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Speaking strategies: Describing photographs

Describing a photograph at the C1 level of English proficiency requires a higher level of

detail and complexity in your language use. Here are some strategies and useful phrases to
help you succeed in this task:

1. Start with an Overview:

Begin by giving a brief overview of the photograph, including its main subject and
background information.
"In this photograph, we can see..."
"The image captures..."
"In this photograph, we see..."
"The picture depicts..."
"The scene presents..."
"This snapshot shows..."
"At first glance, we are presented with..."
"The focal point of the image is..."
"In this visual representation, we observe..."
"The photograph portrays..."
"Upon closer inspection, it becomes clear that..."

2. Identify Key Elements:

Describe the people, objects, or actions in the image. Be specific and use vivid adjectives.
"In the foreground, there is a..."
"Behind them, you can notice..."
"The central focus of the image is..."
"Prominently featured in the foreground/background is..."
"Notably, we can see..."
"The primary subject captured in the photograph is..."
"One of the key elements depicted is..."
"Drawing attention is the presence of..."
"Standing out in the image is..."
"At the center of the picture, we find..."
"Clearly visible are the..."

3. Talk About the Setting:

Mention the location, time, and any relevant details about the setting.
"This picture appears to have been taken in..."
"The scene is situated in..."
"The setting appears to be..."
"The location of the picture seems to be..."
"From the background, it's evident that the photograph was taken at..."
"The image portrays a setting reminiscent of..."
"The backdrop suggests that this scene takes place in..."
"The surroundings indicate that the picture is captured in..."
"It seems as though the photograph was taken in a..."

4. Express Opinions and Emotions:

Share your thoughts, feelings, or interpretations regarding the photograph.
"It seems as though the people in the photo are..."
"The image evokes a sense of..."
"It conveys a feeling of..."
"One can sense the emotions of..."
"The atmosphere portrayed in the picture is filled with..."
"There's a palpable sense of..."
"The expressions on the subjects' faces suggest..."
"It captures a moment brimming with..."
"The scene radiates feelings of..."
"The picture seems to exude a feeling of..."
"The emotions depicted range from... to..."

5. Use Comparisons and Contrasts:

Compare elements in the photograph to help create a richer description.
For Comparison:
"In comparison to [element], [another element] stands out as..."
"When juxtaposed with [subject], [another subject] appears..."
"Compared to the rest of the scene, [specific element] is notably..."
"In contrast to [feature], [another feature] seems..."
"Unlike [part of the image], [different part] is more/less..."
"While [one aspect] is [description], [another aspect] is rather..."
For Contrast:
"Contrasting with the [color, size, shape] of [element], [another element] is..."
"In stark contrast to [subject], [another subject] appears to be..."
"While [element A] is [description], [element B] takes on a completely different..."
"The contrast between [specific features] is evident in the way that..."
"Unlike the [quality] of [element], the [other element] exhibits a distinct..."

6. Discuss the Background:

Mention any background details that contribute to the overall scene.
"The background is filled with..."
"The backdrop of the image reveals..."
"In the distance, we observe..."
"The background scenery consists of..."
"The horizon is adorned with..."
"Extending behind the main subjects, we see..."
"The background elements include..."
"In the rear of the image, there are indications of..."
"The surroundings showcase..."
"Behind the focal point, the setting presents..."
"The distant view encompasses..."

7. Mention Actions and Interactions:

For Actions:
"One figure is engaged in..."
"A person can be seen [action verb]..."
"The central subject appears to be [action]..."
"The scene captures the moment when..."
"There's a sense of [movement/action] as..."
"The characters seem to be [engaged in specific action]..."
For Interactions:
"The subjects are [verb - interacting] with each other in a way that suggests..."
"There's a palpable sense of [relationship, emotion] between..."
"The figures appear to be [verb - interacting] in a manner that conveys..."
"The image portrays a moment of [emotional/physical interaction] between..."
"The subjects seem to be [verb - interacting] with a sense of..."

8. Consider Composition:
Comment on how the elements are arranged in the frame.
"The composition is well-balanced with..."
"The image is composed in a way that..."
"The arrangement of elements creates a sense of..."
"The composition draws attention to..."
"The framing highlights the relationship between..."
"The elements are strategically positioned to convey..."
"The composition is balanced/unbalanced, giving a feeling of..."
"The use of space in the image contributes to..."
"The arrangement of subjects/objects suggests a narrative of..."
"The composition creates a focal point around..."
"The visual hierarchy is established through the placement of..."

9. Use Complex Sentence Structures:

Employ complex sentences to showcase your language skills.
"Not only is there a strong focal point, but also..."
10. Predict or Speculate:
Make predictions or speculate about what might happen next.
"It's possible that they are about to..."
"It seems likely that..."
"One can anticipate that..."
"The scene suggests that in the next moment..."
"Given the current situation, it's probable that..."
"The setup hints at a potential outcome where..."
"Considering the actions depicted, it's possible that..."
"From this vantage point, it appears that..."
"The elements in the picture foreshadow a scenario where..."
"Based on the interactions shown, one might expect that..."
"The composition implies a potential development in which..."

