-2B. This is intended for academic research and
limited commercial use. In addition, all checkpoints and most
non-proprietary data during the training process will be made available.
This will provide researchers with valuable resources to study the
mechanisms of the model and further advance the field of large
language models.

When it comes to the specific performance Evaluation, MiniCPM-2B

doesn’t shy away. In the league of large models, it not only matches
strides with most models at the 7B-scale but even leaves some models
with a scale of 10B or above in its wake.Switching gears to smaller

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models, MiniCPM-2B flexes its muscles and outperforms all available

contenders across all test sets, with the exception of a few English
evaluation datasets. It’s like a versatile athlete, excelling in almost every

How to Access and Use MiniCPM-2B?

Accessing and using MiniCPM-2B is a straightforward process, thanks to

its public availability. Here’s how you can get started:

● Hugging Face Model Hub: Download the MiniCPM-2B models

directly from the Hugging Face model hub. You’ll find the
MiniCPM-2B-SFT models for various tasks, such as Chinese,
mathematics, coding, dialogue, and instruction, as well as the
MiniCPM-2B-DPO model for the MTBench dataset. The
MiniCPM-V model, a multimodal model based on MiniCPM-2B, is
also available. Use the Hugging Face library to load and use the
models in your Python code.
● GitHub Repository: Clone the GitHub repository of MiniCPM-2B
to access the source code, data, scripts, and instructions for
training and using MiniCPM-2B. The repository also houses the
pre-trained models, prompts, and outputs of MiniCPM-2B on
various benchmarks and tasks. Feel free to contribute to the
development and improvement of MiniCPM-2B by submitting
issues and pull requests.

MiniCPM-2B is open-source and available for commercial use, licensed

under the Apache License 2.01.

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Limitations and Future Work

Despite its impressive capabilities, MiniCPM-2B does have certain

limitations and areas for future improvement:

● Influence of Prompts: The model’s output is significantly

influenced by the prompts. This is a limitation inherent to the
model’s size and can potentially lead to inconsistent results after
multiple attempts.
● Knowledge Recall Accuracy: The model’s capacity constraints
limit the accuracy of its knowledge recall. This means that the
model might not always retrieve the most accurate or relevant
● Future Improvements: One of the key areas for future work is to
enhance the model’s knowledge recall ability. This would involve
refining the model’s ability to access and retrieve information,
thereby improving its overall performance.


MiniCPM-2B is a promising development in the field of Large Language

Models. Despite its compact size, it delivers high performance,
surpassing several larger models. Its open-source nature and edge-side
deployment make it highly accessible for various applications. However,
like all models, it has its limitations and there is room for improvement in
future iterations.

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