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Esamasis atliktinis laikas

Teigiamas sakinys: have/has + V3/-ed 🡪 I have worked. She has worked.
Neigiamas sakinys: have/has +not+ V3/-ed. 🡪 I haven‘t worked. She hasn‘t worked.
Klausimas: Have/Has + įvardis (veikėjas) + V3/V-ed ? 🡪 Have I worked? Has she worked?

Teigiamas sakinys Neigiamas sakinys Klausimas
I have danced. I have not danced. Have I danced?
You (tu) have danced. You (tu) have not danced. Have you danced?
He has danced. He has not danced. Has he danced?
She has danced. She has not danced. Has she danced?
It has danced. It has not danced. Has it danced?
You (jūs) have danced. You (jūs) have not danced. Have you danced?
We have danced. We have not danced. Have we danced?
They have danced. They have not danced. Have they danced?

Laikas reiškia… :
1. Praeities veiksmą susijusį su dabartimi, kai tikslus veiksmo laikas nežinomas.
e.g.: I am free now because I have just finished my work.
2. Veiksmą prasidėjusį praeityje ir besitęsiantį dabartyje (su veiksmažodžiais neturinčiais
continuous formų)
e.g.: The cake he has made is on the table.
3. Vis dar aktualų praeities veiksmą, kurio padariniai jaučiami dabar.
e.g.: I have had a headache all day. I still feel the pain.
4. Veiksmą, daug kartų vykusį praeityje ir dar nesibaigusį.
e.g.: He has played for England four times so far.
Yet, just, since, for, already, lately, recently, so far, ever, never, today, all day etc.

● Jei atliekant užduotį matome kažkurį iš žodžių ever, never, already, just, prisiminkime, kad
šių žodžių vieta sakinyje yra tarp pagalbinio veiksmažodžio have/has ir pagrindinio
veiksmažodžio III forma (V3).
e.g.: I have never been to France; John has just left; Mary has already made her bed.
● Jei veiksmažodis yra taisyklingas, V3 formai gauti pridedame –ed galūnę.
e.g.: work +ed 🡪 worked; dance +ed 🡪 danced; walk+ed --> Walked.
● Jei veiksmažodis netaisyklingas, jo ieškome lentelėse, 3 stulpelyje.
e.g.: Sing 🡪 sung; buy🡪bought; throw 🡪thrown.

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