11. Maintain Cohesion (rišlumas):

Use linking words and phrases to connect your ideas and maintain coherence.
"Furthermore, in addition, however, on the other hand..."
12. Provide a Closing Statement:
Summarize your description or make a final comment about the photograph.
"To sum up, this photograph captures..."
Useful Phrases:
"The image depicts..."
"What stands out to me is..."
"One striking feature of this photo is..."
"It's evident that..."
"It's worth noting that..."
"This picture conveys a sense of..."
"Upon closer inspection..."
"This image evokes feelings of..."
"From my perspective, it seems that..."
Practice is crucial for improving your descriptive skills at the C1 level. Try describing various
photographs or images regularly to build your proficiency in this area.


"In this captivating photograph, three young girls are joyfully playing at the beach. The azure
waters of the ocean lap at their feet as they stand knee-deep in the gentle surf. Each of the
girls, who appear to be in the early stages of their childhood, is adorned in light-coloured
beach attire, perfectly complementing the sunny, carefree ambiance of the scene.
What immediately catches the eye is the heartfelt smiles gracing the faces of these young
beachgoers. Their expressions radiate pure delight and unadulterated happiness. It's a candid
moment frozen in time, capturing the unbridled joy of youth and the simple pleasures of a
day at the beach.
In the trio, the girl in the middle stands slightly taller than her two companions, forming a
charming contrast that adds depth to the composition. It's as if the photograph encapsulates a
shared moment of playfulness, camaraderie, and perhaps a dash of friendly sibling rivalry.
The presence of the older girl in the middle infuses a sense of protection and leadership,
making her the fulcrum of their beachside adventure.
Turning our gaze to the backdrop, the scene unfolds against an endless expanse of the sky,
painted in a deep, cloudless blue. In the distance, indistinct dunes or hills rise against the
horizon, their contours softened by the brilliant sunlight. This vista contributes to the timeless
quality of the photograph, where the beach, the sky, and the hills merge into a serene,
picturesque tableau.
In summation, this photograph encapsulates a scene of unbridled childhood joy and the
simple pleasures of the seaside. The combination of light colours, radiant smiles, and the
picturesque natural backdrop makes it a timeless snapshot of youthful exuberance against the
backdrop of a pristine coastal landscape."

Vivid adjectives are descriptive words that add depth, color, and intensity to your
language, making your descriptions more engaging and evocative. They allow you to
create a vivid mental image or impression of the subject you are describing. Here are
some more vivid adjectives and their meanings:
Resplendent: Shining brilliantly, impressively bright or colorful.
Intriguing: Arousing curiosity or interest, fascinating.
Radiant: Emitting or reflecting a steady, glowing light.
Majestic: Having grandeur, dignity, or beauty on a grand scale.
Euphoric: Intensely happy, elated, or joyful.
Surreal: Dreamlike, strange, or having an otherworldly quality.
Sensational: Extremely impressive, outstanding, or extraordinary.
Bewitching: Enchanting, captivating, or irresistibly charming.
Pristine: Pure, untouched, or in its original condition.
Transcendent: Going beyond ordinary limits, surpassing excellence.
Panoramic: Providing an extensive and comprehensive view.
Stunning: Astonishingly impressive, breathtaking.
Enigmatic: Mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand.
Astonishing: Extremely surprising or amazing.
Delightful: Charming, pleasant, or causing joy.
Spectacular: Strikingly impressive or dramatic.
Alluring: Tempting, fascinating, or attractive in a seductive way.
Spellbinding: Holding one's attention as if by a spell, entrancing.
Exhilarating: Making one feel invigorated, thrilled, or elated.
Saturated: Filled to the maximum with a particular quality, like color or emotion.
Breathtaking: So beautiful or awe-inspiring that it takes your breath away.
Captivating: Holding your attention in a powerful or compelling way.
Enchanting: Delightfully charming and attractive.
Luminous: Emitting or reflecting a steady, glowing light.
Awe-inspiring: Evoking a sense of reverence or wonder.
Spectacular: Strikingly impressive or dramatic.
Picturesque: Visually charming or quaint, like a picture.
Exquisite: Extremely beautiful or delicately lovely.
Serene: Calm, peaceful, and untroubled.
Vibrant: Full of life, energy, and color.
Idyllic: Perfectly peaceful, happy, and picturesque.
Mesmerizing: Holding your attention as if by magic.
Dazzling: Brilliant, impressive, or extremely attractive.
Ethereal: Delicate, otherworldly, and dreamlike.
Aesthetic: Concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty.
Auspicious: Promising success and favorable circumstances.
Radiating: Emitting or spreading outward, like light or warmth.
Scenic: Relating to beautiful natural scenery.
Using vivid adjectives in your writing or speech can make your descriptions more engaging
and memorable. They help you create a sensory experience for your audience, allowing them
to visualize and feel what you are describing. When describing a photograph, a scene, or a
story, these adjectives can bring your words to life and make your descriptions more

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